2015-2016 B Day Schedule Name___________________________ Block______ UNIT 5 - CHAPTER 7: Similar Polygons DATE TEXT Tues, Dec. 22 OBJECTIVES Test on Unit 4B HOMEWORK ASSIGNMENT Solving Equations and Proportions Worksheet December 24 to January 3: Winter Holiday Mon, Jan. 4 Day 1 Wed, Jan. 6 Day 2 Fri., Jan. 8 Day 3 Tues, Jan. 12 Day 4 Thurs, Jan. 14 Day 5 7-1 7-2 Ratios and Proportions Similar Polygons IXL P.1 and P.2 (sore 70 on each) City Wide Mid-Test IXL P.3 and P.4 (score 70 on each) 7-3 Similar Triangles IXL P.5 and P.7 (score 70 on each) 7-4 Parallel Lines and Proportional Parts IXL P.6 and P.10 (score 70 on each) 7-5 Parts of Similar Triangles 7-4 and 7-5 Proportional Lengths HW Monday, January 18, is Martin Luther King Day – NO SCHOOL! Tues, Jan. 19 Day 6 Thurs, Jan 21 Day 7 Mon, Jan 25 Day 8 Wed, Jan. 27 Fri, Jan. 29 7-1 to 7-5 Unit 5 Test Review Unit 5 Test Review Worksheet Unit 5 Test Exam Review Sheet Review for the Exam Study for your Exam! Finish up your Exam Review Make up a formula sheet – a 3x5 index card, can write on the front and back! GEOMETRY PART 1 EXAM Blocks 2B Clean out your notebook and put all notes in a folder at home. Prepare for the 2nd Semester! GEOMETRY PART 1 EXAM Clean out your notebook and put all Blocks 3B 4B notes in a folder at home. Prepare for the 2nd Semester! Friday, January 29 (B Day): Last day of the 2nd Quarter NO SCHOOL February 1 – In-service Days for teachers! Tuesday, February 2 (A Day): First day of the 3rd Quarter/2nd Semester Unit 5: Similar Polygons UNIT 5 LEARNING TARGETS: Target 1: The student will use the properties of similar polygons, including: identifying corresponding parts of similar polygons; writing equivalent proportions; and applying proportions to solve problems involving Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM). Target 2: The student will show that triangles are similar by AA, SAS, or SSS using algebraic and coordinate methods as well as deductive proofs, including: investigating and identifying similarity between triangles; and computing lengths of segments of similar triangles. . UNIT 5 ENDURING UNDERSTANDINGS: Topics involving ratios are an important foundation which leads to solving problems that involve scale drawings and similar figures. 1. When two or more objects are scaled versions of each other, there will be a set of characteristics that define relationships. 2. There are methods available to prove that geometric figures are similar. 3. The beauty in some aspects of nature can be explained using geometric concepts. UNIT 5 ESSENTIAL QUESTIONS: How can geometric figures be used to represent real world situations? 1. How do similar polygons compare to congruent polygons? 2. How are ratios and proportions related to similarity? 3. Where does similarity occur in nature? SOL Objectives (2009): G.7 The student, given information in the form of a figure or statement, will prove two triangles are similar, using algebraic and coordinate methods as well as deductive proofs. G.14 The student will a) use proportional reasoning to solve practical problems, given similar geometric objects; and b) determine how changes in one dimension of an object affect area and/or volume of the object.