
Summer Reading Assignment Part I
Readings from Syndicated Columnists
This coming year in AP English, you will become students of rhetoric and language, learning to think
critically about the world in which you live. You will learn to develop and sustain informed arguments
based on information synthesized from your reading, research, and personal experience. The
assignment below will foster your development as an informed citizen-scholar who can support an
argument with relevant evidence, as well as provide examples to have in your writing repertoire.
From the list of syndicated columnists listed below, select 10 different articles representing each of
these categories:
 Education
 Science/ Nature/Environment
 History /Politics
 Work and Class
 Identity
 Gender Equity
 Media
 Language
 Race/Culture
 Ethics
You will have 10 different articles, at least one from each category.
1. Create an abstract (a 150 word summary) and bibliographical entry. Put the bibliographical
entry at the top of your abstract instead of a title for each of your selected articles. Follow MLA
format, and type with 12 pt. TNR with 1-inch margins. Consult the OWL website for how-to
information: Don’t forget that
bibliographical entries are reverse-indented. The author’s name is at the margin and every line
after that is tabbed over. You will have each abstract on a separate page (10 pages).
Syndicated Columnists:
Ghaith Abdul-Ahad
Maureen Dowd
Peter Hitchens
Yasmin Alibhai-
Susan Estrich
Kitty Kelley
Niall Ferguson
Naomi Klein
Daniel Pipes
Timothy Garton
Robert Fisk
Katha Pollitt
Thomas Friedman
Anna Quindlen
Dave Barry
David Frum
Paul Krugman
Ted Rall
Lucius Beebe
Francis Fukuyama
Christina Lamb
Dan Savage
Max Boot
Issamar Ginzberg
Rich Lowry
Jeffrey L. Seglin
David Brooks
Jonah Goldberg
Michelle Malkin
Mildred Seydell
Rosa Brooks
Stuart Goldman
Rachel Marsden
Ben Shapiro
Herman Cain
Froma Harrop
George Monbiot
Mark Shields
Wilson Casey
Amira Hass
Oliver North
Thomas Sowell
Jonathan Chait
Nat Hentoff
Greg Palast
Mark Steyn
Noam Chomsky
Seymour Hersh
William Pfaff
John Stossel
Ann Coulter
Dilip Hiro
Andrew Sullivan
PhillipsJohn Pilger
Jennifer Vanasco
George Will
Bob Woodward
Andy Xie
Fareed Zakaria
Phyllis Zagano