Medical Ethics Unit 19 HIV Care and ART: A Course for Healthcare Providers Learning Objectives Explain the importance and utility of medical ethics Describe the methodology of ethical deliberation Analyze practical issues in the clinical setting from an ethics perspective 2 Skepticism and Medical Ethics Trainer Role Play Basic Rights and Ethical Duties Human Human Rights Dignity Access to health care Right to non-discrimination Right to privacy and confidentiality Right to environment that is not harmful to health or well being 4 Medical Ethics: Definition The practice of medicine is rooted in a covenant of trust among patients, healthcare professionals, and society. The ethics of medicine must seek to balance the healthcare professional’s responsibility to each patient and the professional, collective obligation to all who need medical care. The Council of Medical Specialty Societies, 2000 5 Utility of Medical Ethics Medical ethics principles provide a framework for discussing ethical issues and for medical decision making The principles provide consistent guidance where there are substantive considerations on both sides of an issue 6 Ethical vs. Legal Obligations Medical ethics and the law are not the same, but often help define each other Breach of ethical obligation may not necessarily mean breach of law Breach of ethical obligation may be used to prove medical malpractice or medical negligence 7 Healthcare Professional Role Paternalistic model Emphasizes health and well-being (beneficence) over respect for autonomy and patient choice Patient is selectively given information Evolution of newer decision-making models Independent choice vs. enhanced autonomy Paternalistic vs. informative vs. interpretive vs. deliberative 8 Interconnectedness of Rights, Trust, and Obligation Public Trust Patient Rights Health Care Worker Obligations 9 Benetar’s Levels of Ethics in HIV/AIDS Micro Level Individual doctor-patient relationship Meso Level Civic and public health ethics, including equitable access to health care Macro level Ethics of interdependance and international relationships 10 Micro Level Ethical Principles I. Respect for Autonomy (or Person) Respect the decisions of autonomous persons and protect persons who lack decision-making capacity (e.g., confused pts, mentally ill). Recognize the capacity of mentally and legally competent patients : To think and make decisions independently To act on the basis of their decisions To communicate their wishes to health workers Uphold patient confidentiality 11 Ethical Principles (2) II. Non-Maleficence (Not inflicting harm) Health professionals should not inflict harm on patients (Premum non nocere) III. Beneficence Act in the best interests of patients or research participants. Contribute to patient welfare – help patients further health interests 12 Ethical Principles (3) Sometimes there is ethical tension between beneficence (attaining a beneficial outcome) vs. non-maleficence (not inflicting harm) It is important to weigh the chance of success against risks of treatment 13 Ethical Principles (4) IV. Justice Requires that people be treated fairly. (It is often understood to require that benefits and burdens be distributed fairly within society.) Treat all patients equally – no unfair discrimination Distributive justice 14 Informed Consent Definition: A patient’s willing acceptance of a medical intervention after adequate disclosure from their MD of the nature of the intervention, risks, benefits and alternative treatment options What constitutes informed consent? Disclosure: information to allow reasonable person to make a decision Understanding: comprehension of the information given Voluntary: no coercion or incentive to accept or deny a treatment Agreement: verbal or written (preferred) to discussed intervention 15 Confidentiality Patient confidentiality must be upheld Breaching patient confidentiality may be merited only: When ordered by court of law – a court case Where statutory requirement – public health laws Where required in health professional’s defense – malpractice suit Where necessary for appropriate patient carespeaking to another provider in the medical care system 16 Honesty The percentage of patients who would like to be told their diagnosis if it is a: Metastatic cancer Terminal Prognosis European Americans 87% African Americans 88% Mexican Americans 65% Korean Americans 47% Ethiopians (can you guess?)??% 69% 63% 48% 35% ??% Source: Blackhall LJ, et al. (1995) JAMA 274: 820-5. The more traditional the culture … the less truth telling regarding patient condition 17 Framework for Medical Ethics Development in Ethiopia Capacity Standards OUTCOMES Awareness Ethics Committees Declarations Legislation/ Guidelines Ethics Teaching Academics/ Teaching/ Research Publications Seminar/ Workshops/ Trainings • platforms for ethical action • intensive public debate • informed public opinion • (inter)national normative frameworks • morally sensitized professionals and health professionals • assisted policy18 making Case Studies Case Study: Lake Lake, your 36-year-old patient, has just tested positive for HIV. He asks that you not inform his wife of the results and claims he is not ready to tell her yet. 20 Case Study: Lielit Lielit, a 22 year-old woman, is admitted to the hospital with a headache, stiff neck and photophobia but an intact mental status. Lab tests reveal cryptococcal meningitis, an infection commonly associated with HIV infection. When given the diagnosis, she adamantly refuses to be tested for HIV. 21 Case Study: Berhan Berhan, a 35 year-old man with AIDS, admits that he is often unable to take his medicines regularly because of his alcohol and chat addictions. His lab profile is consistent with immunological treatment failure. 22 Case Study: Mihret Mihret, a 27 year-old healthy looking mother, brings her 3 year-old son to a clinic with chronic diarrhea, weight loss, and failure to thrive. She reports that an older child died several years ago, at age 2. She is advised to have her son tested for HIV, but she adamantly refuses because of her fear of knowing her own HIV status and that of her husband. 23 Case Study: Mikael You are have been caring for a 12 year-old HIVinfected boy who has been clinically stable until recently. He now meets criteria for ARV treatment but you are very concerned because his mother has refused to allow disclosure of his HIV-status to him. He has been asking questions about why he keeps getting sick. 24 Medical Ethics 27 Key Points The most commonly accepted principles of medical ethics include: Respect for Patient Autonomy Beneficence and Nonmaleficence Justice Other principles include informed consent, confidentiality and honesty Medical ethical discussions need to take into account the cultural situation in which they occur. 26