Exploring Technology 10 COURSE OUTLINE/COMMUNICATION PLAN Mr. Terry Long Room 2205& 1808 terry.long@srsb.ca Vision Statement: Exploring Technology 10 is an excellent introduction to technological engineering and design concepts for all grade 10 students. It provides all students with hands-on activities and introduces them to a broad spectrum of technological concepts. By the end of the course, students are able to use a range of technological tools, processes, applications, integrate broad-based applied technology with other academic disciplines, design and create devices and systems that solve technological problems, and explain the consequences of technology and how it affects society. This curriculum emphasizes comprehension of the basic elements of all forms of technology. The course is a foundation for all other high school-level courses, not only in technology education, but all disciplines within the public school program. Exploring Technology 10 is a full-credit academic course and is an eligible technology credit to meet graduation requirements. This year it is being taught as a full-year course. Exploring Technology 10 Consists of Four Units of Study: Unit 1: Introduction to Technology This unit is designed to offer students a chance to explore a variety of technological concepts, and their evolution throughout history. It also addresses safety issues within a technology education classroom and potential careers in this field. Unit 2: Green Technology This unit explores alternative energy and the role of society in domestic consumption and production. Unit 3: Media Design Technology This unit involves students exploring the concept of design by working with a variety of graphic and media tools to create visual media designs. Using the principles of design and noting target audience are essential in this unit. Unit 4: Exploring Trades Technology In this unit students will work at demonstrating skills related to technological processes in skilled trades through a series of hands-on activities. They will develop competencies with appropriate tools of the skilled trades and they will work on estimating materials and labour requirements for a skilled trades project. Course Evalutation: Quizzes Project Class/Clean up 20% 65% 15% Expectations Students are required to bring their notebooks, and writing instruments to each class. Neat work is a must as well as organized workspaces and binders. All project work must be completed to the best of your ability, and the expectation is end of class clean up is a group effort!! Labs Labs will be conducted throughout the semester to enhance student understanding of concepts covered. Students will be given a detailed description of the Lab project as well as a mark breakdown. Quizzes Quizzes will be used mainly to help introduce students to the Lab equipment. They will guide the students’ learning and all Safety Tests must be completed before students can access the Lab. Contact Feel free to email me if you have any concerns at terry.long@srsb.ca Student Signature: ______________________________ Date: ________________