Nordic Service Partners Holding AB (publ) Management presentation, May 2015 Contents 1 Introduction to NSP 4 2 Investment highlights 8 3 Market overview 20 4 Financials 25 Appendices A Supporting information 34 2 Disclaimer This presentation material (the “Material”) has been prepared by Nordic Service Partners Holding AB (publ) (556534-1970) (the “Company”) solely for use by a limited number of parties in connection with their analysis of presenting a public offer for the company (the “Transaction”) and is provided for information purposes only and is not to be relied upon in substitution for the exercise of independent analysis and judgment. The advisor of the board for the Transaction is Skandinaviska Enskilda Banken AB (“SEB”). By attending a meeting where this Material is presented, or by reading this Material, you agree to be bound by the following limitations and notifications. This Material is strictly confidential and is being provided to you solely for your information. 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More specifically, no information in this Material has been independently verified by SEB or its advisors and SEB, the Company or any of their respective members, advisors, officers or employees or any other person assumes no responsibility whatsoever and makes no representation or warranty, expressed or implied, for the contents of this Material, i ncluding its accuracy, completeness or verification for any other statement made or purported to be made by any of them, or on their behalf, in connection with the Transaction. SEB is not giving and is not intending to give financial advice to any potential investor, and this Material shall not be deemed to be financial advice from SEB to any potential investor. Under no circumstances is this Material to be used or considered as an offer to sell, or a solicitation of an offer to purchase, any securities or a recommendation to enter into any transaction; nor shall it or any part of it form the basis of or be relied upon in connection with any contract or commitment whatsoever. Before entering into any transaction investors are urged to take steps to ensure that they understand the transaction and have made an independent assessment of the appropriateness of the transaction in light of their own objectives and circumstances, including the possible risks and benefits of entering into such a transaction. Potential investors should also consider seeking advice from their own advisors in making this assessment, including regarding the legal, tax, financial and other consequences of an investment. This Material has been prepared exclusively for the benefit and internal use of the addressee and no part of this Material or the information it contains may be disclosed, reproduced or redistributed to any other party without the prior written consent of SEB. SEB and the Company are under no obligation to submit further information to potential investors or to update or keep current the information contained herein. Potential investors’ costs in connection with the process shall be borne by the investor. Under no circumstances may the Company or its board of directors or management be contacted by a potential investor without the prior permission of SEB. This Presentation is dated 30 April 2015. Neither the delivery of this Material nor any further discussions of the Company or SEB with any of the recipients shall, under any circumstances, create any implication that there has been no change in the affairs of the Company since such date. The Company does not undertake any obligation to review or confirm, or to release publicly or otherwise to investors or any other person, any revisions to the information contained in this Material to reflect events that occur or circumstances that arise after the date of this Material. The Material as well as all other information provided by SEB or the Company shall be governed by and construed in accordance with Swedish law. FORWARD-LOOKING STATEMENTS This Material may contain forward-looking statements that reflect the Company’s current views with respect to certain future events and potential financial performance. Although the Company believes that the expectations reflected in such forward-looking statements are reasonable, no assurance can be given that such expectations will materialize. Accordingly, results could differ materially from those set out in the forward-looking statements as a result of various factors. To the extent that this Material contains opinions, estimates, forecasts or other forward looking statements, no guarantees or undertakings that these are correct or complete are given by SEB or the Company or any of their respective members, advisors, officers or employees or any other person. Forecasts and assumptions which are subject to economic and competitive uncertainty are outside such person’s control and no guarantee can be given that projected results will be achieved or that outcomes will correspond with forecasts. Information in this Material may be changed, added to or corrected without advance notification. 3 Contents 1 Introduction to NSP 4 2 Investment highlights 8 3 Market overview 20 4 Financials 25 Appendices A Supporting information 34 4 Passionate management team with deep industry knowledge Morgan Jallinder NSP CEO since 2009 NSP CFO since 2008 More than 20 years of experience from the restaurant & the real estate and financial markets 14 years of experience as CFO in public companies, and from business controlling Holds an MBA from the Gothenburg School of Economics Studied Business Administration and Tax at Stockholm University Chief Executive Officer Johan Wedin Chief Financial Officer Johan Persson Patrik Eliasson Erika Falkermark Jesper Hollstrand Chief Operating Officer Chief Information Officer Chief Human Resource Officer Chief Marketing Officer Experience from McDonald’s as restaurant manager, district manager and franchise business leader Over 20 years of experience in IT ranging from small to large companies, and has been with NSP since 2004 Experience from Scandic Hotels where she worked with education and personnel development in HR, Scandic Business School 9 years experience from McDonald’s where he worked as project manager in IT and lecturing at McDonald's Business School on cost control 5 Martin Jallinder Chief Business Development Officer Previously assistant to the CEO MSc in Accounting and Financial Management from Stockholm School of Economics Nordic Service Partners at a glance NSP in brief Nordic region • The company was founded in 2004 • 61 Burger King restaurants • • • (SEKm) NSP is the largest multi franchisee of Burger King restaurants in the ‒ Sweden - 44 restaurants ‒ Denmark - 17 restaurants Thousands • Group sales and EBITDA margin 386.7 KFC ‒ TGI Fridays About 2,700 shareholders ‒ Market cap of about SEK 225m 633.6 623.0 5.8% 7.1% 6.4% 7.0% 7.2% 826.4 7.6% 5.1% 248.9 0.8% 1.8% 21 28 41 42 42 42 48 55 58 61 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 Sales NSP is traded on Nasdaq Stockholm since 2008 ‒ 733.8 698.9 570.1 5.8% Additional brands in 2014 ‒ 666.2 780.6 No of restaurants EBITDA margin Breakdown by geography 2014 Sales EBITDA NSP holds a board of directors and management with long and relevant experience in the Quick Service Restaurant (QSR) segment 15% 32% 68% Sweden 6 Denmark 85% Sweden Denmark Key historical milestones 2004 – 2005 1 • Sales (SEKm) 2006 – 2008 2 The foundation Nordic Service Partners was • established in 2004 when the Company acquired 21 Burger 900 • King restaurants in Sweden from Burger King Corporation 800 700 • • market grew by 5% 600 • 500 • The NSP stock listed at NGM • • • 2011 – 2014 4 Consolidation Growth Focus on profitable Burger King • NSP sold Taco Bar in Q1 2014 existing restaurants and opened 4 restaurants, development of • Acquired 4 Burger King Acquired 7 of Denmark's existing brand name, and Taco Bar NSP acquired Taco Bar with 12 • Established 2 food courts in the Stockholm region investments Stock listed on Nasdaq First • restaurants and opened 8 new NSP regained profitability in 2009 after a period of heavy North Equity 400 3 Acquisitions and growth Burger King restaurants Turnover increased by 14% for the existing restaurants whilst the 2009 – 2010 • Remodeled ~30 of NSP’s existing restaurants • Reached franchise agreements Cost savings program put in place with Yum! Brands and Carlson in 2008 had an effect of SEK 10m Companies to launch KFC Acquired 9 Burger King (Kentucky Fried Chicken) and TGI restaurants Fridays (TGIF) in 2014 Acquired the rights for Tasty Thai concept in Sweden and opened 1 300 Tasty Thai restaurant in Stockholm 200 • 100 Stock listed on Nasdaq Stockholm 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 7 2011 2012 2013 2014 Contents 1 Introduction to NSP 4 2 Investment highlights 8 3 Market overview 20 4 Financials 25 Appendices A Supporting information 34 8 Key investment highlights 4 3 2 1 Excellent growth pipeline driven by new concepts Proven ability to drive operational excellence First class brand portfolio supports NSP’s position in the value chain Market driven by strong structural trends 9 Market driven by strong structural trends 1 Growth in Danish consumer spending Growth in Swedish consumer spending (Index 100) 220 (Index 100) 220 205 205 190 190 175 175 160 160 145 145 130 130 115 115 100 100 85 85 '04A '05A '06A '07A '08A '09A '10A '11A '12A '13A '14A '15F '16F '17F '18F '04A '05A '06A '07A '08A '09A '10A '11A '12A '13A '14A '15F '16F '17F '18F Restaurants and cafés Food and non-alc Restaurants and cafés Food and non-alc Alcohol and tobacco Clothing and footwear Alcohol and tobacco Clothing and footwear Transport Communication Transport Communication Leisure and recreation Lodging Leisure and recreation Lodging Market drivers Growth in population and new customers Continued urbanization Single occupancy Source: Euromonitor 10 Consumers spend less time on preparing food Increasing number of shopping centres and malls 2 First class brand portfolio Strong brand partners ensure high quality throughout the value chain and strengthen NSP’s offering “In here, it’s always Friday” • Social and fun dining with friends or family • The world’s largest casual dining concept “Home of the Whopper” Strong brand partners with well known concepts and high quality “So good” • Real flame grilled burgers • • High quality, affordable chicken meals Second largest hamburger fast food chain in the world • The world's most popular chicken restaurant chain Primary Activities Trademark owners Secure and certify suppliers Purchase NSP Franchisee and food safety control 11 Marketing and product development Sales & Service 2 First class brand portfolio (cont.) KFC is well known with Swedish consumers even before launch Brand awareness study 15-19yrs 20-34yrs 97% 99% 98% 35-49yrs 98% 95% 97% 93% 98% 97% 95% 96% 95% 87% 71% 54% 40% 1 • Market research shows that 87% of NSP’s target customers, between age 15-19, knows KFC • Brand awareness is high for KFC, with 57% national recognition, even though there are no restaurants in Sweden to date Source: Here Are Lions research 1) For KFC, if spelled out in full name, Kentucky Fried Chicken, the brand awareness amounts to 83%, 71%, and 61% for the three age categories respectively 12 44% 48% Proven ability to drive operational excellence 3 Focus on improving efficiency throughout the organisation Development Operations • • • • • Daily monitoring of key KPIs to adjust and optimise main cost drivers, e.g. food cost and labour • • Daily stocktaking of main inventory items Structured process to evaluating new locations Strong relationships with landlords Turnkey solution towards landlords Long experience from new restaurant openings and acquisitions ensure high quality from day 1 as well as clear road to profitability 6 Quality and efficiency regularly benchmarked through mystery visits performed both by NSP and trademark owners 1 IT Marketing • System support for key operational processes, e.g. workforce management and sales monitoring • Roll-out of Qlik to support integration between restaurant systems and management reporting, a state of the art Business Intelligence system, which also applies to the other systems in use; Micros (Oracle), Quinyx, and Navision • 2• 5 • 3 4 HR National marketing activities coordinated with trademark owners and master franchisees Local marketing plans developed to follow and strengthen national campaigns Local competition analysed three times per year to differentiate and optimise pricing for each restaurant Finance • Clear incentive structures to align motivation of managers and employees • Investment decisions followed and approved centrally to ensure correct prioritisation • Optimised staffing through close monitoring of changes in demand and IT support • Central control of rental agreements and leasing agreements • Internal education program • Purchasing coordinated and monitored centrally 13 Proven ability to drive operational excellence (cont.) 3 Demonstrated ability to improve acquired restaurants – example from Örebro and Swedburger Örebro Swedburger (SEKm) (SEKm) 1.8 1.8 1.7 13.9 12.5 22% 20% 15% 16% 15% 15% 0.6 2.7 7% 2011 1 2012 EBITDA 2013 2014 Implemented changes • • 2013 EBITDA Labour Diligent control of the raw materials in • Control of scheduling is a key to success each restaurant • With a model of 30 minute precision to Daily check of inventories to manage the match expected sales Swedburger has food cost gap increased EBITDA margin from about Goal – maximum 0.2% in gap will result in 15% to approximately 22% improved Gross Profit 1) 2) 2 EBITDA margin Raw material • 2012 Nine months of operations in 2011 Three months of operations in 2012 14 2014 EBITDA margin Local store marketing • Marketing of the different stores in the local markets where they operate 3 Proven ability to drive operational excellence (cont.) Organisation experienced in finding the right locations Key locations Drive Thru NSP locations Existing Restaurants Sweden Commentary • Structured process to evaluating new locations based on internally developed and refined scorecard model 10 13 21 City Centers • Strong relationships with landlords • Turnkey solution towards landlords • NSP owns all drawings • NSP handles all project management • Long experience from new restaurant openings and acquisitions ensure high quality as well as clear City Centers Drive Thru Shopping Center Existing Restaurants Denmark 4 Shopping Centers 13 City Centers Drive Thru 15 road to profitability Proven ability to drive operational excellence (cont.) 3 Structured approach to restaurant openings leads to quick payback Roskilde Växjö (DKKm) 3.0 0.6 0.4 0.2 0.0 -0.2 -0.4 -0.6 -0.8 2.5 2.0 1.5 1.0 0.5 0.0 Sales EBITDA (rhs) (SEKm) 3.0 4.0 2.5 3.0 2.0 2.0 1.5 1.0 1.0 0.5 0.0 0.0 -1.0 Accumulated EBITDA (rhs) Sales Nyköping 4.0 (SEKm) 1.2 1.5 3.0 1.0 6.0 5.0 4.0 3.0 2.0 1.0 0.0 -1.0 0.8 2.0 0.6 1.0 1.0 0.4 0.5 0.0 0.2 0.0 -1.0 0.0 EBITDA (rhs) Accumulated EBITDA (rhs) Jägersro (SEKm) 2.0 Sales EBITDA (rhs) Sales Accumulated EBITDA (rhs) EBITDA (rhs) Accumulated EBITDA (rhs) • Investments in new restaurants are around SEK 5.5 – 6.0 million. On average, the initial investments is paid back already after 3 years • Roskilde reached a quicker break-even with new methods such as staying at opening levels of staff for a longer period 16 4 Excellent growth pipeline driven by new concepts New concepts have significantly expanded NSP’s growth pipeline Strategic initiatives for 2015 and onwards • • Restaurant pipeline Restaurants per phase scheduled to open per year Corporate ‒ NSP brand building ‒ New organisation and collaboration with new franchisees 12 10 Burger King ‒ Optimize marketing and local store marketing ‒ Focus on maintaining and increasing the current BK business 8 that forms the base which will finance the growth of KFC and Fridays as well as opening new BK restaurants • • 6 KFC and TGI Fridays ‒ Open new restaurants ‒ Building operative organisation ‒ Prospecting and development of new sites 4 Extensive and well-prepared pipeline with restaurant openings for roll- 2 out over the next five years ‒ 8 restaurants in contract and construction phase ‒ 23 sites under negotiation ‒ 7 additional opportunities identified 0 2015 2016 Contract / construction 17 2017 Negotiations 2018 Opportunity 2019 4 Case study: KFC opening in Lockarp KFC location Commentary • 400,000 people living within 20 minute drive time • • High visibility from the motorway ‒ 28m pylon ‒ 37,000 cars 77 parking spaces + 4 handicapped parking spaces • 4 Drive Thru parking spaces • Good Drive Thru flow • One of OKQ8’s largest gas stations under construction Source: Company information. 18 4 Case study: TGI Fridays opening in Copenhagen TGI Fridays location Commentary • Exclusive development agreement with TGI Fridays regarding Denmark ‒ Hard Rock Cafe (new) DKK 55m • TGI Fridays at Höjbro Plads ‒ Café Norden DKK 60m Five restaurants in five years Located in the heart of Copenhagen, between Rådhuspladsen and Nyhavn, 240+ seats plus outdoor seating ‒ Management team in place ‒ Opening planned for end of June 2015 Café Europa DKK 35m TGI Fridays 19 Contents 1 Introduction to NSP 4 2 Investment highlights 8 3 Market overview 20 4 Financials 25 Appendices A Supporting information 34 20 The Nordic restaurant market Commentary • Stable growth in the restaurant business Sales (SEKbn) The Nordic fast food market consists of companies providing customers 160 with ready packed food over the counter but with no table service • • 140 Combined value of the Swedish and Danish restaurant market was SEK 120 155bn in 2014, an increase of 120% since 2004 100 80 A general trend of an increasing amount of international and well known 60 franchise restaurants • • 40 The “fast food” market can be divided into two main sub segments ‒ Quick Service Restaurants in which NSP operates ‒ Home Meal Replacement 20 0 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 Denmark The QSR market has seen a gradual expansion since the beginning of Stable growth in the QSR segment the 1990’s, even though the most recent financial crises have had a Sales (EURbn) 4.0 negative affect − 3.5 Restaurant business in Denmark has grown by almost 60% − CAGR 4.0% 2.5 In Sweden hamburger restaurants have increased their market 2.0 share and grown more than the general restaurant business 1.5 1.0 Fast food accounts for 27% of the food consumed outside 0.5 homes • CAGR 3.5% 3.0 since 2006 − Sweden 0.0 Examples of QSR operators in the Nordics are Burger King, Subway, McDonald’s and Max Denmark Source: Swedish Central Bureau of Statistics, Statistics Denmark and Euromonitor 21 Sweden Swedish and Danish restaurant market Sweden • Denmark • The Swedish restaurant market was valued at SEK 105bn in 2013, which was an increase of 5% from the previous year ‒ The Danish restaurant market with over 15,000 restaurants was valued at SEK 45bn in 2014 compared to SEK 43bn in 2013 13%, or SEK 13bn, derived from the ‒ QSR industry • The Swedish market differs from other Nordic markets in terms of having hot food for lunch, restaurants SEK 111bn • which implies a bigger market • • • ~50% deriving from lunch and evening Lunch is, normally only 30min where people bring sandwiches • Franchise operators gained market share on Majority of players are own restaurant behalf of smaller players but also grocery stores operators but clear trend towards In 2013, the hamburger market had a turnover of SEK 7.5bn where increasing number of franchise operators SEK 45bn McDonald’s had 63% of the market, followed by Max with 20%, and Burger • Burger King has 31 restaurants in Denmark of which 17 are owned by NSP King with 13% • Other players in the market are Sunset Boulevard (owned by DKR Holding), Domino’s Pizza, DSB minibar, King Chicken among others Approximately 23,000 restaurants in Sweden with 97,000 employees in 2013 Swedish restaurant market 2014 Type Lunch/Evening Hotels Fast Food Entertainment Trafic hub Staff restaurants Cafées Danish restaurant market 2014 Type % 44% 14% 12% 11% 8% 6% 5% Lunch/Evening 49% Cafées, inns and discos 15% Fast Food 14% Other restaurants 15% Event catering Source: Company information, Swedish Central Bureau of Statistics, Statistics Denmark and Visitas 22 % 6% Increasing demand for chicken Swedish meat consumption (kg per person and year) 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 1980 2013 Beef Pork Poultry • The consumption of chicken has shown strong growth over the past decades • Overall, Swedish meat consumption (measured in volume) has increased by 1% annually between 1980-2013, mainly driven by a growth in chicken consumption • However, the chicken consumption in Sweden remains low in an international context Source: Swedish Board of Agriculture statistics 23 Home Meal Replacement • Food prepared in a store and consumed at home or in-store which require little or no preparation by the consumer • Also known as “quick-serves,” these restaurants are known for fast, efficient, take-out-ready foods at affordable prices. Many consider the term “quick-serve” as synonymous with “fast food” • A type of restaurant that does not offer full table service, but promises a higher quality of food and atmosphere than a fast food restaurant. It is a relatively new and growing concept positioned between fast food and casual dining • Provide table service but no educated chefs. Comprises a market segment between fast food and fine dining restaurants. Often have a full bar with separate bar staff, a larger beer menu and a limited wine menu • Offers the finest in food, service and atmosphere. It is also the highest priced Fast Casual Dining Casual Dining Dining Restaurant market QSR Eating Home Competitive landscape 24 Contents 1 Introduction to NSP 4 2 Investment highlights 8 3 Market overview 20 4 Financials 25 Appendices A Supporting information 34 25 Financial overview Sales and EBITDA margin development (SEKm) 2011 2012 20131 2014 LTM Sales 623.0 733.8 780.6 826.4 842.0 % growth -1.7% 17.8% 6.4% 5.9% 7.8% Gross profit 466.5 548.8 588.4 625.6 639.3 % of sales 74.9% 74.8% 75.4% 75.7% 75.9% 39.6 51.2 56.3 62.8 63.5 % of sales 6.4% 7.0% 7.2% 7.6% 7.5% D&A -29.0 -34.3 -34.8 -39.1 -40.7 EBIT 10.6 16.9 21.5 23.7 22.8 % of sales 1.7% 2.3% 2.8% 2.9% 2.7% Net financial items -11.0 -12.2 -11.2 -12.5 -14.2 -0.4 4.7 10.3 11.3 8.6 -0.0% 0.6% 1.3% 1.4% 1.0% Thousands NSP financial overview (SEKm) 842.0 826.4 781.4 780.6 7.6% 733.8 7.5% 7.3% 623.0 7.2% EBITDA 7.0% 6.4% EBT % of sales 2011 1) 2012 2013 Sales 2014 • Sales CAGR of 10% over the last four years which is better than the general performance of the market • Increased performance with LTM Q1 2015 sales of SEK 842m as compared to SEK 781m LTM Q1 2014 • Stable and improving gross and EBITDA margins, averaging around 75% and 7% respectively since 2010 • In Q1 2014 NSP sold Taco Bar and all the rights to the restaurants. The net loss of SEK 2.1m was recorded for the 2013 financial year Excluding Taco Bar, divested Q1 2014.. 26 LTM Q1 '14 EBITDA margin LTM Q1 '15 Revenue visibility via long term contracts Geographic footprint Maturity of outstanding contracts 20 18 16 9 Avg. maturity 11.13 years 14 10 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 Maturities by year 22 20 18 16 14 12 10 Structure of the contracts 8 6 4 2 0 15yrs + 5yrs 20yrs 10yrs + 10yrs 27 Scalable business model and flexible cost structure SG&A split SG&A development (SEKm) (SEKm) 826.4 8.3% 666.2 780.6 733.8 698.9 633.6 623.0 22.1 6.4% 5.0% 4.8% 5.6% 5.0% 16.3 5.6% 33.2 2008 2009 2010 2011 Sales 2012 2013 2014 2008 15.5 13.9 14.4 19.8 20.7 21.0 2010 2011 2012 28.2 2009 SG&A % Labour Other SG&A 14.5 13.2 24.2 25.1 2013 2014 Sales (SEKm) 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 Labour 33.2 28.2 19.8 20.7 21.0 24.2 23.9 Other 22.1 16.3 15.5 13.3 14.4 14.5 17.2 Total SG&A 55.4 44.4 35.3 34.0 35.4 38.8 41.1 8.3% 6.3% 5.6% 5.5% 4.8% 5.0% 5.0% 44 44 42 48 55 58 61 SG&A as % of sales No of restaurants 28 Balance sheet Commentary • Balance sheet overview The tangible asset base mainly consists of inventory, equipment and (SEKm) 2011 2012 2013 2014 Q1 ’15 installations in the restaurants Goodwill 181.2 195.9 184.3 192.1 189.1 6.3 7.5 5.9 6.5 7.9 116.5 129.9 147.2 174.3 170.4 Deferred tax asset 17.3 15.3 13.0 8.2 9.4 Financial assets 10.8 10.1 9.8 12.7 12.5 332.0 358.7 360.2 393.7 389.4 5.3 6.1 7.9 8.0 6.5 Other receivables 35.9 42.2 33.3 49.7 53.8 Cash 32.1 38.0 32.4 104.9 91.3 73.3 86.4 73.5 162.6 151.6 - - 16.7 - - • Intangible assets primarily comprise goodwill • Due to the nature of NSP’s business the working capital requirements are Other intangible assets Fixed assets very low ‒ Other receivables consists mainly of credit card payments and Total non-current assets “Rikskuponger” Raw material • Two convertible and subordinated loans with maturity in 2015 and 2016 • Assets for sale refer to Taco Bar which was sold in January 2014 • Due to the many part-time employees, NSP’s deferred costs in relation to Total current assets Assets for sale salaries is a large share of the Other current liabilities • Total assets 405.3 445.1 450.4 556.3 541.0 Total equity 124.6 122.4 136.2 148.7 135.5 Interest bearing debt 127.4 129.5 111.5 - - Interest bearing lease 45.9 61.4 80.1 79.2 72.9 - - - 195.8 196.0 Total equity amounted to SEK 135 million as at 31 March 2015 Bond loan Convertible loan 29 4.7 9.2 9.2 9.2 9.2 Other current liabilities 102.7 122.7 113.3 123.4 127.3 Total equity and liabilities 405.3 445.1 450.4 556.3 541.0 NWC and capex development Core net working capital1 (SEKm) 2011 Capital expenditure Operating cash flow (SEKm) 2012 2013 (SEKm) 2014 7.2 -3.7% -3.5% KFC/TGIF 23.0 13.6 -3.3% 5.5 -4.4% BK 32.5 23.6 95.4% 98.0% 16.2 97.9% 59.9 1.6 Properties 14.7 Total 32.5 74.7% 50.2 42.0 38.7 19.5 31.3 -26.1 Core NWC Core NWC % of sales Net working capital has remained stable with an • average NWC in relation to sales of -4% ‒ ‒ 6.9 6.8 8.5 9.2 2011 2012 2013 2014 Maintenance Remodeling New restaurants Acquisitions (SEKm) 2011 2012 2013 2014 EBITDA 39.6 51.2 56.3 62.8 6.1 5.7 -5.8 6.3 Maintenance capex -6.9 -6.8 -8.5 -9.2 Operating cash flow 38.7 50.2 42.0 59.9 week depending on sales volume, ca investments ‒ payment term Average capex for the period of SEK 60m Accounts receivable without credit Accounts payable with 15-30 days Change in NWC Cash conversion Annual investment of SEK 100,000 per restaurant is required as well as refurbishment required every 8 years at approximately SEK 2m 1) 2) 2013 2014 Cash conversion gone towards remodeling existing restaurants, but Raw material deliveries 2-3 times per • 2011 2012 Operating cash flow Historically the majority of NSP’s investments have focus will shift more toward new restaurant 1% of assets ‒ 14.3 -26.3 -32.5 • 18.4 14.4 -23.6 Core net working capital defined as raw material and accounts receivable less accounts payable Cash conversion defined as operating cash flow in relation to EBITDA 30 2 97.9% 98.0% 74.7% 95.4% NSP outlook 2015 Quarter on Quarter Sales development Δ QoQ Q1 '14 Q1 '15 Sales 181.2 196.9 8.6% Gross profit 135.4 149.2 10.1% % of sales 74.7% 75.8% (SEKm) 7.2 7.9 4.0% 4.0% D&A -9.0 -10.6 18.2% EBIT 5.4 5.2 -3.9% 3.0% 2.6% -2.6 -4.4 67.8% 2.8 0.8 -70.8% 1.5% 0.4% EBITDA % of sales % of sales Net financial items EBT % of sales 9.8% Growth 8.6% Q1 '15 Q1 881.7 22.3% 21.9% 7.9 69.5 11.3% 11.4% Startup costs 0.0 4.0 0.0% 0.0% 12.0% 11.4% 7.9 65.5 % of sales 4.0% 7.9% D&A -10.6 -41.8 22.9% 25.3% 6.2% 21.9% EBIT % of sales Net financial items EBT % of sales FY 2015 2015F Q1 %of FY15 Q1 %of FY14 196.9 EBITDA 2014 EBITDA development Adj. EBITDA Sales Growth 6.7% 196.9 181.2 Q1 as share of 2015 (SEKm) 684.8 645.1 5.2 23.7 2.6% 2.7% -4.4 -16.0 20.9% 27.3% 0.8 7.7 3.8% 10.6% 0.4% 0.9% 65.5 62.8 Growth 9.8% 7.9 7.2 Q1 31 Growth 4.3% 2014 2015 FY New restaurant concepts Concept Investments • Item QSR Inline (SEKm) Furnishings 3.0 Kitchen 1.5 IT 0.5 Signs 0.2 Total 5.2 Item QSR Drive Thru (SEKm) Furnishings 3.6 Kitchen 1.5 IT 0.5 Signs 0.9 Total 6.5 Item TGI Fridays • Investments vary depending on status of premises, e.g. need for installation of ventilation, water and electricity – estimates assume full refurbishment • Full investment cost for a new inline restaurant estimated at SEK 5.0-5.5m • Full investment cost for a new inline restaurant estimated at SEK 6.0-6.5m • Total investment of SEK 20m is paid through 7-8% rent1 (DKKm) Furnishings 4.5 Kitchen 2.0 Bar 0.5 IT 1.0 Total 8.0 • Full investment cost for a new inline restaurant estimated at approximately SEK 8.0 Annual investment of SEK 100,000 per restaurant is required as well as refurbishment required every 8 years at approximately SEK 2m Source: Company information 1) Total investment of SEK 20m in building a QSR Drive Thru about SEK 5m for the land, SEK 3m preparing the land, and SEK 12m building and furnishings 32 Contents 1 Introduction to NSP 4 2 Investment highlights 8 3 Market overview 20 4 Financials 25 Appendices A Supporting information 34 33 NSP’s business partners No obligations or penalties if no new opening of restaurants – only opportunities Yum! Brands • Burger King • Yum! Brands is the world’s leading restaurant company with over 40,000 restaurants in 128 countries company mainly focusing on hamburgers • More than USD 13bn in sales 2014 • On the top 100 Best Corporate Citizens by Corporate Responsibility • With about 14,000 restaurants in over 95 countries Burger King is one of the largest restaurant chain in the world • Magazine. • Founded in 1953, Burger King is an American fast food Approximately 11 million visitors every day and in 2014 the system-wide sales reached USD 17bn KFC, Pizza Hut and Taco Bell are the global leaders of the chicken, pizza and Mexican-style food categories • NSP signed an agreement with Yum in 2014 regarding KFC TGI Fridays • • • Other restaurant companies TGI Fridays is an American restaurant chain focusing • NSP has a close relation to Rasta with two joint locations on casual dining that was founded in 1965, New York • Rasta houses are located on most major roads in Sweden and the The company is a portfolio company of private equity firms Sentinel Capital restaurants offer a nice selection of home cooked dishes, freshly baked Partners and TriArtisan Capital Partners bread, beer, soft drinks, and coffee TGI Fridays operates over 900 restaurants in more than 60 countries Source: Company websites 34 Overview of franchise agreements Structure of contracts Agreements are formed for each restaurant, thus NSP has 61 contracts with BK with a 20 year term. NSP has signed a binding letter of understanding which sets out the legal structure for the development of the brand in Sweden. Agreements are formed for each new restaurant, thus NSP has 1 contract with TGI Fridays with a 15 + 5 year term. No restrictions on change of control exist as long as the shares in NSP are listed. A bidder is advised to contact franchisor before a binding bid is submitted. No restrictions on change of control exist as long as the shares in NSP are listed. However, a procedure is agreed, which is designed to impede a competitor of Yum! to acquire a substantial part of NSP without approval of Yum! A bidder is advised to contact franchisor before a binding bid is submitted. No restrictions on change of control exist as long as the shares in NSP are listed. A bidder is advised to contact franchisor before a binding bid is submitted. Franchisor expansion demands NSP has no obligation to expand, but is encouraged to do so. NSP is allowed expansion elsewhere, and is encouraged to enter the Germany. NSP holds a Franchise Corporate position vis-à-vis Yum! whereby NSP finances own expansion without an obligation to do so. NSP is allowed expansion elsewhere, and is encouraged to enter the Germany. NSP has a 5 year master franchise agreement with Fridays under which NSP is obliged to open 1 restaurant per year. A penalty of USD 15k per restaurant imposed per restaurant not opened. Franchisor location interference BK has employees in Sweden and Denmark who present opportunities that NSP takes into consideration. Location approval from King Foods required. Yum! has no physical presence in Sweden or Denmark and leaves scouting for sights up to NSP. Location approval from Yum! Required. TGI Fridays has no physical presence in Sweden or Denmark and leaves scouting for sights up to NSP. Location approval from Fridays required. NSP vendors and suppliers must be approved by Yum! NSP’s ability to engage in competing business is limited. NSP vendors and suppliers must be approved by Fridays. NSP’s ability to engage in competing business is limited in Denmark (i.e.the Territory). Royalty of 6% and Adfund of 5% of net sales cannot be changed during the contract term. Royalty of 4% and Adfund of 2% of net sales cannot be changed during the contract term. Change of control Franchisor NSP vendors and suppliers must be approved by BK. operational NSP’s ability to engage in competing hamburger interference business is limited. Royalty & Adfund costs Royalty of 6.25% and Adfund of 3.75% of net sales cannot be changed during the contract term. 35 Board of Directors and Management Management Morgan Jallinder CEO Johan Wedin CFO Johan Persson COO Patrik Eliasson CIO Erika Falkermark HR • • • • • Board of Directors 20+ years experience from restaurants, real estate and finance Experience as CFO and business controller with focus on growth and business development Experience from McDonald’s as restaurant manager, district manager and franchise business leader Over 20 years in IT ranging from small to large companies • • • Born 1951 Jaan Kaber Chairman Born 1964 Anders Wehtje • • • Born 1956 Jens Engwall • • • • • • Born 1968 • • • Born 1957 Jeppe Droob Experience from Scandic Hotels where she worked with education and personnel development in HR, Scandic Business School. Eva Gidlöf 36 Board member since 2009 Other: Among others, previously board member of Diffchamb AB,Riddarhyttan Resources AB, and Dunross & Co AB Board member since 2004 Other: Founder and Chairman of Kilimanjaro Properties AB. Previously CEO of Allokton, Deputy CEO of Volito, and CFO at McDonald’s Sweden. Board member since 2011 Other: CEO and Board Member of Hemfosa Fastigheter AB. Previously CEO for Kungsleden AB and involved in Skanska, BPA and CA Fastigheter. Also Board Member of Ikano S.A. and Bonnier Fastigheter AB Board member since 2012 Other: Owner and CEO of the Danish fast food company Sunset Boulevard with 45 restaurants in Denmark Board member since 2014 Other: Executive positions within Tieto Group, BGC, and Capgemini Group Ownership structure (SEKm) Number of shares (A and B) % of capital and votes Droob1 3,540,758 29.9 2. Abrinvest AB 1,619,000 13.6 1,186,665 10.0 4. Morgan Jallinder 983,166 8.3 5. Jaan Kaber 948,500 8.0 6. Peter Bahrke 488,050 4.1 7. Daniel Nilsson 415,000 3.5 8. Southrock AB 189,290 1.6 9. SHB Life Insurance AB 86,617 0.7 10. Avanza Pension Insurance AB 82,066 0.7 11. Hannes Kaber 70,000 0.6 12. SHB Funds 56,780 0.5 13. Nordnet Pension Insurance AB 43,328 0.4 14. Kerstin Abrinder 42,002 0.4 1. Jeppe 3. Long Term AB2 15. QLI Ltd 41,250 0.3 Total, listed owners 9,792,472 82.6 Total, other owners 2,068,944 17.7 11,861,416 100.0 Total, all owners Source: SIS Ägarservice as at March 31, 2015 1) Jeppe Droob, member of the board, ownership via Danske Konceptrestauranger Holding and JE D APS. 2) Anders Wehtje, member of the board, has by part-ownership in Long Term AB controlling influence over the shares. 37 Bond Summary terms • Call structure Senior Secured Notes with an issue size of SEK 200m and a nominal 104 amount of SEK 1m Tenor of 5 years and NC 2.5 • Use of proceeds includes refinancing of existing debt, investments in 103 new restaurants, acquisitions, and general corporate purposes • 102 Call price • Maintenance covenants include that net interest bearing debt to EBITDA 101 100 is not greater than 4.00x at any time during the life of the bond • Key covenants include a dividend restriction of 60% of consolidated net profit, incurrence test for new debt with a carve out for finance leases of 30-36 SEK 120m, negative pledge, asset disposal restrictions and change in Incurrence test is met if: ‒ Net interest bearing debt to EBITDA is not greater than 4x ‒ Interest Coverage Ratio (EBITDA to Net Finance Charges) • Secured by pledge of shares in all material subsidiaries directly owned by the Issuer • 49-54 ≥ 55 Voluntary partial redemption to max 10% of the nominal amount per year during the first 3 years at 104.00% exceeds 3x • 43-48 Call month business restrictions • 37-42 Change of control put at 101 of par 38 Leverage and current debt structure Net debt to EBITDA 180 160 4.00 2.83 3.33 140 3.50 2.98 2.78 3.00 120 Net debt / EBITDA Net debt (SEKm) 2.71 3.57 2.50 100 80 60 134 141 124 170 159 153 2.00 1.50 1.00 40 0.50 20 0 0.00 2009 2010 2011 2012 Net debt 2013 2014 Net Debt / EBITDA Key ratios Debt structure 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 LT interest bearing debt 110.4 82.5 146.2 159.9 155.5 255.7 Convertible loan ST interest bearing debt - 4.7 4.7 9 .2 9.2 9.2 48.4 45.8 26.9 31.0 36.2 - Cash position 24.5 12.1 32.1 38.0 32 .4 104.9 Key credit ratios 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 Total debt 0.2 132.9 178.0 200.0 200.9 275.0 Total net debt 0.1 120.8 145.8 162.0 168.5 170.1 Net debt to EBITDA 3.26 2.78 3.56 2.98 2.83 2.71 EBITDA 40.3 44.8 39.6 51.2 56.3 62.8 39