Function of Mitochondria improves with Double Helix Water

Double Helix
Water Clusters
Applications in Regenerative
Michelle Wong,
Primary Research Associate to Dr. Lo,
Licensed Acupuncturist,
Functional Medicine Expert,
Masters of Science Oriental Medicine
UCLA & Dongguk University
Randy Gerson
BS Chemistry
Alternative Health Care Advocate
Consultant to Natural Health organizations
Chemistry degree from SDSU
Cancer survivor without drugs
Stable water clusters (SWC)
backed by 19 years of research
Dr Shui Yin Lo, Ph.D.
The Discovery of Stable Water Clusters
 1996
David Gann and Dr. Shui Yin Lo are researching
different catalytic materials for the mining industry.
Come across a sample of water that has exceptional
properties for preventing the build up of coking
material in pipes
Extensive testing for purity, viscosity, freezing, etc
The Discovery of Stable Water Clusters
1996- 1998
 Dr. Lo calculates the existence of a nano-size particle
based on Debye principles
 More testing for industrial applications
 Testing by Dr. Bonavida at UCLA on human blood cells
and cytokine activity
 First International Symposium on Physical, Chemical,
and Biological Properties of Stable Water Clusters
The Discovery
Year 2006
 A family member had severe illness, had not responded to conventional
medical treatments/therapies, was in hospice, and was given only a few
months to live
 She began drinking a solution of the stable water clusters and went into
remission within four months
 Today she is still free of her illness
The Discovery
Year 2007
• Gann, Lo with Dr. Norman Shealy ran a small clinical trial.
• 10 healthy subjects
• Baseline blood drawn
• Measure TNF-A, IL-1B, IL-6, and IFN-Y (human immune system markers).
• Preparation of stable water clusters, four times a day for 45 days.
• Results were impressive; Significant increases in Interferon-Y
• (interferons are proteins that trigger the protective defenses of the
immune system)
• Study was unpublished due to small numbers
The Discovery
Dr. Shealy stated:
“The water may produce a significant enhancement of immune function in
human beings. Larger studies should be done with perhaps a broader
overview of immune function. Dysfunctions of the immune system are
major factors in allergies, autoimmune diseases, cancer and even
atherosclerosis and diabetes. The implications for immune health are
The Discovery
Year 2009
• A large study (immediate effect on the human body)
• Using infrared imagery
• Study group 78 volunteers over the age of 45, free of acute
• Baseline infrared image, drank plain distilled water, infrared
• The subjects drank preparation of double helix stable water
• Third infrared image was taken
Statistically significant differences were found in all 78
SWC Research for Health
Year 2013 - Seven peer reviewed published medical papers
Some examples:
• Stable Water Clusters-Mediated Molecular Alterations in Human
Melanoma Cell Lines B. Bonavida & S. Baritaki. Dept of Microbiology,
Immunology, and Molecular Genetics, Geffen School of Medicine, UCLA
• Oncological Hyperthermia as an Adjuvant Treatment in Advanced
Stages of Lung Cancer R. Hilu, F. Martinez-Peñalver, & J. Martinez-Canca
• Case Study of Autistic Subjects with Stable Water Clusters
R. Velasquez, H. Chu, & S.Y. Lo
• Seven Key Principles of Cancer Therapy: Alternative Approaches to
Disease Resolution A. Jimenez & S. Chakravarty
“Double Helix” stable water
clusters are not...
Machine altered
Man altered
3 known phases of water
Proposed 4th stage of water
Temperature changes these known water molecules
Water tends towards clusters
Why Structured Water?
 Water is the universal solvent
 Water is an excellent conductor of energy
 Our biochemistry needs water
 In living organisms, that water is
Non-existent in our daily drinking water
What is “Double Helix” patterned
Stable Water Clusters (SWC)
DNA Helix Structure
Why double helix
shaped stable water clusters?
 Discovered with an atomic force microscope
 4th stage of water (between liquid and solid)
 A solid phase of water highly polar, stable at room
temperature & normal pressure (Lo, Gann)
 SWCs in the form of double helix have applications
for health
Double helix stable water clusters – optimal
arrangement for pure water molecules
Double helix shaped stable water cluster
under atomic force microscope
2.5 μm
5 μm
SWCs are polar and tend towards
dipole to dipole alignment
Magnetic Resonance Imaging, SHG, and
infrared imaging dependent on water
alignment in the organism
SHG – Second Harmonic Generation images of
Collagen dependent on superconductivity of
water in collagen fibers
Stable Water Clusters align to create
the acupuncture meridian system
Water at the interfaces is the key to
life – Albert Szent-Gyorgi
 Nobel prize winner for discovery of Vitamin C
 Proposed water in the interfaces (such as cell membranes)
is in the excited state, therefore less energy to split water
than water at the ground state
 Therefore a differential in voltage exists at the boundary of
interfacial water and bulk water – indeed observed and
confirmed in the study of cellular membranes
SWCs, EZ water, and redox reactions
 Experiments by Gerald Pollack demonstrate EZ water forms on the
surface of gels, and is 10x more viscous
 Inside the cell, EZ forms on the surfaces of membranes and
macromolecules envisaged by Szent-Gyorgi
 This excited water can be characterized as a quantum coherent
domain, with a plasma of almost free electrons – creating a “Redox
 Collaboration with university lab, demonstrate SWC (double helix)
increase the formation of EZ water along hydrophyllic surfaces
Stable water clusters and live blood
cell analyses
Peer reviewed clinical studies
In-vitro study suggests SWC induces
cell communication & immune fxn
 In a blind control study, UCLA Professor Bonavida
reports that stable water clusters triggered immune cells
in human mononuclear blood cells for proliferation,
cytokine secretion and potentiation of antigenic
SWC- mediated experiment on human
melanoma cell lines by Bonavida at UCLA
 In-vitro analysis with two well studied melanoma cell
lines A375 and M233
 Preparations A & B analyzed by mass spectrometry
 (diagram of mass spectrometry)
SWC- mediated experiment on human
melanoma cell lines by Bonavida at UCLA
 Significant inhibition of proliferation after 48 hours of
A375 by sample B
 Sensitization to Fas ligand induced apoptosis (with B)
 Further analysis with RT Profiler PCR assay suggest
sample B exerts effects at the genetic level by
regulating the transcription of selective genes
Clinical uses for stable water clusters
supporting oncological therapies
 As an inhalant – common for lung cancers
 Intravenous usage
 Daily ingestion
 Dr. Antonio Jimenez of Hope4Cancer Institute,
utilizes all 3, combining with his therapies in ILP low
dose radiation, sono- photo dynamic therapy, detox,
diet, and emotional/ spirtual counseling
SWC and regenerative therapies in the
integrative medical clinic – Dr. Hilu
 Dr. Raymond Hilu, director of 5 medical clinics in Spain, utilizes
stable water cluster in conjunction with various treatments
 Published paper on the Oncological Hyperthermia for the
treatment of advanced lung cancer. Case history of three
patients with poor response to standard treatment. Given
localized as well as whole body hyperthermia treatment as well
as an oral protocol with jujube fruit extract to stimulate NK cell
 Patients were also given 15 ml/ day (double helix) stable water
clusters to improve cell membrane permeability and reduce
cytoplasmic hypoxia, thus regulating P52
*Study data from the CDC
SWC utilized with Stem Cell
 Dr. Hilu also combines (double Helix) stable water
clusters in solution with stem cells for better results
for beauty treatments
 Optimizing activity in the cellular membrane, and
ultimate efficacy of most treatments by 30%
 Video clip
Stable water clusters physical properties
enhance other therapies by 30%
Stable Water Clusters & Autism study
 7 months on 6 oz SWC mixture
twice per day
 SWC cream on specific
head, neck and chest areas
twice per day
Initial Score: 56
Follow up score: 28
% Difference: 50% improvement
Better behavioral markers
5 months of Double Helix water trx, post vaccine
Jan 2013
Mar 2013
May 2013
Long term- on DHW
from (11 yrs) to now (15 yrs)
From the mother of a 22yr male
On standard Double Helix Water protocol for 2 years
Positive results for long term changes
On elevated DHW protocol
Positive result for acute conditions
Testimonial on post-surgical wound
Lo, S.Y. “Anomalous State of Ice”. Modern Physics Letters B 1996 10:19, 909-919.
Cardarella, John, Jacob Turner, and Shui Yin Lo. "A soft matter state of water and the structures it forms." Forum on Immunopathological Diseases and Therapeutics. Vol.
3. No. 3-4. Begel House Inc., 2012.
Lo, Shui-yin. "Meridians in acupuncture and infrared imaging." Medical hypotheses 58.1 (2002): 72-76.
Giudice, E.D.; Spinetti, P.R.; Tedeschi, A. Water Dynamics at the Root of Metamorphosis in Living Organisms. Water 2010, 2, 566-586.
Davidson, R.M.; Lauritzen, A.; Seneff, S. Biological Water Dynamics and Entropy: A Biophysical Origin of Cancer and Other Diseases. Entropy 2013,15, 3822-3876.
Pollack, Gerald. The Fourth Phase of Water: Beyond Solid, Liquid, and Vapor. Ebner and Sons Publishers, 2014.
Lo, SY. The Biophysics Basis for Acupuncture and Health. Dragon Eye Press, 2004.
Bonavida, B., and X. H. Gan. "Induction and regulation of human peripheral blood TH1-TH2 derived cytokines by IE water preparations and synergy with
mitogens." Physical, chemical and biological properties of stable water IE clusters, World Scientific, Singapore (1998): 167-83.
Lo, S.Y.; Geng, X.; Gann, D. “Evidence for the existence of stable-water clusters at room temperature and normal pressure”. Physics Letters A, Volume 373, Issue 42, 12
October 2009, 3872-3876.
Bonavida, B.; Baritaki, S. ”Stable Water Clusters-Mediated Molecular Alterations in Human Melanoma Cell Lines" Forum on Immunopathological Diseases and Therapeutics.
Vol. 3. No. 3-4. Begel House Inc., 2013.
Jimenez, A., and Subrata, C. ”Seven Key Pronciples of Cancer Therapy: Alternative Approaches to Disease Resolution." Forum on Immunopathological Diseases and
Therapeutics. Vol. 3. No. 3-4. Begel House Inc., 2013.
Hilu, R.; Martinez-Penalver, F.; Martinez-Canca, J. ” Oncological Hyperthermia as Adjuvant Treatment in Advanced Stages of Lung Cancer" Forum on Immunopathological
Diseases and Therapeutics. Vol. 3. No. 3-4. Begel House Inc., 2013.