CRCT Review Questions PP Game

Life Science
Review Game
1.) Look at figure 1. Which characteristic
could be used in a dichotomous key to classify
these two beetles into their different species?
A. Shape of body
B. Number of legs
C. Number of antennae
D. Size of beetle when young
A. Shape of body
(2.) Which of the following best describes a cell’s
A. It is liquid that generate the cell’s energy.
B. It is a fluid in which cell structures are
C. It is a capsule that contains the cell’s genetic
D. It is a membrane that allows materials to enter
the cell.
B. It is a fluid in which cell
structures are suspended.
3.)How are mitochondria and chloroplast similar?
A. Protein synthesis takes place inside of both
B. Both organelles help transport materials through
C. Waste products are removed from cells by both
D. Both organelles help make energy available for
cells to use.
D. Both organelles help make energy
available for cells to use.
4.) Look at Figure 2. Beth grouped these pictures
together according to a rule. Which statement explains
the rule she used?
A. All are organs related to one another in their
function and form for the digestive system.
B. All are organs that are comprised of the same
type of tissues and form the respiratory
C. All are tissues that are comprised of the same
type of cells and form the respiratory system.
D. All are tissues that are related to one another
in their function and form the digestive system.
A. All are organs related to one another in
their function and form for the digestive
5.) Look at figure 3.
Mary is arranging the following posters
according to their complexity from least
complex to most complex. Which of the
following posters comes after tissue?
C. The stomach
6.) Bones do all the following except
A.Make nerve cells
B. Make blood cells
C. Protect organs
D.Store calcium
A. Make nerve cells
7.) Which of these best completes the statement
about the interaction of the respiratory system with
the circulatory system? The lungs add……
Nutrients to the blood
Bile to the blood
Oxygen to the blood
Carbon dioxide to the blood
C. Oxygen to the blood
8.) Look at figure 4. Which label best
completes the concept map?
Endocrine System
Muscular System
Nervous System
Skeletal System
C. Nervous System
9.) During mitosis, how many
daughter cells are produced by
each parent cell?
(Draw a picture to represent the process of
mitosis taking place)
Answer: 2
10.) The chance of developing cancer, diabetes,
or sickle-cell anemia are higher if a family
member also has the disorder because they are…
Highly infectious
Passed through blood contact
Genetically based
Related to diet
C. Genetically based
11.) Which offspring will be most similar in terms
of inherited traits?
A. Ten kittens from the same litter
B. Two blue jays hatched in the same nest
C. Five mushrooms growing in the same area
D. Six plants grown from cuttings of the same
D. Six plants grown from cutting
of the same plant.
12.) Look at Figure 5. Which technique was
most likely used to develop the domestic
turkey from the wild turkey?
Gene Therapy
Selective Breeding
D. Selective Breeding
13.)The complete removal of decomposers from an
ecosystem will have the greatest effect on which of
the following?
A. The spread of disease
B. The availability of water
C. The recycling of nutrients
D. The distribution of organisms
C. The recycling of nutrients
14.) Look at Figure #6. What relationship do the frogs
have to the algae?
A. Flatworms provide nutrients for the algae.
B. Frogs provide nutrients for the shrimp.
C. Frogs provide nutrients for the algae.
D. Algae provides nutrients for the frog.
D. Algae provides nutrients for
the frog.
15.) Look at Figure #7. Which of the following can be
interpreted from this food web?
A. The golden-crowned kinglet returns the nutrients to
the environment.
B. The decomposers return the nutrients to the
C. The nutrients are transferred from the snake to the
D. The nutrients are transferred from the mouse to the
B. The decomposers return the nutrients to the
16.) Look at the food web in Figure #8.
Which organism gets its energy directly
from the sun?
A.The fox
B.The rabbit
C.The mouse
D.The grass
D. The grass
17.) Look at the aquatic food web in Figure #9. Which
of the following statement is true about the food
A. Lobsters receive energy from herring.
B. Krill receives the energy directly from the sun.
C. The sun is the original source of energy for all
the organisms.
D. Phytoplankton is the original source of energy
for all the organisms.
C. The sun is the original source of energy
for all the organisms.
18.) Clownfish swimming among the stinging tentacles of
sea anemones without harm. This stinging tentacles protect
the clownfish from predators while the clownfish eat bits of
food around the sea anemones.
Which terms best describes this relationship between the
clownfish and the sea anemones?
A. Commensalism
19.) Look at Figure #10. The diagram represents a
14,000 foot mountain. Which label most likely describe
the mountain’s regions?
1- Forest
2- Forest
2- Desert
2- Taiga
3- Grassland
3- Tundra
3- Grasslands
3- Savanna
A. 1-Tundra 2- Forest 3- Grassland
20.) What did Charles Darwin conclude about the
A. The beak shapes of each finch changed from birth to
B. The shape and size of the beaks never changed from
one generation to the next.
C. The shape and size of the beak evolved over
generations depending on their diet.
D. The finches could not survive if their diet was altered.
C. The shape and size of the beak evolved over
generations depending on their diet.
21.) Long ago, peppered moths were light to dark gray with black spots.
During the Industrial Revolution, their environment became darker from
How did the peppered moths change after several generations?
A. Light and dark moths increased because there was less need to
B. The number of lighter months increased because they began
laying more eggs.
C. The population of darker moths increased as they were able to
blend in with their environment.
D. The male moths became lighter so that females could find them.
C. The population of darker moths increased
as they were able to blend in with their
22.) which statement best explains the role of genes
and chromosomes in the process of inheritance?
A. Each pair of chromosomes contains one gene that
controls one trait.
B. Each pair of genes contains two chromosomes that
control one trait.
C. Each pair of chromosomes contains genes that
control many different traits.
D. Each pair of genes contains chromosomes that
control many different traits.
C. Each pair of chromosomes contains
genes that control many different traits.
23.) Which statement about photosynthesis and
respiration is true?
A. Photosynthesis stores energy and respiration
releases energy.
B. Respiration stores energy and photosynthesis
releases energy.
C. Photosynthesis and respiration are the same process.
D. Photosynthesis and respiration do not have anything
to do with energy.
A. Photosynthesis stores energy and
respiration releases energy.
24.) Jamie is studying properties of a cell. She learns that
the cell membrane allows nutrients into the cell and
excretes wastes. Based on this information, which of the
human body systems performs functions similar to the
cell membrane?
A. Integumentary System
B. Nervous System
C. Digestive System
D. Reproductive System
C. Digestive System
25.) In a population of green and brown
beetles, the green beetles tend to be eaten
more often by birds. This is a part of which
Natural Selection
C. Natural Selection
26.) Most of the lungfish during the Devonian period were
marine bottom-dwelling fish that depended on fill respiration.
The modern lungfish are seen in fresh water and have
developed external gills, which act as lungs when they are
outside of water. Which of these is most likely to have
A. Lungfish changed due to selective breeding
B. Lungfish evolved due to natural selection.
C. Lungfish are able to live for a long period.
D. Lungfish no longer use gill respiration.
B. Lungfish evolved due to natural
27.) Which of the following is not true of a tropical
A. It has warm temperatures throughout the year.
B. It has heavy rainfall.
C. All plant species are found on the rainforest floor.
D. Dead organisms decompose quickly due to the
warm temperatures.
C. All plant species are found on the
rainforest floor.