Should -

He was the first professional author / background /
people / king ’s men / A great artist / he is a
business man / he wrote a lot of things / he wrote
tragedies and comedies / love / he was born in a
typical English town in 1564 / he played in the
biggest amphitheatre / he died on his birthday / he
is one of the best writers of his age / Shakespeare
worked on the English language / in 1597 he
created Romeo and Juliet / Shakespeare talked
about human condition / Shakespeare was also an
actor / He didn’t have a high education / he wrote
a lot of books and a lot of tragedies, tragic
comedies, he never went to the University / he
was born in the little town of Stratford / We have a
marriage record / he is famous all around the
world / He is very popular on Google / He had one
daughter and two twins, one of them died, named
Hamlet / He was also a poet / he knew very well
the English language / He wrote a lot of histories /
Romeo and Juliet
4ème 2
Romeo meets Juliet in a Party.
The play takes place in Verona
We don’t know if it is a real story
There are two families the Montague and
the Capulet
Romeo is the son of the Montague’s
After the death of Romeo and Juliet the
two families make peace.
Before the two families used to hate
each other.
Used to + infinitif exprime une habitude
dans le passé
Juliet took some drug
Romeo drunk a poisonous beverage.
When Juliet wakes up from her artificial
sleep she discovers Romeo dead body so
she kills herself.
Tibere kills Mercutio with a knife
Le prétérit
• Il permet d’exprimer une action ou un fait qui
s’est produit avant le moment où l’on parle
– Pour les verbes réguliers il se forme en ajoutant la
terminaison – d ou –ed.
– Pour les verbes irréguliers la forme prétérit se
trouve dans la deuxième colonne de vos tableaux.
• Ex: We went to the theatre on December 17th
• Pour mesurer le temps écoulé entre le moment
du récit et le moment où l’on parle on utilise la
forme « prétérit + ago »
– L’adverbe ago se place après une mesure de temps
: minute, day, week, month, year ….
• Ex : Shakespeare died 400 years ago.
• Pour savoir combien de temps un fait a duré dans
le passé, on utilise « how long »
• Ex :How long did Shakespeare live ?
• Pour indiquer combien de temps un fait a duré
dans le passé, on utilise « for » suivi d’une
indication de temps :
• Ex : They played Romeo and Juliet for 5 months
• Conjugue les verbes entre parenthèses au prétérit.
1. Romeo ( go ) went to the disguised party with his
friends and he met ( meet ) Juliet.
2. There ( be ) were a lot of famous personalities at this
party and they all had ( have ) a lot of fun.
3. When Shakespeare moved ( move ) to London in
1585, Londoners got ( get ) really excited.
4. Romeo ( make ) made a mistake when he ( kill ) killed
Reformule les phrases suivantes ainsi
Leonardo di Caprio played Romeo in 1996 ->
Leonardo di Caprio played Romeo 20 years ago
2. Shakespeare built the Globe theatre in 1539
S. built the globe theatre 477 years ago.
1. Franco Zeffirilli shot another version of Romeo and
Juliet in 1968
FZ shot another version of R& J 48 years ago
1. There was also a French Musical of Romeo and Juliet
in 2001.
2. There was also a French Musical 15 years ago
The Globe Theatre
Shakespeare with his actors had a disagreement
with the landowner of his theatre in the
North of London. So they took every part of
the Theatre to bring them through the river
and settle a new theatre in the South of
London which was cheaper. They called it the
Globe. But today we cannot see the whole
Theatre in London only the foundations
remain. The Globe opened in 1599.
Shakespeare was in a financial stability. So his
creativity flourished. He was working very
hard indeed ( en effet ). He wrote the plays
very quickly. He died in 1616. In the 1990’s
they recreated the Globe in London. In terms
of architecture they are really similar. There
are still a stage, a stage balcony, musicians’
gallery and three doors for the actors.
Drama = Theatre
Act = play = perform
A Play
Tragedy ≠ Comedy
Plot, storyline intrigue
Stage, on stage
Playwright , author auteur dramatique
Actor, actress
Audience, spectators
Setting, scenery, decor
The show can be……
-entertaining, interesting,
-boring, uninteresting
-thrilling = exciting
The spectator can ….
-Have fun, have a good/great time
-like, enjoy, love ≠ hate
-Clap = applaud
-boo the actors ≠ cheer the actors
• The actors are playing well and the
show is interesting
Romeo and Juliet : The
• romeo and juliet balcony
?v=dU5yqmsIg_s 2.55
• Juliet says that Romeo could be killed because of
his name
• Romeo says he could do anything to see her
• There are two families : the Montague ( Romeo’s
family ) and the Capulet ( Juliet’s )
• The Balcony scene is one of the famous scenes of
• The characters of the scene are Romeo and Juliet
• Romeo meets Juliet at a Capulet’s party. All of
them were disguised.
• Romeo fell in love with Juliet at first sight.
• Romeo compares Juliet with the sun and an
• Romeo is really brave because he could be killed
if anyone caught him talking with Juliet.
• Romeo and Juliet are really made for each other.
• Juliet says to Romeo : “ Take all Myself “.
• Romeo and Juliet want to get married.
• Juliet asks Romeo how he found her room.
• When Romeo sees Juliet, he feels hope.
• Romeo found Juliet’s room because he was
guided by love.
• Romeo and Juliet balcony is one of the most famous
scene of Shakespeare’s work.
• When Romeo sees Juliet he feels hope.
• Juliet doesn’t want the Capulet’s name.
• Romeo Montague meets Juliet for the first time during
a disguised party.
• Romeo says Montague is just a name
• Romeo says that he found the bedroom of Juliet
thanks to
• Love help
• Romeo compares Juliet with an angel and the sun
• He says I am ready to make everything / anything to
see you
• When he saw Juliet he instantly fell in love.
• Juliet is the daughter of his worst enemy.
• Juliet admits that she is in love with son of her father’s
• Romeo and his friends go to the party as anonymous.
• In the end, Juliet says to Romeo ‘take all myself’ and
Romeo is delighted with what he ears.
• Romeo and Juliet fell in love at first sight.
• When Romeo appears Juliet tells him that if he was
caught he could be put to death.
• ‘Oh Romeo, Romeo ….’ is the most famous replica of
Shakespeare plays.
• Romeo & Juliet Balcony scene is one of the most famous
scene of the history.
• Romeo Montague meets Juliet Capulet for the first time.
They are the two main characters.
• They met during a disguised party at the Capulet’s house.
• Romeo instantly fell in love with Juliet.
• Romeo comes in the Capulet’s garden and sees Juliet on the
• Romeo told Juliet that he would do anything to see her.
• He compared her with an angel and the sun, something
immortal and hopeful.
• When he saw Juliet, he instantly forgot Rosalyn, his former
• He jumped on the Balcony.
• She says during this scene one of the most famous replica of
Shakespeare starting by ‘ Oh Romeo, Romeo ….’
• She admits that she is in love with the son of her family’s
enemy. But despite this situation she would like to marry
him. She thinks Montague is just a name.
• At the end of the scene she says to Romeo ‘Take all myself’
and Romeo is delighted with what he hears.
• When Romeo appears Juliet reminds him that he could be
put to death if he was caught talking to her.
• When Romeo meets Juliet at the party Romeo
falls instantly in love
• Juliet is on the balcony
• The balcony scene in R&J is one of the most
famous scene of Shakespeare’s work.
• Romeo jumps in the Capulet’s garden.
• He hides in the garden to observe Juliet on the
• As soon as Romeo sees Juliet he feels hope and
he compares her with the sun and with an angel,
someone immortal and not from this world
• When he sees Juliet at the party Romeo instantly
forget Rosalyn his former girlfriend.
• In this scene Juliet uses the most famous
Shakespeare replica ‘Oh Romeo, Romeo …’
• Juliet realizes that she loves the son of her
father’s sworn enemy.
• She admits that she is willing to marry him
despite their unfortunate situation.
• She also admits that the name Montague is just a
name and nothing more.
• At the end of that monologue she says ‘take all
myself’ and of course Romeo is delighted when
he hears that.
• When she sees Romeo she warns him that he
could be put to death if anyone saw him.
Shall et should
Shall and Should are both modal verbs.
1. Shall expresses certain laws and rules
Ex: Students shall not enter this room.
2. Something that takes place or exists in the future
a) We use shall for offers
Example: Shall I pick you up from the airport?
b) Suggestion
Ex: Shall I open the window?
c) Future expression and promises
Ex: I shall be here at 7 tomorrow.
Should is the past tense of shall
1. We can use it as a personal opinion
Ex: You should go to the police.
2. Use to express that we wish something had happened but it
Ex: You should have seen it, it was beautiful.
3. Should used to ask for someone’s opinion
Ex: What should we do now?
4. Used for something expected or correct
Ex: Everybody should arrive by 6 pm.
• Shall est un équivalent de will qui s’utilise
généralement avec les pronoms I et We
I shall be late tomorrow or I will be late tomorrow
I think we shall win or I think we will win
Mettez shall ou will
She will be here at eight
I shall never forget you.
Shall I carry your bag ?
Where shall I put the flowers ?
What time shall I have to start work tomorrow ?
Shall we go to Liverpool this weekend ?
When will You be back ?
The train’s gone ! What shall we do ?
Traduisez en utilisant Shall ou will
Et si nous allions au cinéma ? Shall we go to the cinema ?
Allons au cinéma, d’accord ? Shall ( could ) we go to the cinema please ?
J’irai avec toi. I will go with you
Tu devras finir ton travail avant de sortir. You will (have to) finish your homework
before going out.
Ils vaincront They shall win / they will win
Tu iras, que cela te plaise ou non ! You will go even if you don’t want to / whether
you like it or not
• Should peut s’employer pour exprimer une idée de
devoir ou pour donner des conseils.
– You should eat more slowly
– You shouldn’t judge other people
• Should peut aussi exprimer une déduction, should est
moins fort que must.
Complete les phrases en utilisant should + ces verbes
eat go take visit watch wear
When you play tennis, …………………..the ball
It’s late and you’re very tired. ………………………….to bed.
……………………. plenty of fruit and vegetables.
If you have time, …………………………the Science Museum. It’s very
5. When you are driving, ……………………….a seat belt.
6. It’s too far to walk from here to the station. ……………………. a taxi.
Traduisez en utilisant Should
Vous devriez aider les autres.
Tu devrais conduire moins vite.
Nous devrions aller voir Mamie ( Granny ).
Les gens ne doivent pas gaspiller ( waste ) l’eau.
Tu devrais aller te coucher.
Tom devrait arrêter de fumer.
Le diner devrait être prêt maintenant : tu peux regarder ?
Il est riche : il devrait pouvoir ( be able to ) nous aider.