Beginning Guitar Class - Lee Williams High School

Beginning Guitar Class
Ms. Lashbrook
928.718.6000 ext. 5139
Choir Room (A139)
Welcome to an exciting new year in the Lee Williams High School Guitar Program! This course is filled with
opportunities for you to gain access to many different styles of guitar playing and hopefully you will find that it meets all
of your expectations. In this packet you will find all the information you need to have complete success in this course.
You will find a list of course requirements, grading policy and several other important and useful hints. You and your
parents are encouraged to go through this packet and ask any questions you might run into along the way!
My hope for you is that you will be able to master basic guitar playing and music reading skills as a result of this course.
High expectations are set for every student but be assured that every goal in this syllabus is reachable!
Course Description
This course is designed for students with no previous guitar experience. Students will receive guidance and direction in
solving problems related to playing the guitar on a beginning level and will learn many different styles, skills and
techniques required to become a successful guitarist.
Parents and students may contact me by email at I will be available for conferences by
appointment only.
Students will be required to provide the following materials in order to succeed:
Three-ring binder one inch thick
Lined paper for binder
Three dividers for class notes, handouts and bell work.
One set of NYLON guitar strings (students will not be assigned a class guitar until they have provided a set up back-up
*If students are using their own guitar for class they still need to provide a set of nylon strings
Nylon guitar strings may be purchased at Hastings and Mohave Green Music.
Classroom Rules
1. Come to class prepared. Students should have a pencil, binder and good attitude.
2. Respect others and the property of students.
3. Work hard. Playing the guitar takes time and patience. As long as students spend their class time wisely they
will be successful and be able to play their instrument.
Beginning Guitar Class
Participation Points and Assignments
Each day a student is in class they will have the opportunity to earn 3 points; 1 point for coming to class on time, 1 point
for coming to class prepared and 1 point for being on task.
Students will begin each class with bell work. Bell work is worth 20 points a day, equaling to 100 points a week. Bell
work will be collected every Friday. If a student is absent they need to indicate so on their bell work.
There will be random “folder checks” to make sure students are keeping track of their notes and handouts. If you are
absent it is imperative that you ask and collect any handouts you may have missed!
Students will be tested on a bi-weekly basis. They will be tested on their playing ability. These tests will take place in
front of the other students. These tests will be played in trios or duets and finally as solos. I understand that not
everyone will be comfortable playing a solo in front of class so we will build up to that.
Make-up/Late Work
Students are responsible for their own work. All assignments will have a specific due date. Any assignment, or test not
received on that date will be considered late. Students will have one week to make-up assignments, quizzes and tests at a
penalty of 10% a day. I will not accept assignments that are more than a week late. Make-up assignments for concerts
will only be given when the concert as been excused by the teacher.
The only way to learn to play an instrument is to practice. There will be plenty of time for students to practice in class.
However, students will not be able to take guitars home. If a student feels he/she needs more time to practice, than is
given in class, they may make arrangements to practice before or after school. Once the activity bus has started I will
have one day a week available to students to stay after school and practice.
Grading Scale for Guitar Class
Classroom Performance: 45%
Students use all materials necessary in order to accomplish daily lesson objectives.
Students play assigned materials and during class time.
Students demonstrate proper playing techniques during class time.
Students must complete group work and individual classroom assignments.
Performance Grades/ Skills Assessments: 45%
Students will perform assigned repertoire in groups and alone to demonstrate proficiency on
the instrument.
Students will receive 2 week notice before a playing test/quiz and will be graded based on a
rubric that will be provided and reviewed ahead of time.
Written Assignments/ Quizzes/ Tests: 10%
Students will be given several written assessments on materials covered in class. These
assessments will come in the form of:
- Listening Guides and Listening Responses
- Journal Responses and self-reflections
- Quizzes covering music theory and guitar facts
Beginning Guitar Class
1. Students will have opportunities to be reassessed on materials on which they feel they can improve upon.
2. Students will have an opportunity to relearn and be reassessed during the week following an assessment and
will need to arrange those make-up times with the teacher before school, after school or at lunch.
What can you expect from me?
I will always be available to you when you have questions or need additional help outside of class. Not everyone will be
able to learn and perform at the same rate so I am happy to assist you in any way necessary but you MUST ask for help in
order to receive it. In a class size as large it is important that no one gets left behind! Never be afraid to ask for help when
it is needed!
Rules and Procedures
1. Come Prepared! You must bring your binder and pencil to class every day, no exceptions.
2. Care for your instrument: You will be assigned a guitar at the beginning of the year. This is your responsibility
and you are expected to treat it with the greatest respect. You will put your guitar away correctly before the end
of class each day.
3. Starting Class: You will be told when it is time to get your guitar, a music stand and open your case.
4. GRADING: You will be given specific assignments, deadlines and procedures for receiving grades in this
RESPECT! This class is based on respect. You can always expect the utmost respect from me and I will
always expect the same in return. Your opinions and ideas are valuable to me and I will consider them. In a
class as large as this you will be expected to respect the teacher and your peers when they are speaking. If you
have concerns with any aspects of the course feel free to meet with me before or after class.
Tips for Survival
1. Ask Questions! In a class as large as ours it is easy to get a little behind. Always ask for help and be honest about your
2. Be Assertive! The key to moving ahead is self-motivation and determination. Take charge of your own progress and
assert yourself inside and out of the classroom
3. Organize your time: Map out how much time you will need on materials and don’t waste time being confused. Ask for
help right away!
4. Help Each other. Many of you may have prior knowledge with guitar. Help each other and make connections. You
might need some help in return one day!
5. Practice. Free period? Lunch? After School? Couldn’t hurt!
6. LISTEN! I will never expect you to do anything you haven’t been prepared for. The key to learning is listening.
Openly communication between students and teachers is so important
7 .Try something new! If you haven’t tried it before, now is your chance. Don’t make judgments too quickly!
Keep an open mind
8. HAVE FUN! How fortunate are we to have the opportunity to take music classes in school!? Many counties don’t
offer music courses or don’t have the funds. Soak up this time; let this class build your character and talents. Most of
all….HAVE FUN!
Beginning Guitar Class
Please complete this page and return to Ms. Lashbrook by August 17, 2012.
Student Name: __________________________________________________________
My student and I agree to the rules and expectations of participating in Beginning Guitar at Lee Williams
High School.
Student signature: __________________________________________________________
Parent/guardian signature: ____________________________________________________
Contact phone: _____________________________________________________________
Contact email address: ________________________________________________________
Permission Slip
For some class activities we will want to visit the local environment around the school such as Metcalf Park.
Rather than send permission slips home on a regular basis, please sign the permission slip below to allow the
student to leave school grounds as required. You will be given notification of dates and times of these
Permission to leave school grounds
______ Yes
Parent/Guardian Signature: ________________________________________
Date: ______________