Mr. Ryan Brown Beginning Guitar Syllabus Course Description: This course is a ‘hands on’ course designed for students who are interested in learning to play the guitar and have had no prior experience. The course will include familiarization with the guitar, music reading, basic theory, and playing single note melodies as well as chords. By the end of the semester, students should be able to play several popular songs. Student progress will be measured and graded by periodic performance exams. WRHS Core Values: Critical Thinking/Problem Solving Creativity/Innovation Citizenship/Responsibility Communication Collaboration Course Objectives: Students will develop essential guitar skills: Using correct posture, hand position, plucking and playing technique Tuning a guitar. Identifying chord symbols. Performing common major, minor, and seventh chords with application to various music styles. Performing familiar guitar repertoire using tablature. Applying the musical alphabet to the fretboard. Performing melodies and chords in standard notation on the treble clef. Performing with rhythmic integrity. Performing a variety of strumming patterns. Performing with expression and technical accuracy. Performing a wide-array of beginning guitar literature. Collaborating with other guitar players to perform beginning guitar ensemble repertoire. Creating original songs based on standard chord progressions. Students will think critically about: How an understanding of music theory and guitar skills expands one’s appreciation and enjoyment of music. Grading: 40% 20% 20% 10% 10% Proficiencies/Performances Written Testing/Projects Homework Time Usage/Practice Habits Guitar/Equipment Management Proficiencies: Mr. Ryan Brown All Proficiencies involve performing assigned repertoire alone to demonstrate newly acquired skills. Objectives for each proficiency will be clearly outlined ahead of time and there will be specific deadlines for taking each proficiency; however, if the student fails the proficiency or receives an unsatisfactory grade, the student may retake the proficiency as many times as he/she would like within the following week until the proficiency is passed. In the case that a student does not take the proficiency prior to the deadline, he/she may elect to take the proficiency for a maximum grade of 50%. If the student does not take a proficiency at all, he/she will receive a proficiency grade of 0%. Performances: Throughout the semester, we will be performing for one another during class on a regular basis. Students will be notified at least one week in advance of any class performance. Grades for performances will be based on a rubric given to students for each performance. Written Tests/Projects: Written test are used as a way to measure understanding of concepts learned in the course. Topics covered include music theory, guitar facts, fretboard fingerings, chord charts, etc. Projects may include composition assignments, presentations, or other Collaborative work. Homework: Students will be assigned both written homework and listening homework. Written assignments will usually consist of written worksheets covering music theory, guitar facts, fretboard fingerings, chords charts, etc. Listening assignments will usually involve actively listening to and answering questions about a song. Youtube will be a huge resource for this course. If you do not have access to youtube in your home, please talk to me and we can arrange an alternative listening source for the assignment. If you do not hand in a homework assignment on time, you may hand it in up to one week after the due date for a maximum grade of 50%. Time Usage/Practice Habits: The Key to Success on any instrument is GOOD USE OF PRACTICE TIME. Efficient repetition that focuses on a specific skill or concept is much more productive than entering a practice session with no objective. As musicians, we seek to challenge ourselves and fully invest our mental and physical energy into overcoming those challenges. o Good practicing is distraction free: -No cell phone or electronic device use during practice sessions. -No more than 1 person in a practice room unless we are working on collaborative projects or ensemble music. -Ask for help o Good practicing requires active problem solving: -Set goals, plan how to achieve those goals. -If you become frustrated, simplify the task at hand. o If you need additional help, ask. Guitar/Equipment Management: Students are expected to treat the instruments with care. Students that damage guitars will be liable to pay the cost to repair the instrument. Students are responsible for Mr. Ryan Brown getting assigned guitar, pick, tuner, music book, and stand and put them away neatly in the appropriate place at the end of class. Extra Credit: Students may earn extra credit on the daily class grade by engaging in the following activities: 1. Taking private guitar lessons: These lessons can be through Wachusett’s Artist-InResidence Program or elsewhere. In order to receive credit, the private instructor must fill out a progress report at the end of each quarter. The cost for lessons through AIR is $18 per lesson and includes focused one-on-one instruction with professional musicians dedicated to your musical development. The Application form can be found on the AIR link of the music website. There is a $25 registration fee that should accompany the form when signing up for lessons. Lessons will begin in late September. 2. Concert Reflections. If a student attends a concert, he or she may receive credit by writing a one-page critique of the performance and attaching a ticket stub or program. Extra Help: I am available for extra help after school on both Tuesdays and Thursdays. However, I ask that you please speak with me ahead of time about meeting after school. Attendance: Students must be present to succeed in this class. Class time is when vital concepts are introduced and practiced. If you are absent on the day an assignment is due, the assignment will be accepted the next school day only if the absence was excused/verified. If you are absent of the day of a test or proficiency and the absence is excused/verified, you may reschedule your exam with me outside of class. Practice Rooms: The use of practice rooms for individual rehearsing is always encouraged. During the school day, students who have a study may use a practice room by requesting a pass from one of the musical faculty ahead of time. Passes to the practice room given by study hall monitors will not be honored. Students must have permission and a pass from a music teacher beforehand to present to the study hall monitor. Once in the practice room, students must stay for the entire period and may not leave to go to the bathroom or wander around the school. During long block, students may return to study after getting their pass signed from the music teacher. After school, students may use any practice room not occupied by a private lesson teacher. Please Note: practice rooms are not hangout areas and classroom rules about food and drink apply. Guitar Class Rules: 1. No Food or Drink (except water in closed container) allowed near the instruments. 2. Guitars are to be treated with care and respect. They belong to the student body. You are financially responsible for all damages that may occur to your assigned guitar. 3. Use only the guitar assigned to you. If you own an acoustic guitar, you are welcome to bring it in and use it in class. 4. Practice Rooms may only have one student in them at a time unless working on ensemble repertoire. All students are assigned a practice room which corresponds to their guitar number.