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Savanna M. Allred
Professor Julia M Erbacher
3 April 2014
The phytochemical resveratrol
Remember the saying your mother always told you while you were growing up? "Eat
your fruits and veggies or don't eat nothin' at all!" Well if you do, you may want to thank her.
Fruits and vegetables of course provide many health benefits but they also contain a something
very special that not many are aware of. This "special" thing is called phytochemicals also
known as phytonutrients. If you have never heard about phytochemicals, you may be wondering
some important questions such as; what are phytochemicals?, how do you get phytochemicals?,
what are the health benefits of phytochemicals?, and what is an example of specific
phytochemical in depth?.
The term phytochemical is a broad name for a wide variety of compounds produced by
plants. they're found in fruits, vegetables, grains, beans, and other plants. Each of the
phytochemicals that comes from these variety of plants has different effects and health benefits
for the body. Some of the common names for phytochemicals are: Flavonoids, flavones,
antioxidants, catechins, anthocyanidins, isoflavones, isothiocyanates, allyl sulfides, polyphenols,
and carotenoids.
Now that you know where phytochemicals are found you may also want to know how to
tell what phytochemicals are in these types of foods just by their color.
Color Group
Fruits and Vegetables
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Lycopene, Phytoene, Vitamin
Tomatoes, Tomato sauce,
E, and Phytofluene
Tomato soup, Watermelon,
Glucosinolates, Indole-3
Broccoli, Brussels sprouts,
Carbinol, Folic Acid, and
Bok Choy, Cabbage,
Zeaxanthin and Lutein
Spinach, Avocado, Kale,
Green beans, Green pepper,
Kiwi, Collard greens, Mustard
Alpha & Beta Carotene, and
Carrots, Pumpkins, Butternut
squash, Mangos, Apricots,
Vitamin C and Flavonoids
Oranges, Orange juice,
Tangerines, Yellow grape
fruit, Peaches, Lemons,
Papaya, Pineapple, Nectarines
Ellagic Acid, Flavonoids, and
Grapes, Grape juice, Cherries,
Red wine, Strawberries,
Blueberries, Blackberries,
Raspberries, Cranberries,
Plums, Prunes, Raisins
Allyl Sulfides
Garlic, Onion, Chives
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Phytochemicals have many health benefits. For example; the phytochemical BetaCarotene helps with the immune system, vision, bone and skin health. The phytochemical
Lycopene can help with preventing prostate cancer, and heart health. The phytochemical
Anthocyanidins can help with blood vessel health.
Now that we've gone over a few examples of the many different types of phytochemicals
lets take a look at one in greater depth. Resveratrol is found in grapes, wine, grape juice, and
raisins. it acts as an antioxidant and anti inflammatory. Some research suggests that resveratrol
might reduce the risk of heart disease and cancer. It may also help extend peoples life span.
Resveratrol was first discovered in 1939, a Japanese discovered this plant by chance, then
extracted from the roots and took the name Resveratrol in 1940.
So the next time you feel like sneaking your plate of fruits and veggies to your dog next
to you at the dinner table, just remember the importance of phytochemicals and the beneficial
effects they have on the body like; helping with the immune system, vision, bones, skin, the
heart, blood vessels, and the prevention of certain cancers.
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Works Cited
Kadey, Matthew. "Phytochemicals." alive. Matthew G. Kadey, RD, 1 Feb. 2008. Web. 15 Apr.
llllllllllll2014. <>.
"Phytochemicals." American Cancer Society. N.p., 17 Jan. 2013. Web. 15 Apr. 2014.
"Resveratrol." How Stuff Works. N.p., n.d. Web. 15 Apr. 2014.
"The discovery and history of resveratrol." Articles Factory. N.p., 5 Feb. 2013. Web. 15 Apr.
lllllllllllll2014. <>.
"What Are Phytochemicals?." Fruits & veggies more matters. N.p.. Web. 14 Apr 2014.