
Capstone Sequence
CEN UG Program
CEN Curriculum Sub-committee
Manuel Bermudez, Doug Dankel, Karl Gugel,
Herman Lam, Mark Schmalz, Eric Schwartz
Current State of Capstone Courses
 CEN students have vastly different capstone design
 Software track
One senior-design course (CEN 4912), offered in CISE
Not all projects have to work in teams
External advisors (professors, IT managers, etc.)
Software-mostly project, no hardware laboratory equipment
 Hardware track
Two-course sequence (Design 1 EEL 3923, Design 2 EEL
Must have teams of two students, minimal outside advisors
95% projects use microprocessor; must have analog content
Staff members and TAs for support of both classes/labs
Proposed CEN Capstone Sequence
 CEN capstone sequence consists of 2 required
 CEN Design 1: CEN 3923
Prerequisite to CEN Design 2
Provides training and integration of skills
necessary for successful project in CEN Design 2
 CEN Design 2: CEN 4924
CEN 3923
Design 1
CEN 4924
Design 2
Capstone design class required for all CEN students
Design projects can range from one extreme (all software) to
the other extreme (all hardware), or have both
 From “What is Computer Engineering” slide:
With respect to our program, Computer Engineering falls within a
continuum between Computer Science and Electrical Engineering
CEN Design 2: CEN 4924
 Class for capstone design project
CEN 4024 will have two sections
 CEN 4924 Section 1
Directed toward projects with a software emphasis
To be offered in the CISE Department
 CEN 4924 Section 2
Directed toward projects with a hardware emphasis
To be offered in the ECE Department, co-listed with EEL 4924 opportunity to be part of project working with EE students if appropriate
 Common CEN 4924 requirements (both sections)
Must involve knowledge learned from multiple courses
Requires team projects (exceptions approved by instructor)
Requires advisor (current CISE model), with default
advisor being instructor
Requires presentations and written final report
CEN Design 1: CEN 3923
 Prerequisite to CEN 4924
Provides training and integration of skills
necessary for successful project in CEN 4924
CEN 3923 will also have two sections
 CEN 3923 Section 1
General Design 1 course to prepare CEN students
for either CEN 4924 section
 CEN 3923 Section 2
For CEN students who plan to perform a senior
project with heavy hardware emphasis
CEN 3923 will be co-listed with EEL 3923 and be
offered in the ECE department
Summary and Conclusions
CEN 3923
Section 1
(new course)
CEN 4924
Section 1
CEN 4924
Section 2
CEN 3923
Section 2
co-list with
EEL 3923
A: CEN Software
B: CEN Hardware
C: EE skills
CEN 4924
Section 2
co-list with
EEL 4924
 Common capstone design experience
Design 1 course prepare students
Design 2 course capstone design project
 Flexible specialization
Similar to CEN curriculum, students have flexibility to select
projects relevant to their career choice
 Implementable:
 No significant disruption to existing course offerings
 CEN 3923 Section 1 is the only new course