The Strong Lensing Legacy Survey (SL2S) Bernard Fort ESO Santiago November 22, 2006 UPMC/CNRS SL2S project Extract and study a large sample of strong gravitational lenses from the CFHTLS wide field survey > 300, possibly 1000 with a lens redshift up to z =1: Scientific collaboration Institut d’astrophysique de Paris (France) C. Alard, B. Fort, Y. Mellier, Hong Tu (Shangaii NU), J-F Sygnet, Laboratoire d’Astrophysique de Tarbes-Toulouse (France) R. Cabanac, G. Soucail, E. Belsole (Cambridge UK), R. Pelo Laboratoire d’astrophysique de Marseille (France) J.-P. Kneib, E. Julo (ESO), L. Tasca, O. le Fevre UC Santa Barbara (USA) R. Blandford, P. Marshall, R. Gavazzi, .. University de Victoria (Canada) D. Crampton (HIA) , K.. Thanjavur (UVic), J. Willis (UVic) Durham University (G-B) M. Swimbank Outline of the presentation • CFHT Legacy Survey: a big reservoir of strong lenses • Automated procedure to search lenses - arcs in groups and (distant) clusters - gravitational rings • SL2S scientific goals • Future CFHTLS/Deep field 170 deg2 (U, G, R, I, Z), I=24.5: 3.8 millions of galaxies Lensing in cosmology image magnification Cosmology geometry Cosmology Newtonian potentia Newtoniangravitational potential Multiple QSOs or arcs around galaxies - QSO: Cosmic Lens All-Sky Survey 12/5000 distant radiosources are lensed by a foreground (E) galaxy (Browne et al 2002) - Galaxy:20 lensed Lyman-α background galaxies for 20,000 massive, E / bulge-dominated galaxies with z>0.4,R<20,B-R>2.2 (APM survey: Willis et al, 2000) For galaxy (QS0) - galaxy lenses (gravitational rings) - big Elliptical represents 2/3 of the lenses - Optical depth ~ 10-3 Giant arcs in cluster of galaxies RCS giant arcs sample from Gladders et al 2005. Some arcs have Einstein radius up to 50 " (A0024, RCS 0224) Number of DM halos Multiple QSOs/Rings galaxy, Re ~ 1-3" group Re ~ 3-7" ? cluster, Re ~ 7-20" Luminous X-clusters Comoving number density of DM halos from Mo & White 2002 SL2S prediction and detection numbers . predicted n / 1 sq° Rings -> 10-20 Groups -> 1-2 Clusters -> 0.4 expected CFHTLS Rings Groups Clusters SHMO Others > 1000 >100 > 50 > 300 ? observations ? How to find rings and arc groups? . From Oguri 's simulations 2005 Can we find intermediate mass lenses ? M ~ 3-30 1012 Mo SIS mass distribution: (3’’< a < 7’’) ? a ~ 1-3” for a lens galaxy a ~ 10-50” for a cluster of galaxies Visual detection of giant arcs in CFHTLS (from Mellier 2005). Automated detection procedures Arcfinder (Alard 2006) Ringfinder (Gavazzi et al 2006 Physical nature of arcs 2.5 seing~14 pixel arc thickness ~ seeing search a local elongation with w=seeing Arcs detector Arc reconstruction by a small scale estimator of a local elongation (seeing width) of light distribution y 2.M xo,yo scanning aperture M x M pixel unit (M ~7) unit, optimal mexican hat filtering x 2.Mpx (x,y) local axis aligned on second moments of light distribution E(xo,yo) map local estimator E(xo,yo) = I(xo + x, yo) dx 2.M . Max [-M<x<M] [ I(xo + x, yo+y) dy] Detection example with a typical CFHTLS arc candidate From Alard 2006 E(x,y) map A selected sample of SL2S lenses (10/46T002) SL2S/COSMOS 5921+638 Ringfinder fails for rings with Re<2.7 ’’ CFHTLS/HST Preliminary results with CFHTLS groups <zl> ~ 0.65 distant clusters release T002 release T003 ~ 30°° from Cabanac et al. 2006 Parametric modeling with lenstool SL2SJ085446-012137 SL2SJ085446-012137 HST modeling of SL2SJ085446-012137 Bright Galaxy {0,0} Main potential Dx= -0.098’’+/- 0.05 Dy= -0.522’’+/-0.08 But arc redshift ? Second galaxy produces 2 extra images splitting 7 images configuration First HST follow-up November 2006 Main fields of investigations Structure of halos in groups and distant clusters for comparison with simulations: - center of DM halos relatively to the center of brightest central galaxies, nature of fossile groups - relative mass and light ratio and evolution with zl - SL+WL determination of C200= R200/rs for a large mass spectrum from G to clusters as a function of zl - detection of triaxial halos, study of sub-halos (Rcut), -2D spectroscopy of very distant magnified galaxies and search for galaxies at z>6 «Arcfinder» is not efficient for Re > 2.5-3’’ but we also want to find the most numerous population of distant gravitational rings hidden in the CFHTLS ? « Ringfinder» Sloan Lens ACS Survey (SLACS) Bolton 2004, Treu 2005, Koopmann 2005 Searching composite spectra for a signature of two aligned galaxies ACS images Coupling lensing and stellar dynamics Lens modelling give the mass at rEinstein and S*+ S DM Stars see the potential for r < reff (~ potential slope g) Jeans equation c(s ( M* / L, g, n v anisotropy) = s (M* / L, g, nv anisotropy) - s* spectro observation from Koopmann & Treu 2005 SLACS Lensing -> recovers the Ellipticals fundamental plane For isolated E (external shear perturbation < 0.035) <sL/s*> = 1.01 +/- 0.065 rms r(r) ~ r - 2.01 +/- 0.03 near Einstein Radius (~Flat Rot.Curve) PA and ellipticity of light and DM trace each other (M ~75%) * No evolution (<10%) of parameters with z (but for SLACS lens galaxies the average redshift is around <ZL>~0.2) How to recognize a ring Simulations of rings around E-lenses HST circular source CFHTLS circular lens ? arc(let)s arc(let)s True G-Ring but spiral like! a HDF source a HDF Elliptical ? seeing = 0.8 arcsec Finding CFHTLS ring candidates Detection: Based on color information (often rings are blue and lenses are red (early-type galaxies) Method: Fit a B-aR profile consistent with the lens color. Identify a sharp elongated blue excess at 0.8<r<2.5'' above the (B-aR) noise. ~10-20 candidates/deg2 (Raphael Gavazzi 2006) SL2S 02 25 11- 04 54 33 A Sample of ringfinder candidates in D1 A spectroscopic follow-up of the arcs is necessary to confirm the candidates Test with the CFHTLS-COSMOS field 4117 (E/So or Sa) galaxies with 18 <I < 22 are selected. 783 with a small residual blue light in the annulus. 72 candidates above the reference threshold. Indeed all the blue cosmos rings are recovered (but obviously not the red ones). Near future: optimisation + (R-Z, etc.) tests ######################################################################### # ID RA DEC Re F814w z # ######################################################################### C009 C012 C013 C018 C056 C148 C208 C211 C216 C221 C921 C929 red ring red ring red ring red ring 10:00:09.7 10:00:12.6 10:00:13.9 10:00:18.4 10:00:56.7 10:01:48.1 10:02:08.5 10:02:11.2 10:02:16.8 10:02:21.1 09:59:21.7 09:59:29.9 02:24:55 02:20:15 02:22:49 02:38:45 02:12:26 02:23:25 02:14:22 02:11:39 02:29:55 02:34:40 02:06:38 02:13:52 2.6 0.82 1.7 1.7 2.02 1.48 1.59 3.6 2.1 1.6 0.68 2.4 19.3 18.3 18.9 23.2 18.9 19.3 19.88 21.27 17.96 19.2 18.3 17.4 0.39 0.39 0.36 0.73 0.42 0.39 0.41 0.91 0.59 0.42 0.44 0.25 Gavazzi June 2006 A SL2S cosmological tests with rings ? Hypothesis: Treu's results <sL/s*> =1. +/- 0.065 r(r) ~ r - 2.01+/-0.03 at Re ~ Flat Rot. Curve (DM light-conspiracy) Re Re/sL = Dol Dls /D os Re/s* = G (W, L, or w0,w1) Lens modeling Log r VLT spectroscopy First Year results (~1/5 of the CFHTLS field) - 47 multiple arc(let) systems in groups and distant clusters were discovered and are being observed with the HST - > 100 gravitational ring candidates tbc! - many singly highly magnified lens events with m>3-5) - Several multi-plan lenses and a few possible dark rings Futur Several other large (cosmic shear) surveys are planned Deep lens survey RCS2 Kids-VST/OmegaCAM VISTA-IR galaxy survey LSST Pan-StARRS SNAP Space survey 28 deg2 on going 1000 deg2 started 1000 deg2 near IR rings ? 10 000 deg 2 10 000 deg 2 1000 deg 2 ? 2008 2012 >2011 Extending the technique to near IR survey • Systematic scan of high magnification regions for Lyman-a emission at z~5-8. Recently z~6 galaxies found this way. • Small primeval halos: 106 Mo - first stars? • Dynamical studies with 2D spectroscopy of brightest distant arcs to get rotation curves (Karun Thanjavur, David Crampton, Jon Willis) SNAP Joint Dark Energy Mission: NASA (75%) & DOE (25%) launch 2014-2015 6 years survey: super novae and weak lensing SNAP: 2m telescope, instrument FOV 1 deg2 Imaging / spectro. one deep field (15 deg2), one large field (~300 deg2 ?) ~ 1Billlion $ • DUNE (Dark Universe Explorer): similar survey but 1.2-1.5m telescope and imaging only instrument FOV 1 deg2 ~ 300 M€ •Prediction snap n ~ 4000 and 14000 strong lenses Conclusions SL2S will be the largest SL database available for the next 5 years, possibly 1000 SL, if we have spectroscopic follow-up. - SL2S will extend the lensing studies of galaxy mass evolution at large z and groups (a new classe of SGL) - Numerous rings and arc systems for a large mass spectrum allow statistical tests (cf Oguri 2005). -offer the possibility to observed magnified galaxies at z > 6 - SL2S is a benchmark for the preparation of SL analyses with SNAP or DUNE-like survey. CFHTLS highly magnified drop-out galaxies Singly Highly-Magnified Event m> 3 SIE NWF From Omont et al. 2005 10 – 30 % of all very distant sources (z>4) are magnified with m>10 (Keeton’s prediction 04 astro-ph/0405143) Multiple arc system from cosmic string HST field same HST field + string loop Finding arcs within clusters members Typical cases in A1689 Note the cluster shear effect: testing the potential slope SDSS survey for giant arcs Sloan 8000 deg2 images to detect clusters using the red sequence technique 0.1<z<0.6 - follow_up with UH88 gives 240 clusters - 141 with sub-arcsecond seeing - 16 with giant arcs and 9 with shortest arcs Inner arc Hennawi et al 2006 Arc systems with an elliptical lens. Singly magnified image of a distant galaxy Radial arc Cusp arc Einstein Cross From Kneib et al 1993 Fold arc An overlook on lensing probability (Ofek, Rix & Maoz 2003) Distribution halos X-section + conection Light -> total mass L*-> s*->sL Cosmological parameters Dls/Dos Evolution (z) Parametrization -> Optical depth per unit redshift t(q, zs) Merging rate Luminosity, M evolution,.. Prob[zlense] variations with various parameters varying q zsource W m , Wl or wo,w1;.. mass evolution Merger evolution (Ofek, Rix & Maoz 2003) More information http://www.cfht.hawaii.ed u/~cabanac/SL2S/ The SL2S I: Cabanac et al. 2006 French/ESA programs Sloan Lens ACS Survey (SLACS) Bolton 2004, Treu 2005, Koopmans 2005) Sample ~ 120 candidates with ongoing HST snap survey A three-step procedure to search more rings 1- CFHTLS imagery to select possible SL ncandidates < 200 /° 2- spectroscopy (VIMOS) Goal find nring ~ 10/° OII 3127Å Zs=1.32 4000 Å ZL=0.63 3- HST snap >80% confirmation rate If successful SL2S => nring ~ 1000 ! Multiple images formation Convergence + shear O L S gravitational lense effects + Fermat principle From SLACS to CFHTLS rings Finding rings in the CFHTLS-wide is a great challenge (seeing effect), but if successful SL2S Sloan Lens ACS Survey (SLACS) Bolton 2004, Treu 2005, Koopmans 2005 Study ~ 20/120 candidates with ongoing HST snap survey => nring ~ 1500 ! Sciences: Evolution lens parameters with z (profile slope, total mass, M/L,..) at larger redshift (0.2-0.8) than the SLOAN survey (<z>~0.2) Estimation of the optical depth Analytical method Schechter distribution L(z)/L*(z) of SIS halos + Faber-Jackson (Tully-Fisher) law + Observational relation (SLOAN) sDM = f(s*) Treu et al. 2006 Elliptical -> sL = s* or simulation Comoving number n NFW (z) (Mo and White 2000) + <cross-section XSNFW (z)> dt/dz = n(qE, z) (1+z)3 XS c.dt/dz Fraction of multiply lensed QSOs ~2.10-3 <zlens> ~ 0.4 <Dsource> ~ 4 Gpc no = 0.5 10-2 Mpc-3, < REinstein> ~ 1 arcsec for SIS: t ~ no < p (REinstein)2 > Ds ~ 10-3 JVAS + Cosmic Lens All-Sky Survey 12/5000 distant radiosources are lensed by a foreground (E) galaxy (astro_ph/0211069, Browne et al; Chae 2002, 2004 , Chen et al, 2004, ApJ 607, L71) Arc modelling with pixel deprojection b/a 0.8 0.7 HST/ACS : a modelling of a D2/CFHTLS arc by Gavazzi et al. 2005 b 4" 5" Arcs geometry depends on the projection matrix Projected potential derivatives * Dol . Dls / Dos