
HEI / Disability / Accessibility Support Service Contact Details
HEI/FEI/Other HE course provider
The University of Winchester
Contact Name & Position
Dr Lesley Jane Black (Head of
Postal Address
Disability Team
Student Services
The University of Winchester
Sparkford Road
SO22 4NR
Telephone No. – Voice
01962 827460
Minicom / SMS
Email(s) – if a general disability
support service email address is
available please be sure to give this
Web information / URL
Institutional provisions and accommodations
Are any assistive technology
resources available via the
University Network? If so what is
Does University accommodation
have internet access? Do students
have to pay? Please tell us about
campus wifi coverage.
There is free wifi access throughout the
University including all accommodation
Does the library make any
accommodations for to students with
The Martial Rose library offers a
dedicated study/AT space for which
students with disabilities/SpLDs have
priority access. Read and Write and
Inspiration are available in this space
and on a number of computers
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throughout the library. A magnifier is
also available.
Do you have study areas on campus See above. We also have a dedicated
specifically for the use of students
study space for students with
with disabilities/SpLDs? Is specialist disabilities/SpLDs within our student
AT available? Please list.
services department. The AT available
within this room includes Audio Note
Taker, Claro, Dragon Naturally
Speaking, Inspiration, JAWS, Read,
Read and Write Gold, Supernova.
Are examination script labels
All students with SpLDs are provided
available for students with disabilities with a sticker which must be attached
to identify the scripts to markers?
to all assignments and exam scripts.
Please give as much detail as
This includes paper and online
possible. Please make distinctions
assignment submissions
between coursework and
examinations where appropriate.
What arrangements are in place for
students in receipt of additional time
in examinations?
All exam support is detailed within
students’ individual learning
agreements. The students faculty and
our registry department are responsible
for the arrangement of this support
(dependent on whether exam is
internally arranged of part of main
exam diet)
Does the HEI cover costs for support
workers in examinations ie for
readers and scribes…or is the DSA
used to cover these?
In general we offer:
Extra time
Rest Breaks
Readers and Scribes
Use of computers with assistive
Use of ergonomic furniture
Separate shared and individual rooms
Scripts in different formats
DSA is used to cover the majority of
student exam support. The University
covers the cost of support for students
not eligible for DSA.
Do any other ‘student services’ have
particular provisions for students
with disabilities? For example is
there a dedicated careers adviser,
study abroad adviser, residential
Not exactly, although our library has a
dedicated contact for students with
disabilities/SpLDs. All departments
liaise directly with disability team as
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services/accommodation adviser,
study skills adviser?
Any other specialist provisions?
In addition to in-house specialist SpLD
tutors and mentors, we also have a
study skills tutor who specialises in the
provision of support for disabled
students and an in-house assistive
technology trainer. Outside the remit of
DSA funded support, we also offer
mental health support via our two inhouse Wellbeing Advisers.
Procedures for interim support
Upon consultation with the Head of
What procedure / provision is in
place relating to ‘interim’ support – ie Wellbeing, support is put in place where
necessary via ringfenced funding.
support to be made available to
students in advance of funding body
entitlement information?
Apple Macs
Courses that are delivered
EXCLUSIVELY using the Apple Mac
platform. i.e. where the student could
not complete the course using a
Windows computer.
Students studying Journalism are
taught exclusively on the Apple Mac
platform so it is beneficial if they have
private access to a Mac.
NMH Provision
One or two quotes required?
One quote exemption is in place
Please describe the HEI’s NMH
The University directly employs a team
of fully qualified SpLD tutors, a disability
study skills tutor, an assistive
technology trainer and a team of
mentors. Our band one and two workers
are employed by Randstad but are
managed by the University on an
institutional level (The University match
students with these workers and deal
with any student support related
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In-house provider / Contact Details:-
As above
Third-party provider / Contact
Randstad (Student and Worker Support)
5th Floor
St. James Buildings
79 Oxford Street
M1 6FQ
T: 0161 247 8800
F: 0845 130 2714
Practical Support Assistant (Via
To provide practical and mobility support
to assist a student with a physical
impairment in maneuvering around the
campus. This could include helping to
manipulate a wheelchair, carrying books
and IT equipment. It also includes
general orientation and finding out
where things are located for students.
Activity Title
Charge Rate ex VAT
Charge Rate inc VAT
Notes/further info
Activity Title
Charge Rate ex VAT
Charge Rate inc VAT
Notes/further info
Library Support Assistant (via
To help students search library
catalogues, locate materials, collect
materials, photocopying etc.
Activity Title
Charge Rate ex VAT
Charge Rate inc VAT
Notes/further info
Reader (via Randstad)
To read aloud for a student whose
disability makes reading or others forms
of accessing text impossible.
Examination Support Worker (via
To write down or type what a student
Activity Title
Charge Rate ex VAT
Charge Rate inc VAT
Notes/further info
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Activity Title
Charge Rate ex VAT
Charge Rate inc VAT
Notes/further info
Study Assistant (via Randstad)
To provide a mix of enabling strategies
complemented by some practical
assistance for a student who has a
range of support requirements because
of their combined complex
Activity Title
Charge Rate ex VAT
Charge Rate inc VAT
Notes/further info
Manual Notetaker (via Randstad)
To take notes on a student’s behalf and
produce an accurate and legible
handwritten record of the content of
lectures, seminars and discussions in
the student’s preferred style and format.
2014/15 charges to be confirmed by
Examination Support Worker
Charge inc. VAT £37.00
To be an exam reader, scribe and
prompter. This can include reading out
the examination paper, writing down the
student’s answers using exactly the
words used by the student and for some
students, who might get very focused on
a particular question, giving a prompt as
to when it is time to move on to another.
Activity Title
Charge Rate ex VAT
Charge Rate inc VAT
Notes/further info
Activity Title
Charge Rate ex VAT
Charge Rate inc VAT
Notes/further info
Specialist Mentor
Charge incl. VAT £59.00
To provide highly specialist, specifically
tailored one to one support which helps
students address the barriers to learning
created by a particular impairment e.g.
mental-health conditions, or ASDs. This
could include a range of issues, for
example, coping with anxiety and stress
situations, how to deal with
concentration difficulties, time
management, prioritising workload and
creating a suitable work-life balance
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Activity Title
Charge Rate ex VAT
Charge Rate inc VAT
Notes/further info
Specialist 1:1 Study Skills Support
Activity Title
Charge Rate ex VAT
Charge Rate inc VAT
SFE Band 1, 2, 3 or 4
Notes/further info
Assistive Technology Trainer
Charge incl. VAT £59.00
This one to one support addresses the
issues which some students might have
in acquiring, recalling and retaining
information in written and spoken
language as well as the range of
memory, organisational, attention and
numeracy difficulties that students often
face when working in an HE context.
Charge incl. VAT £59.00
To provide support over and above the
practical installation and facilitation
support given to students on receiving a
new piece of software. This
implementing a substantial programme
of training for the student in how to use
the range of AT and specialist software
or hardware, in relation to their studies.
Further information
For more information about support for disabled students at the University of
Winchester please see our website:
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