3 Grade : Unit 1

3rd Grade : Unit 1
Small Group Lessons : Naming and Constructing Geometric Figures
 Points, Line Segments, Lines, and Rays
OBJECTIVE : To introduce tools for geometry; and to review points, line segments, lines, and rays.
 Angles
OBJECTIVE : To guide students in the construction of angles.
 Parallelograms
OBJECTIVE : To model the classification of quadrangles based on their properties.
 Polygons
OBJECTIVE : To provide opportunities to identify properties of polygons and distinguish between
convex and nonconvex (concave polygons; and to explore geometric definitions and classification.
 An Inscribed Square
OBJECTIVE : To provide practice using a compass.
 Circle Constructions
OBJECTIVE : To guide students in defining a circle; and to provide opportunities to explore designs
with circles.
 Constructing an Inscribed, Regular Hexagon
OBJECTIVE : To guide students in the construction of figures with a compass and straightedge.
Independent Station Work : Review and Practice
 Multiplication & Division Fact Triangles Activity Sheets 1 – 4 (Student Math Journal) ____ / _____
Cut up the triangles. After practicing your facts, place pieces in a Ziploc bag & save!
 Collinear-Points Puzzle (Math Master, p. 10)
 Polygon Search (Math Master, p. 13)
 Solve a Straw-Squares Puzzle (Math Master, p. 17)
 What is a Kite? What is a Rhombus? (Math Master, p. 21 & 22)
 Algorithm Project 1 (Student Math Journal, p. 1P & 2P)
Independent Station Work : Choice (Pick at least 4)
 Play Sz’kwa (Student Reference Book, p. 253)
 Create a 6-point Design (Math Master, p. 32)
 Play Sprout (Student Reference Book, p. 257)
 Play Addition Top-It (Student Reference Book, p.207)
 Play Subtraction Top-It (Student Reference Book, p. 207)