Generalization Phase is the change to

Generalization Phase is the change to “make things stick with the family”. This requires planning for
how to address the risk factors that still exist with the family and how to bolster the protective factors.
Therefore the first step in creating a generalization plan is to review the risk and protective factors and
pay close attention to the environmental risk factors and those risk factors most likely to lead to relapse.
The therapist should also review the family pattern and be prepared to help them identify the risk
factors, red flags or triggers that have led to problems in the past. Like every phase, there is no specific
number of sessions that should occur but this should be based on the family needs.
Sample Generalization Plans
Sample One
Describe Generalization Phase Plan.
FFT will help family maintain change and prevent relapse by addressing the following Risk
Factors that still exist for family –
Negative Peer Relationships –
1. Therapist will help family apply the communication skills of active listening and impact
statements learned in behavior change to specific discussions regarding youth’s peer
relationships. (Generalizing Change)
2. Therapist will help family problem solve ways that family can better monitor and support
youth in current peer relationships – such as meeting peers, more family activities,
encouraging prosocial activities. (Supporting Change)
3. Therapist will provide family with list of possible prosocial activities for youth and assist
in linking them to those activities (Supporting Change)
Youth Remains on Probation –
1. Therapist will role play with family how to have productive meetings with JPO through
the use of communication skills learned in Behavior Change. (Generalizing Change).
2. Therapist will review sanctions to still be completed for youth to complete probation and
problem solve with family how to complete those sanctions. (Supporting Change)
3. Therapist will schedule predischarge meeting with family and JPO and assist family as
needed in writing letter that outlines what they have gained through FFT. (Supporting
4. Therapist will assist family in developing written Relapse Prevention Plan than can be
shared with the JPO at the pre discharge meeting. (Maintaining Change)
Youth’s past history of substance abuse –
1. Therapist will assist family in developing written Relapse Prevention Plan that
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specifically addresses red flags/triggers that can lead to substance abuse (Maintaining
Sample Two –
Describe Generalization Phase Plan
Session 1 of Generalization: Therapist will review the progress family has made since the
beginning of therapy and outlines the risk factors that still exist (school, lack of employment,
probation requirements). Therapist will begin process with family of reviewing their pattern of
what led to problems in the past and the red flags/triggers that exist (youth begins to stay away
from home more, mom is overwhelmed, mom gets scared to ask questions, youth feels bad for
mom). (Maintaining Change)
Session 2 of Generalization: Therapist will continue to assist family in the red flags or triggers
that may occur and how they can use the problem solving strategies that they learned in behavior
change to address these risk factors. Therapist will write plan down and have copy for family,
JPO and client file. Therapist will also help family identify others in their community/family
who can assist them when these red flags occur (possibly maternal grandmother or older
brother). Therapist will assist family in writing letter for Pre Discharge meeting with JPO.
(Maintaining and Supporting Change)
Session 3 of Generalization: Pre Discharge Meeting with JPO to review relapse prevention plan
and letter. Review Sanctions to still be completed and model for family how to problem solve
with JPO how to complete these sanctions. (Generalizing and Maintaining Change)
Session 4 of Generalization: Review meeting with JPO and plans for completing sanctions.
Specifically address school and how family can problem solve with school around ongoing
problems. (Generalizing, Maintaining and Supporting Change)
Session 5 of Generalization: Review plans for completing sanctions, relapse prevention plan,
how to get support in the future and closing paperwork(Generalizing, Maintaining and
Supporting Change)
Sample Three –
Describe Generalization Plan
Session One: Therapist will review the progress the family has made and introduce the concept of
relapse. Therapist will practice with the family in the session how they apply their new skills and their
new awareness of triggers and cues about old behavior. Therapist will use real-life problems that have
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occurred since last session or have been brought up in previous sessions. Therapist will help the family
practice solving their own problems using their new skills of assertive communication and the sandwich
technique. (Generalizing and Maintaining Change)
Session Two of Generalization: Therapist will help the family to create their unique Relapse Prevention
Plan by helping and prompting each family member to list old behaviors, triggers, cues, and ways to get
back on track for themselves. Therapist will again normalize relapse, and help the family understand
that it's a normal part of the change process. Therapist will have mom take notes to match to her oneup status and connected functions. Therapist will take back the information gathered and will type it all
up so it's legible, and something the family can keep. (Maintaining Change)
Session 3 of Generalization: Therapist will review probation sanctions that still need to be met and help
family problem solve how these can met. Therapist will provide linkage to community support systems
as needed or identified in this session. (Maintaining and Supporting Change)
Session 4 of Generalization: Therapist will review Relapse Prevention Plan and Plans for completing
sanctions with family and determine if one or more sessions of generalization need to occur.
Therapist will schedule Pre-Discharge Meeting with JPO after first session of generalization and meet
with family prior to meeting to help them prepare. Therapist will ask mom to take the lead in the
meeting once again to match to her and will coach and direct as needed.
Sample Four –
Describe Generalization Plan
FFT will help family maintain change and prevent relapse by addressing the following Risk
Factors that still exist for family
Youth diagnosis of depression –
Therapist will build upon skills taught in behavior change regarding emotional regulation and
communication and coach the family around role plays regarding how to use these skills with
other family members and the school. (Generalizing Change)
2. Due to mom’s being one-up and acting in a way that brings contact with youth – therapist will
coach mom in how to use communication skills taught in behavior change with psychiatrist and
youth’s individual therapist, so that mom feels that she has a part in youth’s individual therapy.
(Generalizing Change)
3. Therapist will talk to youth’s individual therapist and stress the importance of helping mom to
feel that she knows what is going on with youth. (Supporting Change)
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4. Therapist will review with mom the steps she must take to make sure that youth still receives
Medicaid and has access to her medications and ongoing therapy. (Supporting Change)
5. Therapist will show mom and youth how to access information on depression from the internet
and how to link with on line support groups. (Supporting and Maintaining Change)
6. Therapist will review with mother and youth the safety plan developed during the intake and
will make sure family still has a copy. Plan will be updated as needed.
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