Native Americans Matching Game

Name: __________________________
Native Americans Matching Game
Directions: Cut out each card. By yourself or with a partner, find the
answer to each question. If you want a challenge, flip over all of the cards
and play as a memory game.
What tribe speaks the
Algonquian language?
 Powhatan
What tribe speaks the Siouan
 Monacan
What tribe speaks the
Iroquoian language?
 Cherokee
Where does the Powhatan
tribe live?
 Coastal Plain
Where does the Monacan
tribe live?
 Piedmont
Where does the Cherokee
tribe live?
 Southwestern Virginia
Who called the people in the
lands he discovered Indians?
 Christopher Columbus
Name the three Indian tribes.
 Monacan
 Powhatan
 Cherokee
Name the three language
 Algonquian
 Siouan
 Iroquoian
What have been found to tell
a great deal about the first
people who lived in Virginia?
 Artifacts
List examples of artifacts.
 pottery
 arrowheads
 tools
Describe the fall season.
 Cool with rain
Which season is hot and
relatively dry?
 Summer
Describe the winter season.
Which season has mild
temperatures with rain?
Native Americans got their
food and clothing from
 Cold with snow and ice in
some areas
 Spring
 Natural
How did the Native Americans
get their food in the spring?
Which season did Native
Americans hunt birds and
animals for food?
How did the Native Americans
get their food in the summer?
Which season did the Native
Americans harvest and
prepare crops?
Where was the headquarters
of the leaders of the
Powhatans in 1607?
 Picked berries, fished
planted crops
 Winter
 Grew crops
 Fall
 Werowocomoco
Who would study material
evidence or artifacts found
from a long time ago?
 Archaeologists
The Monacans were located in
which region?
 Piedmont
What is the number one
natural resource in Virginia?
Name the state recognized
tribes in the Coastal Plain
Why was archaeology
 Forests
Eastern Chickahominy
 Rappahannock
 It gives us clues about
how people lived long