Wednesday, July 20, 10:00 am -1:00 pm Agenda 1. Thoughts/questions 2. Discussion of reading, “Learning Styles and Strategies: An Overview” 3. Looking at learning styles and strategies 4. Other learner characteristics 5. Language skills Discussion: “Language Learning Styles and Strategies” by Rebecca Oxford Questions: What are learning styles? What are learning strategies? What is your style? What are your strategies? Learning styles are general approaches to learning • • • • • • • global auditory visual analytic imaginative common sense Dynamic • Do any of these words describe your learning style? -- BREAK – 10 minutes Activity: Learning Style Survey • Complete the survey • Find two classmates who have completed the survey, compare your results, discuss these questions: - What, if anything, surprises you? - Are some styles better than others? - How might your learning style affect your teaching? Learning strategies are specific actions, behaviors, techniques that help us • • • • • • use all mental processes organize, evaluate learning remember more effectively compensate for missing knowledge manage emotions work with others Strategy Inventory for Language Learning (SILL) Can be useful for: • • • • identifying students’ strategies choosing activities and materials planning lessons helping students learn new strategies Activity: SILL • Complete the inventory • Be sure to draw the graph showing your strategy preferences Lunch Learning strategies, continued Activity: 1. With three classmates, compare your strategies graphs. 2. How are they similar and/or different? 3. Are there aspects of your culture, language, education that might explain the similarities? 4. Do you have different learning styles, personalities that might explain the differences? Turkish learning strategies – what does the research show? Preferences are for compensating and for organizing and evaluating learning. Other strategies used less often Conclusion: All strategies should be taught Selma Deneme (2008). Language Learning Strategy Preferences of Turkish Students. Questions for reflection • Why is it important for us to understand something about our own styles and strategies as well as those of our students? • How much control do we have over our students’ learning? • Are we responsible for our students’ learning? • What other factors affect learning? Other learner characteristics Internal • age/intellectual development • personality • motivation • anxiety • self-esteem • experiences • cognition • native language/culture External • • • • • curriculum instruction culture and status motivation access to native speakers Adapted from What do we know about language skills? What do we know about language skills? Activity: Discussion, small groups 1. Each group discusses questions related to one skill area 2. Each group reports a summary of its discussion to the class Homework • Respond to at least three of your group members’ reflections.