May 2011 - Contact details for tax specialist

Technology to assist customers up the marketing ladder – an introduction
Technology to assist customers up the marketing ladder – an introduction
Module Code: ???????
Julie Stuchbery
Daniel Wood
May 2011
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Technology to assist customers up the marketing ladder – an introduction
Contents ...................................................................................................................... 2
Abstract ....................................................................................................................... 4
Introduction.................................................................................................................. 5
The Plan ...................................................................................................................... 6
Implementation and the Process ................................. Error! Bookmark not defined.
Results and measurement........................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.
Conclusion................................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.
Glossary of Terms ..................................................................................................... 40
Appendix Index.......................................................................................................... 43
Appendix A – Diary...................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.
date ............................................................................. Error! Bookmark not defined.
Activity ......................................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.
Notes ........................................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.
Set up SN accounts. .................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.
Set up Google account ................................................ Error! Bookmark not defined.
YouTube account ........................................................ Error! Bookmark not defined.
Appendix B – Proposal 17.2.11 ................................................................................. 44
Appendix C – Setting up Google account .................................................................. 47
Appendix D – You Tube. ........................................................................................... 56
Appendix E – The Marketing Ladder and customer segmentation ............................ 57
Appendix F – Previous SEO report and SEO notes .................................................. 59
Summary / Abstract ................................................................................................... 60
Introduction................................................................................................................ 61
What are the benefits of the Internet ......................................................................... 62
What should be done ................................................................................................ 63
Links. ......................................................................................................................... 63
Keywords and Keyphrases ........................................................................................ 63
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Technology to assist customers up the marketing ladder – an introduction
Semantic coding ........................................................................................................ 64
Snippet ...................................................................................................................... 64
Sitemap ..................................................................................................................... 64
Registration ............................................................................................................... 65
Adwords .................................................................................................................... 65
Further expansion ..................................................................................................... 66
White hat and Black hat SEO .................................................................................... 66
Time established ....................................................................................................... 67
Breakdown of design process ................................................................................... 67
Conclusion................................................................................................................. 68
References / Bibliography ......................................................................................... 69
Glossary of Terms ..................................................................................................... 70
SEO General notes ................................................................................................... 71
Appendix G – Own notes on reporting and creating a book ...................................... 75
Appendix H – Creating list in Mailchimp .................................................................... 76
Appendix I – Creating a form in Mailchimp ................................................................ 78
Appendix J – Creating simple password protected pages ......................................... 82
Appendix K – Creating advanced password protected pages ................................... 84
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Technology to assist customers up the marketing ladder – an introduction
Communications and customer contact are key to any business success, both with
internal and external customers. Traditional methods are in some cases being
replaced, in many cases complimented, by Internet based communication systems.
Relationships can be built with potential and active customers automatically too move
them onto or up the marketing ladder and monetise them.
Real life companies will be used to illustrate different tools used.
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Websites, Lead/Landing Pages, Search Engine Optimisation (SEO), Social
Networking (SN), Pay Per Click (PPC) advertising, email marketing and analysis
tools must be linked together and automated as much as possible to ensure the
highest return on investment (ROI). Continual improvement can be achieved by
adopting a cyclical process.
Figure 1 Linked up marketing
Design – Market – Measure – Design – Market – Measure – so on (figure 1).
If companies are only presenting themselves with a website without taking some
simple steps to market the site, capture visitors details and then convert them into
paying customers, then they are missing clear opportunities.
In my opinion there are three challenges within online marketing:
1. Driving traffic to the site.
2. Delivering a positive customer experience and capturing customer details.
3. Converting customers from prospective into actual customers, buzz word – monetising.
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The Marketing Ladder
Over time a company should aim to build a relationship with its customers and
generate higher income from them by providing higher value products as the
customer develops (see figure 1), the marketing ladder can monitor and assist this
Figure 2 Example of customer buying process.
SeasonsBounty is a good example of this having segmented its customers into these
11 levels:
1. Free SEO report.
2. Free website.
3. Domain name and email.
4. Starter site and analytics.
5. Project website.
Lead page and social networking.
Social networking plan.
Support and measure.
Press release.
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A different sales and marketing message is communicated (automatically in most
cases by auto responders and eshots) to customers on the different levels to work on
moving them to the next level and increase the customers’ spend.
Customers can enter at any level depending on their needs. The best way to
demonstrate the marketing ladder is to use a new business as an example.
The initial steps (‘FREE’ in figure 2) are to build up customers and are at no
monetary costs to customers. ‘Free SEO report’, swaps something of value to the
customer, in this case a report, with their name and email address. The ‘thank you’
page confirming the process sends a secondary special offer of a free webpage,
customers only have to fill out their extra details of address, phone number, etc to
make this happen. This is described later in the report as the Golden Carrot
The next steps (‘Products for Prospects’ in figure 2) are low cost solutions for
customers, mainly to build up a bigger client base to up sell higher value products.
£50 – £150.
The third phase of ‘Core Products in figure 2 are project websites. The project sizes
vary, they are normally in the £1000s.
Lastly there are value added, higher profit ‘2nd Sale’ niche services and products. A
positive relationship is built with customers by this point with strong trust and loyalty
based on the products and services already delivered. Could be low cost high
volume or high cost low volume.
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The Plan
The ultimate plan is to increase a businesses customer base, build up relationships
with customers (new and old) and increase referrals from current customers. This
can be achieved with some linked up marketing between advertising, website and
automated processes. It is crucial to be able to measure the activities to be able to
get an idea on return on investment (ROI), so we are better placed to decide which
things work and which things don’t to then optimise accordingly.
?? REFERENCE ??Here are a couple of interesting facts to consider:
70% of people who enquire on a website buy. Only 20% buy from the first site. To maximise
your conversion, capture their details the first time and establish a relationship.
Google is very important as a search engine, Facebook is the second widely used search
engine, YouTube third and Yahoo/Bing fourth widely used.
Automate, delegate or outsource is the mantra of Nabo, which fits in with the use of
There is a train of thought “follow up until they buy, unsubscribe or die!!”. This will come clear
Email marketing has been consistently proven to have the highest ROI.
You are communicating with an individual on a one to one basis, present everything in this
way. A more personalised approach helps to build up rapport.
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1. Audit of customers details.
There are a lot of administration jobs to carry out especially setting up accounts with
different service providers. To facilitate that, a basic form is used. If the customer is
prepared to give access to their email account to verify account set up then fine,
alternatively set up an one and then change after verification.
Figure 3 Audit of customers details
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2. Create customer profile & Social Media profile to maintain
The table below is used to extract from customers their views of their business and
prompts them to think in a broader way about communicating with their customers.
Figure 4 Customers values
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EXTRA REFERENCE-Social Media (including blogs) when handled correctly has a
much stronger effect on page ranking than normal SEO, LEE GILBERT REF – 4x
more powerful.. The best way to capitalise on SM is to have the exact same
message throughout all platforms and build this into advertising and webpages where
appropriate. The table below manages the text.
Figure 5 Online biography.
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3. Set up accounts.
The list below is in no way exhaustive when it comes to online tools available, it does
highlight available tools to do different jobs.
FTP – Access the ftp server to manage website.
Mailchimp – Online customer database management and email marketing tool for eshots
and auto responders.
Google – There are a wide range of services available from Google. The main services are
analytics and Adwords. To initiate analytics, bespoke code is embedded into each web page
to be tracked; the data can then be reported on and manipulated. Adwords is a Pay Per Click
(PPC) service that presents sponsored adverts when searches are made in Google, see
appendix C. Other services that are controlled through the Google accounts are:
Figure 6 Google services available once account is set up.
An example of setting up a Google account is in Appendix B.
Survey Monkey – Questionnaire creation program. Can be linked to Mailchimp to collate
Hootsuite – Manage all social media postings in one place. Figure 3 shows other software
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Figure 7 Hootsuite dashboard. One message to all Social Media.
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Figure 8 Social Networking dashboard and other control programs.
Twitter - Post 140 character only messages (Tweets) to be shown to anyone who is following
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Figure 9 Twitter panel. Top tweet created in twitter through browser, second from top tweet create
through iphone and tweetdeck.
Figure 10 Live twitter feed to SB website. Note the ‘Golden Carrot’ free report.
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Facebook – There are two sides to Facebook, social networking and business pages. Their
PPC advertising is an alterntive to Google ADwords. According to REFERENCE PPC advertising
on FB can be up to a quarter of the price due to customer profiling. Facebook Like buttons
(Appendix N) allow your customers to rate you on your site for all to see.
To understand the potential customer database available here are some facts from FB REF
More than 500 million active users.
50% of our active users log on to Facebook in any given day
Average user has 130 friends
People spend over 700 billion minutes per month on Facebook
Figure 11 Facebook Personal panel
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Figure 12 Facebook company panel
LinkedIn – Is a business focussed social networking tool. Activities are more expensive but
are perceived to generate higher level returns.
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Figure 13 LinkedIn control panel.
Bitly – A simple program which turns URL’s into a short form, especially useful when using
Monitter – Set up to monitor Social Media post. Figure 3 shows other software available.
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Figure 14 Monitter panel.
Addthis – Embed code into web pages to allow tweets, email, printing, FB posts and so on
(354 activities) directly from your website. This gets customers to shout about your products
for you.
eBay – sell products online through a standard account or on line shop. eBay postings can
easily be linked to SM to ensure maximum exposure.
Paypal – online payment system, used primarily for eBay transactions and ecommerce.
YouTube – Post videos to YouTube, then embed the videos into web pages. YouTube is
consistently in the top 4 search engines when it comes to amount of searches, so whould not
be overlooked. . Set up example for You tube in appendix D
Skype – Worldwide free of charge phone calls. Useful for setting up phone numbers directly
to ones computer that look like landline numbers (my number 0208 144 0240 as an
example). Used for Instant Messenger chat.
Blog – Web log, used to quickly express what is happening. Have high value in SEO.
LivePerson – Instant Messanger chat with visitors to the website. Provide live support for
any queries.
Password Protection – Securing specific pages, see appendix J and K.
Databases – databases have a number of functions, especially when settign up CMS.
CMS – Content Management system. Log in to a control panel to edit web site content.
APPS for Smart phones – many of the software packages can be controlled from your phone.
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Figure 15 Customers online accounts
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4. Segment customers within the marketing ladder and set up
Mailchimp lists.
Mailchimp screen dumps in appendix H regarding setting up an account. Lists are
databases created to hold customer information. , Customers are added or deleted
from the lists via form code (Appendix I shows the process of setting up forms and
verification details) that is generated within Mailchimp and embedded into websites
or emails. Campaigns are eshots, auto responders are also eshots but are sent
automatically at a preset time, often every 7 days as a way of reminding the
customer what is on offer.
Customer segmentation is crucial to develop the buying process often referred to as
the marketing ladder; Appendix E has SeasonsBounty’s marketing ladder as an
example. The segments and their position in the ladder are below:
Figure 16 Customers segments in the Marketing Ladder.
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5. Decide on SEO priorities and follow SEO process to create copy
and advertising content.
I had previously written a report on SEO, in Appendix F. SEO brings fast paced
challenges due to the changing nature of it which is why the new process below has
additional activities to deliver a better return on the resource commitment. Mike ???
describes the process diagramtically:
Figure 17 Linked up SEO
MIKE REF says “the aim is 100 webpages with pointed messages. Should have 50
campaigns running. Small budgets with pointed campaigns. A/B Split. Consider the
micro niche each time.” Figure ? is the master sheet used to keep track of the
campaigns and adgroups and monitor which ones are live.
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Figure 18 Master sheet to control campaigns and adgroups
The starting point for SEO is the search word or phrase. The diagram below is from
REF MIKE _ FIND ANOTHER ONE, LONGER TAIL? . The aimis to capitalise on the
long tail phrases, this is defined as
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Figure 19 Long Tail Search Phrases
MIKE BRADLEY REF ADVISES aim is 100 webpages with pointed messages.
Should have 50 campaigns running. Small budgets with pointed campaigns. A/B
Split. Consider the micro niche each time. The step by step process below has been
created by me based on previous experience, Google research, the Nabo
conferences and practical experience of creating SEO campaigns.
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Figure 20 Summary of SEO process
An example of a live customer SEO campaign is in figure 21 below.
Figure 21 Live Google adwords campaign with good Click Through Rate.
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Figure 22 Example of SEO creation for semantic layout, copy text, online advertising and off line
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6. Lead pages and the ‘Golden Carrot’ concept
is a Lead Page (LP). This page is a standalone page that can be easily monitored to
find out how it is performing. Traffic is directed there from web traffic, organic search,
Adwords, normal advertorial and social networking. The LP is created with some key
design features (example at ). The customer then
swap some basic information about themselves on the LP (first name and email
address) for a ‘Golden Carrot’ (GC).
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Figure 23 How to design a leadpage.
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Figure 24 Lead page example.
The Golden Carrot is created to tempt customers to sign up by tapping into a
A good GC is a tips and tricks e-book along the lines of:
How to...
The art of...
The... bible
Cheat sheet
The 7 biggest secrets
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The truth behind
The number 1 biggest mistake
Really popular GC’s are interactive widgets, like a product finder, quote calculator,
etc. All to be considered long term, the quickest way to create a GC is to adapt
something already available. Audit all assets that relate to that product to find
relevant text that can be used as it is or modified slightly.
Figure 25 Golden Carrot
Instead of a normal ‘thank you for registering’, a congratulations page is sent.
Congratulating someone instead of thanking them reduces the chance of it being
devcalued This second page is the opportunity to collect more in depth information
from a customer – phone number, company name, address, etc. To incentivise the
customer to provide these details a second, upgraded GC is offered. A printed
version of the e-book, sample pack, brochure pack or the like.
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Figure 26 Congratulations page with second GC, a free webpage.
Database management software (Mailchimp for example) is used to collect the sign
up details of the customers. Then Auto responders (AR) are created to build the
relationship with the customer. Regular contact is recommended, very simple
examples below that can be expanded to better suit your company:
AR1 – 1 day. Welcome to *****, we have appointed a representative to look after you
******. Please feel free to contact us on ***** or by email **********. You can also stay up
to date with what we are doing through Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn.
AR2 – 7 days. We hope you have been happy with *** and it has given you a better insight into
*****. If you have any questions **** is here to help. If you have not already done so, follow
us on twitter or become a friend on facebook.
AR3 – 14 days. We are offering a special offer of 15% off your first order with *****. We hope
you liked the ***** we sent to you. We really welcome feedback, if you have a spare 5
minutes please send ***representative** and email to let us know the good and bad points.
We are still tweeting on twitter and are posting regular messages on Facebook.
AR4 – 21 days. Have you thought about the other products in our range? Many of our
customers who expressed interest in **** have also been buying ****product2*** from us.
Twitter and FB at the bottom of page.
AR5 – 28 days. Private access to our special offers page with this user name and password.
Twitter and FB at the bottom of page.
AR6 – 35 days. Fill in this survey to enter our prize draw for a *******. Twitter and FB at the
bottom of page.
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Communicating the message is covered in section 8 and 9 both on and off line. –
The traditional methods of SEO can be used to assist with Page ranking, but
more direct activities will yield the success needed. Adwords pointing towards the
LP, adverts in e-zines, back links and printed magazines pointing towards the LP.
Any Press Releases. Twitter and FB are useful additions pointing towards LP. There
will of course be a link from the home page to the lead page:
Figure 27 Example of link to ‘Free SEO Report’ lead page from Home page.
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7. Designing Web Pages.
To design business focussed web pages there are some key tips:
Use Semantic layout for good SEO. For further explanation see section 5 for this report and
Appendix F.
Observe the Z reading method. There a number of different trains of thought about the way
viewers read pages, the Z method Figure 20) is popular, the F method is also frequently used.
Only have one Most Wanted Action (MWA) per page. Using figure 10 as an example again,
the MWA is to get customers to get a valuation, its very clear.
All the important information, especially the MWA is above the line. Figure 10 is a screen
shot above the line.
Figure 28 Z reading method.
Make the most of Social Media buttons. The new design for the SeasonsBounty website
(Figure 21) highlights this in three ways.
o A customer can link to SeasonsBounty directly through the Facebook, Twitter,
LinkedIn and Ping buttons.
o There is a FB like button for customers to cast their positive vote.
o The orange ‘share’ button is from, allowing customers to share
their comments directly from the site.
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Figure 29 Building new SB website (22.2.11).
The mock design for SBI created based on the design principles is below:
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Figure 30 Mock design for SB.
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8. Communicate! Online marketing.
Addthis – Embed code into web pages to allow tweets, email, printing, FB posts and
so on (354 activities) directly from your website. This gets customers to shout about
your products for you. REF Daniel Priestley demonstrates this diagrammatically as
Figure 31 How tools like empower your customers
The activities that must be done are Pay per click advertising, Articles and PR, Social
Media, eshots, links and Organic SEO
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9. Communicate! Off-line marketing with adverts (email signatures,
comp slips, etc
Easy communication methods are
Email signature.
Printed stationery – business cards, letter heads, compliment slips, etc.
Other customer communications such as company brochures, invoices and
statement of accounts.
Product packaging.
Verbal contact, “have you seen our fantastic guide on how to ......, it is available
on our website at “.
Advanced techniques are activities like postcard marketing as described by Lee
Gilbert in Appendix S.
Figure 32 Offline Marketing with Postcards.
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Monitor, measure and optimise.
Figure 33 Linked up marketing.
Measurement of customer conversion rate on lead pages is simple to measure.
Amount of opt ins (from Mailchimp) divide by amount of unique visitors to the LP
(from Google analytics). Look at this each month and adjust accordingly. As the
campaigns gather momentum an A/B split can be applied.
Google Analytic reports are available to see exact impact with only a 24 hour lag.
Actual month on month sales should be measured. Each month change keywords,
build back into website, use these key words to change A/B split advert content.
Figure 34 Google comparative report on Web site performance provides information of what online communities are saying about
your company or product.
Google Alerts provide information across the web and can also form the content of
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Appendix A has the original proposal. There have been changes to the original
proposal due to things learnt during research process. The Nabo conferences have
featured heavily in increasing my understanding of the way on line activities can
assist customers along the marketing ladder. The more time spent on the subject
makes one realise how vast it is. This is an introduction and will be expanded over
the coming years.
There is a resource website accompanying this report at
Figure 35 Resource website dedicated to WBL assignment.
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Glossary of Terms
AR – Auto Responders
Blogs – A shared on line journal where people can post diary entries.
BPM – Business Performance Management Software
Chat – Using software to send brief written messages to another person via the
Cloud Computing – Resources are shared via the internet of Software and data
storage and exchange. Almost like the old mainframe model.
CRM – Customer Relationship Management
Crystal Reports – Reports software from Sage
CSCW - Computer Supported Collaborative Working
DSS – Decision Support System.
ERP – Enterprise Resource Planning. For example Sage, SAP, Oracle People Soft.
ESS – Executive Support System.
Fb – Facebook
GC – Golden Carrot
HSE – Health and Safety Executive
Iaas – Infrastructure as a service
KPI – Key Performance Indicators
KMS – Knowledge Management System.
LP – Lead/Landing Page
MIS – Management Information System.
OAS – Office Automation System.
Paas – Platform as a service
PLC – Public Limited Company
POD – Proof Of Delivery
QoS – Quality of Service
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Saas – Software as a service
Saleslogix – CRM from Sage
Sage – provider of business management and CRM (Saleslogix) software
SAP – Provider of business management and CRM software
Sharepoint - An integrated suite of server capabilities that can help improve
organizational effectiveness by providing comprehensive content management and
enterprise search, accelerating shared business processes, and facilitating
information-sharing across boundaries for better business insight. Additionally, this
collaboration and content management server provides IT professionals and
developers with the platform and tools they need for server administration,
application extensibility, and interoperability
SLA – Term used in Cloud Computing. Service Level Agreement
SLM – Term used in Cloud Computing. Service Level Management
SLR – Term used in Cloud Computing. Service Level Requirements
SME – Micro, Small & Medium-sized Enterprises that employ less than 250 people
and turnover less than 50 million Euros.
SM – Social Media.
SN – Social Networking.
T & C’s – Terms and Conditions
T/O – Turnover
TPS – Transaction Processing System.
Tweet deck – app for iPhone allowing tweeting and posts on Facebook at the same
VoIP – Voice Over Internet Protocol
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The Marketing Secrets of a Multi-Millionaire Entrepreneur. Jonathan Jay.
Email Marketing Dynamite. Ed Rivis.
The Longer Long Tail. Chris Anderson.
The E Code. Joe Vitale and Jo Han Mok.
FREE. Chris Anderson.
Kotler on Marketing. Philip Kotler.
Marketing Management, The Millenium Edition. Philip Kotler.
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Appendix Index
A – Diary
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Appendix A – Proposal 17.2.11
Hello Julie,
Here is a basic proposal:
Technology to assist customers up the marketing ladder – an introduction
Description / Introduction
Communications and customer contact are key to any business success, both with
internal and external customers. Traditional methods are in some cases being
replaced, in many cases complimented, by Internet based communication systems.
Relationships can be built with potential and active customers automatically too move
them onto or up the marketing ladder and monetise them.
Websites, Search Engine Optimisation (SEO), Social Networking (SN), Pay Per Click
(PPC) advertising, email marketing, analysis tools must be linked together and
automated as much as possible to ensure the highest return on investment (ROI).
Continual improvement can be achieved by adopting a cyclical process.
Design – Market – Measure – Design – Market – Measure – ........
If companies are only presenting themselves with a website without taking some
simple steps to market the site, capture visitors details and then convert them into
paying customers, then they are missing clear opportunities. These simple step are
summarised below:
1. Website promotion
a. Twitter link.
b. FB link.
c. PPC Adwords.
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d. Google maps.
e. Ping (SN).
f. Organic/SEO.
g. Email signatures.
h. Email marketing (eshots and Auto responders).
i. Printed communications.
2. Landing (Lead) Page
a. Designing the page.
b. Creating a Golden Carrot (GC) to incentivise visitors to register their name and email
3. Congratulations Page
a. Designing the page.
b. Creating the second Golden Carrot (GC) to further incentivise visitors to leave their
phone number, address, etc.
4. Database collection and email marketing tool – Mailchimp, although others are available.
a. The collected information is sent to Mailchimp and collated in lists specific to where
customers appear in the marketing ladder (or marketing funnel if you like).
b. Auto responders are create at specific time intervals.
c. Date related eshots reinforce the message.
A highly simplified implementation is:
Set up accounts with Mailchimp, Google, etc.
Asset audit to see what can be adopted to create the Golden Carrots (GC).
Create GC 1.
Create GC 2.
Design pages & sign up email responders.
Write and create Auto responders.
Marketing including SN.
Re-design and adjust according to the reported information from the measurement phase.
SeasonsBounty will be used as a live case study. These activities will be priced
according to actual costs and time costs. The return will be available from the reports
Internal –
Adobe CS4.
Fasthosts reseller package.
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Customer facing –
Ping for Social Networking (not music sharing, this will be explained).
Facebook (FB) for SN, company page and PPC. Half a billion ‘customer profiled’ potential
You Tube.
Google account for analytics, maps, alerts and Adwords.
Bespoke reports to summarise data from the activities and recommend remedial
I hope this is an ok proposal, please let me know.
Daniel Wood.
Tel 0208 144 0240
Mobile 07791 100639
Skype dj.wood
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Appendix B – Setting up Google account
Figure 36 Start creating the Google account.
Figure 37 email and password.
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Figure 38 informed about confirmation email.
Figure 39 the confirmation email.
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Figure 40 verified, asked to add mobile number.
Figure 41 re-enter password for verification.
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Figure 42 Add other contact details.
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Appendix C – Starting campaigns and setting budgets
Figure 43 Create first campaign.
Figure 44 set name, budget, location, etc.
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Figure 45 Pictorial verification of location to advertise.
Figure 46 enter billing details. If this is for a client need to obtain VAT number.
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Figure 47 payment and notes on applying discount vouchers. Finalise account before calling Google.
Figure 48 Being a Fasthost reseller allows free advertising coupon.
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Figure 49 Redeem voucher by calling Google.
Figure 50 Create A/B split marketing campaign.
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Figure 51 Use the Google Keyword generating tool to get Keyword ideas. Low competition is good.
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Appendix D – You Tube.
Figure 52 Sign into account
Figure 53 Uploading movie.
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Appendix E – The Marketing Ladder and customer segmentation
Figure 54 first part of the customer segment list.
Figure 55second part of the customer segment list.
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Figure 56 product specific customer lists.
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Appendix F – Previous SEO report and SEO notes
Summary / Abstract ................................................................................................... 60
Introduction................................................................................................................ 61
What are the benefits of the Internet ......................................................................... 62
What should be done ................................................................................................ 63
Links. ......................................................................................................................... 63
Keywords and Keyphrases ........................................................................................ 63
Semantic coding ........................................................................................................ 64
Snippet ...................................................................................................................... 64
Sitemap ..................................................................................................................... 64
Registration ............................................................................................................... 65
Adwords .................................................................................................................... 65
Further expansion ..................................................................................................... 66
White hat and Black hat SEO .................................................................................... 66
Time established ....................................................................................................... 67
Breakdown of design process ................................................................................... 67
Conclusion................................................................................................................. 68
References / Bibliography ......................................................................................... 69
Glossary of Terms ..................................................................................................... 70
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Summary / Abstract
This report looks at what can be done when a company wants to gain a high
PageRanking (PR) on Google for their Website. Both types of links, Sponsored links
(often referred to as Pay Per Click ‘PPC’) and Non-sponsored (Organic) links, will be
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The key to a successful business is good marketing. The internet has provided
unparalleled new business communication methods and new business opportunities.
Without customers knowing of your products and services a website is not fulfilling its
It is widely recognised that Google is the market leading Search Engine for internet
users. Adwords (Pay Per Click sponsored links) and Organic (Non-sponsored links)
are the two PageRanking(PR) methods used by Google. There are competitors
gaining ground so the other search engines should not be forgotten:
Hof, Robert D., (2009) “Google's competition has recently gone from pitiful to
plentiful: Microsoft's new Bing search engine picked up 1.5 percentage points of
market share in August to hit 9.5%, according to market researcher Hitwise, while
Google's share fell from 71.4% to 70.2%. Bing's gain is partly thanks to a $100 million
marketing blitz complete with television ads knocking Google every which way but in
name. Microsoft's pending deal for Bing to become Yahoo's underlying search
engine, creating a combined entity with 27% market share, could produce Google's
first sizable competitor in years…. Google has about 720 million users” CAN
GOOGLE STAY ON TOP OF THE WEB?. BusinessWeek, 4150: 00077135.
This report will look into ways of increasing a websites’ search result performance on
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What are the benefits of the Internet
Easy written communication to colleagues and customers alike.
Email shots, mass communication to customer with tailored messages.
A good website can act as a corporate company brochure, product brochure, can
also provide a depository for technical information and other archiving. This means
that customers are more empowered to help themselves. The restriction of printed
media being ‘out of date’ as soon as it is published (any changes mean a costly
reprint, unlike a fast change with web content) is now a thing of the past. This is
however a double edged sword as customers have an expectation of new
information being constantly added; businesses must dedicate resources to this key
area of their customer communication plan.
Real time communication. Instant ‘Chat’ messaging gives customers the opportunity
to ask questions to trained operators.
Access new customers in your current market or new customers in new markets.
Secure login with respective pricing allows B2B and B2C markets to be serviced.
Increase business without increasing internal sales personnel costs.
Customers enter their own order.
Confirmation is automated by email.
Dispatch is automated by email.
Customers can track their own orders.
All of this hard work is pointless unless customers can find the site and use it. There
are traditional methods of advertising to assist this, for example magazine
advertising, adding URL to any external communication – invoice, letterhead,
business card, compliment slip, etc. All of these will only mean accessing current
customers, for new customers SEO and/or Adwords need to be considered for
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What should be done
When designing a website for good SEO it is prudent to follow certain rules at the
creation stage. If it is a re-design then the same rules apply but are slightly more
difficult to implement as changes. Kent(2008) notes that whilst there seems to be
many search engines, the amount of indexes that are used are only from four
providers – ‘Google’, ‘Yahoo’, ‘MSN’ and to a lesser degree ‘Ask’.
There are three types of links, internal links, inbound links and outbound links. Links
are the most important contributor to high ranking and links from high ranking
websites are desirable as explained:
“Google figures that when one page links to another page, it is effectively casting a
vote for the other page. The more votes that are cast for a page, the more important
the page must be. Also, the importance of the page that is casting the vote
determines how important the vote itself is.“ Webworkshop(no date) .
A web developer ‘Add-on' (a free download for Firefox is an example ) can be used to check internal
and outbound links. Internal links are created by adding more pages to the site, this
improves PR. Relevant information should be included, not just low quality pages for
the sake of it.
When requesting inbound links ask for ‘Keyword rich’ text to be used. The aim is to
have 250 – 750 inbound links. A spreadsheet should be created to track inbound link
requests and actual links. Viney(2008:135) “Has an example of a tracking
As the programmer does not always have control of inbound links it is important to
look at these. Viney(2008)The best way is to go to then type in in the dialogue box. This shows all inbound links.
For a pictorial representation of the links - This is a good site
to look at what links competitors have.
Keywords and Keyphrases
It is wise to look into what the competition is doing. No more so than with Keywords
and Keyphrases. Look at each competitors Metadata within their source code. This
should be compared against the site being promoted to see where the gaps are.
Viney(2008) A snapshot of this data can be achieved by visiting .
The aim is Viney(2008:39) “Approximately 35 – 40 one word and two-word phrases
and perhaps as many as 60-75 three word and four word combinations”. The longer
combinations are to capture the ‘long tail’. There are a number of different sites that
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will give the frequency of words or phrases, one being the Google site .
Semantic coding
Priority of importance is given to Semantic code. Whatever words are used in each
section should also appear in the other section. The ranking follows the rules below
Title. 24-64 characters, two sentences that describe the business differently, each
sentence containing keyphrases (used for Snippet). Each page with its own title. The
words should appear in the other parts.
Metatags. 35 – 50 words. Seperate with a comma and no spaces, lower case and
plurals where possible.
Heading tags from H1 downwards.
Anchor text. Use keywords instead of just ‘click here’.
Alt tags. Use keywords to increase density for crawling.
Body text. 450 – 600 words, lower end better. 3 to 4 Paragraphs for ease of reading
with Keyword sprinkling.
The aim is to have a high density of keywords but still have a readable text. Multiple
use of the same word in close proximity to itself will gain better ranking. The use of
Keyphrases in the headings and body text will improve the chances of more
customers finding the site when searching on Google.
Snippets are made up from the text in the Title as described above and the text in the
final paragraph of the body text. The final paragraph must be have less characters
than the shortest of the two title sentences. Viney(2008:127) “It must contain the
stem of the keyphrases and be 6 – 9 words long”.
Often the host provider will have some basic easy to use software available to use for
sitemap generation. If not then is one of the places that this
can be done. date) How to code sitemaps is as follows:
Open and close with <urlset> tag and </urlset>.
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Specify the namespace (protocol standard) within the <urlset> tag.
Include a <url> entry for each URL, as a parent XML tag.
Include a <loc> child entry for each <url> parent tag.
More details on how Google interprets sitemaps is available at
gration.html .
Submission to Google is via the Google account control panel. To submit to Ask the
Submission to Yahoo is through an account and has a charge associated to it.
account and
register site. Add the tacking code to the website and normally within 24 hours the
site is active. From this point onwards Google Analytics are gathering data. The data
and reports available are the most powerful marketing tool available if used correctly.
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This is Googles version of Pay per click advertising. Each word or phrase has an
associated costs made up of a number of different things with demand being a major
factor. The demand and cost for the word ‘Chocolate’ would be much more than for
‘Stick’ for example. A budget is set for these words and each time a customer clicks
on this search result the cost is apportioned to the account/website owner.
Viney(2008:192) The basics for setting up an Adwords campaign are to create:
Headline. 25 characters.
Description. 70 characters.
Landing URL. 35 characters.
Split testing Viney(2008:194) “ Always test two adverts simultaneously, ‘A/B split test’
once advert B surpasses advert A in CTR (Click Through Rate) it becomes the new A
and a new B is introduced. Ideally this should be done for every main product or
service offered by a business”.
Further expansion
The other ‘off site’ things to do to improve ranking are Blogging, online press
releases, posting on WIKI’s ( ), Lenses, RSS (Really Simple
Syndication) and ‘Add this’ button for sharing ( ). These all
increase the inbound links.
If a document is structured for a press release not the website there are some
structural guidelines to follow Viney(2008:164)”Leader, Headline, Dateline & location,
Body, Boiler plate and Contact information”.
Web directories can be used to improve inbound links Viney(2008:149)”DMOZ is a
good example of a free listing”.
Add the website and business to Google maps ( or ) to achieve local listings and being found on
mobile map searches.
White hat and Black hat SEO
All of the processes in this report are ‘White hat SEO’ techniques. These techniques
follow the search engine guidelines to ensure that the site is not penalised for any
wrong doing. Buying into this level of conduct is to ensure that all companies have a
fair opportunity to progress with their SEO. There are a number of techniques that
are ‘hacks’ and this is known as ‘Black hat SEO’ and should be avoided.
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Time established
One thing that cannot be controlled is the time a site is established. This is a factor
that improves ranking. The only thing to ensure is this time is not lost if a major redesign is undertaken.
Breakdown of design process
As many relevant pages as possible to increase internal links.
Outbound links to high ranking site wherever possible.
As many inbound links as possible.
Make a list of competitors websites then look at their links, Keywords and
Keyphrases. Look at frequency of words/phrases then optimise Metatags.
Create one, two, three and four word combinations.
Create semantic code.
Create a Snippet.
Create and submit a sitemap.
Submit to Google, Yahoo, MSN and Ask.
Start an Adwords campaign with A/B Split test.
Added extras:
Online press
Add This
Web directories
Google Maps
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There are certain steps that can and should be taken to improve a websites PR on
Google. In every article and book read there was an agreement that there is still an
element of unreleased information on how Google actually works. Google publish
enough information to allow some control, but keep their own ‘trade secrets’ which
allows them to maintain their dominant position based on a very strong business
model. It is also impossible to keep track of a company that changes the way they
do things so often as portrayed by Hof, Robert D., (2009) “Google conducts some
5,000 experiments annually on those formulas and makes up to 500 changes a
year.” CAN GOOGLE STAY ON TOP OF THE WEB?. BusinessWeek, 4150:
If SEO was a simple process then Adwords would not be so desirable and would
mean Googles revenue stream would be at risk. In Google Investor relations Financial Tables(no date) Advertising was 97% of Googles $21,795,550,000 overall
turnover in 2008. It would be business suicide if Google did not continue to make
adjustments and improvements to keep SEO a slight mystery, prompting customers
to continue to spend on PPC advertising.
One thing not to forget is that visitors assist with rankings, so make sure customers
are pointed towards the site at every opportunity.
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References / Bibliography
D.Viney. Get to the top on Google. London. Nicholas Brealey Publishing. 2008.
H.Jacobson. Adwords for Dummies. Hoboken NJ. Wiley Publishing Inc. 2007.
P.Kent. Search Engine Optimisation for Dummies 3 rd Edition. Hoboken NJ. Wiley
Publishing Inc. 2008.
C.Anderson.The Longer Long Tail. London. Random House Business Books.
C.Anderson.Free, The future of radical price. London. Random House Business
Books. 2009.
Hof, Robert D., (2009) ‘CAN GOOGLE STAY ON TOP OF THE WEB?’
=buh&AN=44430912 [accessed 9 January 2010]
Google(no date) Investor relations - Financial Tables. [Online] Available from: [accessed 8 January 2010]
Webworkshop(no date) What is PageRank. [Online] Available [accessed 8 January 2010]
 date) Sitemaps XML Format . [Online] Available [accessed 8 January 2010]
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Glossary of Terms
CUSPs - Commonly used search phrases.
2 parts, stem phrase and qualifying
Crawl – Search engines send out Robots to look at the code of webpages, this is
known as a crawl.
Customer journey – Customer comes into the site via the ‘Landing Page’, then
navigates through the site via ‘Funnel Pages’ (the minimal amount is recommended)
to the ‘Money Page’, where the customer makes a purchase. Once this journey is
complete it is known as ‘Goal Completion’.
DAD – Discovery Attractiveness Deployment.
Deep links – Inbound links to own internal page to anchor text.
Funnel Page – a bridging page from the ‘Landing Page’ to the ‘Money Page’.
Goal Completion – Once a customer has navigated through the site and made a
purchase, then the goal is completed.
Landing Page – the page that is pointed to from a search result. This needs to
contain relevant information so the customer is not disappointed.
Long tail – The principle of the long tail is that as there as there are more words in
the search phrase there are less companies competing. For example ‘paper’ would
be highly competed for, ‘green paper with swirls’ would not be as competed for.
Main links – Link to home page.
Money Page – where the customer makes a purchase.
Ontological Analysis – make liberal use of synonyms and other words relating to your
main terms.
PPC – Pay Per Click. Adwords is Googles’version of Pay per click advertising.
PR – PageRanking. Google ranking system.
Qualifying phrases – Drilling down further ex. Canvas protection, protecting curtain
sided vehicles, long term lamination, etc. (page 33 for examples)
SEO – Search Engine Optimisation. The steps taken to improve ranking position for
a website.
SEPs – Semantically equivalent Phrase.
SERPs – Search Engine Results Pages.
Snippet – The title and text displayed when a match is found by a search engine.
Stem Phrase – The initial hook/heading.
Ex. liquid lamination. (page 33 for
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SEO General notes
1. Check inbound links & count pages – go to Yahoo and type
2. Check keywords/phrases – got to Google and type allinanchor:phrase or word.
You can also see cached version of site form results.
3. Other site for checking keywords -
4. Look for other related Keywords/phrases
5. Submit to Yahoo -
6. Submit to Google -
7. check if Google recognises you – go to Google, type in site:
Interesting statistics
84% of searchers do not click past page 2 of search results.
65% of searchers do not click on sponsored links (35% do).
User narrow down 35 – 40% of searches based on their own country.
80% of first visits are from search engines.
75% of search engine traffic comes from Google.
98% of Googles revenue is from Adwords. 50% online marketing spend is $13
1 word searches – 20%
2 word searches – 33%
3 word searches – 26%
4+ word searches – 21%
Target statics
CTR – 1.8 – 3.5 % as high as possible.
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Bounce rate – 30-40% as low as possible.
Average time – 2 minutes plus.
New visits – 70% target as high as possible.
Pages per visit – 5-6 target. 2-3 to final purchases. – submission software to main search engines.
Non-sponsored links.
1. Meta Tags.
2. Links in.
3. Links out.
4. Submit site to Google.
5. Keep content clean. Semantic layout.
6. Content to have relevant words.
7. Time established.
8. Include a site map
9. Do not have text as images as the robots cannot read them. If you have to
have alternate text.
1. Code is - <meta name=”keywords” content=”keyword 1,keyword 2,keywordn”
2. Spaces in phrases are okay but not between each keyword, only a comma.
3. Lowercases only and use plurals. Equivalents not needed.
4. Use relevant site wide words and phrases.
5. Never use more than 50 words in a meta-keyword, 35 is more ideal.
6. Make sure that the words used appear somewhere in the page – title,
headings, alt tags, and body text.
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1. 25 characters in title
2. 70 characters for advert
3. 35 characters for URL
Sponsored links.
1. Adwords.
1. URL in email signature.
2. All stationary including Business cards, letter heads, compliment slips, etc.
3. Other customer communications including invoices, statement of accounts.
4. Product packaging.
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Goal definition. Customers will be funneled towards these goals (customer journeys)
Customers are 1, Suspects (possible);
2, Prospects(have expressed an intersted);
3, Leads(ready to buy);
4 Sale (closed)
Four stages of journey 1, Landing page;
2, funnel page(s);
3,Money Page (goal is completed);
4,Goal completion(thank you to users).
Segmentation. Location, B2B, B2C, demographic, price V quality, When do they buy,
Upselling potential, one off or repeat business.
SWOT analysis of competition. Look at this based on Segmentation criteria as
DAD analysis.
Monthly Searches
Raw Competition
Directly Competing
1. Google search terms relating to your business.
2.for each top 5 result make a note of Keywords in TITLE, META DESCRIPTION &
META KEYWORDS will do the same job.
3. List this information in your DAD analysis spreadsheet.
Group the search results into Stem Phrases (ex. Liquid lamination) and Qualifying
phrases(ex. canvas protection, cheap protection, long term protection, etc)
For an average site (10 pages)
100 -150 in total.
35-40 one or two word phrases
60-75 three or four word phrases
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Appendix G – Own notes on reporting and creating a book
For report:
January before changes.
February/March during changes.
April changed.
May hand in.
Cover these areas:
1. Google analytics.
2. Keywords and phrases to be built into Adwords, semantic code and metatags.
3. Monthly recommendations from Google analytics.
Make report into book form
Have part 1 and 2 printed and bound into a book if time permits.
Write up the process.
Create copy text.
Get it designed.
Get a couple of copies printed.
Hand it in.
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Appendix H – Creating list in Mailchimp
This is done for a client, but the process is the same.
Figure 57 First part to enter details.
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Figure 58 Second part, change email and tick boxes.
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Appendix I – Creating a form in Mailchimp
This is done for a client, but the process is the same.
Figure 59 Start editing forms.
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Figure 60 Sign up form.
Figure 61 Embedded code for the webpage.
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Figure 62 Opt in confirmation email.
Figure 63 Confirmation thank you, redirected to page.
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Figure 64 Confirmation "Thank You" page, alternatively.
Figure 65 Final welcome email.
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Appendix J – Creating simple password protected pages
Basic URL Security (Password protection) on Windows
Important: Custom error pages cannot be used on a domain that has password
protection (URL security).
Basic URL security allows you to restrict access to specific folders on your website,
by creating a text file of usernames and passwords.
Visitors to the secured URL will be presented with a dialogue box requesting the
username and password that you have previously set for them.
Step by step guide
Step 1: Create a text file of usernames and passwords, in the format
username=password, each on a new line.
These usernames will apply to the directory that you want to secure and its subdirectories.
Quick tip: Avoid confusion with username/password files for other directories by
naming the file after the directory. For example: members-passwords.txt
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Step 2: upload the username/password file to your private directory, in your web
space's parent directory.
Warning: If you upload the username/password file to your "htdocs" directory, it
will be publicly available in the same way as pages on your website.
Step 3: Log into your Fasthosts control panel, select the domain you wish to enable
for Basic URL Security, then click Password protection in the left-hand menu.
If you haven't previously enabled URL Security on this domain, you may need to
confirm an additional payment. Windows 2003 domains must also have ASP enabled
before URL Security can be enabled.
Step 4: Click Add new protected folder.
Step 5: Specify the directory you want to secure, a master password for your website
and the location of your username/password file, then click Continue.
Note: The master password will give you access to the secured directory, using
any of the usernames you have previously set up.
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Appendix K – Creating advanced password protected pages
Advanced URL Security (Windows)
Important: Custom error pages cannot be used on a domain that has password
protection (URL security).
Advanced URL security allows you to restrict access to specific folders on your
website by creating a database file of usernames and passwords.
Visitors to the secured URL will be presented with a dialogue box requesting the
username and password that you have previously set for them.
By storing usernames and passwords in a database, you can easily add, modify and
delete users from your chosen scripting language.
Step by step guide
Step 1: Create a Microsoft Access database of usernames and passwords, with the
fields id, username and password.
These usernames will apply to the directory that you're securing and its subdirectories.
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Quick tip: Avoid confusion with username/password files for other directories by
naming the file after the directory. For example: members-passwords.mdb
Step 2: Upload the username/password file to the private directory, in your web
space's parent directory.
Warning: If you upload the username/password file to your htdocs directory, it
will be publicly available in the same way as pages on your website.
Step 3: Install the username/password database as an ODBC data source. How to
install ODBC on a Windows domain.
Step 4: Using your Fasthosts control panel, select the domain you want to enable for
Advanced URL Security, then click URL security in the left-hand menu.
If you haven't previously enabled URL Security on this domain, you may need to
confirm an additional payment. You also need to enable ASP on the domain before
URL Security can be enabled.
Step 5: Click Add new protected folder.
Step 6: Specify the directory you want to secure and a master password for your
Note: The master password will give you access to the secured directory, using
any of the usernames you have previously set up.
Step 7: Click finish to set up basic password protection. Then click on Edit to
upgrade to advanced password protection.
Step 8: Select a database as the source of your login details and the ODBC source
you created in step 3. Enter the login, password and fields for your database then
click Continue.
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Appendix L - Nabo marketing course notes Ed Rivis 18.1.11.
Ed Rivis – Nurture the lead 18 th January 2011
Sites Paul Gorman as his guru.
The most important thing with a website is good content.
70% of people who enquire on a website buy. Only 20% buy from the first site. To maximise
your conversion capture their details the first time and establish a relationship.
There is a train of thought, “follow up until they buy, unsubscribe or die!!”.
The golden carrot can be one of a number of things, a free report, ebook, audio podcast,
webinar, video, etc.
Email marketing has the highest return on investment (ROI).
When creating a golden carrot tap into the customers
o Pain
o Challenge
o Problem
o Opportunity
Examples of good golden carrot documents are:
o How to...
o The art of...
o Ultimate...
o The... bible
o Cheat sheet
o The 7 biggest secrets
o The truth behind
o The number 1 biggest mistake
Interactive golden carrots are popular, for example having access to an interactive calculator,
quote creator, product picker, etc.
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It was suggested that a new domain name was registered and used to help with tracking, this
can be done through Google with a webpage.
For extra information about lead/landing pages Google “Google landing page guidelines”.
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Need to measure how successful the campaign is. Install Google analytics code into page to
be able to run Google Analytics reports. Then use this process:
1. Number of unique visitors
2. Number of opt-ins
3. Divide 2 by 3 to get percentage conversion rate.
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Appendix M - Notes from Ed Rivis book.
Ed Rivis – Notes from his book ‘Email Marketing Dynamite’.
Send eshots on Tuesdays, Wednesday and Thursdays for best response.
MWA (most wanted action) or call to action to be focussed on when designing pages and
Write copy to make sure that the customers understands what is in it for them.
Write benefit related copy.
Don’t get branded a spammer ( more information on page 28) and focus on these steps.
o Get permission.
o Get it delivered with reputable email marketing software.
o Get it opened.
o Get it read.
o Get response.
o Get a sale.
If you think you are black listed due to email marketing activities, google “check blacklist”.
Email marketing is for INCREASED SALES with a positive side effect of customer retention and
brand loyalty.
Customers can be categorised and treated as:
o Prospects – encourage first purchase.
o Active – stimulate to buy more, more often and higher value.
o Lapsed – reactivate.
o Best – more personalised emails, maybe take them out of normal email marketing
Companies are successful by offering free advise with a collection form (page 84/5).
Infusionsoft is used and has a good tool for tagging customers as they move up the marketing
Golden carrots can take a number of different forms. The important thing is a compelling
o 3 page word document.
o Short video.
o Excel spreadsheet.
o Powerpoint presentation.
o 10 minute audio file or podcast.
If you have not sent an eshot for a while send something valuable to restore the relationship
with your customers.
o Sign up with Mailchimp.
o Segment list
o Create front end offer (Golden Carrot).
o Set up Auto responders.
o Add email sign up forms on website.
o Broadcast to everyone:
 Adwords and/or FB pay per click advertising
 Social Media. FB, twitter and LinkedIn.
 Magazine adverts.
 Website.
 Affiliates & links.
 Tell a friend activities.
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 Eshots.
 Email signatures.
 Invoices, remittance, etc.
Handling mistakes
o Proof read.
o Spell check.
o Link check.
o Spam check.
House keeping
o Back up list once per week or month.
o De duplicate database list.
o Keep an eye on hard bounce rate. Should be less than 5%.
Measure performance (Kazen concept from Japan, look it up!!)
Measurement methods are:
o Open rate. This is inaccurate as it gets a ‘vote’ when a certain graphics is
downloaded, if that does not happen it does not register.
o Click Through Rate (CTR) – very accurate. Aim is over 20%. This is the most critical
o Subscribers.
o Un subscribers.
o Sales activity.
o Enquiries.
o Gross revenue.
o ROI.
o Landing page conversion rate. Sign up divided by visitors.
Should always carry out A/B split marketing.
Auto Responders
o With the MWA in mind.
o Compelling and relevant offer.
o An obvious call to action being the MWA.
o One or more useful hyperlinks.
o Notify the client straight away how regularly they should expect an email from you.
o Be regular in the emails to create customer expectation. 1 day, 7 days, 14 days, 21
days, 28 days, 35 days, etc.
o Add in a ‘recommend us to a friend’ link at the bottom of every email.
Ideas for AR’s are:
o Product bundle special.
o Announcements.
o Expert interview.
o Micro survey. 1 email only.
o Full survey. Built in Survey Monkey. Question “what would you like to see/know
next from us?”, then suggest a list of topics.
o Published news articles with your views added.
o Tips on how to best use products, use them smarter, more often, more efficiently, be
greener, etc.
o Build anticipation for product launches and upcoming exhibitions
Ideas for each email
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Straight away. Confirmation/congratulations email, recommend second golden
o 1 day. I am your account manages, if you have any questions please contact me on...
o 7 days. Hope you have been able to read the GC sent to you. Would you like a free,
no commitment consultation with one of our sales team?
o 14 days. If you refer a friend we will give you 10% off your next order with us.
o 21 days. Did the report answer all your questions. Could you tell us how we can
improve the information?
o 28 days. You can now access our special offers section by going to....
o 35 days. Did you know about our full range of products...
o 42 days.
Lee Gilbert has extra ideas to add, see below.
Further research
Robert Cialdini – influence the psychology of persuasion. .
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Appendix N - Nabo marketing course notes Ed Peppitt 18.1.11.
Ed Peppitt – The Profitable publishing system18th January 2011
Printing in India is good quality and cheap. Roughly 1000 copies are 40p each, £400. A good
company is .
Book designers do layout for about £200. Cover design is about £50-60.
Amazon take 60%. Example is £10 sales price, publisher sells at £4.00, author gets about 40p.
Best practice is to print 100 copies as there will be corrections to do.
Good UK publisher, can self publish through them .
Amazon online publishing .
Interesting layout, blog to book.
Audio CD’s are much more profitable than books.
Recording studios off peak are quite cheap, as low as £40 for two hours.
Good site for sending large files - . - do it yourself webinars.
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Appendix O - Nabo marketing course notes Martin Henley 18.1.11.
Martin Henley – Social Media Mastery System18th January 2011
Three main social media tools are Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn.
Use social media to find people, identify what they want, be where people are looking and
let the world now about you.
Links in tweets get found quickly by robots.
1-2 links in each paragraph of copy.
Must keep posting lots of new content.
Real time market research. is one tool to use for real time monitoring.
Sites Seth Godin as a guru .
You tube is the second biggest search engine in the world only about 10% less than Google.
Feedburner can be used to distribute social media messages.
Q - extra twitter tools. - online survey software.
LinkedIn is the biggest B2B database in the world.
Always strive to humanising your brand.
What to say
o Company news, awards, business wins, etc.
o Stories about people in your business.
o Industry expertise.
o Commentary on your industry / marketplace.
o Video of your products, people or environment.
o Industry news like exhibitions and trade fairs.
o Product and service reviews.
o Industry interviews.
o Ways of working, processes, etc.
o Case studies and testimonials from your customers.
What is the process
o Carry out your market research.
o Establish if social media will benefit you.
o Decide social media objectives.
o Target the right social media platforms.
o Identify and engage with key influencers.
o Take time to establish yourself in your networks.
o Develop useful and interesting content.
o Provide regular updates peppered with sales messages.
o Delegate, outsource and automate.
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Appendix P - Nabo marketing course notes Paul Green 19.1.11.
Paul Green – Free Publicity19th January 2011
Connect with journalists and provide exactly what they need. The easier it is for them the
more likely they are to use it.
o Don’t need an expensive PR agency.
o Don’t need established contacts.
o Don’t need to send press releases, you can just call them.
You do need good stories. – media database of experts. Can set oneself up as an expert in
chosen field. Buy bottom package for £50 and call them to get a free upgrade. Say you are a
client of Paul Green. (Bob Mills?)
Pole daddy is better than survey monkey in his opinion.
When doing surveys should poll at least 10 people. Looking for trends in business data.
Journalists use Googles ‘response source’ to get case studies. Fees are about £2000 pa.
There are 3 main criteria to a good story:
o Relevant to audience.
o Great timing.
o Stand out from the crowd.
Contacting journalists at the right time during the news cycle is crucial. Normally better to
contact them the day after publishing. They are more hungry for news.
You can build up a reputation with journalists by helping them:
o React fast to their requests.
o Send photographs.
o Be available 24/7 if need be.
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Appendix Q - Nabo marketing course notes Paul Green 19.1.11.
Paul Green – Risk reversal system19th January 2011
There can be a perception of your business that there is a risk of making a purchase from
your company.
The guarantee myth is that it will be a cost to the business. This should not be the case as
the business is normally offering its own sort of guarantee already, just not publishing it.
Need to turn a companies invisible guarantee into a risk reversal strategy using these 6 steps:
o Look at what competitors are doing, can you better it?
o Know what you are good at and what you are bad at.
o Guarantee results.
o Payback – refund, fix, do it again.
o Test and measure. Can we do it without destroying our business. Test this with 10
prospects by offering them a guarantee and 10 that are not offered a guarantee.
o Put it everywhere.
Guarantees should be put right at the front in a ‘look at me’ sort of way.
There are hard and soft guarantees. A hard guarantee would be something like the Asda
10% off guarantee.
Guarantees that work should be better than risk free, unconditional and presented in a way
of “I personally Guarantee”.
Have a look at ‘saddle back leather company’ (Google it)as an example.
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Appendix R - Nabo marketing course notes Jonathan Jay 10 2.11.
Jonathan Jay – Business equation10th February 2011
Business equation
Qualified lead + niche market + marketing ladder = repeat business (QL + NM + ML
= RC)
Tell customers what value they are getting, otherwise cut it out and make more profit.
Build prospect list by creating something that has relevance in specific markets.
If you are really smart give away what your competitors sell!!
o Landor, free printers (on loan).
o Seasonsbounty, free websites or domain names or hosting.
When creating eshots use short form copy. Once the customer is a qualified lead then long
form copy can be used. If the product is of a high price then long form copy is often
appropriate as more content gives a higher perceived value.
Why are we sending you free information (Golden Carrot)? ‘We believe in educating our
customers by providing the right information.
Consider what do customers buy from you and after you? Could you be supplying these
other things?
The magic matrix.
Customers down one side(A-F here, you can have as many as you want), products
along the bottom(1-6 here). Then fill in the box if the customer buys a particular
product. If the customer does not buy the products the cell is split into two – told and
sold. Block out half the box once the customer has been sold and once they have
been sold block out the whole box. Simple but effective, especially if you have
telesales people working for you. It gets past the common customer comment of ‘I
did not know you did that’. How many times have you heard that over the years?
Think about it is very basic money terms:
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1. Each cell is £100 worth of product.
2. Currently total spend is £900.
3. Potential that you are not getting is £27,000.
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Appendix S - Nabo marketing course notes Lee Gilbert 10 2.11.
Lee Gilbert – Customer conversions 10 th February
 - Lee Gilberts leadership book.
2 biggest challenges are 1. Getting traffic, 2. Using the traffic.
Within all this companies must balance business both on and off line.
Make sure very page has one MWA.
2 classic mistakes are made when creating websites – not clear on MWA in brief and bad
If there are two MWA’s on a page then it is often too much choice for the customer and they
choose neither.
Maximum fields that people will fill in are 4 when signing up. 2 is better.
Personalised emails make little difference. If you don’t need a customers’ name then don’t
Mailchimp is excellent for plain text emails.
Plain text emails are more successful in being delivered and getting past filters.
Always evaluate design on Laptop to understand the position of the fold.
Average home page conversion rate is only 1%.
Lead pages are 5% on average. 20-30% is achievable with some work.
Green backgrounds work well. Orange buttons work well. Personalise copy.
Use to print reports. For high value, qualified customers personalise each
printed copy with the clients name on the front and first page. Send it first class post and
follow up straight away. Gives you the edge over your competition.
Fbml is the mark up language to control FB.
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Surveys can be turned directly into PR articles.
During the first week of your relationship send a survey.
Surveymonkey can be used and can be pre-populated from Mailchimp using the API. - employ services of specialists, put project
on and get it turned into a document for about $150.
o 1. Send an email that invites them to the survey.
 Could you spare 2 minutes of your time. This could even be the headline.
 Bribe them with – free download, voucher, prize draw, etc.
o 2.Survey pages.
 Page 1. One question only and introduction. “Welcome we will only take 2
minutes of your time. This is page 1 of 2 which will really only take 2 minutes
to do”.
 Page 2. Please complete your personal details below. Name, Email address,
telephone number, work address, company name, mobile. Have 5 or so
questions with tick boxes or radio buttons, make sure there is a text box for
comments. One of the key things with this activity is that you start to
understand the customers language and can communicate better with them
on their level. One of the questions should be, ”which products are you
interested in?”. Then focus on the product as the most demanded.
 Page 3. Instant access to the bribe.
Designing lead pages
 Visual WOW is good. High resolution images, especially of the freebie that is being offered.
Inverted designs on the same page work. For example one logo black on white and the same logo
white on black. As below ‘get valuation’ in black on grey and white on blue. MWA reinforced.
Ellen Granker of O’Neil university made a study of reading and concluded the ‘Z’ layout method
of looking at webpages. Designing in thirds is also important.
Good example of design. . nice use of post it note,
collecting only 2 fields, right hand side with heading, subheading and body text.
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Social Media
Add twitter and FB like buttons to website. Look at Turning Monkeys into Lemons by Lee
Gilbert. This social media link gives credibility to the site. The buttons are available at
facebook developers pages.
Little bit of gorilla marketing. Google “facebook comments api”. Connects all FB friends to
see any testimonial that is posted about you. TRY IT.
Pay for LinkedIn full account, then cancel. They normally phone within 2/3 months and give
you a free account.
Ping is Apples SN site. Will be the next big thing within 2 years. 1. Get an account. 2.
Describe what you do, not who you are. For example digital wallpaper, liquid lamination.
Need an itunes account to set up Ping.
You tube, Twitter, FB fan page and Blogs all turbo charge SEO. Blogs backed up into site can
multiply by 3 the effectiveness.
Facebook is the best marketing tool out there. PPC is 30-50% less cost than Adwords. FB PPC
is more targeted due to customer profiling.
To start advertising on FB go to the bottom of the page and click on ‘advertising’, then follow
the instructions. Link PPC advertising to fan/group page. Can use FBML to create sign up
form within FB. - good help with FB PPC.
LinkedIn is the best professional targeted SN tool. Expensive though, often £5 per click.
Adwords coupons can be applied, need to set up multiple accounts. £75 is often available.
Ranked searches are Google, FB, You Tube, Bing/Yahoo.
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How to get people to your site:
o PPC, Adwords and FB. FB is cheaper than Adwords and the customer profiling is
done already.
o SEO organic.
o Article. DO THIS!!
o Joint ventures (JV).
o Email marketing.
o Referrals.
o Links.
o Social Media.
o Postcard marketing.
o Google Places. Make the name what you do not your company name. Ex ‘Digital print
media – Landor UK’ or ‘Ski hire in Colchester and surrounds – ESH’.
Postcard Marketing
Send postcards to buyers in your market. Get list of active buyers for different products,
relate it to your business. Normally these buyers have bought in the last 3-4 months. Cost is
20-40 cents each.
Only need RAW data without anything done on it, name and address.
Create postcard:
Collect name, postcode, email address and telephone number.
Pre-recorded answer phone is the most efficient, could use a skype line.
Website lead page is not as effective, but is a cheap method.
Live call is effective but expensive.
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About 10% respond on average.
Cheap postcard, manila, work best with big headings.
Long term you may be able to sell the list back to the company you bought it from, ask this
question up front.
Costs are about $3 in total per customer. Potential sell back is $3-$5. - good list company, US based, has UK lists. – postal address list broker. – in testing currently.
Creating a movie clip
Joint ventures work well if there is a video recommendation from the other party, then
customers know it is really them. Audio works too, can record on Skype, maybe do a short
Best to use two camara’s, one face on one slightly side on at about 45 degrees
when filming. Can get 2 x Sanyo SD camera’s for about £200.
Use a plug in microphone. Tie microphones are about £15 from maplins.
Logos and other images give a site credibility. These should be above the fold.
The things to add are to differentiate yourself:
o Featured on.....
o Member of......
o Awarded best.....
o Nominated for.....
Article marketing is not really about writing articles for people to read, it is more about
creating back links.
Google ‘my article generator’, could be seen as black hat SEO though. – can compare against competition. The data is not very up to
date, there can be a lag of up to 3 months.
Should do 2-5 article releases per week!!
Three main sites to submit to once you have created a free account on each site:
Key Design points for articles.
 Title – Use keywords all the time.
 Body Copy – use keywords lists.
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 Anchor text – use keywords.
 About 500 words. This is roughly one side of A4 in 10 point font.
 You are normally allowed 2 links in authors bio.
Submit same article to each site by
o Use three different titles.
o Re-order paragraphs.
o Use different author name
 - Can get articles written for you, normally about
$8-10 each.
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Appendix T - Nabo marketing course notes Daniel Priestley 15 3.11.
Daniel Priestley – Social media / micro niche 15 th March 2011
The industrial revolution has ended, it is now the period of the ‘entrepreneurial
The past 5-10 years has been ‘playing with the new toys’, now is when it is starting to be
All new technologies like telephone, airlines, telephones, computers, mobiles have a 2030 year lag before affecting businesses.
Google is from 1998.
In 2004/5 Social Media has started to take off.
In the future big companies will not be able to compete with small ones. The world will
be dominated by small sellers:
o Ebay – made up of small business sellers.
o Amazon – small businesses under the larger umbrella.
o Facebook – small communities.
Job growth in the world is coming from small businesses.
In the future people will have a job in the traditional sense, we will become suppliers and
producers for companies.
Recommendations are five times more potent than advertising.
q=daniel+priestley – slides from Daniel Priestley.
Companies need to position themselves by understanding their Micro Niche.
The Micro Niche is the battle you can win today. Example given was a vegan
body builder.
Social media connect fanatics.
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Create one advert per keyword.
Twitter allows you to listen to other experts in your industry, news feeds
and see trends in your industry.
Facebook is like being at a dinner party – softly, softly.
LinkedIn is like being at a business function.
Daniel earns £4000 per week from FB.
Social media is like a microphone so you can tell everyone what you are
Big companies use FB because consumers are connecting to brands.
Connect with customers! Fanatics tell friends what to do. For example
Starbucks have 13 million fans talking about coffee.
Social media filters out the right customers.
FB Groups work, for example, digital wallpaper.
‘Empire building’ mind set makes money.
People today want to deal with companies that care the most.
Need to be crystal clear what you are communicating.
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Compelling Copy Checklist
1.Set single most wanted action.
2.Get attention: Pre-headline (relevant) and headline.
3.Demonstrate you have common ground: ‘Dear fellow business
4.Identify the problem they have.
5.Provide the solution.
6.Prove you should be listened to.
7.Talk about the benefits of using you: Bullet points.
8.Show that others have trusted you: testimonials.
9.Present a compelling offer.
10.Reverse the risk: Guarantee.
11.Introduce scarcity: Motivated by fear of loss.
12.Give a call to action: Ability to act now; 3 methods – email,
phone, letter?
13.Recap the benefit: PS.
14.Use simple, relevant language that your prospects
15.Ensure your content is peppered with curiosity and intrigue.
16.Ask questions that get people’s interest.
17.Write how people talk.
18.Use action words: Do, go, click, start, now, secure, grab,
19.Address emotional needs not cognitive needs.
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Know Yourself
1. Company/individual name (ex”Landor UK”).
2. Industry (ex”Print”).
3. Micro-niche: “I/We only work with.....”(ex “innovative digital printers who
are the best in their field.”)
4. Why: “I believe.....”(ex”Printers should not need to worry about product
development, their supplies should assume that role.”)
5. What:
o value1 – Innovative
o value2 – service driven
o value3 – caring
6. How: 7 hour rule.
o People can spend 7 hours with you without spending money. Ebook,
podcast, webinar, etc.
o Product for Prospects. Cheap product for quick win, £8 -£400.
o Core Products. Sell £2-3k in bulk, pallet loads.
o Second sale. Ex. Laminates, printers, etc.
7. Recommended partners: affiliates??
8. Leads
9. Remarkable features.
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Baseplate for Social Media
Short Bio
Long Bio
Head shots and other pictures
Company logo
9. News from industry leaders
10. Connecting at a dinner party
11. Connecting professionally
12. Sharing video
13. Sharing slides
14. Sharing articles
15. Alternative
16. Business community
17. Sharing photos
18. Sharing audio
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Appendix U - Nabo marketing course notes Mike Bradley 30.3.11.
Advanced SEO & Advanced Google Adwords 30 th March 2011
Mike Bradley from 1 st Page Prophets
Mike Bradley from 1 s t Page Prophets
SEMPO – Search Engine Optimisation Professional Organisation.
conversion rate optimisation = happy people
x conversion
= enquiries and sales.
10 new
£1000 (ex)
70 % of all search phrases used a long tail money makers.
Start with small budgets + pointed campaigns.
1. Digital wallpaper Hampshire
2. Digital wallpaper south east
3. Paste free wallpaper
4. Paste free digital wallpaper
Should budget for PPC and link building via trade companies,,
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Home page does general search work for you.
Add Google checkout (like paypal) to any ecommerce sites to acce lerate
Geographically target campaigns.
Aim at 50 campaigns per year.
JOB 1 – Page titles
1. Three ‘longtail’ search phrases:
2. Example - ‘Driving schools Battersea SW11 & SW8, Driving Lessons
Battersea, Driving Instructors Battersea’.
3. Change every pages title.
4. Look at competition – Digimura?
5. Use Google keyword tool.
JOB 2 – use the right URL
JOB 3 – As much quality content as possible,
1. minimum 100 words, ideally 300-500 words.
2. 10-15 stem keywords. Can use or .
JOB 4 – Links. Find authorative sites in your industry. Need as many
inbound links as possible. More relevant the better.
1. Find directories in your industry. Possibly buy links and run for 3
months. is another source.
JOB 5 - .work on the phases below:
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Remember to implement conversion tracking on the final goal page, for
example the thanks page.
Have three choices with searching:
1. [exact match]
2. 2.”Phrase match”
3. Broad match = - DO NOT USE, get too much un related traffic
Set location, for example UK, local area.
Set language.
Set networks:
1. Search network off. Recommended.
2. Search network on. Sends ads to other peoples sites which menas
you get lots of unrelated traffic and it is expensive.
Un tick ad scheduling
Set up negative keywords.
JOB 6 - Test and optimise.
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Appendix V – Steps for linked up marketing.
1. Create customer email address to use whilst signing up for different accounts
2. Audit company. Electronic documents, printed media, newsletters, case studies, editorial,
testimonial, previous eshots, videos including you tube, etc.
3. Create accounts:
a. Mailchimp.
b. Surveymonkey.
c. Twitter.
d. FB and FB company page.
e. LinkedIn.
f. Ping.
g. Hootsuite.
h. YouTube.
j. eBay.
k. Paypal.
l. Skype.
m. Liveperson if relevant.
4. Google account for analytics, Adwords, maps, etc.
5. Create GC 1.
6. Create GC 2.
7. Create lead page to highlight benefits of GC1 and upload to ftp with relevant supporting files.
8. Create congratulations page which offers GC2 and upload to ftp with relevant supporting
files. Collect extra details from customer. This page will be linked to as a “confirmation
thank you page”.
9. Create lead page specific email addresses that relate to golden carrot ‘ ’and ‘ ‘. Make sure email addresses
and passwords are logged.
10. Set up Mailchimp lists for sign ups. At least two for GC1 and GC2.
11. Create ‘Sign up form with alerts’ for GC 1. Copy embedded code into lead page.
12. ‘Opt-In confirmation Email’ – add branding and change copy text if necessary.
13. ‘Confirmation “thank you” page’. Change to webpage.
14. ‘final welcome email’ to be branded.
15. Create text for initial (at least 5) auto responders.
16. Set up AR’s for each list.
17. Set up Google Alerts for Key words.
18. Change all email addresses from {custname} to actual customers email
address. Change bank details to customers where appropriate.
19. Recommend apps for smart phones.
20. Eshot existing customers notifying them of SM and GC1.
21. Add twitter and facebook like buttons.
22. Add live twitter feed to website if desired.
23. Add into email signatures, printed media, etc. Create exposure plan.
24. Measure.
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Any adverts, ezines, other campaigns running at the moment?
Any upcoming events, trade shows, exhibitions, road shows, product launches, etc.
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Appendix W – Useful web resources. - lead page generation. Good promotional video. - lead page generation. – db management. - db management. – marketing course (highly subscribed need to go on waiting list sometimes). - online internet marketing software and CRM. – online internet marketing software and CRM. and – use skype to record interviews with clients and use Pamela
to make a more professional audio recording. – create surveys, links to Mailchimp. - internet marketing software. - create A/B split to test different pages. - good to use Google tools. - alerts on specific keywords. Really useful. - check that your server is not blacklisted. – Google’s
Landing Page guidelines. – screen recording software. - screen recording software, 30 day free trial. – track keywords on social media. REALLY USEFUL. - shorten links. - blog distribution tool. - analyses social media impact. - analyses the impact of a twitter account on Social Media. - share widget for social networking. - SEO software. - understand more about Analytics. - Google tutorials. - blog on SEO and Google. - digital marketing training. - Indian printing company. - uk printing company. - Amazon online publishing. – turned a blog into a
book. - send large files. - create your own webinars. - social media guru. - extra twitter tools. - online survey software.
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Technology to assist customers up the marketing ladder – an introduction – media database of experts. Can set oneself up as an expert in
chosen field. Buy bottom package for £50 and call them to get a free upgrade. Say you are a client of
Paul Green. DO THIS. – use to print reports. - well designed site. - good example of lead page design. - employ services of specialists, put project on and
get it turned into a document for about $150. - Lee Gilberts leadership book. - good list company, US based, has UK lists. – postal address list broker. – in testing currently. - good help with FB PPC. – post PR articles. – can compare against competition. The data is not very up to date,
there can be a lag of up to 3 months. - Can get articles written for you, normally about $8-10 each. - submit articles. - submit articles. - submit articles. - high value brand building solution. - standard legal documents. – slide sharing
site. This search is specific to Daniel Priestley. – tips on using PPC advertising. – set up corporate events. - £30-40 per month to create webinars. - find synonyms. - find similar words.
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Appendix X – Creating Facebook ‘like’ button
The Like button lets a user share your content with friends on Facebook. When the
user clicks the Like button on your site, a story appears in the user's friends' News
Feed with a link back to your website.
When your Web page represents a real-world entity, things like movies, sports
teams, celebrities, and restaurants, use the Open Graph protocol to specify
information about the entity. If you include Open Graph tags on your Web page,
your page becomes equivalent to a Facebook page. This means when a user clicks a
Like button on your page, a connection is made between your page and the user.
Your page will appear in the "Likes and Interests" section of the user's profile, and
you have the ability to publish updates to the user. Your page will show up in same
places that Facebook pages show up around the site (e.g. search), and you can
target ads to people who like your content.
There are two Like button implementations: XFBML and Iframe. The XFBML version
is more versatile, but requires use of the JavaScript SDK. The XFBML dynamically resizes its height according to whether there are profile pictures to display, gives you
the ability (through the Javascript library) to listen for like events so that you know in
real time when a user clicks the Like button, and it always gives the user the ability
to add an optional comment to the like. If users do add a comment, the story
published back to Facebook is given more prominence.
To get started, just use the configurator below to get code to add to your site.
Step 1 - Get Like Button Code
URL to Like (?)The URL to like. In XFBML, defaults to the current page.
Layout Style (?)determines the size and amount of social context next to the button
Show Faces (?)Show profile pictures below the button.
Show faces
Width (?)the width of the plugin, in pixels
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Verb to display (?)The verb to display in the button. Currently only 'like' and
'recommend' are supported.
Font (?)the font of the plugin
Color Scheme (?)The color scheme of the plugin.
Get Code
href - the URL to like. The XFBML version
defaults to the current page.
layout - there are three options.
standard - displays social text to the right of
the button and friends' profile photos below.
Minimum width: 225 pixels. Default width: 450
pixels. Height: 35 pixels (without photos) or 80
pixels (with photos).
button_count - displays the total number of
likes to the right of the button. Minimum width:
90 pixels. Default width: 90 pixels. Height: 20
box_count - displays the total number of likes
above the button. Minimum width: 55 pixels.
Default width: 55 pixels. Height: 65 pixels.
show_faces - specifies whether to display
profile photos below the button (standard
layout only)
width - the width of the Like button.
action - the verb to display on the button.
Options: 'like', 'recommend'
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font - the font to display in the button.
Options: 'arial', 'lucida grande', 'segoe ui',
'tahoma', 'trebuchet ms', 'verdana'
colorscheme - the color scheme for the like
button. Options: 'light', 'dark'
ref - a label for tracking referrals; must be
less than 50 characters and can contain
alphanumeric characters and some punctuation
(currently +/=-.:_). The ref attribute causes
two parameters to be added to the referrer
URL when a user clicks a link from a stream
story about a Like action:
fb_ref - the ref parameter
fb_source - the stream type ('home', 'profile',
'search', 'other') in which the click occurred and
the story type ('oneline' or 'multiline'),
concatenated with an underscore.
Step 2 - Get Open Graph Tags
Title (?)The title of the entity.
Type (?)The type of the entity.
Chose a type
URL (?)The canonical, permanent URL of the page representing the entity.
Image (?)The URL to an image that represents the entity.
Site name (?)A human-readable name for your site.
Admin (?)A comma-separated list of either the Facebook IDs of page administrators
or a Facebook Platform application ID.
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Get Tags
Open Graph Tags
Open Graph tags are <meta> tags that you add to the <head> of your website to
describe the entity your page represents, whether it is a band, restaurant, blog, or
something else.
An Open Graph tag looks like this:
<meta property="og:tag name"
content="tag value"/>
If you use Open Graph tags, the following six are required:
og:title - The title of the entity.
og:type - The type of entity. You must select
a type from the list of Open Graph types.
og:image - The URL to an image that
represents the entity. Images must be at least
50 pixels by 50 pixels. Square images work
best, but you are allowed to use images up to
three times as wide as they are tall.
og:url - The canonical, permanent URL of the
page representing the entity. When you use
Open Graph tags, the Like button posts a link
to the og:url instead of the URL in the Like
button code.
og:site_name - A human-readable name for
your site, e.g., "IMDb".
fb:admins or fb:app_id - A commaseparated list of either the Facebook IDs of
page administrators or a Facebook Platform
application ID. At a minimum, include only your
own Facebook ID.
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More information on Open Graph tags and details on Administering your page can be
found on the Open Graph protocol documentation .
How do I know when a user clicks a Like button?
If you are using the XFBML version of the button, you can subscribe to the
'edge.create' event through FB.Event.subscribe.
When will users have the option to add a comment to the like?
If you are using the XFBML version of the Like button, users will always have the
option to add a comment. If you are using the Iframe version of the button, users
will have the option to comments if you are using the 'standard' layout with a width
of at least 400 pixels. If users do add a comment, the story published back to
Facebook is given more prominence.
What analytics are available about the Like button?
If you visit and register your domain, you can see the number
of likes on your domain each day and the demographics of who is clicking the Like
Can I link the Like button to my Facebook page?
Yes. Simply specify the URL of your Facebook page in the href parameter of the
What is the best way to know which Like button on my page generated the
Add the 'ref' parameter to the plugin (see "Attributes" above).
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When a user clicks a link back to your website, we will pass back both the ref value
as a fb_ref parameter and the fb_source parameter in the referrer URL. Example:
Aggregated stream stories contain all ref parameters, concatenated with commas.
When does Facebook scrape my page?
Facebook needs to scrape your page to know how to display it around the site.
Facebook scrapes your page every 24 hours to ensure the properties are up to date.
The page is also scraped when an admin for the Open Graph page clicks the Like
button and when the URL is entered into the Facebook URL Linter. Facebook
observes cache headers on your URLs - it will look at "Expires" and "Cache-Control"
in order of preference. However, even if you specify a longer time, Facebook will
scrape your page every 24 hours.
The user agent of the scraper is: "facebookexternalhit/1.1
How do I display the Like button in different languages?
If you are using the XFBML version include the language code when you instantiate
the library. Replace ‘en_US’ in this line with the correct locale code:
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If you are using the Iframe version include a locale parameter with the proper
country code in the src URL. Example:
You may need to adjust the width of the Like button to accommodate different
What makes up the number shown on my Like button?
The number shown is the sum of:
The number of likes of this URL
The number of shares of this URL (this includes
copy/pasting a link back to Facebook)
 The number of likes and comments on stories
on Facebook about this URL
The number of inbox messages containing this URL as an attachment.
The Like button is replacing ad units or Flash, what should I do?
Provide a channel URL when you init the Javascript library. Details on this can be
found here.
By using the Like Button, you agree to the general guidelines and terms found here.
You also agree that you will not modify the Like Button in any way beyond the
customization options provided on this page.
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