Chapter 15:
Foundations of Marketing
Fourth Edition
Prepared by Milton Pressley
University of New Orleans
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1. Discuss the nature of integrated marketing
2. Describe the process of communication.
3. Understand the role of promotion in the
marketing mix.
4. Explain the objectives of promotion.
5. Understand the major elements of the
promotion mix.
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6. Describe the factors that affect the choice of
promotion-mix elements.
7. Explore word-of-mouth communication and
how it affects promotion.
8. Understand the criticisms and defenses of
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Integrated Marketing
Communications (IMC)
• Coordination of promotional
efforts for maximum informational
and persuasive impact on
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The Communication Process
• Communication
- A sharing of meaning
• Source
- A person, group or organization that decodes a
coded message
• Receiver
- The individual, group or organization that decodes a
coded message
• Coding process (Coding process )
- Converting meaning into a series of signs or
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Decoding the Message
• Communication channel
- The medium of transmission that carries the coded message
from the source to the receiver or audience
• Decoding process
- Converting signs or symbols into concepts and ideas
• Noise
- Anything that reduces a communication’s clarity and accuracy
• Feedback
- The receiver’s response to a message
• Channel capacity
- The limit on the volume of information a communication
channel can handle effectively
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The Communication Process
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• Communication to build and maintain
relationships by informing and persuading one or
more audiences
Objectives for
Marketers use
advertising and
other methods to
achieve a variety of
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Eight Promotional Objectives
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Information Flows are Important in
Integrated Marketing Communications
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Create Awareness
• Making customers
aware of the product
is crucial to initiating
the product adoption
Selective Demand
Gap, Inc. uses ads like this one
to build selective demand for
its Piperlime products, only
available online.
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Stimulate Demand
• Primary demand
- Demand for a product category rather than for a
specific brand
• Pioneer promotion
- Promotion that informs consumers about a new
• Selective demand
- Demand for a specific brand
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Encourage Product Trial
• Designed to move
customers through the
product adoption process
Techniques used:
- Free samples
- Coupons
- Test drives/limited free-use
- Contests
- Games
Encouraging Product Trial
Papa John’s uses this special
promotional offer to stimulate
product trial.
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• Identify prospects
- Identifying customers who are interested in the firm’s product and
most likely to buy it
• Retain loyal customers
- Maintaining long-term relationships is a major goal of most marketers
• Facilitate reseller support
- Providing support to maintain sound working relationships
• Combat competitive promotional efforts
- Using promotion to offset or lessen the effect of a competitor’s goals
• Reduce sales fluctuations
- Generating sales during slow periods
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The Four Possible Elements of a
Promotion Mix
When an organization combines specific methods to manage the
integrated marketing communications for a particular product, that
combination constitutes the promotion mix for that product.
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• A paid nonpersonal
communication about an
organization and its
products transmitted to
a target audience
through mass media
Advertising Aimed at
This ad focuses on one of the
many health risks associated
with secondhand smoke.
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Personal Selling
• A paid personal communication that seeks to
inform customers and persuade them to purchase
products in an exchange situation
- Kinesic communication: Communicating through the
movement of head, eyes, arms, hands, legs or torso
- Proxemic communications: Communicating by varying
the physical distance in personal selling situations
- Tactile communications: Communicating through
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Public Relations
• A broad set of communication efforts used
to create and maintain favorable
relationships between an organization and
its stakeholders
- Public relations tools include:
Annual reports
Event sponsorship
Sponsorship of socially responsible programs
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Sales Promotion
• Activity or material that
acts as a direct
inducement, offering
added value or incentive
for the product to
reseller, salespeople or
Sales Promotion
The coupon in this
advertisement is a sales
promotion technique.
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Selecting Promotion-Mix Elements
An effective promotion mix requires the right combination of components:
Push and Pull
Channel Policies
Cost and
Availability of
of the Target
of the Product
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Promotion Mix Elements
• Resources, Objectives, and Policies – Basing mix
on budget, goals, etc.
• Characteristics of the Target Market – Includes
size, geographic distribution, and demographic
• Characteristics of the Product – Includes price and
personal nature of the product
• Cost and Availability of Methods – Some
promotion types are more expensive than others
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Push and Pull Channel Policies
• Push policy
- Promoting a product only to the next
institution down the marketing channel
• Pull policy
- Promoting a product directly to consumers
to develop strong consumer demand that
pulls products through the marketing
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Word-of-Mouth Communications
and Social Media
• Word-of-mouth communication
- Personal informal exchanges of information that
customers share with one another about products,
brands and companies
• Social media
- Technology that links people to networks and allows
exchanges of personal information, professional
information and common interests
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Top 10 Shows with Product Placement
Source: The Nielsen Company, March 5, 2009,,accessed April 10, 2009
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After Reviewing This Chapter
You Should:
• Understand the nature of integrated
marketing communications.
• Know the process of communication.
• Understand the role of promotion in the
marketing mix.
• Know the objectives of promotion.
• Understand the major elements of the
promotion mix.
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After Reviewing This Chapter
You Should:
• Be able to describe the factors that affect
the choice of promotion-mix elements.
• Know about word-of-mouth
communication and how it affects
• Understand the criticisms and defenses of
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Key Concepts
Integrated marketing
Pioneer promotion
Selective demand
Branded entertainment
Promotion mix
Kinesic communication
Proxemic communication
Tactile communication
Coding process
Push policy
Communications channel
Pull policy
Decoding process
Word-of-mouth communication
Social media
Buzz marketing
Channel capacity
Viral marketing
Product placement
Primary demand
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