CS 201 Computer Systems Programming Chapter 11 “x86 Microsoft Assembler” Herbert G. Mayer, PSU CS Status 11/5/2012 1 Introductory Notes CS 200 has been eliminated from the PSU CS curriculum, thus assembly language programming is de-emphasized. Some MS assembly language program will be covered in CS 201, but focus will be reading and understanding .asm source programs. Main assembler used here is Microsoft macro assembler, commonly known as masm. A version can be installed from Microsoft, but requires Visual C++ 2005 be installed. Assembler mnemonics and symbols in masm are somewhat different from asm source emitted by gcc compiler; the latter reminds of SPARC asm, with % identifying regs; the latter also is used in our CS 201 text book. 2 Introductory Notes 1. Find a downloadable masm version 8.0 here: http://www.microsoft.com/enus/download/details.aspx?id=12654 2. Or find references Microsoft to masm here: http://msdn.microsoft.com/enus/library/afzk3475.aspx 3 Introductory Notes Assembly Language programs bridge the gap between low level machine binary instructions and higher level interface with human programmers. The former are required to accomplish execution on a digital computer; the latter are convenient tools of expression for programmers. Assembly language is a low-level, target machine specific interface. But assembler presents a level of abstraction. Users do not deal with the target in terms of bits that represent binary machine instructions. The assembler elevates user to the level of textual language, up from the level of binary object code. 4 Introductory Notes Common to many architectures is separation of data space, instruction space, and perhaps other areas of program logic. The x86 architecture embodies so called data segments, code segments, stack segments, and numerous of these if needed. Each segment is identified at run time by segment register. For example, the code label next: is interpreted by the HW as seg:offset, where seg is segment register cs, and offset is the offset of next from the start of the code segment. If the offset of next is 248x and the value in the cs register is 20030x, the resulting run time (code) address is 200548x; note the left-shift of the segment address by 4 bits. 5 Introductory Notes This chapter introduces complete masm assembler source programs. Starting with the smallest possible but complete assembly program, doing nothing but asking DOS for its assisted suicide, we progress to more sophisticated programs. One example emits a single character, the next prints a complete string onto the standard screen, followed by conventions that allow us to communicate with the assembler in an abbreviated way. We also discuss macros and simple procedures. The “Definitions” below are in alphabetical order; we cover them in logical order, to minimize forward referencing. 6 Syllabus Motivation Definitions Null Program Print Single Character Print Character String Assembler Abbreviations Assembler Macros Assembler Procs Assemble and Link References 7 Motivation Almost impossible to communicate with machine on the binary level Assembler offers a significant level of abstraction from the machine bits, plus relocatability, symbolic names and addresses, and limited program reuse Symbols permit easy definition and reference of data and code objects Microsoft’s masm even offers high level constructs, similar to high-level statements Assembler programming allows the highest level of control over the target machine And permits to achieve highest performance -for short code sections 8 Definitions Address: identifying attribute of any distinguishable memory unit. On old x86 architecture a logical address is a pair seg : offset, translated by hardware into so called linear address. Segment and offset are 16 bits long each in real mode. The machine address, called a linear address, is 20 bits long, with the rightmost (low-order) 4 bits of a segment address implied to be 0, as a segment must be 16-byte-aligned Alignment: Attribute of an address a, requiring that a must lie on a specified boundary; for example, the address a must be even, or must be evenly divisible by 4 or 512. The former case is also called modulo-2 alignment, the latter modulo-512 alignment. Note that aligned addresses have some (of their lower address) bits set to 0. Hence, if these addresses are stored in hardware, these 0s can be omitted, i.e. are implied, whenever the complete address is needed 9 Definitions Assembler: source to object translator, reading relocatable, abstract, machine specific source programs, translating them into binary object code. After linking, the binary code is executable Binary Object: strings of bits which, when interpreted by the target machine, are legal machine operations plus associated memory references. Jointly, these represent executable programs Code Segment: Subsection of an architecture’s memory which holds executable instructions with possibly embedded, immediate operands Data Segment: Subsection of an architecture’s memory which holds data being referenced or manipulated. Like any segment, a data segment is identified by a segment register, holding its start address. Such an address must be evenly divisible by 16 on the x86 family processors. These addresses are also called paragraphs. 10 Definitions Offset: Distance of a named object (addressable unit) from the beginning of an area encompassing the name Paragraph: Range of contiguous memory addresses that is 16 bytes long, and whose first byte address is evenly divisible by 16 Relocation: Ability of digital computer information to be placed in any location of memory. For example, referring to data (or object code) by offsets relative to some start address allows the code to be placed anywhere, as long as the respective start address is always added at execution time Segment: A subsection of memory. It is identified by a segment register and holds either code, data, or stack space; usually has alignment constraint. 11 Definitions Stack: Data structure holding data that are accessed only in a particular way, named LIFO (last in first out). The amount of data varies over time. Increases of data are accomplished through an operation called pushing, decreases via popping (on the x86 architecture). A stack segment register points to the beginning of the stack, the base pointer to the end, and the stack pointer to the current and varying top Top of Stack: Select element on the stack that is accessible (visible). There may be other elements in the stack, hidden by the top element. Additional elements are created by pushing, and elements are removed by popping 12 Null Program Set up the program’s segments: code, data, and stack In sample below there is only a Code Segment Note the code string to identify code segment Communicate implied segment portion of seg:offset in the assume pseudo-instruction Define start address (actually offset) via label, here the label is named start: Label is user-defined identifier followed by colon, in code segment Use DOS services: Here 4ch to terminate DOS services requested via INT 21h Specific service defined in register ah and possibly other registers Return code is zero, meaning: no errors occurred Note comments, introduced by ; A comment ends at the end of a line 13 Null Program ; ; ; ; Source file: Author: Purpose: Assembler: out1.asm Herb Mayer simple, meaningless program, no data seg, no stack Microsoft assembler, command "masm »; 16-bit version code_s segment 'code’ assume cs:code_s start: mov al, 00 mov ah, 4ch int 21h code_s ends end start ; communicate implied seg register ; ; ; ; termination code for DOS 21, 4ch tell DOS to terminate, 4ch in ah call DOS routine 21h for help end of [code] segment ; end’s argument defines start ; sounds like Microsoft, say start to stop 14 Print Single Character Define also data and stack segment; though unused dw 999 reserves (defines) an int word, initialized to 999; not used dw 100 dup( 1234 ) defines 100 words, all initially 1234; not used DOS routine 21h is called for help: INT 21h Specify to DOS via value in ah, which type of help is needed E.g. value 2 in ah means: output 1 character, the one in dl So DOS routine 2 prints the character found in register dl Moving 4c00h into register ax is same as 4ch into register ah and 00 into al They are just two bytes (byte registers) concatenated; and this will terminate the program 15 Print Single Character ; Purpose: simple program to output one character ; Assembler: Microsoft assembler, command "masm”; 16-bit data_s segment ; unused data segment dw 999 ; define a word, init to 999 data_s ends stack_s stack_s segment dw 100 dup( 0 ) ends ; unused stack segment ; reserve 100 words, init to 0 code_s segment 'code' ; THE Code Segment assume cs:code_s, ds:data_s start: mov ax, mov ds, mov dl, mov ah, int 21h mov ax, int 21h ends end code_s seg data_s ; initialize ds, indirectly ax '$' ; char literal to be output by DOS 2h ; DOS call 2h emits char in dl ; call DOS routine 21h 4c00h ; we wanna terminate, ah + al ; terminate finally via DOS call ; repeat segment name at ends start ; end says: Where to start 16 Print Character String Data Segment defines a string of bytes, initialized to some string literal, identified by msg Note the $ character at the end of a string literal Used as end criterion for DOS output routine 9 Stack segment is still dummy, holds also 10 strings, each of length 16, also unused just to show stack seg to students DOS routine 9 emits character string terminated by ‘$’ Whose start address it finds in ds:offset, offset communicated in register dx Note the built-in function offset applied to a data label Masm also provides built-in seg function to generate other part of address 17 Print Character String ; Purpose: data_s msg data_s simple program to output character string segment db "Hello class$" ; note ’$’ termination ends stack_s segment ; unused db 10 dup( "---S t a c k----" ) ends ; repeat the name Stack_s code_s start: code_s segment 'code’ assume cs:code_s, ds:data_s mov ax, seg data_s mov ds, ax mov dx, offset msg ; string 2 b output by DOS mov ah, 9h ; DOS call 9h emits string int 21h ; call DOS mov ax, 4c00h ; we wanna terminate, ah + al int 21h ; terminate finally via DOS ends ; end code seg end start ; start execution here: at ‘start’ 18 Assembler Abbreviations Directive .mode small allows for default abbreviations and assumptions For example data, code, stack, @data are predefined, as are assume statements Here another string is printed, “Hello”, note again the $ terminator The macro @data is predefined by masm, same as seg data Note again offset function Note again DOS routine 9, to output string of characters at address found in register dx Program using .model small abbreviation is smaller, more compact .code ends previous segment, if any (here data) and starts code segment .data ends previous segment, if any, and starts data segment, etc. 19 Assembler Abbreviations ; Source file: out4.asm ; note: 16-bit assembler ; Purpose: simpler program to output character string hi .model small .stack 10h .data db "Hello$" .code start: mov ax, @data mov ds, ax ; assumes stack data code ; assumes name: stack ; assumes name: data ; assumes name: code ; @data predefined macro ; now data segment reg set mov dx, offset hi mov ah, 9h int 21h ; string 2 b output by DOS ; DOS call 9h emits string ; call DOS mov ax, 4c00h int 21h ; we wanna terminate, ah + al ; terminate finally end start ; start here, at “start”! 20 Assembler Macros Tired of writing segment, and ends? The .model small allows defaults and abbreviations Macros make program source more readable, easier to maintain Macro can be defined anywhere in assembler source Introduced by user defined name and macro keyword Terminated by endm keyword Macros may have 0 or more parameters, to be used in macro body When macro name is used, its body is expanded in-line at that place 21 Assembler Macros start Put_Str Done hi main: macro movax, @data mov ds, ax endm macro Str mov dx, offset Str mov ah, 9h int 21h endm macro ret_code mov ah, 4ch mov al, ret_code int 21h endm .model small .stack 10h .data db "Hello$" .code start Put_Str hi Done 0 end main ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; no parameters @data predefined macro now data segment reg set end of start macro one formal parameter, “Str” string 2 b output by DOS DOS call 9h emits string call DOS end of Put_Str macro formal parameter “ret_code” we wanna terminate, ah = 4c communicate return code terminate finally via DOS end of macro body of Done predefined assumptions assumes segment name: stack assumes segment name: data terminate string with $ assumes segment name: code ; invoke macro Put_Str, w. hi ; start at: main! 22 Assembler Procs Assembler procedure identified by proc and endp Procedure can be called, provides syntactic grouping mechanism to form logical modules Syntax rule for procedure: the name does not allow ‘:’ as you saw for label Return instruction ret ends procedure body and allows return to the place of call Reminiscent of high-level construct 23 Assembler Procs ; Purpose: modular macro program to output string start macro ; no parameters mov ax, @data ; @data predefined macro mov ds, ax ; now data segment reg set endm ; end of “start” macro body Put_Str macro Str ; “Str” must be data label . . . other macros as before endm ; see earlier def of Put_Str macro .data ; assumes name: data hi db "Hello$" ; terminate string with $ .code ; assumes name: code main main proc start Put_Str hi Done 0 ret endp end ; ; ; ; ; main begin of procedure body invoke “start” macro invoke “Put_Str” w. actual invoke “Done” with actual 0 unnecessary, unreachable ; entry point is “main” 24 Assemble and Link Microsoft old Macro Assembler masm 5.10 to 8.0 Borland Macro Assembler tasm Microsoft newer Macro Assembler ml 6.22 Again: Microsoft masm assembler 8.0 for 32-bit processors here: http://www.microsoft.com/enus/download/details.aspx?id=12654 Microsoft masm for x64 here: http://msdn.microsoft.com/enus/library/hb5z4sxd.aspx Microsoft Linker link Borland Linker tlink 25 Assemble and Link The Microsoft macro assembler old version (up to about 2003 with .NET 2003) is named masm. Newer assembler product from Microsoft is named ml. This section explains the masm command briefly. Users should consult on-line help by typing masm/h to get more detailed information. The masm command version 5.10 and older has 4 arguments, separated from one another by commas. These arguments are file names. Arguments are considered omitted, if no comma (and thus no file name) is given. The assembler prompts you for each omitted one, so it is generally better to provide them, at least the commas, lest there will be repeated interaction with the assembler asking for file names, or hitting of carriage returns. 26 Assemble Command If commas without file names are given, then default file names are assumed. The four file names, which are the arguments of the masm command, are left to right: •assembly source program, say source.asm •object program generated by assembler, say source.obj •the listing, generated by the assembler, say source.lst •the cross-reference file, named source.crf The suffixes obj, lst, and crf are automatically generated by the assembler, if no other names are provided Some complete masm commands, for the assembler file src1.asm would be: masm masm masm masm src1.asm, src.obj, src.lst, src.crf ; no prompting src1,src1,src1,src1 ; no prompting src1,src1.obj,src1,src1.crf ; no prompting src1,,,; ; no prompting In the above cases the masm assembler will not prompt you, because you provided all file names. It was smart enough to provide suffixes (like .lst and .obj) from the respective positions 27 Com Command Link Link also has 4 arguments, 1 input file and 3 output files. Input is the object to be linked. The object may be a concatenation of multiple object files (typically ending in the .obj suffix), strung together by the + operator. For example: link mem0 + putdec,,, creates an executable mem0.exe. The file name mem0 is derived from the first part of the first argument, the suffix .exe is assumed. Also, the object file putdec.obj is used as input, to resolve some of the external names used in mem0.obj. The arguments of the link command, i.e. the 4 file names, are: •object file or object files, concatenated by + with default suffix .obj •the linked executable with suffix .exe •the load map file, whose name ends in .map •the library 28 Com Command Link If the input file is provided without suffix then the suffix .obj is assumed. If the executable file is specified without suffix, then .exe is assumed; any other file and explicit suffix is allowable too. The file for the load map should be specified; if none is provided then the file name nul is generated by the linker. And if no suffix is provided, then the .map suffix is assumed. Similarly, for the library a file name must be specified. The suffix is .lib. The commands below do not cause the linker to prompt you for additional file name inputs, because sufficient information is allowed to be assumed: link mem0 + putdec,,,, link mem0+putdex,foo.bar,,, link putdec+mem0,mem0.exe,,, ; mem0.exe, no map, no library ; generate executable foo.bar ; mem0.exe 29 Link Command Note that the concatenation operator + may be embedded in any number of blanks. Also the commas may be surrounded by blanks. The order of specifying the object files is immaterial, provided that the main entry point is unambiguous. The commands below cause the linker to prompt for some additional information: link mem0 + putdec library link mem0+putdec,x.y link putdec+mem0,, ; ask for executable, map, and ; ask for map and lib ; gen putdec.exe, ask for map and lib 30 Main Entry Point Each assembly unit concludes with an end directive (end statement). This end statement may have a label, identifying one of the labels of proc names of the program. The such label specifies the entry point, i.e. the initial value of ip, set by the loader. However, if an executable is composed of multiple objects, there may be only a single entry point. All other source modules should not specify an argument after their end statement. If, however, two or more object modules to be linked into an executable do have an entry points specified, masm does not complain. Instead, it takes the first one of the objects listed as the first argument in the link command. And if this is not the intended entry point, program execution will bring surprises. 31 References 1. Free masm download: http://cvrce.blog.com/2009/08/28/masm-v611-freedownload/ 2. http://www.emsps.com/oldtools/msasmv.htm 3. ML 64-bit: http://msdn.microsoft.com/enus/library/s0ksfwcf(v=vs.80).aspx 32