UMass Lowell Computer Science 91.503 Graduate Algorithms Prof. Karen Daniels Spring, 2005 Computational Geometry Overview from Cormen, et al. Chapter 33 Overview Computational Geometry Introduction Line Segment Intersection Convex Hull Algorithms Nearest Neighbors/Closest Points Introduction What is Computational Geometry? Computational Geometry Computer Graphics Visualization Design Analyze CAD Apply Telecommunications Manufacturing Sample Application Areas Data Mining & Visualization Bioinformatics Robotics Geographic Information Systems Medical Imaging Computer Graphics Telecommunications Astrophysics Typical Problems bin packing Voronoi diagram simplifying polygons shape similarity convex hull maintaining line arrangements polygon partitioning nearest neighbor search kd-trees SOURCE: Steve Skiena’s Algorithm Design Manual (for problem descriptions, see graphics gallery at Common Computational Geometry Structures Convex Hull Voronoi Diagram New Point Delaunay Triangulation source: O’Rourke, Computational Geometry in C Sample Tools of the Trade Algorithm Design Patterns/Techniques: binary search divide-and-conquer randomization sweep-line derandomization parallelism duality Algorithm Analysis Techniques: asymptotic analysis, amortized analysis Data Structures: winged-edge, quad-edge, range tree, kd-tree Theoretical Computer Science principles: NP-completeness, hardness MATH Sets Summations Probability Growth of Functions Combinatorics Proofs Geometry Linear Algebra Recurrences Graph Theory Computational Geometry in Context Geometry Design Applied Math Analyze Computational Geometry Efficient Geometric Algorithms Apply Applied Computer Science Theoretical Computer Science Sample of Supporting Algorithmic & Math Areas & Techniques Computational Geometry Convex hulls Visibility polygons Arrangements Mathematical Programming Linear programming Integer programming Lagrangian relaxation Upper, lower bounding Dynamic Data Structures Algorithm Design Patterns Algorithm Analysis Techniques Complexity Theory search space subdivision binary search divide-and-conquer sweep-line discrete-event simulation NP-completeness, hardness Discrete Math Minkowski sum Monotone matrices Lattices Set operations: union, intersection, difference Line Segment Intersections (2D) Intersection of 2 Line Segments Intersection of > 2Line Segments Cross-Product-Based Geometric Primitives Some fundamental geometric questions: source: 91.503 textbook Cormen et al. p3 p2 p3 (1) p4 p2 p1 p0 p2 p1 p1 (2) (3) Cross-Product-Based Geometric Primitives: (1) p2 33.1 p1 p0 x1 p1 p2 det y1 x2 x1 y2 x2 y1 y2 Advantage: less sensitive to accumulated round-off error (1) source: 91.503 textbook Cormen et al. Cross-Product-Based Geometric Primitives: (2) p2 p1 33.2 p0 (2) source: 91.503 textbook Cormen et al. Intersection of 2 Line Segments Step 1: Bounding Box Test p3 p3 and p4 on opposite sides of p1p2 p2 p4 p1 (3) Step 2: Does each segment straddle the line containing the other? 33.3 source: 91.503 textbook Cormen et al. Segment-Segment Intersection Finding the actual intersection point Approach: parametric vs. slope/intercept parametric generalizes to more complex intersections Lcd e.g. segment/triangle Parameterize each segment Lcd c C=d-c Lab c b a Lab b q(t)=c+tC A=b-a d d a p(s)=a+sA Intersection: values of s, t such that p(s) =q(t) : a+sA=c+tC 2 equations in unknowns s, t : 1 for x, 1 for y source: O’Rourke, Computational Geometry in C Demo Segment/Segment Intersection Intersection of >2 Line Segments Sweep-Line Algorithmic Paradigm: 33.4 source: 91.503 textbook Cormen et al. Intersection of >2 Line Segments Sweep-Line Algorithmic Paradigm: source: 91.503 textbook Cormen et al. Intersection of >2 Line Segments Time to detect if any 2 segments intersect:O(n lg n) Balanced BST stores segments in order of intersection with sweep line. Associated operations take O(lgn) time. Note that it exits as soon as one intersection is detected. 33.5 source: 91.503 textbook Cormenet et al. al. source: 91.503 textbook Cormen Intersection of Segments Goal: “Output-size sensitive” line segment intersection algorithm that actually computes all intersection points Bentley-Ottmann plane sweep: O((n+k)log(n+k))= O((n+k)logn) time k = number of intersection points in output Intuition: sweep horizontal line downwards just before intersection, 2 segments are adjacent in sweep-line intersection structure check for intersection only adjacent segments insert intersection event into sweep-line structure event types: top endpoint of a segment bottom endpoint of a segment intersection between 2 segments swap order Improved to O(nlogn+k) [Chazelle/Edelsbrunner] source: O’Rourke, Computational Geometry in C Convex Hull Algorithms Definitions Gift Wrapping Graham Scan QuickHull Incremental Divide-and-Conquer Lower Bound in W(nlgn) Convexity & Convex Hulls source: O’Rourke, Computational Geometry in C A convex combination of points x1, ..., xk is a sum of the form a1x1+...+ akxk where ai 0 i and a1 a k 1 Convex hull of a set of points is the set of all convex combinations of points in the set. source: 91.503 textbook Cormen et al. nonconvex polygon convex hull of a point set Naive Algorithms for Extreme Points Algorithm: INTERIOR POINTS for each i do for each j = i do for each k = j = i do for each L = k = j = i do if pL in triangle(pi, pj, pk) then pL is nonextreme O(n4) Algorithm: EXTREME EDGES for each i do for each j = i do for each k = j = i do if pk is not left or on (pi, pj) then (pi , pj) is not extreme O(n3) source: O’Rourke, Computational Geometry in C Algorithms: 2D Gift Wrapping Use one extreme edge as an anchor for finding the next q Algorithm: GIFT WRAPPING i0 index of the lowest point i i0 repeat for each j = i Compute counterclockwise angle q from previous hull edge k index of point with smallest q Output (pi , pk) as a hull edge i k until i = i0 O(n2) source: O’Rourke, Computational Geometry in C Gift Wrapping source: 91.503 textbook Cormen et al. 33.9 Output Sensitivity: O(n2) run-time is actually O(nh) where h is the number of vertices of the convex hull. Algorithms: 3D Gift Wrapping O(n2) time [output sensitive: O(nF) for F faces on hull] CxHull Animations: Algorithms: 2D QuickHull Concentrate on points close to hull boundary Named for similarity to Quicksort a b A c finds one of upper or lower hull Algorithm: QUICK HULL function QuickHull(a,b,S) if S = 0 return() else c index of point with max distance from ab A points strictly right of (a,c) B points strictly right of (c,b) return QuickHull(a,c,A) + (c) + QuickHull(c,b,B) O(n2) source: O’Rourke, Computational Geometry in C Algorithms: 3D QuickHull CxHull Animations: Algorithms: >= 2D Convex Hull boundary is intersection of hyperplanes, so worst-case combinatorial size (not necessarily running time) in: Qhull: complexity is (n d / 2 ) Graham’s Algorithm source: O’Rourke, Computational Geometry in C Points sorted angularly provide “star-shaped” starting point Prevent “dents” as you go via convexity testing q p0 Algorithm: GRAHAM SCAN, Version B Find rightmost lowest point; label it p0. Sort all other points angularly about p0. In case of tie, delete point(s) closer to p0. Stack S (p1, p0) = (pt, pt-1); t indexes top i 2 while i < n do if pi is strictly left of pt-1pt then Push(pi, S) and set i i +1 else Pop(S) “multipop” O(nlgn) Graham Scan source: 91.503 textbook Cormen et al. Graham Scan 33.7 source: 91.503 textbook Cormen et al. Graham Scan 33.7 source: 91.503 textbook Cormen et al. Graham Scan source: 91.503 textbook Cormen et al. Graham Scan source: 91.503 textbook Cormen et al. Algorithms: 2D Incremental source: O’Rourke, Computational Geometry in C Add points, one at a time update hull for each new point Key step becomes adding a single point to an existing hull. Find 2 tangents Results of 2 consecutive LEFT tests differ Idea can be extended to 3D. Algorithm: INCREMENTAL ALGORITHM Let H2 ConvexHull{p0 , p1 , p2 } for k 3 to n - 1 do Hk ConvexHull{ Hk-1 U pk } O(n2) can be improved to O(nlgn) Algorithms: 3D Incremental O(n2) time CxHull Animations: Algorithms: 2D Divide-and-Conquer source: O’Rourke, Computational Geometry in C Divide-and-Conquer in a geometric setting O(n) merge step is the challenge Find upper and lower tangents Lower tangent: find rightmost pt of A & leftmost pt of B; then “walk it downwards” B A Idea can be extended to 3D. Algorithm: DIVIDE-and-CONQUER Sort points by x coordinate Divide points into 2 sets A and B: A contains left n/2 points B contains right n/2 points Compute ConvexHull(A) and ConvexHull(B) recursively Merge ConvexHull(A) and ConvexHull(B) O(nlgn) Algorithms: 3D Divide and Conquer O(n log n) time ! CxHull Animations: Lower Bound of O(nlgn) source: O’Rourke, Computational Geometry in C Worst-case time to find convex hull of n points in algebraic decision tree model is in W(nlgn) Proof uses sorting reduction: Given unsorted list of n numbers: (x1,x2 ,…, xn) Form unsorted set of points: (xi, xi2) for each xi Convex hull of points produces sorted list! Parabola: every point is on convex hull Reduction is O(n) (which is in o(nlgn)) Finding convex hull of n points is therefore at least as hard as sorting n points, so worst-case time is in W(nlgn) Parabola for sorting 2,1,3 Nearest Neighbor/ Closest Pair of Points Closest Pair Goal: Given n (2D) points in a set Q, find the closest pair under the Euclidean metric in O(n lgn) time. Divide-and-Conquer Strategy: -X = points sorted by increasing x -Y = points sorted by increasing y -Divide: partition with vertical line L into PL, PR -Conquer: recursively find closest pair in PL, PR dL, dR are closest-pair distances d min( dL, dR ) -Combine: closest-pair is either d or pair straddles partition line L Check for pair straddling partition line L both points must be within d of L create array Y’ = Y with only points in 2d strip for each point p in Y’ find (<= 7) points in Y’ within d of p source: 91.503 textbook Cormen et al. Closest Pair Correctness 33.11 source: 91.503 textbook Cormen et al. Closest Pair Running Time: T (n) 2T (n / 2) O(n) O(1) if n 3 O(n lg n) if n 3 Key Point: Presort points, then at each step form sorted subset of sorted array in linear time Like opposite of MERGE step in MERGESORT… L R source: 91.503 textbook Cormen et al. Additional Computational Geometry Resources Computational Geometry in C second edition by Joseph O’Rourke Cambridge University Press 1998 Web Site: See also 91.504 Course Web Site: