Chapter 1 Introduction to Cognitive Psychology The Complexity of Cognition • Cognition involves – – – – – – Perception Attention Memory Problem solving Reasoning Decision making – All include “hidden” processes of which we may not be aware The First Cognitive Psychologists • Donders (1868) – Mental chronometry • Measuring how long a cognitive process takes – Reaction-time (RT) Experiment • Measures interval between stimulus presentation and person’s response to stimulus The First Cognitive Psychologists • Donders (1868) – Simple RT task: participant pushes a button quickly after a light appears – Choice RT task: participant pushes one button if light is on right side, another if light is on left side Simple RT Choice RT The First Cognitive Psychologists • Donders (1868) – Choice RT – Simple RT = Time to make a decision • Choice RT = 2.1 sec • Simple RT = 2 sec • 1/10th sec to make decision The First Cognitive Psychologists • Donders (1868) – Mental responses cannot be measured directly but can be inferred from the participant’s behavior. The First Cognitive Psychologists • Helmholtz (~1860s) – Unconscious inference • Some of our perceptions are the result of unconscious assumptions we make about the environment – We infer much of what we know about the world Caption: The display in (a) looks like (b) a gray rectangle in front of a light rectangle; but it could be (c) a gray rectangle and a sixsided figure that are lined up appropriately or (d) a gray rectangle and a strange-looking figure that are lined up appropriately. The First Cognitive Psychologists • Ebbinghaus (1885) – Read list of nonsense syllables aloud many times to determine number of repetitions necessary to repeat list without errors The First Cognitive Psychologists • Ebbinghaus (1885) – After some time, he relearned the list • Short intervals = fewer repetitions to relearn – Learned many different lists at many different retention intervals The First Cognitive Psychologists • Ebbinghaus (1885) – Savings = [(initial repetitions) – (relearning repetitions)] /(initial repetitions) – S = (Ri-Rr)/Ri – Forgetting curve shows savings as a function of retention interval Ebbinghaus’s retention curve, determined by the method of savings. (Based on data from Ebbinghaus, 1885.) The First Cognitive Psychologists • Wundt (1897) – First psychology laboratory – University of Leipzig, Germany – RT experiments The First Cognitive Psychologists • Wundt (1897) – Structuralism: experience is determined by combining elements of experience called sensations gustatory olfactory visual auditory haptic The First Cognitive Psychologists • Wundt (1897) – Analytic introspection: participants trained to describe experiences and thought processes in response to stimuli The First Cognitive Psychologists • John Watson noted two problems with this: – Extremely variable results from person to person – Results difficult to verify • Invisible inner mental processes The Rise of Behaviorism • John Watson proposed a new approach called behaviorism – Eliminate the mind as a topic of study – Instead, study directly observable behavior The Rise of Behaviorism • Watson (1920) – “Little Albert” experiment – 9 month old became frightened by a rat by pairing a loud noise with every presentation of the rat The Rise of Behaviorism • Watson (1920) – “Little Albert” experiment – Behavior can be analyzed without any reference to the mind – Examined how pairing one stimulus with another affected behavior In summary: cognitivism was in crisis… 9am Skinner: S R Operant conditioning: reinforcers [e.g. food] “Verbal behavior” (1957): language learned via imitation and reward. Chomsky: kids use untrained sentences; make errors given reward. COGNITIVE REVOLUTION MIND = COMPUTER -information-processing device -several stages computer I Input processor Memory unit human I Filter Detector Arithmetic unit To memory Cherry (1953) experiment Attend Left attended sentences remembered physiological R mental R behavioral R O Mental rotation: Shepard & Metzler (1971) RT Angle difference Same or different? Measure brain activity during learning read 200 words: create an image “dirty” = “garbage dump” 20 hrs later: same 200 words “did you see this word?” Y/N Result: 54% from the 1st group remembered Brain activity Davachi et al (2003): remembered forgotten RESULT OF MEMORY TEST 10am sound to electricity Motor area Auditory area to arm and hand + Knowledge: 1. Alarm will go off again in 10 min 2. Still time to get to class Neurons: building blocks of nervous system Golgi first to prove how a neuron looks like receptor dendrites S axon TRANSDUCTION: energy to energy conversion (just like ATM) Why study single neurons? minielectrode oscilloscope voltage axon spikes = action potentials 1/1000 sec 1/10 sec Stimulus intensity represented by firing rate, not spike magnitude axon SIGNAL PROPAGATION without decrease in size HOW NEURONS COMMUNICATE? Direct contact? (touch?) NO! SYNAPSE (space between axon and next neuron) Early 1900s: action potentials DO NOT travel across synapses -they TRIGGER a chemical process -synaptic VESICLES open and release chemicals (NEUROTRANSMITTERS) E increased firing electrodes I decreased firing 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 EXCITATORY NEURAL CIRCUIT A C Properties: CONVERGENCE INTERACTION OF E & I Firing rate (B) B 4 3-5 2-6 1-7 Receptors 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 INHIBITORY NEURAL CIRCUIT A C Firing rate (B) B 4 3-5 2-6 1-7 Receptors time Optic nerve time time time brain areas: neurons ever more specialized Hubel & Wiesel (1965): feature detectors simple cells complex cells End-stopped cells convergence + excitation + inhibition …but how to recognize a specific face? NEURAL CODES SPECIFICITY CODING: representation of a specific stimulus firing rate GRANDMOTHER CELL: responds to only one stimulus firing rate neurons neurons DISTRIBUTED CODING: the pattern matters, not cells 11am BRAIN LOBES: outer covering = cerebral cortex Motor function Language Thought FRONTAL Memory Vision Attention Touch PARIETAL TEMPORAL Language Memory Hearing Form perception OCCIPITAL Vision SUBCORTICAL AREAS (INSIDE THE BRAIN) THALAMUS Vision Hearing Touch HIPPOCAMPUS Memory AMYGDALA Emotions Emotional memory CEREBELLUM Sensory integration Motor control NEUROPSYCHOLOGY: behavior after brain damage Behavioral breakdowns specific to brain damage. SINGLE DISSOCIATION: STM intact, LTM lost DOUBLE DISSOCIATION: Person 1: STM intact, LTM lost Person 2: STM lost, LTM intact Proof that 1) STM & LTM have different mechanisms 2) STM & LTM independent of one another COGNITION: how to measure it in the brain? BRAIN IMAGING PET (positron emission tomography): -blood flow indicates cognitive process -radioactive stuff injected into blood -machine measures radioactivity levels SUBTRACTION TECHNIQUE: stimulation _ control = difference fMRI: functional magnetic resonance imaging -no radioactive material involved -hemoglobin carries oxygen -contains iron molecules -have magnetic properties Active area less oxygen, more iron BRAIN IS ADAPTIVE, FLEXIBLE “greebles” firing rate EXPERIENCE-DEPENDENT PLASTICITY teaching neurons new tricks before training after training 1pm “perception is simple and easy” 1960s: “will build robot within 10 years that can see, feel and act like human” Stimulus energy & [knowledge, context, experience] briefly flash stimulus Palmer (1975): Context influences perception Related 83% correct Misleading 40% correct Unrelated 50% correct Follow the lead of early cognitive psychologists… TASK: perceive letters THEORY: TEMPLATE MATCHING (perception based on features) K K How would a machine do it? K need template for every orientation INTERACTIVE ACTIVATION MODEL (McClelland & Rumelhart, 1981) Word FORK Letter F ROOF K O Feature Stimulus strongest activation wins K R WORD RECOGNITION Word FORK Letter-position FFFF ROOF KKKK OOOO RRRR Feature F,R,K K Stimulus strongest activation wins R, K FORK O O, R F WORD SUPERIORITY EFFECT (Reicher, 1969) a) b) c) stimulus flashed mask present Which appeared? FORK XXXX K XXXX M QUICK & ACCURATE XXXX K XXXX M SLOW & INACCURATE XXXX K XXXX M SLOW & INACCURATE K RFOK -LETTERS IN WORDS AFFECTED BY CONTEXT -LETTERS IN WORDS NOT PROCESSED LETTER BY LETTER FEEDBACK ACTIVATION explains this result: FORK F1 ROOF K4 O2 R3 -no feedback when standalone letter presented -word level sends FB to letter level as reinforcement WORDS TOP-DOWN FB LETTERS FEATURES BOTTOM-UP PROCESSING 2pm FEATURE INTEGRATION THEORY (TREISMAN, 1986) object preattentive stage focused attention stage -analyze into features -not conscious combine features perception Do we really break objects into features? Do features exist independently of objects? 1 8 Treisman & Schmidt (1982) 1 8 Task: ID the numbers, then the rest Interesting errors… RED CIRCLE, GREEN TRIANGLE, etc. ILLUSORY CONJUNCTIONS (18% of responses) “redness” “curvature” “tilted line” … not yet associated with a specific object Attention part of conscious perception: no errors if asked to focus on figures Skeptic: “Hey, but I still don’t buy it! I SEE objects, not features!” Answer: BALINT’S SYNDROME (case of R.M.) parietal lobe damage can’t focus attention on individual objects TASK: identify colored letters T O 23% of RESPONSES = illusory conjunctions (“red T”, “blue O”) CONCLUSION: you need attention, otherwise ONLY features perceived TOP-DOWN influence HELPS to reduce errors: Experimental condition: Illusory conjunctions LESS LIKELY CARROT TIRE LAKE Control condition (objects not labeled): illusory conjunctions occur Features = lines, curves, colors What about 3D object perception? We have a theory for that, too! RECOGNITION-BY-COMPONENTS THEORY (Biedermann, 1987) ? GEONS ARE (MOSTLY) VIEW INVARIANT: But… 3 parallel edges seen from many angles GEONS ARE (MOSTLY) DISCRIMINABLE: each geon can be distinguished from the others GEONS ARE (MOSTLY) RESISTANT TO VISUAL NOISE: low light, fog, occlusion Strength of Biederman’s theory: 9 geons 3 geons 3pm Perceptual organization Gestalt psychology Structuralism: image consists of dots (sensations) Sensations combined to result in perception of the glasses Overall PATTERN matters. But how do you combine sensations? BOTTOM-UP TOP-DOWN ONE STIMULUS ONE STIMULUS THREE PERCEPTIONS ONE PERCEPTION X X GESTALT LAWS OF PERCEPTUAL ORGANIZATION LAW OF PREGNANZ (LAW OF SIMPLICITY): simplest configuration perceived GESTALT LAWS OF PERCEPTUAL ORGANIZATION LAW OF SIMILARITY: similar things grouped together GESTALT LAWS OF PERCEPTUAL ORGANIZATION LAW OF GOOD CONTINUATION: smoothest path determines sameness GESTALT LAWS OF PERCEPTUAL ORGANIZATION LAW OF PROXIMITY (NEARNESS): closely spaced things grouped together GESTALT LAWS OF PERCEPTUAL ORGANIZATION LAW OF COMMON FATE: same direction of movement groups things together GESTALT LAWS OF PERCEPTUAL ORGANIZATION LAW OF FAMILIARITY: if the collection of parts is meaningful, it forms a group GESTALT LAWS describe our everyday world …really, they’re HEURISTICS (rules of thumb): work most of the time, not always contrast with ALGORITHMS: always correct Slow, analytic process Fast, perceptual process Perception is INTELLIGENT, although naively considered easy and trivial [we see patterns, where there were none] [irreversible] 4pm 1960s: perception is simple; will build robot that sees within 10 years 1997: computer beats human in chess 2005: computer-driven cars navigate 130+ miles of desert road Navigation Cognition & computation Object recognition ??? RETINAL IMAGE IS AMBIGUOUS -inverse projection problem DISTINGUISH OBJECT-BACKGROUND SEGMENTATION IN SPEECH PERCEPTION -voice identification devices BLURRY IMAGE: what is the threshold for perception? How do we do it? Change in LIGHTNESS due to object properties or illumination: Computer can’t tell whether (a) and (b) are part of the same object “I scream, you scream, we all scream for ice cream.” Same sound, different context for meaning TRANSITIONAL PROBABILITIES: whether two neighboring syllables are part of the same or different word Saffran et al (1996): infants sensitive to things that occur together regularly in the environment Stimulus: …bidakupadotigolabutupiro… …golabutupirobidakupadoti… … Within-word transition probability =100% (da-ku) Between-word transition probability = 33% (ku-pa) When head turns to light sound starts When head turns away sound stops 2 minutes listening TEST STAGE “tibida” (part) “padoti” (word) Saffran et al (1996) results: -never heard these words before -no pauses between words -only 2 minutes to learn Listening time (sec) LEARNING STAGE Whole word Part word Inborn capacity or learned? This is the knowledge that computers need?