Project Readiness Package Rev 7/2/13 ADMINISTRATIVE INFORMATION: Project Name (tentative): Project Number, if known: Preferred Start/End Semester in Senior Design: Fall/Spring Spring/Fall Faculty Champion: (technical mentor: supports proposal development, anticipated technical mentor during project Reciprocating Compressor: Bearing Dynamic Similarity Test Machine – Dynamic Loading Upgrade P15453 execution; may also be Sponsor) Name Jason Kolodziej Dept. ME Email Phone 585-475-4313 For assistance identifying a Champion: B. Debartolo (ME), G. Slack (EE), J. Kaemmerlen (ISE), A. Becker-Gomez (CE) Other Support, if known: (faculty or others willing to provide expertise in areas outside the domain of the Faculty Champion) Name Stephen Boedo Bill Nowak Dept. ME MSD Email Phone 585-475-5214 585-259-2210 Project “Guide” if known: (project mentor: guides team through Senior Design process and grades students; may also be Faculty Champion) o Bill Nowak – Principal Engineer Primary Customer, if known (name, phone, email): (actual or representative user of project output; articulates needs/requirements) o Jason Kolodziej & Steve Boedo Sponsor(s): (provider(s) of financial support) Name/Organization Dresser-Rand (OLN) Dresser-Rand (PPT) Contact Info. James Sorokes, Scott Delmotte Type & Amount of Support Committed $5,000 PROJECT OVERVIEW: 2-3 paragraphs that provide a general description of the project – background, motivation, customers, problem you’re trying to solve, project objectives. Last year (2013-14) an MSD team of five engineers designed and fabricated the journal bearing test rig shown in Error! Reference source not found.. To continue main crank journal bearing research it was determined it would be advantageous to not require complete compressor disassembly. This test rig allows for very rapid replacement (<1hr) of the bearing for condition monitoring and tribology research. (See Building on last year’s Teams success, the objective of this project is focused on the load actuation system on the test rig. While the successes for the design of the test rig were numerous, dynamic loading was removed from the original project scope due to high Page 1 of 4 Figure 1 - Statically Loaded Journal Bearing Approach Presently Installed. Project Readiness Package Rev 7/2/13 cost and significant complexity and replaced with the static loading method shown in 1. The static loading provided an excellent proof of concept but does not reflect the actual loading of the ESH-1 compressor. The proposed project will focus entirely on the load actuation system. Several technologies were considered to achieve the necessary loading: hydraulic, pneumatic, and electro-mechanical for instance. While these methods will be revisited again to verify the analysis each one was determined to fail to meet the requirements. The expected solution is likely to be piezoelectric. Preliminary cost estimates for this type of solution exceed $20,000. After a thorough analysis of possible actuation solutions is repeated by the new design team it is believed that the engineers will design and implement their own two-axis piezoelectric loading method within the cost constraints of the proposed budget. The solution must represent the periodic time histories of main bearing loads (1,900lb @ 360RPM) which are representative of the Dresser-Rand ESH-1 compressor at RIT. Considered an important component of this project is to continue to build upon the preliminary sensing presently installed on the rig, such a capacitive gap sensors, ultrasonic probes, accelerometers, load cells, and optical encoders. From a fault detection and condition monitoring perspective this test rig will also allow for a much faster turnaround time for investigating the journal bearing due to ease of component installation and removal. DETAILED PROJECT DESCRIPTION: The goal of this section is provide enough detail for faculty to assess whether the proposed project scope and required skills are appropriate for 5th year engineering students working over two semesters. The sequence of the steps listed below may depend on your project, and the process is usually iterative, so feel free to customize. Emphasis is on the “whats” (qualitative and quantitative), not the “hows” (solutions), except for the section on “potential concepts,” which is necessary to assess the appropriateness of required skills and project scope. Not all of the information in this section may be shared with students. (Attach extra documentation as needed). Customer Needs and Objectives: Comprehensive list of what the customer/user wants or needs to be able to do in the “voice of the customer,” not in terms of how it might be done; desired attributes of the solution. o Brainstorm several design modifications for the “static load actuation system” in the current journal bearing test rig shown in Figure 1 to create a “dynamic load actuation system.” o With the aid of Pugh Concept Selection, present the Customer with 1 or 2 design options which will o o o o meet his needs. All other functionality of the current test rig design (P14453) must remain including speed and oil temperature measurement, accommodation of standard journal bearings, speed controlled to 2,000RPM, bearings loads up to 4,000N (900lbf) Additional sensors could include but may not be limited to capacitive gap sensors, ultrasonic probes, accelerometers, and LVDT or optical encoders to measure ring translational and rotational motion within the clearance space depending on Customer needs and project budget constraints. No degradation in “ease” or “time” of bearing installation from the static load test system is expected however any improvement would be welcome. Safety during operation is critical. Constraints: External factors that, in some way, limit the selection of solution alternatives. They are usually imposed on the design and are not directly related to the functional objectives of the system but apply across the system (eg. cost and schedule constraints). Constraints are often included in the specifications list but they often violate the abstractness property by specifying “how”. o Project Deliverables: Expected output, what will be “delivered” – be as specific and thorough as possible. o o o It is not completely clear whether Dynamic Loading will be possible for this upgrade to the Bearing Similarity Test System both from a technical and/or budgetary standpoint. The characterization and demonstration that all engineering specifications have been met on the dynamic journal bearing similarity test rig. This includes the design, modeling results, and measurement data illustrating the targets have been met. A final report and poster detailing the results of the investigations with drawings / schematics of the proposed methods is expected. Budget Estimate: Major cost items anticipated. Page 2 of 4 Project Readiness Package o o o o o Rev 7/2/13 $8,000 Dynamic Load Actuation system Instrumentation Re-work of current Static Load system. Material costs Intellectual Property (IP) considerations: Describe any IP concerns or limitations associated with the project. Is there patent potential? Will confidentiality of any data or information be required? o Other Information: Describe potential benefits and liabilities, known project risks, etc. o None None Continuation Project Information, if appropriate: Include prior project(s) information, and how prior project(s) relate to the proposed project. o P14453: Dresser-Rand Compressor Bearing Dynamic Similarity Tester – Due to cost constraints this project successfully developed a Bearing Similarity Test System with “Static Loading”. The purpose of P15453 is to update this system with Dynamic Load Actuation. STUDENT STAFFING: Skills Checklist: Complete the “PRP_Checklist” document and include with your submission. Anticipated Staffing Levels by Discipline: How Many? Discipline 1 EE 5 (or 4) ME Anticipated Skills Needed (concise descriptions) This test rig is likely controlled by a motor and controller that will require design and installation. The load actuation system will likely be accomplished by an electrically controlled device that requires high power. There are numerous mechanical engineering tasks to complete with this project. Skill with CAD and the machine shop is critical. Skill with instrumentation is a plus. Knowledge of journal bearings and tribology would be beneficial. CE ISE Other OTHER RESOURCES ANTICIPATED: Describe resources needed to support successful development, implementation, and utilization of the project. This could include specific faculty expertise, laboratory space and equipment, outside services, customer facilities, etc. Indicate if resources are available, to your knowledge. Category Description Page 3 of 4 Resource Available? Project Readiness Package Faculty Rev 7/2/13 Dr. Jason Kolodziej for project guidance / interface with Dresser Rand David Hathaway-ME Dept Machine Shop Manager; support to make the design installation and facilities modifications go smoothly. Environment ME machine shop & D-R compressor lab (in ME machine shop) Equipment The DAQ system currently installed in the test cell on the compressor can be used to collect measurement data. Kolodziej also has a portable USB DAQ that can be used Materials All materials will either be supplied by D-R or purchased as part of the sponsored funding. Other Prepared by: Date: Bill Nowak Page 4 of 4 August 2, 2014