the difference between management and leadership

Leadership In Practice
Caroline Patterson
Special Adviser, Organisational Development,
Gateshead Council
Talk about Transformational Leadership (TF)
What it is, what it really means
Why it’s so important
Practical things we’ve done to embed it and
360 degree appraisal in various
Some of the lessons learned along the way
Also here to learn from your experience
Need to briefly recap the theory, but we’ll
do that quickly
Debunk some of the myths
Challenge what you believe to be true
Build in some activities around factors to
consider when embedding TF/using 360
Handouts and questionnaires to take away
Why I’m Here
Met Professor Beverly Alimo-Metcalfe
in 1999
Programme Director IDeA Modern Managers
She conducted the biggest study ever on leadership
in the public sector
Worked together since then developing and
embedding leadership cultures in various
National research- MBA Hull, Members 360
Quick Recap……….
Why Do We Need Leadership?
Importance of Leadership
Vision, direction and focus –real skill is
aligning people to it
Clear goals, don’t know where you are going
you are unlikely to get there
Team spirit…………….
Manager’s managing is important
Transformational Leadership has the
biggest impact on morale, motivation,
stress, job satisfaction, productivity and
Importance of Leadership
Poor leadership costs ££££££££££ in terms of
stress related absence, and has enormous cost in
terms of individual health and psychological well
Increased focus on leadership development and
assessment in our Corporate Performance
“Leadership is the single biggest factor that drives
change and organisational improvement “ LG
White Paper”
Direct Relationship Between
Leadership, Motivation, Stress
and Performance
3 Variables That Affect Performance
Performance =
A + Ability and competence
M + Motivation
R + Resources
Motivation Over Time
Leadership is about saying…
“How can I interact with
people to improve their
performance, give them just
enough stretch to keep them
motivated and help them
realise their potential?”
What’s The Biggest Cause Of
Stress In The Workplace?
Climate Studies 50’s to 90’s
60-75% of people said that in any
organisation, the most stressful aspect
of their work was their immediate boss!
Controlling Styles
“Managers with controlling styles who fail
to clarify roles and responsibilities, who
exert undue pressure have working
groups with higher levels of stress and
Climate Studies- Main Causes Of Stress
Unclear roles and responsibilities
Lack of autonomy
Lack of social support
Levels Of Arousal
Unacceptable level
Acceptable level of stress
Stress is Infectious!
We leak!!!!
Average correlation within the same
working groups
= .92
Leadership Development
is both a financial and moral imperative….
Stress is increasing in
organisations at a phenomenal
Cost of stress is also increasing
(in terms of absence as well as performance)
Beverly Alimo-Metcalfe
The Search for the Holy Grail
What makes a good leader?
Leadership Research: The Old Paradigm
Great Man Approach
Traits Approach
The Behavioural Approach
1960’s Behaviour/Style Approaches
“one best style”
Levels of
Levels of
Levels of
Participative Consultative Democratic
Tannenbaum Schmidt
Blanchard-Situational Leadership
The New Paradigms of
Changing Paradigms of Leadership
Seismic shift in thinking in the 70’s
Old models only suitable for stable
Research conducted with first line
Need to engage with CExs with experience
of managing strategic and complex change
Existing research not particularly valid- all
self rating
The Myths of Leadership
It’s rare
It’s found mainly at the top
It’s about being super-human
You can only do it if you are male!
(We’ll save that one for another time)
Beverly Alimo-Metcalfe
Research on Charisma
Early research- charismatic leaders were
the star performers
Utter rubbish -completely discredited
You were perceived to be charismatic if
you were evangelistic, expressive, waived
your arms about, had blue eyes, were
extrovert rather than introvert
Leadership is about being quietly effective
Unrealistic Job Ads
Knight in shining armour
required to charge in on their
white horse and save the
organisation from ruin-
Mere mortals need not apply!
Another paradigm shift-leadership no longer
viewed as a subset of management………….
What’s the Difference Between
Leadership and Management?
Kotter’s Comparison of
Management & Leadership
Transactional Leadership
Transformational Leadership
Establishing Direction:
Developing HR
Organising &
Controlling &
Produces a
degree of
& order
Aligning People:
Motivating & Inspiring:
Produces change - often to a
dramatic degree
Leadership Versus Management
Management is about coping with
complexity, provides stability, order and
Is transactional
Promotes the status quo
Leadership Versus Management
Leadership is having vision, a clear sense
of direction and aligning people to it,
helping people cope with change
-Promotes transformation
and drives change
Leadership Versus Management
Management is about doing things right
Leadership is about doing the right thing
We need to develop both
But where did the terms transactional
and transformational come from?…..
Transactional versus Transformational
Transactional - negotiation exchange or
Transformational - a vision that things
would be different or better
George McGregor Burns
1980’s Bass’s Model of Transformational
Idealised Influence (Vision)
Inspirational Motivation (Charisma)
Intellectual Stimulation
Individualised Consideration
Bass, B.M. (1985) Leadership &
Performance Beyond
Expectations. London: Free Press
“Vision is the dream that invents the
Developing a shared vision
Direction, aligning people
Painting pictures
Make people believe it’s achievable
Be a Good Conductor
“The task is to get the orchestra
working to deliver the music in your
head. It’s a three stage operationhear the music, get it over to the
orchestra get them to give it to the
Leonard Bernstein
Redefining Charisma
Quietly effective
Positive role models others look up to
and want to follow
Encourage people to give more of
themselves, go the extra mile
Can be positive or negative
Beware the pseudo-charismatics
Pseudo- Charismatics
Often do well at interview
All gloss and no substance
Highly visible
Good at self promotion/taking credit
for the work of others
Don’t deliver results
Can generate compliance cultures
Potentially Worrying !!
Zero correlation between charisma
and performance, strong correlation
between charisma and pay!
Intellectual Stimulation
Encourage people to question the way
things are done and are not defensive
Take a collaborative approach to problem
Intelligent and use a range of behavioursadjust pitch and style according to whom
they are dealing with, gain credibility
Individualised Consideration
Genuine concern for others and their
Communicate positive expectations of
Treat them with dignity and respect
Not interested in status and hierarchytreat everyone as equals
Value diversity and difference
Are you ok?
Does The Soft and Fluffy Stuff Really
Research has shown that:
Transformational Leadership has a significantly greater
impact than Transactional Leadership on a variety of
subjective and objective outcome measures, including:
job satisfaction, motivation, and performance of followers
lower levels of stress & burnout amongst staff
more collaborative, innovative, harmonious teams
financial performance of organisations
performance in public sector organisations
Source: Bass, B.M. & Avolio, B.J., (1996) Postscripts: Recent Developments
for Improving Organisational Effectiveness, Sage
The Importance Of Balance
“It’s about being transactional in a transformational way”
Managers Managing Is Also Important
Clarifying roles and expectations
Competency Framework
Managing poor
Decision making
Training on personnel
policies and procedures
Training on key skills
Why Conduct Further Research?
Most leadership research was from the US
Based on commercial & military
Focus was typically on male white top
managers who were self rating
Gender & race bias
How Was The Research Conducted?
Interviews with 150 male and female managers, LG and NHS
using Rep Grid
Think about leaders you have known
2 outstanding, 2 average, 2 poor
Write their initials on a card
Shuffle cards and pick out 2
To what extent are they similar but different
from the rest?
Elicit and group constructs
New Model of Transformational
Leadership (1)
(1) Leading others
Genuine concern for others
Being accessible, available,
Encourages change
Beverly Alimo-Metcalfe & John
New Model of Transformational
Leadership (2)
(2) Personal Qualities
Honest and consistent
Acting With Integrity
Being Decisive
Inspiring Others
Resolving Complex problems
New Model of Transformational
Leadership (3)
(3) Organisational Skills
Political sensitivity and skills
Networker, promoter, communicator
Manages change sensitively and skilfully
Beverly Alimo-Metcalfe & John
3 Types of Handout In your Pack
How TF am I/Are We?
US Versus The UK Model
US models focus on charisma and vision,
the leader as a role model
UK public sector model – leadership is
about engaging with partners, developing a
shared vision and engagement
Genuine concern fourth for Bass, top of the
LG scale
Ability to communicate positive expectations
and develop good networks is really
Transformational Leaders
Are outward looking
Drive change in organisations and make things
Clear sense of direction and focus
Develop a shared vision and bring people along with
Communicate positive expectations
Accessible, approachable, are honest consistent
and act with integrity
Motivate and empower employees, help them cope
with change
The Relationship Between
Leadership and Self Awareness
“Leadership and self awareness
are inextricably linked- to be a
leader you first need to know
Robert Greenleaf
“ Leadership is connecting what
I do to who I am to those I
You are not a leader if no-one is
following you!!!
Problems with Traditional Appraisal
360 Is a Great Tool for Developing SAw
Multiple perspectives on your leadership
Encourages a culture of openness and
Studies have shown it improves all aspects
of TF ( if development needs are
Performance improvement is sustained for
at least two years
Particularly As…..
Direct reports are the best predictors of
Over and above assessment centres for
the first seven years
We all have blind-spots
Everybody sees me differently but me!
UK Model, Based on a 360
How transformational is your organisation?
 How do you know?
 Are you doing enough to develop TF, if not what
practical things do you need to do?
(Think specifically about the implications for
recruitment, A and D, competency frameworks,
development/ succession planning etc)?
 What practical things would you need to consider
prior to implementing 360?
Lessons Learned
Embedding Transformational
Embedding Leadership Cultures in
“Leadership & culture are 2 sides
of same coin
-you can’t change one without the
The Culture Behaviour Cycle
Focus At An Organisational
and An Individual
Embedding TF-Research
Clear statement about which leadership and
management skills the organisation values
Core competency framework which assesses
management (the what) and TF leadership (the
Don’t run out-dated re-cycled management
development programmes
Assess the right behaviours when you recruit or
promote (handout refers)
Send a clear message-you only get on here if you
do x!!!
Beverly Alimo-Metcalfe
Challenge The Unwritten Rules
Explore the
Some Examples
We want a high performance culture but reward
loyalty/length of service
We want to reward TF but Job Evaluation
rewards the task/ we don’t look for TF in
We are committed to equalities but few women
make it to the top
We want to focus less on hierarchy and more on
empowerment- but only senior managers can
present to members
Hull research-no contradictions in excellent
Other Lessons Learned
Never under-estimate the effort it takes to embed
this down to grass roots-change agents can help
Have a clear communications strategy that
tackles the “soggy sponge”
Then do some mystery shopping to find out
whether employees at different levels know what
TF is, what they can expect in terms of their
managers and leaders?
Training is just the beginning-the days of just
running a conference and expecting it to happen
are over!!!
Focus on tangible results….
Other Lessons Learned…………..
Managers at all levels need to work with
their teams and identify practical things
they will do to to engender TF in their
team/service and enhance their own
Publicise quick wins (articles,
certificates, recognition etc)
Its not just about training………
 Recruitment and succession planning
are key (recruitment fact-sheet refers)
Other Lessons Learned
Don’t forget to bring your policies into linereward, recognition, bullying and
harassment, managing poor performance
This is also about how we do business- the
how we go about projects is as important
as delivering to time
Don’t Forget The Importance Of Balance
“It’s about being transactional in a transformational way”
Individual as well as
organisational behaviour
contribute to culture….
Embedding a Culture of
Transformational Leadership
Commitment from CEx and senior managers is vital
 Studies show there are three major blocks to TF in
Senior managers
Senior managers and
Senior managers!!!
and they are crucial in terms of role modelling
the right behaviours
Bass, B.M. & Avolio, B. J. (1993) ‘Transformational leadership & organizational culture’. Public
Administration Quarterly, 17, 112-121.
Essentially, Culture Management is
Message Management
“Culture is created and sustained through
the messages people receive about how
to behave.”
Carolyn Taylor, Walk the Talk
Managers Are Carriers Of Culture
Send important messages about what s
acceptable and what isn’t through the way
they lead,manage and interact with others
Whether they are open to feedback and
By what they choose to reward, how fair
they are in this process
Whether they deal with inappropriate
behaviour, and how well they tackle it
We must invest in their development
Quick Levers to Pull In Terms of
Culture Change
Training and role modelling
Myths and Stories
Mavericks, heroes and villains
Positive reinforcementintegration
Eg: Creating a high
performance culture,
performance dashboards,
displaying evaluation data
Pace and choice-see reward
Reward-measure recognise
and reward the right thingsSuccession Communications,
Signs and Symbols
Can Leadership Really be Developed?
It depends…..
On the attitude of the individual
Preparedness to accept others’ views as
Whether they are open to feedback
Quality of feedback
The organisation’s commitment to reinforcing
what is important- supporting developmentwhat’s the sanction if people don’t change?
Beverly Alimo-Metcalfe
Lessons Learned
Embedding 360 Degree Appraisal
Critical Success Factors
Be clear about why you are using it
Is the organisation ready?
Ethics/confidentiality agreement- the
person owns the data
360 should be used primarily for
development purposes rather than
performance assessment (360 should not
be linked to performance pay)
Critical Success Factors
Supplements rather than replaces A and D
Chose a valid, reliable instrument which
reflects your strategic aims
Cost and complexity can be a problem
Pilot-light small fires
Start at the top
Develop feedback skills first
Get People To Admit There Is a
When was the last time you asked for
feedback about your personal style?
How frank were the conversations?
Do you know how your team would describe
your style, your strengths, what you bring?
Do you know what they want you to stop
doing/ do differently?
Is there two way or one way feedback in A
and D?
Critical Success Factors
Clear advice on choosing raters
Brief raters on TF- they need to understand
what they are assessing
More detailed briefings may be required for
instruments which also assess competence
Online briefings
Credible qualified facilitator
Prioritised Personal Development Plans with
no more than three key objectives
Get commitment to resourcing development
Leadership In Practice
A Question to close……..
Can an organisation be transformational or is it
the people that make it?