Food Services - Austin Independent School District

AISD UpClose Presentation
November 30, 2012
Lawrence W. Fryer, Jr.
Chief Operations Officer
Facilities and Operations
Facilities and Operations
The Council of Great City Schools recognized the AISD as a 2011 Top Performing
District in the management of its business services. This recognition was based
on key performance measures and indicators that demonstrate efficient and
effective use of resources in the critical areas of child nutrition, maintenance
and operations, safety and security and student transportation. I provide
leadership and oversight to the following operations functions:
• Facilities
• Construction Management
• Maintenance Services
• Planning Services
• Transportation
• Food Services
• Police Services
Facilities and Operations
Office of Facilities
Oversees construction management and bond implementation
Oversees maintenance/service center.
Coordinates district development and operations with other
governmental entities.
Staffs advisory committees such as the Community Bond Oversight
Committee, the Citizens’ Bond Advisory Committee, the
Environmental Stewardship Advisory Committee and the Boundary
Advisory Committee.
Conducts demographic analyses to project the need for capital
improvement projects and determine or adjust boundaries.
Manages real estate related responsibilities.
Facilities and Operations
• Office of Facilities, Department of Construction Management and
Department of Maintenance Services:
• Scheduled construction of the district-wide performing arts center begins in
January 2013.
• Design of North Central Elementary School No. 2 has begun with the approval of
the schematic design by the Board of Trustees on September 24, 2012. The
feasibility period for the evaluation of the site is currently underway.
• Presentation of the proposed attendance areas for North Central Elementary
School No. 1 is scheduled for the December 3, 2012 work session with Board
action scheduled for December 17, 2012.
• Planning for the 2013 Summer Shutdown to reduce energy use is currently
underway. The Summer Shutdown program, which has been implemented for the
previous two summers, helped avoid approximately $450,000 for the cost of
2004 Bond Program
Renovation to campuses and District-wide facilities
6 Elementary Schools
2 Middle Schools
Additional Classrooms
Land Acquisitions
Southwest Middle School
Undesignated Elementary School
Performing Arts Center
Future Southeast Middle School
• Safety and Security
• Low-Emission Buses
2008 Bond Program
• $343,717,819
• Relief for Over-crowding and Support for Academic
Linder Early Childhood Center
Classroom additions: Barrington, Hart, and Langford
Undesignated Elementary School
Auditorium Renovations at McCallum and Lanier HS
High School Science Laboratory
Technology Upgrades
• Health and Safety
• Special Programs
• District-wide Performing Arts Center
• Land acquisition for South High School
• Renovations at Anderson HS
Proposed May 2013 Bond
Facilities and Operations
Food Services
Over 14 million meals served annually
Self contained kitchens at each school location
Approximately 750 employees district-wide
Offers the Summer Food Service Program
Participate in Farm to School (produce purchased from local farmers)
Kid’s Café offered in 18 locations (after school meals program)
After School Snack Program (offered in 60 locations)
Serve at internship site for up to 15 U.T. nutrition students yearly
Local Chef’s*Local Fresh – department program that pairs chefs in the
community with after school programming for students/parents
Facilities and Operations
Police Department
• 68 Sworn Police Officers.
• Provides 24/7 coverage for all 120 facilities in the 220 square mile
jurisdiction of AISD.
• 43 of the 68 officers are assigned to campuses as School Resource
Officers (SRO).
• Officers provide services outside of traditional law enforcementpresentations, teach elective class (Junior Police Academy) at middle
school campuses.
• Officers provide Gang Resistance and Education Training (GREAT) to
5th and 6th grade students in the district.
• The department handles an average of 28,000 calls for service each
Facilities and Operations
• Transportation Department serves 22,000 students daily on 512 school
buses through 245 regular routes, 153 special education routes, 125 midday routes, 8,000 field trips and summer service routes.
• “Transportation management within the district is exemplary”, according to
the most recent management efficiency study completed in May 2009.
• The department has current technology applications to manage efficient
routing, a stop location finder, school personnel access to bus route
information, field trips and field trip requests, after school buses, planning
fleet maintenance, mapping rider addresses, discipline referrals, digital
cameras, an accident database and GPS system.
• Replacement buses meet the latest low-emission EPA standards. The district
owns a plug-in hybrid bus, is piloting six propane buses made possible
through Railroad Commission funding, and has retrofitted 93 buses that are
seven to 10 years old to improve indoor and outdoor air quality and reduce
Long-Range Facilities Planning
• In November 2009, the Board directed the Administration to address long-range facilities
planning. The primary purpose of the facilities master planning effort is defined by the
assumptions that the Board adopted on January 25, 2010:
• To thoroughly identify and consider all factors that contribute to facilities decisions, and
develop a comprehensive plan that will ensure adequate and equitable facilities to
support and enhance the learning environment for academic programs in all schools.
• To inform the planning for every district facility, will be developed over a 10-year
planning horizon, and align to the district’s adopted Strategic Plan 2010-15 and
resulting educational plans.
• To be an open and transparent process that engages stakeholders from all school
communities in the district, district and public entity representatives, students,
employee professional organizations and the faith and business communities.
• To address recommendations to achieve greater facility efficiency to reduce the cost of
district operations to realize savings while being responsive to changes in student
enrollment, including recommendations on the use of portable buildings.
• To address the issue of resource levels needed to effectively maintain and preserve the
taxpayers’ investment in new facilities.
• The AISD Strategic Plan, Key Action Step 4.1, directs the district to “develop and implement
long-range plans for facilities, transportation, libraries and technology that align
infrastructure with the district’s educational plan.”
Long-Range Facilities Planning
• With this guidance, the District undertook a year-long facilities planning effort that included
an educational adequacy assessment of all facilities, a two-day visioning workshop, eleven
community meetings, and 24 meetings of the 72-member Facility Master Plan Task Force.
On March 28, 2011, the AISD Trustees “received” the final 10-Year Report of the Facility
Master Plan Task Force. On May 23, 2011, the Board approved a revised Facility Master
Plan Next Steps Timeline, which was developed based on a combination of factors,
including community feedback, institutional history, and key benchmarks that will be
needed to set the stage for a potential future bond election.
• On November 21, 2011, the Board of Trustees approved the Facility Master Plan
Framework to guide future long-range district planning efforts. On December 12 and
December 19, 2011, the Board of Trustees approved the initial group of Annual Academic
and Facilities Recommendations (AAFRs).
• The AAFRs serve as a blueprint for how the district establishes both its short- and longrange facilities plan. They have both a capital and operational impact and must be included
in the district’s overall budget planning.
• Since the adoption of the Framework and the approval of the first AAFRs, a Draft Ten-Year
Academic and Facility Master Planning Timeline has been developed in order to begin to
capture the long-range plans of the district.
• A proposed modification to the Facility Master Plan Framework will be scheduled for Board
action at the January 28, 2013, Regular Board Meeting to ensure that consideration of
AAFRs is not scheduled in such a way that new Board members are seated the month
before AAFRs are scheduled for Board action in December.
Annual Academic and Facility
Recommendations (AAFRs) Update
• AAFR Category A – AAFRs with potential of approval in
December 2012, with an implementation date in 2014-15
1. Dual Language Program Expansion and Extension
2. Responsive Education Solutions Continued at Lanier and
Travis High Schools
3. School for Young Men
4. Campus-Initiated In-District Charter at Travis Heights
Elementary School
5. Any Given Child Fine Arts Program (based on the Kennedy
Center Fine Arts Study results)
Annual Academic and Facility
Recommendations (AAFRs) Update
• AAFR Category B – AAFRs with the greatest potential of
moving forward for implementation for 2013-14
6. Garcia and Pearce Middle School Program Design, District 1
Annual Academic and Facility
Recommendations (AAFRs) Update
• AAFR Category C – AAFRs that are in development and
engaged in the vetting process.
7. Academic Programming and Facility Support for Eastside
Memorial Vertical Team
8. South High School (land-only 2008 Bond Program)
Annual Academic and Facility
Recommendations (AAFRs) Update
• AAFR Category D – AAFRs determined that are now potential
bond projects referred to the Citizens’ Bond Advisory
Committee for possible inclusion in the scope of work for the
next bond program
9. AAFRs determined by Achievement Test Data and Facility
Support Needs – Rosedale School and Clifton Career
Development School Renovations
10. Fine Arts Program Facility Additions and Renovations
11. Parity and Equity in Career and Technical Education (includes
additional consideration of STEM initiatives linked to proposed
UT-Austin medical school)
12. Secondary Athletic Program and Facility Improvements
13. Hold: School for Young Men