Methods Messenger Announcements

Methods Messenger Announcements
Week of 2/7-11/2011
Julie Alter-Kay is pleased to announce that she will now be using twitter and a blog as another
means of keeping in touch with students!! She invites you to follow her on twitter at and to check out her blog at
Attention all WOW students, there will be an additional class added for Spring/Summer
2011, SW Ethics (1credit). The course number (CRN#) will be forthcoming.
For all students, please adhere to the New Course Over-ride Procedures listed
If you receive an error message (ie. Prereq. And test score error, closed course) please cal
the School of Social Work (313) 577-4409 to report the message. Please note that you must call
to report this error, no e-mails will be accepted. Be prepared to provide the following
information: Full Name, 9 digitWSU ID#, Course Number, CRN#, Registration error notice,
Student Status, Daytime Phone# and WSU e-mail address. We will then review your report to
assess and evaluate the error/over-ride request. You will receive an automated e-mail message
sent to you WSU e-mail address once the over ride has been issued. You must then register for
the courses. You will receive a phone call or e-mail if the override cannot be issued with further
explanation and scheduling suggestions. We also ask for your patience in receiving a response
from us. Your request will be addressed as soon as possible. As you can imagine, scheduling is
a team effort with many many factors to consider. We have maximum cap on our course
enrollments and strive to try to keep the sections balanced for optimal education/discussion
benefits, and thus our ability to give over rides is limited.
Priority registration for the Spring/Summer term 2011 begins on Monday,
February 7th. For the best course selection, we encourage students to register during the
priority registration period. The spring/summer schedule is available to view at .
Thursday, February 24th from 3:30-4:30pm join the SFWO (Student Fitness
and Wellness Organization) for a Yoga Session with Caitlin Brown, a certified Yoga
Instructor. The session will be held at the Mort Harris Recreation and Fitness Center in Studio
150. For more information please contact, Andrea DiMaggio, SFWO President at
For students interested in applying for the School of Social Work Private Scholarships we
will be accepting applications until Friday, February 18, 2011. The February 1st deadline listed
on the application is a priority processing deadline.
Degree Application Deadlines- Friday, February 11, 2011
Degree application deadline for Winter 2011 Graduates
Degree application deadline for Spring/Summer 2011 Graduates who wish to participate in
the May Commencement Exercises (be mindful to apply for the proper term of
Please direct all questions about commencement dates, tickets, programs, directions, caps and
gowns, class rings, etc. to the WSU Commencement Office at or
(313) 577-2414.
Research Options Workshop for Advanced Curriculum MSW Students –
Saturday, March 12, 2011- 11:30am – 1:00pm, Room 150 Thompson Home. We will
discuss options for the advanced research requirement (CPSA), elective options (IP) & its impact
on curriculum,announce faculty research projects and provide critical information to help
students begin search process and to ensure success. Students considering a group research
project, essay direction or thesis are strongly encouraged to attend this workshop!! For more
information and to RSVP, contact Beverly Hunter in the Office of Admissions and Student
Services at (313) 577-4409.
MSW students (current & prospective) interested in learning about our certificate
programs are invited to attend the Certificate Information Meeting – Wednesday, March 23,
2011, 3:00-4:30pm, at Old Main, Room 0103. Please RSVP to Beverly Hunter at (313) 5774409.
For any BSW or MSW who may be interested in joining Phi Alpha Honor Society, please
see the qualifications below:
An undergraduate student is eligible for active membership after achieving the following minimum
requirements and meeting local Chapter requirements:
a. Admission to the BSW Program
b. Achieved junior status
c. Completed 8 semester hours of required social work courses.
d. Achieved an overall grade point average of 3.75 on 4.0 scale.
e. Achieved a 3.25 grade point average in required social work courses.
A graduate student is eligible for active membership after achieving:
a. Admission to the MSW Program
b. Completed 12 semester hours of required social work courses.
c. A grade point average of 3.85 on a 4.0 scale.
You may now follow the SSW Writing Tutor on Twitter! Go to
writewisesw and follow the Writing Tutor for the latest instructional videos.
Winter 2011 hours for the Writing Tutor are: Monday 10:00am – 5:00pm, Wednesday
11:00am – 5:00pm and Thursday 10:00am – 5:00pm. To make an appointment, please email or call (313) 577-4339. You may also visit the Writing Tutor in Room #11
in the lower level of the Thompson Home to inquire about availability.
MSW ADVISING MADE EASY!!! 2nd Wednesday of the Month - Drop in lunch time – Q & A
with MSW Advisor - 11:30 am – 1:30 pm – 2/9/11, 3/9/11, 4/13/11. For your convenience, as we
have done in past semesters, we will have advising appointments available on select Saturdays and
at University Center Macomb (UCM).
Please call or e-mail us if you are interested in scheduling an appointment.
Saturday, February 12, 2011, 9:00 – 12:30 pm., in the Thompson Home
Thursday, February 24, 2011, 12:00 – 5:00 pm., at UCM
Saturday, March 12, 2011, 9:00 – 12:30 pm., in the Thompson Home
Wednesday, March 30, 2011, 12:00 – 4:00 pm., at UCM
Saturday, April 9, 2011, 9:00 – 12:30 pm., in the Thompson Home
Thursday, April 28, 2011, 12:00 – 5:00 pm., at UCM
We offer Web-Based Advising Services. Web-based services allow BSW/MSW students
to meet with an academic advisor regarding the following:
Registration issues
Curriculum questions
Admission requirements
Transfer credit issues
Program requirements
Plan of work
Other issues of concern/interest to the student
Please call or e-mail us to schedule a web-based appointment via Yahoo Messenger or
Skype. Please include your desired appointment time (Wednesday 12:30pm – 2:30pm or
Saturday 10:00am – 11:00pm) and provide your Yahoo Messenger or Skype address or call
to confirm the appointment time at (313) 577-4409.
We will be hosting our Brown Bag Q & A with BSW Advisor 12:00pm – 1:00pm
in the Thompson Home Student Lounge 03/01/11, and 04/05/11.
Watch your emails for our new High Tech Tuesday Newsletter. If you are interested in
contributing content, please contact Dr. Joiner at
The School of Social Work OASS is very interested in your feedback. The OASS has
developed two “Suggestions/Comments” boxes, one box is located in the Student Computer Lab
in Thompson Home and the second box can be found in the Thompson Home Student Lounge
(lower level of Thompson Home). Please offer your critical feedback regarding our services,
accessibility, and any other area(s) you would like to share your thoughts. We appreciate your
comments as we work hard to improve/strengthen our services.