ECONOMICS Daily Objectives 10-18-13 Computer Lab on Monday Key Terms Quiz on Tuesday Learning Objectives: 1. Identify how the market finds a new equilibrium based on changes in the determinants of price. 2. Identify price as a rationing device in a price-based system. DUE: N/A In Class: Lecture on adjustments to equilibrium. Do workbook P.35 & 36 Part A only on both pages. HW: N/A ECONOMICS Daily Objectives 10-17-13 Binder Check on Friday Computer Lab on Monday Key Terms Quiz on Tuesday Learning Objectives: 1. Identify career opportunities. DUE: N/A In Class: Mr. Wagner from UTI HW: N/A ECONOMICS Daily Objectives 10-16-13 Binder Check on Friday Learning Objectives: 1. Explain how supply and demand curves create balance in the marketplace. 2. Compare a market in equilibrium with a market in disequilibrium. 3. Understand how government intervention in the marketplace creates disequilibrium via price ceilings and price floors. DUE: N/A In Class: Lecture: government created disequilibrium Workbook P.34 Q.4-16 (Tear out and hand in when finished) HW: N/A ECONOMICS Daily Objectives 10-15-13 Learning Objectives: 1. Understand Equilibrium DUE: Chapter 6 Key Terms In Class: Video on Equilibrium Read 125-128 Video on Equilibrium Write Summary using Key Terms HW: N/A ECONOMICS Daily Objectives 10-14-13 Learning Objectives: 1. Learn the Chapter 6 Vocabulary DUE: N/A In Class: Do Ch6 Key Terms HW: N/A ECONOMICS Daily Objectives Learning Objectives: 1. Understand the American System DUE: N/A In Class: Substitute HW: N/A ECONOMICS Daily Objectives Mr. Hansen is gone on 10-14-13 Learning Objectives: 1. Catsup? Ketchup? Catch up. DUE: N/A In Class: Catch up if you can. No books tomorrow HW: N/A ECONOMICS Daily Objectives Email me for yesterday’s assignment: Learning Objectives: 1. See the quiz, take the quiz, pass the quiz. DUE: N/A In Class: Ch. 5 Key Terms Quiz How to buy a brand new car HW: N/A ECONOMICS Daily Objectives Ch. 5 Key Terms Quiz on Wednesday Email me for yesterday’s assignment: Learning Objectives: 1. Understand changes in supply DUE: N/A In Class: Cornell Note Outline of 5.3 (1 page, both sides) HW: N/A ECONOMICS Daily Objectives Ch. 5 Key Terms Quiz on Wednesday Learning Objectives: 1. Understand the Costs of Production and marginal returns. DUE: N/A In Class: Essential/Unknown 10-11-13 10-10-13 10-09-13 10-08-13 10-07-13 Video Reading Chapter 5 Sec. 2 HW: N/A ECONOMICS Daily Objectives 10-4-13 Title Page Due Friday Learning Objectives: 1. Understand the economy as a continuum of politics and business. DUE: Title Page In Class: The epic clash of capitalism and communism. HW: N/A ECONOMICS Daily Objectives 10-3-13 Title Page Due Friday Learning Objectives: 1. Explain the law of supply. 2. interpret a supply graph using a supply schedule. 3. Explain the relationship of elasticity of time and supply. DUE: Chapter 5 Key Terms (all 21) In Class: 5.1 Book & Newspaper assignment With a partner, Read “Law of Supply” (PP.101-103) and then find an article in the newspaper that contains the concepts from the reading. Sharing ideas with your partner, write a paragraph that demonstrates the connection. You will share your findings with class as a team. HW: N/A ECONOMICS Daily Objectives 10-2-13 Title Page Due Friday Learning Objectives: 1. Learn the Key Terms. DUE: Extra Credit (1-7,9-15 PP.98-99) In Class: Extra Credit Category Do Chapter 5 Key Terms (all 21) HW: N/A ECONOMICS Daily Objectives 10-1-13 Learning Objectives: 1. Pass the quiz. DUE: N/A In Class: Binder Check 9-9 to 9-27 15 Days Total (need all days even if there was a sub!!!!!) Ch. 4 Key Terms Quiz: Question #4 is bogus. HW: N/A ECONOMICS Daily Objectives 9-30-13 Learning Objectives: 1. Work on project. DUE: N/A In Class: Work on project. HW: N/A