The Life History Questionnaire—How Will it Help?

The Life History Questionnaire—How Will it Help?
To get started, let’s deal with the insecurity thing. By the time we walk though this
section using the Life History Questionnaire to get to know yourself better, you’ll
see that you have LOTS to talk about!
Using the Life History Questionnaire is one of the most important things you can
do in this entire book because it will help you outline your possibilities. Perhaps
some things you never thought of, or assumed no one would find interesting, will
jump out at you. And when you start mixing and matching the pieces, you'll see
amazing and unique topics to write about.
Use the Life History form to give yourself some thoughts about which directions
and angles you could use to approach the topics. Use your previous work history,
education, certifications, extra studies and interests to create unique points of
views for a traditional audience.
Fill out the following Life History Questionnaire. Brainstorm as
many “labels” and answers in each section as you possibly can.
Don't be afraid to go back and add more answers when they
come to mind in another hour. Or day. Or week. (Look at the
sample on the next page if you want ideas and suggestions. )
Life History Questionnaire
Era of childhood:
Place of birth:
Memorable childhood experiences:
Early educational memories:
School, Education and Extra Learning
Type of schooling:
Certifications or Degrees:
Extra Learning, Seminars, Workshops, etc:
Work Experiences, Occupations, Career Choices
Jobs you've held:
Occupations and career moves:
Religious Experiences & Volunteer Work
Hobbies, Extracurricular, Fun
Sample Life History Questionnaire With Angela's Answers:
Place of birth: California
Era of childhood: Generation X
Memorable childhood experiences:
The beach
Sidewalk ministry with my cousin
Playing at her college music recital when I was in 6th grade
The tire swing
The robber stealing a bike from the neighbors’ garage
Moving to Oklahoma Getting a horse
My car wreck as a teenager
Early educational memories:
Learning to swim in preschool
School, Education and Extra Learning
Type of school: Public school until 5th grade. Homeschooled through high school.
Certification or Degree:
Massage Therapy
Studied Music/Voice
Theatre Arts
Education Degree program
Childbirth Education
Labor Support Doula
Extra Learning, Seminars, Workshops, etc:
Gymnastic Coaching (sports safety)
Babysitting Class
Lifeguard/First Responder Training
Piano and Voice Lessons
Aromatherapy Introductory course
Writing Courses
Lymph Drainage Treatment Education Infant Massage Class
Work Experiences, Occupations, Career Choices
Jobs you've held:
Pool Manager
Gymnastic Coach
Music Teacher Junior High/High School
Drama Teacher
Massage Therapist at Chiropractor
Virtual Assistant
Freelance Writer
Childbirth Educator
Labor Support Doula
Occupations and career moves:
Service Industries Women's Health Writing
Religious Experiences & Volunteer Work
Directing Church Choir
Library Work
Homeschool Group/Co-Op Classes
Hobbies, Extracurricular, Fun
Natural Health/Wellness