Sophomore Vocabulary Units 17 & 18

Sophomore Vocabulary Units 17 & 18
Directions: Underline the context clues in each sentence to help identify meaning and correct usage of the
vocabulary. Complete the exercise of each unit.
Unit 17
PUT (Latin PUTARE, PUTATUM “to think”)
Impute (v) – To assign blame or responsibility for. L. in, “on, against” + putare = to think against.
The car’s manufacturer imputed the steering problems to faulty tires.
Dispute (v) – To disagree with. (n) A disagreement or argument. L. dis, “apart,” + putare = to think apart.
Lisa disputed my claim that she was always late; in fact, she said, she was usually early.
The city council was divided by the dispute over sales taxes.
Disreputable (adj) – not respectable; having a bad reputation. L. dis, “bad,” + re, “again,” + putare = thought badly of
again and again.
The disreputable doctor allowed his patients to go for months or years without treatment.
NOTA (Latin NOTARE, NOTATUM “to note”)
Connotation (n) – An image or idea associated with a word. L. con, “together with,” + notatum = noted with.
I fully understand the negative connotation of the word you used to describe me.
Denotation (n) – The dictionary definition of a word. L. de, “down,” + notare = noted from.
In order to grasp the denotation of the word, I looked it up in several dictionaries.
Annotate (v) – To explain or discuss through a note. L. ad, “towards,” + notare = noted upon.
The difficult book would have attracted more readers if the author had decided to annotate it.
RATIO (Latin RATIO “reason”)
Irrational (adj) – Not based on reason or logic. L. in, “not,” + ratio = (having) no reason.
As a child, Christopher was teased for his irrational fear of water.
Rationale (n) – A reason for doing something; explanation.
What rationale does the author provide for designing the book this way?
Rationalize (v) – Justify; give reason for.
I tried my best to rationalize spending so much money on one piece of furniture.
SCI (Latin SCIRE “to know”)
Conscientious (adj) – Diligent and careful. L. com, “with,” + scire = in accordance with knowledge.
Rebecca was a conscientious student and a leader in several school clubs.
Unconscionable (adj) – Not obeying moral laws; unscrupulous. L. un, “not,” + con, “with,” + scire = not in accordance
with knowledge.
The current administration’s repeal of environmental laws has been called unconscionable by many naturalists.
Prescient (adj) – Showing knowledge of events before they happen.
L. pre, “in advance,” + scire = to know in advance.
The baseball coach made some decisions that now seem amazingly prescient.
Sophomore Vocabulary
Unit 17 Exercise 17
The historian decided to annotate the chapters in his newest book because. . .
Celeste is a conscientious student, so she is sure to . . .
Because of her connection to some disreputable businessmen, Naya. . .
The denotation of the term that you gave was incorrect because. . .
The only rationale I could provide for jumping out of the plane was. . .
If Noah imputes Herman’s mistake to bad manners, it is because he thinks. . .
My grandmother, hearing about the tornado on the radio, took the prescient step of. . .
Sometimes people can be offended by the connotation of a word even when. . .
Having worked hard on the project, Lara decided to dispute. . .
10. Norah says that, because other people need food and medicine, it is unconscionable to . . .
11. The man rationalized his involvement in the candy store robbery by. . .
12. It seems irrational of Harriet to get angry at Morgan for. . .
Directions: Underline the context clues in each sentence to help identify meaning and correct usage of the
vocabulary. Complete the exercise of each unit.
Sophomore Vocabulary Unit 18
AES (Greek AESTHESIS “feeling, perception”)
Aesthetic (adj) – Having to do with beauty or order.
The statue has an aesthetic value that will last far beyond our own time.
Anesthetic (n) – A substance that causes loss of feeling. G. an, “without,” + aesthesis = without feeling.
The doctor administered an anesthetic before operating on the patient’s foot.
PATH (Greek PATHEIN “to feel”)
Apathetic (adj) – Not interested; having no strong emotion towards. G. a, “not,” + pathein = having no feeling.
The speaker tried to rally the crowd, but most of the people present were apathetic.
Empathy (n) – Sharing of another’s emotions. G. em, “inside,” + pathos = feel from inside.
Nelly was divided between feeling empathy for her boss and concern about her own future at the company.
Pathos (n) -- Power of evoking great sadness or sympathy.
The sheer pathos of the opera’s final scene left the audience in tears.
Antipathy (adj) – Hostility or hatred. G. anti, “against,” + pathein = feeling against.
The fans’ antipathy for the coach increased when he lost the game.
SENS/SENT (Latin SENTIRE, SENSUM “to feel, to be aware”)
Sentient (adj) – Conscious, aware.
Do you think there are any other sentient beings in the universe?
Sentinel (n) – One who watches or guards. L. literally, one being aware.
George was posted as sentinel over the camp.
Sentiment (n) – A feeling about something.
Although Vinnie expressed his sincere love for Sandra, she did not return the sentiment.
Presentiment (n) – A feeling about something before it happens. L. pre, “before,”
sentire = feeling before.
I had an uneasy presentiment about the party that evening.
TANG/TACT (Latin TANGERE, TACTUM “to touch”)
Tangible (adj) – Able to be grasped or perceived.
The rewards or volunteering may not be as tangible as a new car or a new house.
Tactile (adj) -- Pertaining to touch.
The poet uses tactile imagery to give his reader the feeling of rough boards ad damp sand.
Intact (adj) – Unbroken, whole. L. in, “not” + tactum = not touched.
Amazingly, the vase was intact even after rolling to the bottom of the hill.
Sophomore Vocabulary Exercise
Unit 18 Exercise 18
When my sister lost her job, I felt empathy for her because. . .
The teacher encouraged tactile interaction between the children and their environment by . . .
Once the anesthetic was administered, Dan started to. . .
The sentinel at the military base looked for. . .
Although he had once expressed antipathy for his stepfather, Owen now. . .
The presentiment I had about the meeting caused me to . . .
Justin thought the rug had aesthetic appeal, but Jeremy thought. . .
Some people argue that humans are the only sentient beings because. . .
Alvin found that the results of his hours at the gym were tangible when. . .
10. The pathos of the scene in which the girl kneels beside her kitten made me. . .
11. When he found that the priceless figurine was intact, the collector. . .
12. The sentiment expressed by most of the excited fans at the game was . . .
13. Nicole was apathetic about the idea of the dance until. . .