ASCRC Minutes 10/25/11 GBB 226, 2:10 Members Present: M. Beebe-Frankenberger, B. Borrie, D. Dalenberg, W. Davies, M. Grimes, C. Henderson, C. Knight, J. Staub, D. Stolle, L. Tangedahl Members Absent/Excused: N. Greymorning, S. O’Hare Ex-Officio Present: B. Holzworth, E. Johnson, A. Walker-Andrews Chair Tangedahl called the meeting to order at 2:10 p.m. The minutes from 10/18/11 were amended and approved. Communication Items: The Department of Management has asked ASCRC to consider a late proposal because the form was lost. The Committee determined that the nature of the program modification was not critical and did not warrant late consideration. It is going to take a stronger position on enforcing the deadline. Chair Tangedahl visited the Mansfield Center’s Defense Critical Language and Culture Program last week. He suggested that the program consider revising the course proposal to separate the program into several courses. . Business Items: Curriculum Review The Science and Math Subcommittee approved the appended list of courses after review of follow-up responses. The Division of Biological Sciences provided a justification for the functional differences between BIOH 483/485 from BIOH 480/481. Approval of the EET courses is pending. Although the course credits are increasing, the language on the form indicate the course content is not changing. It also seems that the program is deleting courses when it could feasibly change titles. The justification needs to be clarified. Adequate follow-up information was received for several Humanities proposals. The consented agenda appended was approved. Education and Fine Arts had no additional items to approve. Follow-up is pending for reasons listed last week. ASCRC discussed the Honors College Courses. There were several concerns/questions regarding the courses. HC 204: Advocate Leadership Seminar o The committee was confused regarding the proposed number for the course. MSU teaches it as a 400-level course, while the course form proposes as a 200-level course, yet the syllabus lists it as a 300-level course. Given the nature of the course, the 200-level seems appropriate. Is the syllabus in error? o Should the course number be 294 since the x94 numbers are reserved for seminar type courses? o MSU offers the course for 1 credit. Why is this proposed as a 2 credit class? o Why is this course housed in the Honors College? o The course is not proposed by a tenure-track faculty member. o Several members of the committee were unclear regarding the academic content of the course. The only listed reading appears to be a pictorial history. The instructor may wish to look at the Peer Advisor Program as a model for giving students credit or perhaps consult specific faculty regarding the assessment of teaching leadership. For example, Bambi Douma in Management teaches a leadership course. HC 270: Service Learning Seminar. Suggest x96 number that is reserved for service learning courses Course is not in compliance with the compressed course policy: a) The service component is 30 hours but appears to include travel time. b) The class meets for 4 days for 3 hours which is 12 hours, the policy requires 15 hours. The course is not proposed by a tenure-track faculty member. Camie will send the notes to the committee for comments and Chair Tangedahl will follow-up with the requestors. The consent agenda for Forestry and Biomedical Sciences (appended) was approved. Follow-up is pending for the following courses: Communicative Science and Disorders CSD 450 Aural Rehabilitation Society and Conservation NRSM 444 Integrative Ecology Restoration Capstone Change course from U to UG, course description should be more specific Change title, description, credits It was noted that one department reviewed its prerequisites and submitted 8 forms. A fast track for prerequisite changes due to implementing prerequisite checking will be necessary. Camie will work on a draft form. Associate Provost Walker-Andrews met with the Director of the Defense Criticle Language and Culture Program, Retired General Don Loranger. She also taked with the Mansfield Center Director, Terry Weidner. The program will be sending an adendum to the form that identifies separate courses. The program has a Faculty Oversite Committee that includes faculty (John Douglas, Anthropology, Linda Gillison, MCLL, and Merdad Kia, Central and Southwest Asian Studies). The program is considering developing a faculty review process similar to unit standards / CBA requirements. Centers are reviewed every five years by ECOS as well as the administration, so there are some review procedures in place. ASCRC will wait to receive the adendum information for further deliberation. ASCRC briefly discussed the issue with the Special Topics / Experiemental course policy. It agreed that generally should be added to the contriversial statement (below). A rationalle should also be added. A draft will be available for next week’s meeting. Normally special topics/ experimental courses may not be part of specifed requirements for a major or minor, but may be counted as electives. The meeting was adjourned at 4:05 p.m. Science and Math Consent Agenda Applied Computing and Electronics CADX 234 CSCI 221 NRG 101 NRG 246 Fundamentals of Surveying Systems Analysis Introduction to Energy Systems I Introduction to Geothermal Energy Technology new course add prereq Add prerequisite New course Theory of Computation New course Computer Science CSCI 438 Division of Biological Sciences BIOH 483 Human Form and Function Teaching Assistant/Honors BIOH 485 Human Anatomy and Physiology Tutor / Honors BIOM 227 Epidemiology of Vector-Born and Parasitic Diseases New course New course new course Forestry and Biomedical Consent Agenda Biomedical and Pharmaceutical Sciences BMED 381 Pharmaceutical Biochem New course Communicative Science and Disorders CSD 340 Foundations of Speech Disorders CSD 495 Special Topics Ecosystem and Conservation Program BS Wildland Restoration Modification Program Minor in Wildland Restoration Modification Forest Management Title modification, prerequisites listed Variable credit, UG course update requirements Remove WILD 370 from elective list FORS 333 FORS 495 Basic and Applied Fire Ecology Prescribed Wildland Fire Practicum New course new course (co-convened) Level II Program Modification Forestry Level I Fire Science & Management GIS Sciences and Technologies Undergraduate Certificate Program New minor Change elective courses, update catalog language: course prefix and titles BS Forestry Delete Range Resource Management Option Level I BS Resource Conservation Program Forest Restoration and Applied Modification Restoration Option Health Professions PHA 100 Introduction to Pharmacy Practice PHA 104 Pharmacy Dispensing Program Modification Program Modification RES 265 RES 270 RES 275 Delete Conservation option Substitute capstone course requirement, add text to catalog language Pharmacy Technology Change description from lab to lecture Change description to Lecture/lab, increase credits from 3 to 4 update catalog language Respiratory Care Redistribution of credits and inclusion of pre req course Respiratory Care Clinical Experience II Respiratory Care Lab IV Change credits from 6 to 5 Respiratory Care Clinical Experience III Change credits from 7 to 6 Health Science HS 420 UG Geriatric Health Issues HS/ SW 440 Psychosocial Aspects of Illness and UG Disability in Older Persons PHAR 415 Medication Therapy Management Resource Conservation Change credits from 2 to 1 New course New course New course Program Delete Conservation Option Modification Society and Conservation FORS 440 UG Forest Stand Management FORS 441 UG Forest Contract Administration Title change from Timber Management I, descr change Title change from Timber Management II, descr change NRSM 495 Ecological Restoration Practicum Change descr and prereq NRSM 499 Senior Thesis add to catalog Program Modification PTRM 217 PTRM 230 PTRM 310 PTRM 355 BS in Parks, Tourism and Recreation Management Wildland Recreation Management Programming in Recreation Natural Resource Interpretation Wilderness Medicine and Risk Management Wild Rescue and Survival Remove FORS 200 Natural Resources Measurements Camp requirement remove prereq remove prereq change prereq New course Recreation Administration and Leadership Tourism and Sustainability change prereq Wilderness and Protected Area Management Commercial Recreation, Marketing and Tourism Parks, Tourism & Recreation change prereq Recreation Planning Practicum in Parks, Tourism & Recreation Management Change prereq Change title from Practicum in Recreation PTRM 356 PTRM 380 PTRM 451 PTRM 482 UG PTRM 483 UG PTRM 484 PTRM 485 UG PTRM 495 UG New course change prerq Change prereq change title from Recreation Management Field Techniques, change prereq