
September 19, 2011
A Study of Transfer of Vibrations Inside a Rocket and
Passive Vibration Dampening Techniques
Madison West High School - Returning Team
Left to right: Zoë, Zuodian, Arik, Suzanne,
Colin, Richard, Cindy
SLI 2012 Statement of Work
Madison West High School
Returning Team
SLI 2012 SOW
Madison West High School
Returning Team
SLI 2012 SOW
School Information........................................................................................................ 5
Student Participants ..................................................................................................... 7
Facilities and Equipment .............................................................................................. 8
Facilities for Rocket Design and Testing ...................................................................... 8
Personnel ..................................................................................................................... 9
Equipment and Supplies ............................................................................................ 10
Computer Equipment ................................................................................................. 12
Section 508 Compliance ............................................................................................ 14
Safety ........................................................................................................................... 15
Written Safety Plan .................................................................................................... 15
I. NAR Safety Requirements ...................................................................................... 15
II. Hazardous Materials .............................................................................................. 16
III. Compliance with Laws and Environmental Regulations ........................................ 16
IV. Education, Safety Briefings and Supervision ........................................................ 17
V. Procedures and Documentation ............................................................................ 17
Physical Risks ............................................................................................................ 18
Toxicity Risks ............................................................................................................. 18
Scheduling and Facilities Risks.................................................................................. 18
Rocket/Payload Risks ................................................................................................ 19
Technical Design ......................................................................................................... 21
Vehicle Dimensions ................................................................................................... 21
Entire Vehicle ......................................................................................................... 21
Vehicle Parameters ................................................................................................ 22
Propulsion .................................................................................................................. 23
Primary Motor Selection ......................................................................................... 23
Wind Speed vs. Altitude ......................................................................................... 24
Thrust Profile .......................................................................................................... 24
Acceleration Profile ................................................................................................ 25
Vehicle Flight Sequence ........................................................................................ 26
Deployment and Recovery ......................................................................................... 27
Parachutes ............................................................................................................. 27
Drift ........................................................................................................................ 27
Universal Avionics Platform - System Hermes ....................................................... 28
Madison West High School
Returning Team
SLI 2012 SOW
Performance Targets that Apply to Vehicle ................................................................ 29
Payload ...................................................................................................................... 30
Experimental Overview .......................................................................................... 30
Experimental Setup ................................................................................................ 31
Experimental Sequence ......................................................................................... 33
Data Collection and Analysis ................................................................................. 34
Universal Avionics Platform - System Hermes ....................................................... 34
Hypotheses ............................................................................................................ 35
Post Flight Procedure............................................................................................. 35
Performance Targets .................................................................................................. 36
Major Challenges and Solutions ................................................................................ 42
Major Vehicle Challenges ...................................................................................... 42
Major Payload Challenges and Solutions ............................................................... 43
Educational Engagement ........................................................................................... 44
Community Support ................................................................................................... 44
Outreach Programs.................................................................................................... 45
Project Plan ................................................................................................................. 47
Schedule .................................................................................................................... 47
Budget ....................................................................................................................... 48
Educational Standards ............................................................................................... 49
Second Year Project .................................................................................................. 52
Sustainability .............................................................................................................. 52
Appendices .................................................................................................................. 55
Appendix A: Resume for Arik ..................................................................................... 55
Appendix B: Resume for Cindy .................................................................................. 57
Appendix C: Resume for Colin ................................................................................... 59
Appendix D: Resume for Zuodian .............................................................................. 61
Appendix E: Resume for Richard ............................................................................... 63
Appendix F: Resume for Suzanne ............................................................................. 65
Appendix G: Resume for Zoë..................................................................................... 66
Appendix H: Model Rocket Safety Code .................................................................... 67
Appendix I: High Power Rocket Safety Code ............................................................. 69
Appendix J: Section 508 ............................................................................................ 71
Appendix K: Material Safety Data Sheets .................................................................. 76
Madison West High School
Returning Team
SLI 2012 SOW
School Information
School Name
Madison West High School
Title of Project
A Study of Transfer of Vibrations Inside a Rocket and Passive Vibration Dampening
Administrative Staff Member
West High School Principal Ed Holmes
Madison West High School, 30 Ash St., Madison, WI, 53726
Phone: (608) 204-4104
Team Official
Ms. Christine Hager, Biology Instructor
Madison West High School, 30 Ash St., Madison, WI 53726
Phone: (608) 204-3181
Educators and Mentors
Pavel Pinkas, Ph.D., Senior Software Engineer for DNASTAR, Inc.
1763 Norman Way, Madison, WI, 53705
Work Phone: (608) 237-3068
Home Phone: (608) 957-2595
Fax: (608) 258-3749
Brent Lillesand
4809 Jade Lane, Madison, WI 53714
Phone: (608) 241-9282
Jeffrey A. Havlena
118 Richland Lane, Madison, WI 53705
Phone: (608) 238-6880
Matthew Lynch
5322 Milward Dr, Madison, WI 53705
Madison West High School
Returning Team
SLI 2012 SOW
Section 508 Consultant:
Ms. Ronda Solberg
DNASTAR, Inc. (senior software designer)
3801 Regent St, Madison, WI 53705
Associated NAR Chartered Section #558
President: Mr. Scott T. Goebel
Phone: (262) 634-3971
Wisconsin Organization Of Spacemodeling Hobbyists (WOOSH) is a chartered section
(#558) of the National Association of Rocketry. They assist Madison West Rocketry with
launches, mentoring, and reviewing.
Madison West High School
Returning Team
SLI 2012 SOW
Student Participants
Delivery Team: responsible for vehicle design, flight safety parameters,
altitude target, propulsion and launch operations
Deployment Team: responsible for deployment electronics, parachute
selection and preparation, parachute and ejection charges calculation,
ejection static testing
Telemetry Team: responsible for maintaining wireless contact with the
rocket, receiving data from on-board GPS, avionics and payload, tracking
and locating the rocket.
Payload Team: responsible for payload design, payload preflight
preparations and activation, postflight payload data analysis.
Madison West High School
Returning Team
SLI 2012 SOW
Facilities and Equipment
Facilities for Rocket Design and Testing
1. Planning, discussion, design concept and writing will occur at UW Madison, Dept.
of Physics, Room #2223, located at Chamberlin Hall, 1150 University Avenue,
Madison, Wisconsin, 53705, on the weekends.
2. Construction of the rocket will occur at a workshop at 3555 University Ave,
Madison, Wisconsin, 53705, on the weekends or as necessary. We have a 24/7
access to this facility.
3. Construction of the payload will also occur at a workshop at 3555 University Ave,
Madison, Wisconsin, 53705, on the weekends.
4. Preparation of the payload contents will occur at a workshop at 3555 University
Ave, Madison, Wisconsin, 53705, on the weekends.
5. Additional manufacturing of the payload and/or result analysis will occur at
biology laboratories at Madison West High School, 30 Ash Street, Madison,
Wisconsin, 53726, on weekdays, after school.
6. Team organizational meetings will occur during lunchtime every Monday in Room
365 of Madison West High School, 30 Ash Street, Madison, Wisconsin, 53726.
7. Launching of low-powered scale model rockets will occur on weekends from
November through April, at Reddan Soccer Park located at 6874 Cross Country
Road, Verona, Wisconsin, 53593. Large Model Rocket Launch notification will be
made to comply with FAA regulations Part 101. NFPA code 1122 and NAR
Model Rocket Safety Code will be followed during these launches. Mentors will
supervise all launches.
8. Launching of high-powered rockets will occur at Richard Bong Recreational Area
located in Southeast Wisconsin at 26313 Burlington Road, Kansasville,
Wisconsin, 53189. We will obtain Power Rocket Altitude waivers from the FAA
prior to high power launches. High power launches will coincide with the high
power launch of WOOSH, Section 558 of the NAR. Mentors will supervise all
Madison West High School
Returning Team
Scheduling and Facilities Risks
Unable to complete
construction of
rocket and/or
Design facilities Unable to complete
Team members Unable to complete
SLI 2012 SOW
We will insure the availability of our
workshop space for the times that we need
it. We will also work at team members’
homes if necessary.
We will insure the availability of our design
facilities and work at team members’ homes
if needed.
We will plan meetings in advance and insure
that enough team members will be present
to allow sufficient progress.
Table 1: Risks associated with scheduling and facilities
Ms. Christine Hager
Dr. Pavel Pinkas
Mr. Jeffrey A. Havlena
Mr. Brent Lillesand
Mr. Matthew Lynch
Mr. Scott Goebel
Main Advisor, Educational Supervisor
NAR Mentor, Scientific Advisor
NAR Mentor, Scientific Advisor
NAR Mentor, Vehicle Construction Supervisor
Student Mentor
NAR Mentor, NAR Section 558 (WOOSH) Contact
Madison West High School
Returning Team
SLI 2012 SOW
Equipment and Supplies
Soldering irons
Drill press
Band saws
Dremel tool (with
Hand drill
Hand saw
Scroll saw
Hydraulic press
Jig saw
glue (superglue)
Accelerator and
de-bonder for
West Epoxy
(resin, quick and
slow hardener,
various fillers)
5 Minute Epoxy
Masking tape
Wire strippers
Table saw
Electric tape
Drill bits
Belt sander
Box cutters
Table saw
X-acto knives
Sandpaper and
sanding blocks
Rulers and
Jig saw
Batteries of
varying size and
voltage to power
Various minor
capacitors, LEDs)
JB Weld Glue
Solder, flux
Ring and
Pliers, clippers
(various sizes)
Vices of varying
Breathing masks
(to be used when
sanding or cutting
Latex gloves,
safety goggles
First aid kit
G10 sheets of
Kevlar and tubular
nylon shock cords
Nomex Fabric
Quick links
Plywood centering
rings, sheets,
Screws, nuts, Tnuts, washers, etc.
4-inch fiberglass
tubing, 6-inch
fiberglass tubing
U-Bolts, I-Bolts
Nose cone
Lock’N’Load motor
retention kit
Rail buttons
PerfectFlite timers
Parallax Propeller
Chips and
development kits
Table 2: Various equipment that will be used in the construction of our rocket and payload
Madison West High School
Returning Team
SLI 2012 SOW
Madison West High School
Returning Team
SLI 2012 SOW
Computer Equipment
School Computers
 500MHz-2GHz, 128MB-1GB RAM
 Windows 98, XP
 Able to use Apple G3-G5
Student Personal Computers’ Range
 1.3 - 3.6 GHz Intel dual to quad core processor
 512mb - 4 GB RAM
 40 GB – 1 TB Hard Drive
 Windows XP, Vista, Windows 7
 Max OS X Tiger, Leopard, Snow Leopard
 Team members posses 10 of laptops total
Web Hosting
Our websites are hosted by HostGator (a commercial hosting company). Our club
website can be found at
Internet Connection
 School Computers - T3 connection for Internet
 UW Madison - T3 connection and an internal wireless network (801b/g/n)
 Home – DSL 768Kbps-6.0Mbps (download), 256Kbps-1.5Mbps (upload)
Computer Accessible Programs
 Adobe Creative Suite 4 Design Premium Edition
 Adobe After Effects CS4
 Apple Final Cut Express
 Eclipse Java IDE, XCode, Propeller Tool
 Octave 3.2.2
 Apogee RockSim 8
 Firefox, Safari, Chrome and Internet Explorer Browsers
 Google Sketchup 3D Design
 MS Outlook
 Microsoft Office 2003-2008
E-mail capability
The team will be communicating via email. All SLI members have personal email
accounts. There is also a group e-mail address that allows addressing the whole team
by sending a message to a single e-mail address ( This
format has worked with great efficiency for the last five years.
Presentation Simulation Software
 Microsoft Power Point 2003/2010
Madison West High School
Returning Team
SLI 2012 SOW
Video Teleconferencing (Webcasting)
Our SLI 2012 team will use the UW Extension at the Pyle Center for Video
Teleconferencing facilities. We prefer to use Webex teleconferencing software. Contact
Dr. Rosemary Lehman for information about firewall issues.
UW Extension Pyle Center
702 Langdon St.
Madison WI, 53706
Fax: 608-236-4435
Phone: 608-262-7524
Madison West High School
Returning Team
SLI 2012 SOW
Section 508 Compliance
Architectural and Transportation Barriers Compliance Board Electronic and
Information Technology (EIT) Accessibility Standards (36 CFR Part 1194)
The team will implement required parts of Section 508, namely
 § 1194.21 Software applications and operating systems (all items)
 § 1194.22 Web-based intranet and internet information and applications (all
 § 1194.26 Desktop and portable computers (all items)
o § 1194.23 Telecommunications products (items (k)(1) through (4)) as
referenced by § 1194.26
The team carefully reviewed the above listed sections and consulted the same with two
senior software engineers at DNASTAR, Inc. (a bioinformatics software company).
Re: § 1194.21: The team is using MS Windows and Mac OS-X based computers. Both
Microsoft and Apple are strong supporters of Section 508 and all installation of MS
Windows and Mac OS-X are complete including the access assistive features. All third
party software used in the SLI project is claimed as Section 508 compliant by the
software company producing the software (Microsoft, Apple, and Adobe).
Software and firmware developed by the students during the project will be verified for
Section 508 compliance by senior software engineers from DNASTAR Inc. All found
violations will be fixed prior software deployment.
Re: § 1194.22: The rocket club website ( has been
checked for Section 508 compliance using various automated validators (such as No violations have been found.
The website specific to the proposed project will be periodically subjected to the same
selection of tests and the webmaster will remove all found violations in a timely manner.
Re: § 1194.26: All computers used by the team members and educators are Section
508 compliant. No computer has been modified beyond the manufacturer approved
Madison West High School
Returning Team
SLI 2012 SOW
Written Safety Plan
I. NAR Safety Requirements
a. Certification and Operating Clearances: Mr. Lillesand holds a Level 3 HPR
certification. Dr. Pinkas has a Level 1 HPR certification and plans on having a Level 2
HPR certification by the end of February 2012. Mr. Havlena holds a level 1 HPR
certification. He plans to complete his Level 2 by April 2012 and is our back-up launch
supervisor. Mr. Lillesand has Low Explosives User Permit (LEUP). If necessary, the
team can store propellant with Mr. Goebel, who owns a BATFE approved magazine for
storage of solid motor grains containing over 62.5 grams of propellant.
Mr. Lillesand is the designated individual rocket owner for liability purposes and he will
accompany the team to Huntsville. Upon their successful L2 certification, Mr. Havlena
and Dr. Pinkas will become a backup mentors for this role.
All HPR flights will be conducted only at launches covered by an HPR waiver (mostly
the WOOSH/NAR Section #558 10,000ft waiver for Richard Bong Recreation Area
launch site). All LMR flights will be conducted only at the launches with the FAA
notification phoned in at least 24 hours prior to the launch. NAR and NFPA Safety
Codes for model rockets and high power rockets will be observed at all launches.
Mentors will be present at all launches to supervise the proceedings.
b. Motors: We will purchase and use in our vehicle only NAR-certified rocket motors
and will do so through our NAR mentors. Mentors will handle all motors and ejection
c. Construction of Rocket: In the construction of our vehicle, we will use only proven,
reliable materials made by well established manufacturers, under the supervision of our
NAR mentors. We will comply with all NAR standards regarding the materials and
construction methods. Reliable, verified methods of recovery will be exercised during
the retrieval of our vehicle. Motors will be used that fall within the NAR HPR Level 2
power limits as well as the restrictions outlined by the SLI program. Lightweight
materials such as fiberglass tubing and carbon fiber will be used in the construction of
the rocket to ensure that the vehicle is under the engine’s maximum liftoff weight. The
computer program RockSim will be utilized to help design and pre-test the stability of
our rocket so that no unexpected and potentially dangerous problems with the vehicle
occur. Scale model of the rocket will be built and flown to prove the rocket stability.
d. Payload: As our payload does not contain hazardous materials, it does not present
danger to the environment. However, our NAR mentors will check the payload prior to
Madison West High School
Returning Team
SLI 2012 SOW
launch in order to verify that there will be no problems.
e. Launch Conditions: Test launches will be performed at Richard I. Bong Recreation
Area with our mentors present to oversee all proceedings. All launches will be carried
out in accordance with FAA, NFPA and NAR safety regulations regarding model and
HPR rocket safety, launch angles, and weather conditions. Caution will be exercised by
all team members when recovering the vehicle components after flight. No rocket will be
launched under conditions of limited visibility, low cloud cover, winds over 20mph or
increased fire hazards (drought).
II. Hazardous Materials
All hazardous materials will be purchased, handled, used, and stored by our NAR
mentors. The use of hazardous chemicals in the construction of the rocket, such as
epoxy resin, will be carefully supervised by our NAR mentors. When handling such
materials, we will make sure to carefully scrutinize and use all MSDS sheets and
necessary protection (gloves, goggles, proper ventilation etc.).
All MSDS sheets and federal/state/local regulation applicable to our project are
available online at
III. Compliance with Laws and Environmental Regulations
All team members and mentors will conduct themselves responsibly and construct the
vehicle and payload with regard to all applicable laws and environmental regulations.
We will make sure to minimize the effects of the launch process on the environment. All
recoverable waste will be disposed properly. We will spare no efforts when recovering
the parts of the rocket that drifted away. Properly inspected, filled and primed fire
extinguishers will be on hand at the launch site.
Cognizance of federal, state, and local laws regarding unmanned rocket launches
and motor handling
The team is cognizant and will abide with the following federal, state and local laws
regarding unmanned rocket launches and motor handling:
Use of airspace: Federal Aviation Regulations 14 CFR, Subchapter F, Part 101,
Subpart C
Handling and use of low explosives: Code of Federal Regulation Part 55
Fire Prevention: NFPA1127 Code for High Power Rocket Motors
All of the publications mentioned above are available to the team members and mentors
via links to the online versions of the documents.
Madison West High School
Returning Team
SLI 2012 SOW
All team members understand and will abide by the following safety regulations:
a. Range safety inspections of each rocket before it is flown. Each team shall comply
with the determination of the safety inspection.
b. The Range Safety Officer has the final say on all rocket safety issues. Therefore, the
Range Safety Officer has the right to deny the launch of any rocket for safety
c. Any team that does not comply with the safety requirements will not be allowed to
launch their rocket.
IV. Education, Safety Briefings and Supervision
Mentors and experienced rocketry team members will take time to teach new members
the basics of rocket safety. All team members will be taught about the hazards of
rocketry and how to respond to them; for example, fires, errant trajectories, and
environmental hazards. Students will attend mandatory meetings and pay attention to
pertinent emails prior participation in any of our launches to ensure their safety. A
mandatory safety briefing will be held prior each launch. During the launch, adult
supervisors will make sure the launch area is clear and that all students are observing
the launch. Our NAR mentors will ensure that any electronics included in the vehicle are
disarmed until all essential pre-launch preparations are finished. All hazardous and
flammable materials, such as ejection charges and motors, will be assembled and
installed by our NAR-certified mentor, complying with NAR regulations. Each launch will
be announced and preceded by a countdown (in accordance with NAR safety codes).
V. Procedures and Documentation
In all working documents, all sections describing the use of dangerous chemicals will be
highlighted. Proper working procedure for such substances will be consistently applied,
such as using protective goggles and gloves while working with chemicals such as
epoxy. MSDS sheets will be on hand at all times to refer to for safety and emergency
procedures. All work done on the building of the vehicle will be closely supervised by
adult mentors, who will make sure that students use proper protection and technique
when handling dangerous materials and tools necessary for rocket construction.
Madison West High School
Returning Team
SLI 2012 SOW
Physical Risks
Saws, knives,
Dremel tools,
band saws
Drill press
All members will follow safety procedures
and use protective devices to minimize risk
Soldering iron
Workshop risks
Electric shock
All members will follow safety procedures
and use protective devices to minimize risk
All members will follow safety procedures
and use protective devices to minimize risk
All members will follow safety procedures to
minimize risk
All members will follow safety procedures to
minimize risk
All work in the workshop will be supervised
by one or more adults. The working area will
be well lit and strict discipline will be required
Puncture wound
Personal injury,
material damage
Table 3: Risks that would cause physical harm to an individual
Toxicity Risks
Epoxy, enamel
paints, primer,
epoxy, enamel
paints, primer
Toxic fumes
Toxic substance
Area will be well ventilated and there will be
minimal use of possibly toxic-fume emitting
All members will follow safety procedures to
minimize risk. Emergency procedure will be
followed in case of accidental digestion.
Table 4: Risks that would cause toxic harm to an individual
Scheduling and Facilities Risks
Design facilities
Unable to complete
construction of
rocket and/or
Unable to complete
Team members Unable to complete
We will insure the availability of our
workshop space for the times that we need
it. We will also work at team members’
homes if necessary.
We will insure the availability of our design
facilities and work at team members’ homes
if needed.
We will plan meetings in advance and insure
that enough team members will be present
to allow sufficient progress.
Table 5: Scheduling risks that would inhibit our progress on our project
Madison West High School
Returning Team
SLI 2012 SOW
Rocket/Payload Risks
Unstable rocket Errant flight
Improper motor
Damage or
destruction of
Weak rocket
Rocket structural
Engine explosion
Parachute failure
Errant flight
Launch rail
Parachutes fail to
Ejection falsely
Unexpected or
Rocket is lost
aberrations in
launch, flight and
Rocket stability will be verified by computer
and scale model flight.
Engine system will be integrated into the
rocket under proper supervision and used in
the accordance with the manufactures’
Rocket will be constructed with durable
products to minimize risk.
All members will follow NAR Safety Code for
High Powered Rocketry, especially the safe
distance requirement. Attention of all launch
participants will be required. Mentors will
assemble the motors in accordance with
manufacturer's instructions.
Parachute Packaging will be double checked
by team
parachutes will be verified during static
Team members will double-check all
possible failure points on payload.
NAR Safety code will be observed to protect
all member and spectators. Launch rail will
be inspected prior each launch.
Separation joints will be properly lubricated
and inspected before launch. All other joints
will be fastened securely.
Proper arming and disarming procedures will
be followed. External switches will control all
rocket electronics.
The rocket will be equipped with radio and
sonic tracking beacons.
Rocket will be properly packaged for
transportation and inspected carefully prior
to launch
Table 6: Risks associated with the rocket launch
Madison West High School
Returning Team
SLI 2012 SOW
Madison West High School
Returning Team
SLI 2012 SOW
Technical Design
We will use a single stage, K-class vehicle for our experiment. We will be observing the
transfer of vibrations inside the rocket and measuring effectiveness of two selected
dampening techniques.
The rocket will be constructed from LOC Precision fiber tubing, using balsa/G10
sandwich for fins. The rocket will be robust enough to endure 35+g of acceleration and
high power rocket flight and deployment stresses.
To have a successful mission the rocket must reach (but not exceed) altitude of one
mile AGL and the payload must record all data necessary for our experiment. The
rocket will be 116 inches long, with a 3 inch diameter for upper payload and recovery
system sections, 5.5 inch diameter for the lower payload, booster and fin assembly. It
has estimated liftoff mass of 6 kilograms. The proposed vehicle and propulsion are
discussed in detail below. The primary propulsion choice is a 54mm K-class motor (CTI
K590DT) with total impulse of 2415Ns. The vehicle can launch from a standard size, 8ft
launch rail.
The rocket will use dual deployment to minimize drift.
Vehicle Dimensions
Entire Vehicle
Figure 1: A two dimensional schematic of the entire rocket. Stability margin for the entire vehicle is 2.22 calibers.
Madison West High School
Returning Team
SLI 2012 SOW
Vehicle Parameters
5.5, 3.0
Thrust to
weight ratio
Table 7: The rocket’s dimensions, stability, and propulsion
The figure below shows all compartments and section of our rocket. The rocket
separates into three tethered parts (nosecone, main parachute compartment (including
deployment e-bay and the rest of the vehicle). We will use standard dual deployment
triggered by two fully redundant PerfectFlite MAWD altimeters.
Figure 2: A three dimensional schematic of the entire rocket
Drogue Parachute
Payload Capsules
Electronics Bay
Payload Capsules
Main Parachute
Motor Mount
Deployment Bay
Table 8: Rocket sections and parts
Madison West High School
Returning Team
SLI 2012 SOW
Primary Motor Selection
Based on the results of computer simulations we have selected CTI K590DT (54mm)
motor as our primary propulsion choice. We have selected CTI K590DT both because it
fits both the needs of our vehicle and our experiment. K590 is a dual thrust motor that
provides high thrust for liftoff and then downshifts to lower thrust for the rest of its burn.
This will not only provide our vehicle with excellent liftoff performance but also deliver
two distinct burn phases which will allow our payload to operate under two significantly
different conditions (similar to a two stage flight, however without the usual challenges
of a two stage rocket). Characteristic parameters of the selected motor are shown in the
table below.
Thrust to
weight ratio
Table 9: Motor parameters
The graph below shows the simulated flight profile for the CTI-590DT motor. The
vehicle reaches the apogee of 5311ft seventeen seconds (17s) after the ignition. For the
purpose of this preliminary simulation the coefficient of drag is set to CD = 0.7.
Figure 3: Altitude vs. time graph for CTI K590DT motor. The rocket reaches 5311ft at 17s after ignition.
Madison West High School
Returning Team
SLI 2012 SOW
Wind Speed vs. Altitude
The effect of the wind speed on the apogee of the entire flight is investigated in the table
below. Even under the worst possible conditions (wind speeds of 20mph, the NAR limit)
the flight apogee will differ by less than 3% from the apogee reached in windless
Wind Speed
Percent Change in
Table 10: Flight apogee vs. wind speed
Thrust Profile
The graph below shows the thrust profile for the CTI K590DT motor. The K590DT motor
quickly reaches its maximum thrust of 1800N and then sustains thrust of 1500N for 1s,
after which the thrust drops to 500N for 2.5s before tapering off. The rocket requires a
standard eight-foot rail for sufficient stability on the pad and leaves the 8ft rail at about
Figure 4: Thrust [N] vs. time [s] graph for CTI K590DT. The motor delivers maximum thrust of 1800 N and burns for 4.3s.
Madison West High School
Returning Team
SLI 2012 SOW
According to the velocity profile (next graph), the rocket will reach maximum velocity of
560mph shortly before the burnout (4.3s). The rocket remains subsonic for the entire
duration of its flight.
Figure 5: Velocity vs. time graph. The motor burns out at 4.3 seconds and the rocket reaches its maximum velocity of
560mph shortly before burnout. The rocket remains at subsonic speed range for entire duration of its flight.
Acceleration Profile
The graph below shows that the rocket will experience maximum acceleration of about
15g. Our rocket will be robust enough to endure the 35g+ acceleration shocks.
Figure 6: Acceleration vs. time graph. The rocket experiences maximum acceleration of approximately 30g.
Madison West High School
Returning Team
SLI 2012 SOW
Vehicle Flight Sequence
The vehicle flight sequence is shown on the figure below and the important flight events
are summarized in the table that follows.
Figure 7: Vehicle flight sequence - 1. Ignition, 2. Burnout at 4.30s and 2700ft AGL, 3. Apogee at 15.05s and 5,280ft (drogue
parachute deployment triggered), 4. Drogue deployment at apogee, 5. Descent under drogue parachute to 700ft and main
parachute deployment, 6. Landing at 101.1s.
Altitude [ft]
Drogue deployment
Main parachute
Time [s]
0.00 control
15.05 altimeter
67. 7
Table 11: Flight events, triggers and conditions
rocket is ready,
range and sky
700ft AGL
Madison West High School
Returning Team
SLI 2012 SOW
Deployment and Recovery
The rocket will use standard dual deployment technique for recovery. Two fully
independent PerfectFlite MAWD altimeters will be used to fire the ejection charges.
Each altimeter will have its own power source, external arming switch and set of
charges. The drogue charges will be fired at apogee (5,280ft). The main parachute will
be deployed as field conditions require to prevent excessive drift, most likely at 700ft or
900ft. The table below shows the estimated parachute sizes, descent rates and landing
kinetic energy. As required, the rocket separates in no more than four
tethered/independent sections (three (3) sections in our case) and the impact energy is
no more than 75 ft-lbf for any of the parts (the impact energy for the entire rocket is 68.5
The table below shows the parachutes sizes, required ejection charges, descent rates
and impact energy.
Ejection Deployment
Table 12: Parachute sizes, ejection charges and descent rates
The following table shows the estimated drift of the rocket considering the descent rates
in the table above (total flight time 101s). As required, the rocket will not drift past
2,500ft at 15mph wind conditions.
Wind Speed
Madison West High School
Returning Team
SLI 2012 SOW
Universal Avionics Platform - System Hermes
In order to speed-up development of our vehicles and payloads and to allow students to
spend more time on the experiments, during past few years students from Madison
West Rocketry have developed a universal and extensible payload-vehicle avionics
platform named Hermes (the winged messenger). Beginning with 2011/2012 school
year, system Hermes will be used in all Madison West Rocketry sounding rockets. The
system has been flight-tested during Rockets For Schools 2011 launch.
System Hermes provides the following functionality out-of-box:
 Altitude and 3D acceleration data (100Hz, 8x oversampling, 12 or 16bit)
 Flight phases analysis (detects takeoff, burnout, staging, apogee, landing)
 Full duplex serial communication between rocket and ground (900MHz XBee)
 96KB of built-in memory for experimental data (expandable as needed)
 GPS location (transmitted to the ground station over wireless link)
 Telemetry link (for experimental data transmissions)
 Extension ports for payload controllers or other devices
 Regulated DC voltage to power other components (+5V, +3.3V)
In this season we intent to use the Hermes system to replace the custom developed
PCB boards to speed-up the payload development and to improve our tracking and
recovery. The system will not be used for deployment purposes this year (we will
continue to rely on proven Perfectflite MAWD altimeters).
Madison West High School
Returning Team
SLI 2012 SOW
Performance Targets that Apply to Vehicle
The following performance targets apply to the vehicle. These have been taken into
Vehicle altitude
Recovery electronics requirements
Velocity limit (must remain subsonic)
Launch vehicle reusability
Dual deployment requirement
Proper shielding of recovery system electronics
Mandatory shear pins
Separation of vehicle into no more than 4 parts, impact energy, drift
Prep time requirements
Launch readiness time
Standard launch system requirement
No external circuitry needed for launch
Tracking requirements
Certified solid propulsion requirement
Motor total impulse limits
Full scale launch requirement
Prohibited items
Safety checklist requirement
Student work requirements
All performance targets (1-22) are addressed in detail later in this document.
Madison West High School
Returning Team
SLI 2012 SOW
Experimental Overview
We will be investigating passive vibration dampening systems that lessen normal rocket
vibrations experienced by the rocket during its flight. Vibrations originating from the
motor are transferred throughout the rocket and have the potential to negatively affect
other systems within the rocket. A dampening system is necessary in order to avoid
damage to sensitive payloads such as living organisms and fragile mechanical systems.
Commercial rockets are especially susceptible to vibrations due to the fact that the
motor makes up a large percent of the overall rocket volume. Concern was raised
during the Ares project about the motor causing a level of vibration that would impair the
crew so that they would be unable to read their instrument panels.
Figure 8: Motor vibrations were one of the top concerns for engineers working on project Ares. A passive dampener was
planned to mitigate the vibrations. (Illustrative picture obtained from
Significant vibrations are known to occur in solid booster rockets because of a thrust
oscillation phenomena. The gases generated by a core burning solid motor can swirl
inside the motor and initiate resonance of the entire motor. The motor vibrations are
then transferred to the entire rocket body.
Our objective is multifold. We will measure the vibrations inside three payload capsules,
each with a different passive dampening strategy (none, sacs of fluid, magnetic field).
We will compare the measurements from inside the capsules with the measurements
obtained directly on the rocket body (to learn how the vibrations travel). We will also
compare two identical payload setups, each mounted in a differently size body tube (3"
vs. 5.5").
Madison West High School
Returning Team
SLI 2012 SOW
Experimental Setup
Our rocket will be propelled by a solid motor (CTI K590DT) and operated at two different
acceleration levels: ~25g for 1s and then ~5g for 2s.
Figure 9: Acceleration [g] vs. Time [s] graph. Two zones of interest are highlighted: red - high G zone and green - low G
We will use 3D accelerometers to measure vibrations directly on the outer rocket body
and inside payload capsules. Three payload capsules will be utilized: compartment with
no dampening, capsule dampened by a magnetic field and capsule dampened by
surrounding sacs of fluid. The dampened compartments are depicted on the figure
Figure 10: Dampened payload capsules. Left - capsule dampened by magnetic field, right: capsule dampened by sacs of
fluid. Inside each capsule is a 3D accelerometer that will measure vibrations inside the capsule. Additionally, each capsule
has a mounted screw with a nut to simulate a real payload. We expect that sufficient vibrations will make the nut turn and
travel on the thread.
Madison West High School
Returning Team
SLI 2012 SOW
There is a 3D accelerometer inside each payload capsule to measure the vibration
inside the payload capsule. Beside the accelerometer, each capsule also hosts a
mounted screw with a nut. We expect that the vibrations may cause the nut to turn and
travel on the screw thread. We have selected the "screw-and-nut" payload as a payload
that is sensitive to repeated smaller vibrations but not so sensitive to the low-count
shocks of deployment and landing.
Figure below shows the complete experimental setup as placed inside the rocket. The
above describe setup of three payload capsules (two with passive dampening system
and one without) will be installed once in the wide portion of rocket body (body diameter
5.5") and once in the narrow portion (body diameter 3"). This will allow us to compare
how the vibrations transfer in differently sized tubes. In addition to the accelerometers
inside the payload capsules there will be accelerometers mounted on the outer rocket
body. Outside accelerometers will provide baseline measurements of vibrations near
the payload capsules.
Figure 11: Integration of payload with vehicle. The experimental setup with three payload capsules (two passively
dampened and one without any dampening) will be installed once in the wide portion of the rocket body and once in the
narrow portion of the rocket body.
Madison West High School
Returning Team
SLI 2012 SOW
Experimental Sequence
The sequence of events during our experiments is shown on the figure below. The
payload is activated at takeoff and the acceleration data in all three dimensions are
recorded for the entire duration of flight. For the first second, the rocket flies with high
thrust and experiences acceleration of ~25g. Then the motor downshifts to low thrust
(acceleration ~5g) for about 2.5s. After the burnout, the rocket coasts to apogee and
deploys drogue parachute. The main parachute is deployed after the rocket has
descended to 700ft. The accelerometers record all vibrations and shocks of the flight.
Figure 12: Experimental sequence. 1 - rockets takes off, G-switch activates the payload; 2 - rocket boosts under high
thrust (acceleration ~25g for 1s); 3 - rocket boosts under low thrust (acceleration ~5g for 2.5s), rocket coasts to apogee; 4 rocket deploys drogue parachute at apogee; 5 - rocket deploys main parachute at 700ft
Madison West High School
Returning Team
SLI 2012 SOW
Data Collection and Analysis
3D accelerometers will be used to record the vibrations and shocks. The
accelerometers will be driven by a central processing unit and all data will be stored in a
non-volatile memory. We estimate that we will be able to sample all accelerometers at
16bit resolution and ~1KHz and store all measured data.
Figure 13: Data acquisition: G-switch senses rocket liftoff and activates the payload. The central processing unit reads
data from all accelerometers and stores them in non-volatile on-board memory.
Independent Variables
Rocket velocity
Diameter of the tube
Vibration Dampening system
Dependent Variables
Vibrations (recorded by accelerometer)
Y = f (V)
Y = f (Td)
Y = f (D)
Vibrations in relation to rocket velocity
Vibrations in relation to the diameter of the tube
Vibrations in relation to the dampening system
Universal Avionics Platform - System Hermes
As mentioned in the Vehicle section of this document, our payload will be aided by the
universal avionics platform, system Hermes. In our case, we will utilize the high speed
multicore processor of the system to collect data from the accelerometers and the
system memory to store the data (the central processing unit will write the data).
System Hermes has only 96KB of built-in memory, however an extension board with
32MB of non-volatile FLASH memory is already available for the system. We will need
about 2.4MB of memory to store all accelerometer data during 100s flight.
Madison West High School
Returning Team
SLI 2012 SOW
We make the following hypotheses:
1) We expect that the vibrations will dampened by either of the passive dampening
2) We expect that the larger rocket body will dampen/absorb vibrations more than
the smaller diameter body.
3) We expect that there will be significant differences between vibrations measured
on the outer rocket body and the vibrations inside the payload capsules.
4) We expect to observe short period of resonance of the body tube at certain point
of the flight
Post Flight Procedure
After a successful flight and rocket/payload recovery, we will download the data
recorded by the accelerometers to a computer. The data will be analyzed as described
in Data Analysis Section and the final report (PLAR) will be compiled and submitted to
Madison West High School
Returning Team
SLI 2012 SOW
Performance Targets
The performance targets for the reusable launch vehicle and payload are as
1. The launch vehicle shall carry a science or engineering payload of the team’s
The rocket carries a scientific payload to investigate the effects of forces caused by
rocket flight on two different vibration dampening systems. The payload consists of two
parts, each containing three modules: the control, a magnetic suspension system, and a
non-Newtonian liquid dampening system. Through the use of accelerometers, we will
investigate effectiveness of passive vibration dampening systems.
Figure 14: Overall payload schematics.
2. The launch vehicle shall deliver the science or engineering payload to, but not
exceeding, an altitude of 5,280 feet above ground level (AGL).
The rocket must deliver the payload closest to but not exceeding 5,280ft above ground
level (simulations show that our rocket will comfortably reach 5,280ft using CTI K590DT
motor). Predicted apogee is 5,311ft. The rocket will be ballasted as necessary to remain
under 5,280ft.
Figure 15: Altitude vs. Time graph
Madison West High School
Returning Team
SLI 2012 SOW
3. The recovery system electronics shall have the following characteristics:
a. Redundant altimeters.
b. Each altimeter shall be armed by a dedicated arming switch
c. Each arming switch shall be accessible from the exterior of the rocket
d. Each arming switch shall be capable of being locked in the on position
for launch.
e. The recovery system shall be designed to be armed on the pad.
f. The recovery system electronics shall be completely independent of the
payload electronics.
g. Each altimeter shall have a dedicated battery.
h. Each arming switch shall be a maximum of six feet above the base of the
launch vehicle.
Our recovery system will have redundant altimeters, each of which will have a dedicated
arming switch and battery. All arming switches will be accessible from the exterior of the
rocket airframe and no higher than 6ft from the base of the launch vehicle. Each arming
switch will be capable of being locked in the on position for launch. The recovery system
will be able to be armed on the pad. The recovery system electronics will be completely
independent of the payload electronics. All the requirements of this performance target
are within the standard operating procedures and general design rules used in all
Madison West Rocketry projects.
4. The launch vehicle and science or engineering payload shall remain subsonic
from launch until landing.
The launch vehicle and payload will remain subsonic from launch until landing. As
shown in the following graph, the predicted maximum velocity for the rocket is
approximately 560mph, well below Mach 1.
Figure 16: Velocity vs. Time graph
Madison West High School
Returning Team
SLI 2012 SOW
5. The launch vehicle and science or engineering payload shall be designed to be
recoverable and reusable. Reusable is defined as being able to be launched again
on the same day without repairs or modifications.
The launch vehicle and payload are designed to be recoverable and reusable. The
vehicle can be launched again on the same day without repairs.
6. The launch vehicle shall stage the deployment of its recovery devices, where a
drogue parachute is deployed at apogee and a main parachute is deployed at a
much lower altitude. Tumble recovery from apogee to main parachute
deployment is permissible, provided that the kinetic energy is reasonable.
The vehicle will separate at apogee to deploy a drogue parachute, and deploy a main
parachute at an altitude of 700ft. The vehicle will utilize the standard dual deployment
scheme to minimize drift and will recover the vehicle in one piece (three tethered
Figure 17: Mission profile chart.
7. The recovery system electronics shall be shielded from all on-board
transmitting devices, to avoid inadvertent excitation of the recovery system by
the transmitting device(s).
The recovery system electronics are shielded from all on-board transmitting devices
avoiding inadvertent excitation of the recovery system by the transmitting device(s).
Deployment electronics is housed in a separate e-bay, completely isolated from payload
8. Removable shear pins shall be used for both the main parachute compartment
and the drogue parachute compartment.
Removable shearing pins are used for both the main parachute compartment and the
drogue parachute compartment. The number and size of shear pins will be determined
during static and flight testing.
Madison West High School
Returning Team
SLI 2012 SOW
9. The launch vehicle shall have a maximum of four (4) independent or tethered
a. At landing, each independent or tethered sections of the launch
vehicles shall have a maximum kinetic energy of 75 ft-lbf.
b. All independent or tethered sections of the launch vehicle shall be
designed to recover with 2,500 feet of the launch pad, assuming a 15
mph wind.
The launch vehicle will have a kinetic energy of less than 75 ft-lbf at landing. The
vehicle will not drift beyond 2,500ft of the launch pad, assuming a wind of 15mph or
less. According to our current calculations, the landing kinetic energy of the entire
vehicle is 68.5ft-lbf and under 15mph wind the rocket lands 2,222ft from the launch pad.
The rocket separates into three (3) tethered sections.
Wind Speed
Table 13: Estimated drift distance
10. The launch vehicle shall be capable of being prepared for flight at the launch
site within 2 hours, from the time the waiver opens.
The vehicle will not take more than 2 hours to prepare for the flight. The payload is
modular and well encapsulated and will be ready for insertion into the rocket upon
team's arrival to the launch site. The recovery system is a standard dual deployment
arrangement with estimated prep time of no more than 1 hour.
11. The launch vehicle shall be capable of remaining in launch-ready
configuration at the pad for a minimum of 1 hour without losing the functionality
of any on-board component.
The payload itself is not time sensitive. The payload has the liftoff detection capability
and the electronics will remain in shallow sleep until the liftoff, thus minimizing data
storage and power supply draws. We estimate that both the payload and recovery
electronics will have minimum 12 hours of waiting time.
12. The launch vehicle shall be launched from a standard firing system (provided
by the Range) using a standard 10-second countdown.
After the rocket is prepared for launch, only the standard 10 second countdown is
required prior to ignition.
Madison West High School
Returning Team
SLI 2012 SOW
13. The launch vehicle shall require no external circuitry or special ground
support equipment to initiate the launch (other than what is provided by the
The payload has liftoff detection capability and will wake-up from shallow-sleep mode
when the liftoff is detected. Both the vehicle and the payload are fully autonomous after
arming and can be launch using the standard launch equipment.
14. Data from the science or engineering payload shall be collected, analyzed,
and reported by the team following the scientific method.
Data from the payload will be collected, analyzed, and reported by the team following
the scientific method. We will analyze the variables according to the correlation
explained under technical design.
15. An electronic tracking device shall be installed in each independent section of
the launch vehicle and shall transmit the position of that independent section to a
ground receiver. Audible beepers may be used in conjunction with an electronic,
transmitting device, but shall not replace the transmitting tracking device.
We will have a GPS tracker and a radio beacon on the vehicle. Additionally, we will use
the 140dB sonic beacons. The onboard GPS receiver will receive the GPS satellite
data. The GPS receiver transfers the data over a serial link to the flight computer that
will instruct a 900MHz XBee transceiver (6 mile range) to transmit the data. Another
900MHz XBee transceiver will be located on the ground, and will receive the GPS data
broadcasted by the rocket. The GPS location will then be entered into a handheld GPS
device. The handheld GPS will guide the recovery team to the landing site of the
16. The launch vehicle shall use a commercially available solid motor propulsion
system using ammonium perchlorate composite propellant (APCP) which is
approved and certified by the National Association of Rocketry (NAR), Tripoli
Rocketry Association (TRA) and/or the Canadian Association of Rocketry (CAR).
The CTI-K590DT motor contains solid ammonium perchlorate based propellant and is
certified. The motor is not a 'sparky'.
17. The total impulse provided by the launch shall not exceed 2,560 Newtonseconds (K-class). This total impulse constraint is applicable to any combination
of one or more motors.
The total impulse of the vehicle is less than 2560 Ns. Our primary motor choice is CTIK590DT with 2,415Ns total impulse.
18. All teams shall successfully launch and recover their full scale rocket prior to
FRR in its final flight configuration.
a. The purpose of the full scale demonstration flight is to demonstrate the
launch vehicle’s stability, structural integrity, recovery systems, and the
team’s ability to prepare the launch vehicle for flight.
b. The vehicle and recovery system shall have functioned as designed.
c. The payload does not have to be flown during the full-scale test flight.
Madison West High School
Returning Team
SLI 2012 SOW
If the payload is not flown, mass simulators shall be used to
simulate the payload mass.
 If the payload changes the external surfaces of the launch vehicle
(such as with camera housings and/or external probes), those
devices must be flown during the full scale demonstration flight.
d. The full scale motor does not have to be flown during the full scale test
flight. However, it is recommended that the full scale motor be used to
demonstrate full flight readiness and altitude verification.
e. The success of the full scale demonstration flight shall be documented
on the flight certification form, by a level 2 NAR/TRA observer.
f. After successfully completing the full-scale demonstration flight, the
launch vehicle or any of its components shall not be modified without the
concurrence of the NASA Range Safety Officer.
We will successfully launch our full scale rocket prior to FRR in its full flight
configuration. The vehicle and recovery system will function as designed. If we do not
fly the payload during the full-scale test flight, mass simulators will be used to simulate
missing payload mass. Any external surface changing devices (if any) will be flown
during the full-scale test flight. Shall the launch be successful, the launch vehicle or any
of its components will not be modified without the concurrence of the NASA Range
Safety officer.
19. The following items are prohibited from use in launch vehicle:
a. Flashbulbs. The recovery system must use commercially available lowcurrent electric matches.
b. Forward canards.
c. Forward firing motors.
d. Rear ejection parachute designs.
e. Motors which expel titanium sponges (Sparky, Skidmark, MetalStorm,
The rocket does not contain any flashbulbs nor does it have forward canards, forward
firing motors, rear ejection parachute design, and we will not launch on a motor that
expels a titanium sponge. Our motor choice is CTI-K590DT motor.
20. Each team shall use a launch and safety checklist. The final checklist shall be
included in the FRR report and used during the flight hardware and safety
inspection and launch day.
The team will follow a launch and safety checklist, which will be included in the FRR
report and used during the flight hardware, safety inspection, and launch day. The
checklist will be developed and tested as the project progresses.
Madison West High School
Returning Team
SLI 2012 SOW
21. Students on the team shall do 100% of the work on the project, including
design, construction, written reports, presentations, and flight preparation with
the exception of assembling the motors and handling black powder charges.
We will do 100% of the work on the project, including design, construction, written
reports, presentations, and the flight preparation. Mentors have only advisory and
supervisory roles in the project.
22. The rocketry mentor supporting the team shall have been certified by NAR or
TRA for the motor impulse of the launch vehicle, and the rocketeer shall have
flown and successfully recovered(using electronic, staged recovery) a minimum
of 15 flights in this or a higher impulse class, prior to PDR.
The rocketry mentor supporting our team has been certified by NAR for the motor
impulse of the rocket, and has flown and successfully recovered (using electronic,
staged recovery) more than 15 flights in this impulse class and some flights in impulse
class three. Our mentor is Mr. Brent Lillesand.
Major Challenges and Solutions
Major Vehicle Challenges
1. Shoulder section alignment: The rocket has a transition from 5.5"
booster/lower-payload section to 3" upper-payload/recovery section. An
utmost precision during construction is necessary to prevent misalignment of
the body tubes. We will user laser beams to align the tubes and dry fit entire
assembly before applying the epoxy glue. Post-assembly measurement will
be used to prove the success.
2. Top of impulse class rocket: According to our current simulation results, we
will need a full K-class motor to deliver the rocket to altitude of 1 mile. We will
need to construct the rocket with weight restriction in mind as there is no
significant allowance for weight increase.
3. Small parachute compartments: to keep the weight of the rocket as low as
possible, all recovery is housed in the top 3" section. We will need to use
lighter parachutes that pack well and build the parachute compartments light,
yet sturdy enough to withstand the loads. We already posses thin fabric
parachutes and they were successfully used in our previous projects.
4. High acceleration: at liftoff, our rocket will experience 35g initial shock,
followed by 25g acceleration sustained for 1s and followed by a sharp thrust
drop to 5g acceleration. All these events will test the robustness of our rocket
especially considering the fact that the rocket needs to be built light. We will
utilized composite materials and local reinforcement during construction and
will test the full scale vehicle with the full scale motor before the SLI launch in
Madison West High School
Returning Team
SLI 2012 SOW
Major Payload Challenges and Solutions
1. High data rate: our payload will be collecting data at ~1kHz rate with
estimated bandwidth of 192kBaud. A fast central processing unit will be
needed and the firmware will be written in assembly language.
2. Large number of sensors: our payload will require at least twelve (12) 3D
accelerometers and this will result in extensive wiring inside the rocket where
the space is limited. We will need to carefully plan where the wiring will be
3. Liftoff detection: we will use G-switches to detect the rocket liftoff and to
activate the payload. The G-switches will be finely tuned and only activated
after the rocket is in launch position. The wireless link with the rocket will
maintained so the rocket can report the payload activation. The inadvertent
payload activation will only require payload reset, which can be executed
remotely via wireless link.
Madison West High School
Returning Team
SLI 2012 SOW
Educational Engagement
Community Support
After eight years of the club’s existence, we are well known at various departments of
the UW and many researchers are eager to work with us. During our seven years of
participation in SLI we have met with a number of people from various departments
within the University of Wisconsin-Madison, including Professor McCammon from the
department of Physics, Professor Eloranta from the department of Atmospheric
Sciences, Professor Pawley from the department of Zoology, and Professors Anderson
and Bonazza from the department of Mechanical Engineering. Last year we have added
Prof. Fernandez and Prof. Gilroy from the department of Botany, and Prof. Masson from
the department of genetics.These contacts have been incredibly helpful in designing
and refining our original experimental ideas and creating an experiment that will return
meaningful data.
We have finally achieved official affiliation with UW Madison and our research meetings
are now held in Chamberlin Hall, Dept. of Physics.
Every year we raise funds by raking leaves during autumn in local neighborhoods. We
find this is an excellent way to earn the support of the community and increase our
The club also provides a steady stream of volunteers for public television and public
radio fundraising drives. While this is not a direct display of our work or interests, it gives
us the opportunity to provide public service in the name of our club.
In 2009 many club members gave back to the community by helping build a fence in the
local soccer park where we also happen to launch our TARC practice flights in the
winter. We are currently discussing other soccer park improvements with their
Madison West High School
Returning Team
SLI 2012 SOW
Outreach Programs
Last year we participated in many educational engagement opportunities, such as
helping sizeable groups of young children at the local middle schools to build and fly
Alka-Seltzer powered rockets. We launched about 300 rockets for an audience of about
150 kids during this program, as well as displaying some of our TARC, SLI and R4S
We will also be participating in our annual “Raking for Rockets” program, where we rake
community lawns in order to simultaneously bring about an increased awareness in
rocketry, and raise the funds necessary for our TARC and SLI programs.
Besides these programs, we also recruited new members for our club at Madison West
High School (our current membership is above 50 students mark) in a number of
recruitment events which included the daily announcements, organized recruitment
events , and posters throughout the school advertizing the location and time of the first
informational meeting. The new members will participate in TARC, along with a few
returning members from our SLI teams. TARC club meetings have already started for
this school year, with interested new members learning about the basics of rocket
design, building, and operation.
The table below show the outreach programs that plan for this year. The programs
target primarily elementary and middle schools. We will most likely add several events
to this program as the year progresses (we have became well known for our outreach
activities and we are already receiving requests from schools and organization that we
have never worked with before).
Sept. 23, 2011
Randall Elementary
Dec. 10, 2011
Eagle Elementary
Jan 14, 2012
Lincoln Elementary
Feb. 11, 2012
O’Keefe Middle
Mar. 11, 2012
Randall Elementary
Apr. 14, 2012
Lincoln Elementary
Super Science
Saturday (AlkaSeltzer Rockets)
Super Science
Pneumatic Rockets
# of People
Total: 450
Madison West High School
Returning Team
SLI 2012 SOW
Table 14: Planned outreach events.
We are noticing a steady increase of club members graduating into engineering
colleges, most notably:
Marina Parra (SLI-2009): Carnegie Mellon, intends majoring in aerospace engineering
Benjamin Winokur (SLI-2008, 2009, 2010): University of St. Louis, aerospace major
Rose Wang: (SLI-2008, 2009, 2010): Cornell University, working in the Nanosat program
Thomas Ostby: University of Alabama, aerospace major
John Schoech (SLI-2008, SLI-2009, SLI-2010): Stanford University, California
Tenzin Sonam (SLI-2008, SLI-2009, SLI-2010): Stanford University, California
David Aeschlimann (SLI2009, SLI2010): Stanford University, California
Nhien Tran (SLI2011): Stanford University, California
Enrique Olivas (SLI2010, SLI2011): University of Southern California
Jacob Ediger: (SLI2010, SLI2011): Purdue University
Madison West High School
Returning Team
SLI 2012 SOW
Project Plan
October 2011
Schools Notified of Selection
SLI team teleconference (tentative)
Preliminary Design Review (PDR) work begins
November 2011
Web presence established for each team
Preliminary Design Review (PDR) report and PDR presentation slides
posted on the team website by 8:00 a.m. Central Time
December 2011
Preliminary Design Review Presentations (tentative)
Acquire parts and supplies for scale model
Begin work on scale model
Winter Break
January 2012
Scale model completed
Scale model test flight, acquire parts for full scale
Begin work on full scale
Critical Design Review (CDR) reports and CDR presentation slides
posted on the team website by 8:00 a.m. Central Time
February 2012
Critical Design Review Presentations (tentative)
Full scale vehicle completed
Full scale test flight #1 – stress test
March 2012
Full scale test flight #2 with payload
Flight Readiness Review (FRR) reports and FRR presentation slides
posted on the team website by 8:00 a.m. Central Time
April 2012
Flight Readiness Review Presentations (tentative)
Rocket ready for launch in Huntsville
Travel to Huntsville
Flight Hardware and Safety Checks (tentative)
Launch day, full scale flight #3
Return Home
Full scale flight #4 (tentative)
May 2012
Post-Launch Assessment Review (PLAR) posted on the team website by
8:00 a.m. Central Time
Table 15: Timeline of SLI 2011
Madison West High School
Returning Team
SLI 2012 SOW
Tubing, nosecone, bulkheads
Fin Material (G10 Fiberglass)
PerfectFlite MAWD Altimeter (x2)
Parachutes, recovery gear*
Walston Beacon
Miscellaneous supplies (tools,
glues, batteries, wires)
Scale Model
Paper Tubing
Fin Material (G10 Fiberglass)
Scale Model Motors
Preliminary Flight Motors
3D Accelerometers x 12
Payload controller + Hermes
G sensor x 2
Minor parts, materials, supplies,
$ 2,556.00
Table 16 : Budget for 2009-10 SLI Program (* - already in possession)
$400/Person * 9 People
$ 3,600.00
$119/Room * 5 Rooms * 5 Nights
$ 2,975.00
Car Rental (Ground Support Vehicle)
$500 rental+ $400 gas
Cost per Team Member
Table 17: Budget for the travel to Huntsville, AL
Madison West Rocket Club has sufficient money earning opportunities to cover for
possible discrepancies between the estimated budget and actual project expenses.
Additionally, it is our policy to provide necessary economic help to all SLI students who
cannot afford the travel expenses associated with the program. Every year we award
several full expense travel scholarships both to our SLI and TARC students. The
monetary amounts and the names of recipients are not disclosed.
Madison West High School
Returning Team
SLI 2012 SOW
Educational Standards
A) Wisconsin’s Model Academic Standards
English/Language Arts
Reading and Literature
A.12.4 Students will read to acquire information
• Analyze and synthesize the concepts and details encountered in
informational texts such as reports, technical manuals, historical papers,
and government documents
• Draw on and integrate information from multiple sources when acquiring
knowledge and developing a position on a topic of interest
B.12.1 Create or produce writing to communicate with different audiences for a
variety of purposes
• Prepare and publish technical writing such as memos, applications,
letters, reports and resumes for various audiences, attending to details of
layout and format as appropriate to purpose
B.12.2 Plan, revise, edit and publish clear and effective writing.
Oral Language
C.12.1 Prepare and deliver formal oral presentations appropriate to specific
purposes and audiences
D.12.1 Develop their vocabulary and ability to use words, phrases, idioms, and
various grammatical structures as a means of improving communication
Media and Technology
E.04.3 Create products appropriate to audience and purpose
• Write news articles appropriate for familiar media
E.12.1 Use computers to acquire, organize, analyze, and communicate
Research and Inquiry
F.12.1 Conduct research and inquiry on self-selected or assigned topics, issues,
or problems and use an appropriate form to communicate their findings.
• Formulate questions addressing issues or problems that can be
answered through a well defined and focused investigation
• Use research tools found in school and college libraries, take notes
collect and classify sources, and develop strategies for finding and
recording information
• Conduct interviews, taking notes or recording and transcribing oral
information, then summarizing the results
• Develop research strategies appropriate to the investigation, considering
methods such as questionnaires, experiments and field studies
• Organize research materials and data, maintaining a note-taking system
that includes summary, paraphrase, and quoted material
• Evaluate the usefulness and credibility of data and sources by applying
tests of evidence including bias, position, expertise, adequacy, validity,
reliability, and date
Madison West High School
Returning Team
SLI 2012 SOW
• Analyze, synthesize, and integrate data, drafting a reasoned report that
supports and appropriately illustrates inferences and conclusions drawn
from research
• Present findings in oral and written reports, correctly citing sources
Mathematical Processes
A.12.4 Develop effective oral and written presentations employing correct
mathematical terminology, notation, symbols, and conventions for mathematical
arguments and display of data
A.12.5 Organize work and present mathematical procedures and results clearly,
systematically, succinctly, and correctly
Number Operations and Relationships
B.12.6 Routinely assess the acceptable limits of error when
• evaluating strategies
• testing the reasonableness of results
• using technology to carry out computations
C.12.1 Identify, describe, and analyze properties of figures, relationships among
figures, and relationships among their parts by constructing physical models
C.12.2 Use geometric models to solve mathematical and real-world problems
C.12.5 Identify and demonstrate an understanding of the three ratios used in
right triangle trigonometry
D.12.1 Identify, describe, and use derived attributes (e.g., density, speed
acceleration, pressure) to represent and solve problem situations
D.12.2 Select and use tools with appropriate degree of precision to determine
measurements directly within specifies degrees of accuracy and error
Statistics and Probability
E.12.1 Work with data in the context of real-world situations by
• Formulating hypotheses that lead to collection and analysis of one and
two variable data
• Designing a data collection plan that considers random sampling, control
groups, the role of assumptions, etc.
• Conducting an investigation based on that plan
• Using technology to generate displays, summary statistics, and
Algebraic Relationships
F.12.2 Use mathematical functions (e.g., linear, exponential, quadratic, power) in
a variety of ways, including
• using appropriate technology to interpret properties of their graphical
representations (e.g., intercepts, slopes, rates of change, changes in rates
of change, maximum, minimum)
F.12.4 Model and solve a variety of mathematical and real-world problems by
using algebraic expressions, equations, and inequalities
Madison West High School
Returning Team
SLI 2012 SOW
Science Connections
A.12.3 Give examples that show how partial systems, models and explanations
are used to give quick and reasonable solutions that are accurate enough for
basic needs
A.12.5 Show how the ideas and themes of science can be used to make real-life
decisions about careers, work places, life-styles, and use of resources
Science Inquiry
C.12.2 Identify issues from an area of science study, write questions that could
by investigated, review previous research on these questions, and design and
conduct responsible and safe investigations to help answer the questions
C.12.6 Present the results of investigations to groups concerned with the issues,
explaining the meaning and implications of the results, and answering questions
in terms the audience can understand
Motions and Forces
D.12.7 Qualitatively and quantitatively analyze changes in the motion of objects
and the forces that act on them and represent analytical data both algebraically
and graphically
Science Applications
G.12.1 Identify personal interests in science and technology, implications that
these interests might have for future education, and decisions to be considered
G.12.2 Design, build, evaluate, and revise models and explanations related to
the earth and space, life and environmental, and physical sciences
B) National Science Education Standards
Science and Technology (9-12)
Content Standard E
Students should develop
• Abilities of technological design
• Understanding about science and technology
Science as Inquiry (9-12)
Content Standard A
Students should develop
• Abilities necessary to do scientific inquiry
• Understandings about scientific inquiry
Madison West High School
Returning Team
SLI 2012 SOW
Second Year Project
The proposed experiment and vehicle are novel within our club and he have never
undertook a project in this particular field (vehicle vibrations) before. Returning students
who have participated in SLI2011 program were investigating the effects of gravitational
forces and flight stresses on the behavior of a slimemold colony.
The rocketry program at Madison West High School is now in its ninth year, and it
provides a strong, compelling incentive for students to research unique science
concepts and enhance their problem-solving skills.
Incoming students are enrolled in the TARC program, where they attend classroom
sessions taught by the mentors in order to learn the basic rocketry knowledge and
methodologies essential to the contest.
Rockets for Schools is the latest rocketry contest that our club has entered. For it,
students are given a high-power rocket kit and asked to design a scientific payload to be
flown from Sheboygan, WI over Lake Michigan. Not only does this project offer good
training for the process of obtaining an SLI grant, it also gives an additional activity
option to first-year club members: while they are not allowed to participate in SLI, our
highest-level project, they may participate in the R4S competition. We have modeled
our R4S program after the SLI program, placing emphasis on the scientific project and
development process. All R4S students are encouraged to seek L1 HPR certification as
a part of the R4S program. Our first two R4S teams (2010, 2011) consisted of all firstyear members, and their high scores won additional SLI invitations for the club this for
2011 and 2012 seasons.
This year we have continued our summer HPR L1/L2 Certifications program. Two of our
alumni, John Schoech and Alissa Chen, attained L2 Certification in addition to a number
of L1 certifications obtained by younger club members. This highly successful summer
L1 program (outside school year) was invented, coordinated and administered by the
SLI-2008, SLI-2009 and SLI-2010 participant, Ms. Zoë Batson. Zoë also worked yearlong as a junior mentor in our club, assisting members with their projects and she has
participated in SLI Advanced Rocketry Workshop in New Mexico. We expect her to
continue her involvement with our club.
Madison West Rocketry actively recruits new members in the fall season: the Freshman
Club Carnival, West Fest, Homecoming parade, and daily announcements, all
showcase our club’s achievements, appealing to interested individuals.
We collaborate extensively with experts at the University of Wisconsin (UW). During our
meetings we are able to have analytical discussions with professionals regarding the
feasibility and limitations of various potential experimental payloads. We have
Madison West High School
Returning Team
SLI 2012 SOW
developed such relationships with eight different departments; this variety provides us
with experiences perspectives on our design and objectives.
We now have five committed mentors who aid our group throughout all the stages of
our well-established rocketry program. They patiently teach us and guide us in the
planning, processing, writing, building, organization, and launching of our project. Our
mentors dedicate much time and effort throughout the year- we greatly value their
compassion and support.
An increasing number of parents are taking interest in supporting our club’s meetings,
fundraisers, outreach projects, and launches. They provide us with food and
transportation during the cold winter events and launches, and are a great source of
encouragement. Additionally, we are seeing an increase in students interested in taking
on mentoring roles and work with younger club members. Ms. Zoë Batson (alumni,
SLI2008, 2009 and 2010 participant) and Mr. Zuodian Hu (junior student, SLI2011
participant) accompanied our R4S team on their to Sheboygan to provide leadership
and assistance as needed. Student mentors in our club enjoy position of authority and
respect and their hard work allows senior educators to concentrate on further program
Madison West High School
Returning Team
SLI 2012 SOW
Madison West High School
Returning Team
SLI 2012 SOW
Appendix A: Resume for Arik
3302 Tally Ho Lane
Madison, WI 53705
Academic Experience
Madison Central Montessori (2001-2004)
EAGLE School of Madison (2005-2006)
Velma Hamilton Middle School (2007-2008)
Madison West High School (class of ’13)
Languages: English, French (6 years)
Velma Hamilton Middle School Honor Roll (2007)
Team America Rocketry Challenge Finals (2010)
SLI Team Slime mold (2011)
Science Olympiad State Finals (2007)
Extracurricular and Clubs
Madison West Pep Band (2009)
Madison West Freshman Band (2009)
Madison West Concert Band (2010- Current)
West High Rocket Club (2009)
TARC Finals 2010
SLI 2011
Boy Scouts (BSA)
Backpacked in Philmont, Rocky Mountains, and Isle Royale
Participated in Brownsea
Sailed the Apostle Islands
Assistant to Brain Joiner (helping to improve green technologies and healthcare in
Aiding in meetings and gathering ideas
Volunteer Work:
Brat Fest (2007-2011)
Community Service with the Order of the Arrow (BSA)
Madison West High School
Returning Team
SLI 2012 SOW
Community Service with Madison West Rocket Club
Interestests: Science, Engineering, Technology, Math, Outdoors, Camping, Aerospace
technologies/ engineering
Madison West High School
Returning Team
SLI 2012 SOW
Appendix B: Resume for Cindy
1316 Dewberry Dr.
Madison, WI 53719
Academic Experience
Rock Prairie Elementary School (2000-2003)
Van Hise Elementary School (2004-2006)
Velma Hamilton Middle School (2007-2008)
Madison West High School (2009-Present)
Languages: English, Chinese, Spanish (5 years), French (4 years)
Extracurricular Activities and Clubs
Madison West Rocket Club
Madison West Student Council
Madison West Key Club
Madison West Forensics (Public Speaking and Debate)
Madison West Mock Trial
Madison West Girls Tennis
Peer Tutoring
WI Debate Coaches Assoc. State Debate Tournament: Octo-Finalist
Waukesha South Debate Tournament (2010): Top Speaker
Public Forum at West Bend Debate Tournament (2010): 2nd Place
National Forensics League Qualifiers: Finalist
Wisconsin State Forensics Tournament: Semi-Finalist
UW-Whitewater - Public Address (2011): 1st Place
UW-Whitewater - Duo Interpretation (2010): 1st Place
Degree of Distinction by the National Forensics League
National Youth Chopin Piano Competition
:1st Place Junior Division (2009)
:2nd Place Senior Division (2010)
Wisconsin Symphony Youth Orchestra member
Benefit Concert for Heartland Farms: Recitalist
Team America Rocketry Competition
Madison West High School
Returning Team
SLI 2012 SOW
Rockets for Schools: 2nd place
All-City Tennis Conference Tournament
2009: 1st place
2010: 1st place
Mock Trial District Tournament: 5th Place
Coach at Greater Madison Tennis Assoc. ‘Rising Stars’ (2009 to present)
Rocketry Outreach (2010 to present)
Key Club (Kiwanis International), Project Committee Chair (2009-2010)
National Federation of Music Clubs (2009 to present)
West High School Peer Tutor
Interests: Foreign Languages, Chemistry, 19th Century Western Music
Madison West High School
Returning Team
SLI 2012 SOW
Appendix C: Resume for Colin
2427 Fox Avenue
Madison, WI 53711
Academic Experience
The Lane School (2000-2001)
Flynn Park Elementary School (2001-2006)
Velma Hamilton Middle School (2006-2009)
Madison West High School (2009-present)
Languages: English, French (5th Year)
Extracurricular Activities and Clubs
Madison West School Student Council
Student Support Foundation (SSF)
Peer Tutoring
Madison West Rocket Club (2010-present)
2011 Team America Rocketry Challenge Finalist
Rockets For Schools: 2nd Place
Madison West Boys Baseball
Madison West Boys Tennis
Madison West Boys Soccer
MadNorSki Cross Country Ski Team
Piano (2001-2004)
French Horn (2006-2009)
Guitar (2006-present)
Honor Roll (2006-Present)
Organized MSCR Volleyball Team
West Madison Little League All-Star Team
Hamilton Pride Award
West High Peer Tutoring Program
Member of Student Conservation Association National Crew- 168 Hours of trail service
Madison West High School
Returning Team
SLI 2012 SOW
Baseball, Soccer, Photography, Skiing, Music, Reading, Conservation
Madison West High School
Returning Team
SLI 2012 SOW
Appendix D: Resume for Zuodian
Hubei Agricultural Research Facility Zidi Elementary (2000-March 2004)
Northeast Elementary, Ithaca, NY (March-July 2004)
Ross Elementary, Pittsburgh, PA (July 2004-2006)
Velma Hamilton Middle School (2006-2009)
Madison West High School (2009-Present)
West High Rocket Club (2010-Present)
2. TARC National Finalist (2010)
3. Rockets For School 3rd Place (2010)
4. SLI (2011)
Piano (2000-Present)
Violin (1998-Present)
● Wisconsin Youth Symphony Orchestra
○ Concert Orchestra (2007-2009)
○ Philharmonia Orchestra (2009-2011)
○ Youth Orchestra (2011-present)
● WMTA (Wisconsin Music Teachers Association) Badger State Competition
○ 2nd Place (2011)
○ Honorable Mention (2010)
● National Federation of Music Clubs
Solo “Superior Rating” (2010)
Soccer (2004-2010)
Tennis (2010-present)
● MATC Middle School Math Competition 1st Place Team (2008)
● Madison Area Math League
JV Team First Place (2010)
Varsity Individual 5th Place (2011)
Varsity Team 3rd Place (2011)
● MathCOUNTS Regional 10th Place Individual (2008)
● Science Olympiad
Event 3rd Place, 1 event (2010)
Event 4th Place, 2 events (2010)
● Pencil Sketching
Volunteer Experience
● Madison West High Student Tutor (2010-2011)
● Madison Public Library, Sequoya Branch (2011-present)
● Wisconsin Public Television Phone Bank Operator (2011)
● Picnic Point Nature Preservation (2011)
Madison West High School
Returning Team
● Rockets For Schools Student Mentor (2010-2011)
SLI 2012 SOW
Madison West High School
Returning Team
SLI 2012 SOW
Appendix E: Resume for Richard
Shorewood Hills Elementary School (2000-2006)
Velma Hamilton Middle School (2006-2009)
Madison West High School (2009-Present)
West High Rocket Club (2011-Present)
 TARC National Finalist (2011)
 Rockets For School 2nd Place (2011)
Piano (1998-Present)
 National Federation of Music Clubs
o Solo “Superior Rating” (2001-2011)
o Duet “Superior Rating”(2004, 2006, 2007)
 National Piano Playing Auditions – National Member (2003, 2004)
 MAPTA Young Composers Festival Level Two
o 2nd Place (2004)
 MAPTA (Madison Area Piano Teachers Associated) Honors Recital (20062011)
 Sonatina Festival
o Solo 1st Place (2003, 2004)
o Duet 1st Place (2002, 2003)
o Duet 2nd Place (2004)
 Chopin Youth Piano Competition Participant (2008, 2009)
o 5th Place (2008)
 Alzheimer’s Association Benefit Recital (2011)
 WMTA (Wisconsin Music Teachers Association) Badger State Competition
o 1st Place (2006, 2008, 2010, 2011)
o Honorable Mention (2005, 2007, 2009)
Violin (1998-Present)
 Wisconsin Youth Symphony Orchestra
o Concert Orchestra (2005)
o Philharmonia Orchestra (2006-2008)
o Youth Orchestra (2009-Present)
 Alzheimer’s Association Benefit Recital (2011)
Soccer (2000-2005)
 VASC/Magic U9 Tournament Champion (2004)
Madison West High School
Returning Team
SLI 2012 SOW
MAYSA U10 Cup Champion (2005)
Hockey (1999-2007)
 Beaver Dam Tournament 1st Place (2003)
 Winona Area Youth Hockey Tournament 1st Place (2004)
 UW- Stevens Point Summer Hockey Camp(2005)
 Wisconsin Amateur Hockey Association State Hockey Tournament
Participant (2003, 2005-2007)
 Badger State Games Participant (2007)
MATC Middle School Math Competition 1st Place Team (2008)
FPS (Future Problem Solver) State Competitor (2007)
BadgerB.O.T.S. Robotics Summer Camp (2008)
West High Science Olympiad Team (2010)
Volunteer Experience
 Wisconsin Regional Art Program (2009)
 National Federation of Music Clubs (2010, 2011)
 Tzu Chi Foundation (2011)
 Alzheimer’s Association (2011)
 Madison Festivals (2011)
Madison West High School
Returning Team
Appendix F: Resume for Suzanne
2209 Hollister Ave
53726 Madison, WI
Franklin Elementary School
Randall Elementary School
Velma Hamilton Middle School
Madison West High School- current sophomore
Activities and Achievements
Classical Guitar Lessons (2005-Present)
Rocket Club (2009-Present)
TARC (2009-Present)
SLI (2010-Present)
NAR Junior Level 1 certified
Peer Tutoring (10th grade- Present)
Honor Roll (6th grade- Present)
Battle of the Books participant (2007-2008)
3rd place in district-wide competition (2007)
Future Problem Solvers (2005-2006)
3rd place in state-wide skit competition
Cross Country (2009-Present)
Volunteer Experience
Monroe Street Library (2009-2010)
Meriter Hospital (2010-Present)
Honors Classes
Algebra 1 Honors (7th grade)
Geometry Honors (8th grade)
Algebra 2 Trigonometry Honors (9th grade)
Pre-calculus Honors (10th grade)
Biology Honors (9th grade)
English 10 Honors (10th grade)
SLI 2012 SOW
Madison West High School
Returning Team
SLI 2012 SOW
Appendix G: Resume for Zoë
118 Richland Ln.
Madison, WI 53705
Edgewood Campus School (2000- 2005)
Edgewood Middle School (2005-2008)
Madison West High School (class of ’13)
Japanese 4rd year
Extracurricular and Clubs:
NASA Student Launch Initiative Program 2011
TARC (Team America Rocketry Challenge) 2010 National Finalist
R4S (Rockets for Schools) Competition 2010 3rd place winner
NAR (National Association of Rocketry) Junior Level 1 certified
SMART (Students Modeling A Research Topic) team (08-present)
-Experimental Biology Conference 2010 poster presentation, Anaheim CA
-American Crystallographic Association Meeting 2010 poster presentation,
Chicago IL
-Experimental Biology Conference 2011 poster presentation, Washington
Science Olympiad Division C (09-10)
Science Olympiad Division B (06-09)
Women in Engineering at Michigan Tech (summer 2010)
Edgewood Middle School High Honor Roll 6, 7, and 8th grade
Presidential Scholar Award (09)
Who’s Who recipient (06-07) (08-09)
Young Shakespeare Players (YSP) 5+ productions
Volunteer Experience:
80+ hours at Angel’s Wish Animal Adoption Center
6 weeks research assistance at a UW Madison Biochemistry Lab
West High School Peer Tutor
Rocket Club youth outreach
West High School Honor Guard
Assistance with Madison UW Arboretum summer youth education program
Volunteer at UW Madison Hospital, department of surgery clinical trials program
Madison West High School
Returning Team
SLI 2012 SOW
Appendix H: Model Rocket Safety Code
1. Materials. I will use only lightweight, non-metal parts for the nose, body, and fins
of my rocket.
2. Motors. I will use only certified, commercially-made model rocket motors, and
will not tamper with these motors or use them for any purposes except those
recommended by the manufacturer.
3. Ignition System. I will launch my rockets with an electrical launch system and
electrical motor igniters. My launch system will have a safety interlock in series
with the launch switch, and will use a launch switch that returns to the "off"
position when released.
4. Misfires. If my rocket does not launch when I press the button of my electrical
launch system, I will remove the launcher's safety interlock or disconnect its
battery, and will wait 60 seconds after the last launch attempt before allowing
anyone to approach the rocket.
5. Launch Safety. I will use a countdown before launch, and will ensure that
everyone is paying attention and is a safe distance of at least 15 feet away when
I launch rockets with D motors or smaller, and 30 feet when I launch larger
rockets. If I am uncertain about the safety or stability of an untested rocket, I will
check the stability before flight and will fly it only after warning spectators and
clearing them away to a safe distance.
6. Launcher. I will launch my rocket from a launch rod, tower, or rail that is pointed
to within 30 degrees of the vertical to ensure that the rocket flies nearly straight
up, and I will use a blast deflector to prevent the motor's exhaust from hitting the
ground. To prevent accidental eye injury, I will place launchers so that the end of
the launch rod is above eye level or will cap the end of the rod when it is not in
7. Size. My model rocket will not weigh more than 1,500 grams (53 ounces) at liftoff
and will not contain more than 125 grams (4.4 ounces) of propellant or 320 N-sec
(71.9 pound-seconds) of total impulse. If my model rocket weighs more than one
pound (453 grams) at liftoff or has more than four ounces (113 grams) of
propellant, I will check and comply with Federal Aviation Administration
regulations before flying.
8. Flight Safety. I will not launch my rocket at targets, into clouds, or near
airplanes, and will not put any flammable or explosive payload in my rocket.
9. Launch Site. I will launch my rocket outdoors, in an open area at least as large
as shown in the accompanying table, and in safe weather conditions with wind
speeds no greater than 20 miles per hour. I will ensure that there is no dry grass
close to the launch pad, and that the launch site does not present risk of grass
10. Recovery System. I will use a recovery system such as a streamer or parachute
in my rocket so that it returns safely and undamaged and can be flown again,
and I will use only flame-resistant or fireproof recovery system wadding in my
Madison West High School
Returning Team
SLI 2012 SOW
11. Recovery Safety. I will not attempt to recover my rocket from power lines, tall
trees, or other dangerous places.
Installed Total Impulse (N-sec)
Equivalent Motor Type
Minimum Site Dimensions (ft.)
1/4A, 1/2A
Two Gs
Table 18: Minimum launch site dimensions
Madison West High School
Returning Team
SLI 2012 SOW
Appendix I: High Power Rocket Safety Code
Certification. I will only fly high power rockets or possess high power rocket motors that
are within the scope of my user certification and required licensing.
1. Materials. I will use only lightweight materials such as paper, wood, rubber,
plastic, fiberglass, or when necessary ductile metal, for the construction of my
2. Motors. I will use only certified, commercially made rocket motors, and will not
tamper with these motors or use them for any purposes except those
recommended by the manufacturer. I will not allow smoking, open flames, nor
heat sources within 25 feet of these motors.
3. Ignition System. I will launch my rockets with an electrical launch system, and
with electrical motor igniters that are installed in the motor only after my rocket is
at the launch pad or in a designated prepping area. My launch system will have a
safety interlock that is in series with the launch switch that is not installed until my
rocket is ready for launch, and will use a launch switch that returns to the "off"
position when released. If my rocket has onboard ignition systems for motors or
recovery devices, these will have safety interlocks that interrupt the current path
until the rocket is at the launch pad.
4. Misfires. If my rocket does not launch when I press the button of my electrical
launch system, I will remove the launcher's safety interlock or disconnect its
battery, and will wait 60 seconds after the last launch attempt before allowing
anyone to approach the rocket.
5. Launch Safety. I will use a 5-second countdown before launch. I will ensure that
no person is closer to the launch pad than allowed by the accompanying
Minimum Distance Table, and that a means is available to warn participants and
spectators in the event of a problem. I will check the stability of my rocket before
flight and will not fly it if it cannot be determined to be stable.
6. Launcher. I will launch my rocket from a stable device that provides rigid
guidance until the rocket has attained a speed that ensures a stable flight, and
that is pointed to within 20 degrees of vertical. If the wind speed exceeds 5 miles
per hour I will use a launcher length that permits the rocket to attain a safe
velocity before separation from the launcher. I will use a blast deflector to prevent
the motor's exhaust from hitting the ground. I will ensure that dry grass is cleared
around each launch pad in accordance with the accompanying Minimum
Distance table, and will increase this distance by a factor of 1.5 if the rocket
motor being launched uses titanium sponge in the propellant.
7. Size. My rocket will not contain any combination of motors that total more than
40,960 N-sec (9208 pound-seconds) of total impulse. My rocket will not weigh
more at liftoff than one-third of the certified average thrust of the high power
rocket motor(s) intended to be ignited at launch.
8. Flight Safety. I will not launch my rocket at targets, into clouds, near airplanes,
nor on trajectories that take it directly over the heads of spectators or beyond the
boundaries of the launch site, and will not put any flammable or explosive
payload in my rocket. I will not launch my rockets if wind speeds exceed 20 miles
Madison West High School
Returning Team
SLI 2012 SOW
per hour. I will comply with Federal Aviation Administration airspace regulations
when flying, and will ensure that my rocket will not exceed any applicable altitude
limit in effect at that launch site.
9. Launch Site. I will launch my rocket outdoors, in an open area where trees,
power lines, buildings, and persons not involved in the launch do not present a
hazard, and that is at least as large on its smallest dimension as one-half of the
maximum altitude to which rockets are allowed to be flown at that site or 1500
feet, whichever is greater.
10. Launcher Location. My launcher will be at least one half the minimum launch
site dimension, or 1500 feet (whichever is greater) from any inhabited building, or
from any public highway on which traffic flow exceeds 10 vehicles per hour, not
including traffic flow related to the launch. It will also be no closer than the
appropriate Minimum Personnel Distance from the accompanying table from any
boundary of the launch site.
11. Recovery System. I will use a recovery system such as a parachute in my
rocket so that all parts of my rocket return safely and undamaged and can be
flown again, and I will use only flame-resistant or fireproof recovery system
wadding in my rocket.
12. Recovery Safety. I will not attempt to recover my rocket from power lines, tall
trees, or other dangerous places, fly it under conditions where it is likely to
recover in spectator areas or outside the launch site, nor attempt to catch it as it
approaches the ground.
Installed Total
0 -- 320.00
320.01 -640.00
640.01 -1,280.00
1,280.01 -2,560.00
2,560.01 -5,120.00
5,120.01 -10,240.00
10,240.01 -20,480.00
20,480.01 -40,960.00
High Power
Diameter of
Motor Type
Cleared Area
Distance (ft.)
H or smaller
(Complex Rocket)
Table 19: Minimum launch site dimensions
Madison West High School
Returning Team
SLI 2012 SOW
Appendix J: Section 508
§ 1194.21 Software applications and operating systems.
(a) When software is designed to run on a system that has a keyboard, product
functions shall be executable from a keyboard where the function itself or the result of
performing a function can be discerned textually.
(b) Applications shall not disrupt or disable activated features of other products that are
identified as accessibility features, where those features are developed and
documented according to industry standards. Applications also shall not disrupt or
disable activated features of any operating system that are identified as accessibility
features where the application programming interface for those accessibility features
has been documented by the manufacturer of the operating system and is available to
the product developer.
(c) A well-defined on-screen indication of the current focus shall be provided that moves
among interactive interface elements as the input focus changes. The focus shall be
programmatically exposed so that assistive technology can track focus and focus
(d) Sufficient information about a user interface element including the identity, operation
and state of the element shall be available to assistive technology. When an image
represents a program element, the information conveyed by the image must also be
available in text.
(e) When bitmap images are used to identify controls, status indicators, or other
programmatic elements, the meaning assigned to those images shall be consistent
throughout an application's performance.
(f) Textual information shall be provided through operating system functions for
displaying text. The minimum information that shall be made available is text content,
text input caret location, and text attributes.
(g) Applications shall not override user selected contrast and color selections and other
individual display attributes.
(h) When animation is displayed, the information shall be displayable in at least one
non-animated presentation mode at the option of the user.
(i) Color coding shall not be used as the only means of conveying information, indicating
an action, prompting a response, or distinguishing a visual element.
(j) When a product permits a user to adjust color and contrast settings, a variety of color
selections capable of producing a range of contrast levels shall be provided.
Madison West High School
Returning Team
SLI 2012 SOW
(k) Software shall not use flashing or blinking text, objects, or other elements having a
flash or blink frequency greater than 2 Hz and lower than 55 Hz.
(l) When electronic forms are used, the form shall allow people using assistive
technology to access the information, field elements, and functionality required for
completion and submission of the form, including all directions and cues.
§ 1194.22 Web-based intranet and internet information and applications.
(a) A text equivalent for every non-text element shall be provided (e.g., via "alt",
"longdesc", or in element content).
(b) Equivalent alternatives for any multimedia presentation shall be synchronized with
the presentation.
(c) Web pages shall be designed so that all information conveyed with color is also
available without color, for example from context or markup.
(d) Documents shall be organized so they are readable without requiring an associated
style sheet.
(e) Redundant text links shall be provided for each active region of a server-side image
(f) Client-side image maps shall be provided instead of server-side image maps except
where the regions cannot be defined with an available geometric shape.
(g) Row and column headers shall be identified for data tables.
(h) Markup shall be used to associate data cells and header cells for data tables that
have two or more logical levels of row or column headers.
(i) Frames shall be titled with text that facilitates frame identification and navigation.
(j) Pages shall be designed to avoid causing the screen to flicker with a frequency
greater than 2 Hz and lower than 55 Hz.
(k) A text-only page, with equivalent information or functionality, shall be provided to
make a web site comply with the provisions of this part, when compliance cannot be
accomplished in any other way. The content of the text-only page shall be updated
whenever the primary page changes.
(l) When pages utilize scripting languages to display content, or to create interface
elements, the information provided by the script shall be identified with functional text
that can be read by assistive technology.
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(m) When a web page requires that an applet, plug-in or other application be present on
the client system to interpret page content, the page must provide a link to a plug-in or
applet that complies with §1194.21(a) through (l).
(n) When electronic forms are designed to be completed on-line, the form shall allow
people using assistive technology to access the information, field elements, and
functionality required for completion and submission of the form, including all directions
and cues.
(o) A method shall be provided that permits users to skip repetitive navigation links.
(p) When a timed response is required, the user shall be alerted and given sufficient
time to indicate more time is required.
Note to §1194.22:
1. The Board interprets paragraphs (a) through (k) of this section as consistent with the
following priority 1 Checkpoints of the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines 1.0 (WCAG
1.0) (May 5, 1999) published by the Web Accessibility Initiative of the World Wide Web
Section 1194.22 Paragraph
WCAG 1.0 Checkpoint
Table 20: Checkpoint consistent with the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines
2. Paragraphs (l), (m), (n), (o), and (p) of this section are different from WCAG 1.0. Web
pages that conform to WCAG 1.0, level A (i.e., all priority 1 checkpoints) must also meet
paragraphs (l), (m), (n), (o), and (p) of this section to comply with this section. WCAG
1.0 is available at
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§ 1194.23 Telecommunications products.
(a) Telecommunications products or systems which provide a function allowing voice
communication and which do not themselves provide a TTY functionality shall provide a
standard non-acoustic connection point for TTYs. Microphones shall be capable of
being turned on and off to allow the user to intermix speech with TTY use.
(b) Telecommunications products which include voice communication functionality shall
support all commonly used cross-manufacturer non-proprietary standard TTY signal
(c) Voice mail, auto-attendant, and interactive voice response telecommunications
systems shall be usable by TTY users with their TTYs.
(d) Voice mail, messaging, auto-attendant, and interactive voice response
telecommunications systems that require a response from a user within a time interval,
shall give an alert when the time interval is about to run out, and shall provide sufficient
time for the user to indicate more time is required.
(e) Where provided, caller identification and similar telecommunications functions shall
also be available for users of TTYs, and for users who cannot see displays.
(f) For transmitted voice signals, telecommunications products shall provide a gain
adjustable up to a minimum of 20 dB. For incremental volume control, at least one
intermediate step of 12 dB of gain shall be provided.
(g) If the telecommunications product allows a user to adjust the receive volume, a
function shall be provided to automatically reset the volume to the default level after
every use.
(h) Where a telecommunications product delivers output by an audio transducer which
is normally held up to the ear, a means for effective magnetic wireless coupling to
hearing technologies shall be provided.
(i) Interference to hearing technologies (including hearing aids, cochlear implants, and
assistive listening devices) shall be reduced to the lowest possible level that allows a
user of hearing technologies to utilize the telecommunications product.
(j) Products that transmit or conduct information or communication, shall pass through
cross-manufacturer, non-proprietary, industry-standard codes, translation protocols,
formats or other information necessary to provide the information or communication in a
usable format. Technologies which use encoding, signal compression, format
transformation, or similar techniques shall not remove information needed for access or
shall restore it upon delivery.
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(k) Products which have mechanically operated controls or keys, shall comply with the
(1) Controls and keys shall be tactilely discernible without activating the controls
or keys.
(2) Controls and keys shall be operable with one hand and shall not require tight
grasping, pinching, or twisting of the wrist. The force required to activate controls
and keys shall be 5 lbs. (22.2 N) maximum.
(3) If key repeat is supported, the delay before repeat shall be adjustable to at
least 2 seconds. Key repeat rate shall be adjustable to 2 seconds per character.
(4) The status of all locking or toggle controls or keys shall be visually
discernible, and discernible either through touch or sound.
§ 1194.26 Desktop and portable computers.
(a) All mechanically operated controls and keys shall comply with §1194.23 (k) (1)
through (4).
(b) If a product utilizes touch screens or touch-operated controls, an input method shall
be provided that complies with §1194.23 (k) (1) through (4).
(c) When biometric forms of user identification or control are used, an alternative form of
identification or activation, which does not require the user to possess particular
biological characteristics, shall also be provided.
(d) Where provided, at least one of each type of expansion slots, ports and connectors
shall comply with publicly available industry standards.
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Appendix K: Material Safety Data Sheets
All MSDS sheets are available on our website
Propulsion and Deployment
Ammonium Perchlorate
Aerotech Reloadable Motors
Aerotech Igniters
M-Tek E-matches
Pyrodex Pellets
Black Powder
Nomex (thermal protector)
Elmer’s White Glue
Two Ton Epoxy Resin
Two Ton Epoxy Hardener
Bob Smith Cyanoacrylate Glue (superglue)
Superglue Accelerator (kicker)
Superglue Debonder
Painting and Finishing
Automotive Primer
Automotive Spray Paint
Clear Coat
Construction Supplies
Carbon Fiber
Fiberglass Cloth
Fiberglass Resin
Fiberglass Hardener
Self-expanding Foam
Ethyl Alcohol 70%