Beginning Guitar 2015-2016 Mr. Gamache Email: Phone: 583-7428 ext.227 Welcome: Welcome to Beginning Guitar! I hope you had a great summer and I look forward to having you in this class and having a lot of fun as we make music together. Class Description: This is a one-year elective class for students in grades 9-12. We will be learning basic guitar techniques throughout the year. Students will be playing traditional folk songs as part of the course requirements and may learn more current music as they would like. While the students learn how to play the instruments during class time, the real progress is made when students take their instruments home and practice. I want to encourage parents to help and encourage their young musicians in home practice time. Required Materials: - Hands-On-Training: First Year Guitar book (provided by teacher). - Assignments/Proficiencies Folder - Guitar/Picks (student may bring their own or use a school one). - Pencil/Pen 5 simple rules for Mr. Gamache’s Class: 1. Be in your seat before the bell rings. 2. Have all your materials ready before class begins. 3. Follow directions the first time they are given. 4. No gum during rehearsal time. 5. Respect Others. Guitar Check-out Policy Checking out a guitar is a student privilege for taking guitar class. If you check out a guitar you need to fill out your name, the guitar # you are taking, and the Date on the “Guitar Check-Out” form. Guitars must be returned before 1st hour the day after you check it out. If you are sick or at home for any reason when you check out a guitar, an email or phone call must be made to Mr. Gamache by your parent/ guardian letting me know that the guitar will not make it back today. Grading: Grades for Beginning Guitar uses the following Criteria: 1. Proficiencies. (50%) 2. Homework. (25%) 3. Tests. (25%) School grades are set up as follows: A % 100-90 B % 89-80 C % 79-70 D % 69-60 F % 59- Below Homework/Tests: Periodic homework assignments are given to students throughout the year. They cover information covered throughout class time. Tests are worth 100 points each and make up for 25% of the students grade. The purpose of tests is to measure learning of music and guitar concepts and theory. Proficiencies measure student growth in basic guitar technique and skill. These are worth 50% of the students total grade. Cell Phone Policy: The School cell phone policy is that students may not have their phones turned on or on their person throughout instructional time. Students should have their cell phones turned off and placed either in their backpacks or the cellphone basket that is located at the entrance of the classroom. Items included in the cellphone policy include iPads and tablets. Any texting or social networking tools are included as well. If you are discovered with a cellphone or other social networking device that is not school issued. They will be taken and you will receive a detention. Extra Credit Opprotunities: I have included two different types of extra credit opportunities for students who need the credit: 1. Tissue Boxes- Students may turn in tissue boxes to me for extra credit. Up to 5 boxes will be taken per semester for a total of 50 points extra credit. 2. In-Tune Magazine- I have magazines available for checkout for student interest and extra credit opportunity. A student will check out an In-Tune Magazine. Read an article, and turn in a report for that article. Each article is worth up to10 points and a student may earn a total of 50 points per semester for magazine articles. Attachments: - Guitar Check-Out Contract (Return to Mr. Gamache) - Syllabus Signature Page (Return to Mr. Gamache) - Item #3 (Return this page to Mr. Gamache) I, ____________________________________(parent/guardian), have read and understand the above information for Beginning Guitar. I have also read and agree to the “Guitar Check-out” policy and contract attached to this Syllabus. ________________________________________ Parent/Guardian Signature I,____________________________________ (student), have read and understand the above information for Beginning Guitar. I also understand the “Guitar Check-out” policy. I promise to give 100% in all that I do and will refuse to say the words “I can’t” during my class, in other classes, and in all other things I undertake. _________________________________________ Student Signature Dear Parents, Your student is currently enrolled in a guitar class, or music exploration at Eureka Jr./Sr. High School. He/she has requested permission to check out and instrument for practice at home. In order that you and your student fully understand the responsibility attached to this privilege, we ask that you and your student fully read the contract which follows. If you and your child agree to its provisions, simply sign and date the contract in the appropriate places. Students will be allowed to check out guitars on the date this contract is received in the Music Department. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me at or 583-7426 ext. 227. Thanks so much for your help. ___________________________________ Guitar Instructor Approved: __________________________________ Principal Contract I agree to care for the guitar and guitar case which have been furnished for me and will abide by the following rules when checking out the instrument for home practice. 1. The guitar must be SIGNED OUT on the sign-out sheet and SIGNED-IN PRIOR TO THE FIRST CLASS PERIOD ON THE FOLLOWING SCHOOL DAY. (if the student is unable to attend school, the PARENT must make an arrangement for the on-time return of the instrument or must contact the instructor that it will not be there that day.) 2. Failure to follow Rule 1 will result in loss of check-out privilege for five (5) days. A second violation will result in a 10-day suspension of check-out privileges and a detention. And a third violation will result in permanent loss of the check-out privilege and detention. 3. The guitar students and his/her parents will not allow ANYONE ELSE to touch the guitar or case while they are checked out. 4. If the guitar or case is damaged while signed out to you, you must pay for repairs. 5. If the guitar is damaged beyond repair while signed out to you, you are responsible for replacement cost (guitar cost: $150; case cost: $_____) SIGNED: _____________________________________________________ Guitar Student Signature DATE: ____________ SIGNED: ____________________________________________________ Parent/Guardian Signature DATE: ____________