BTEC Level 3, Subsidiary Diploma in Production Arts (QCF) ASSESSED COURSEWORK Academic Year 2014-2015 Course: BTEC Level 3, Subsidiary Diploma in Production Arts (Theatre Technology). Unit Title Stage Lighting Operations Unit Number 66 Unit Code M/502/5639 Level 3 Credit Value 10 Guided Learning Hours 60 Assignment Front Sheet Assignment Number Assignment Title 1, 2, 3 1) Research Types of Lighting Equipment 2) Working Documentation 3) Live Production Grading Criteria PMD 1,2,3,4,5,6 Assignment Author Paul Byrne Assignment Verification Date: Issue Date 1) 30/01/15 Assessor Paul Byrne Assessment Verification Deadline Date Date: 25/08/2014 2) 13/03/15 3) 24/04/15 Date: Date: 1) 06/05/15 2) 17/04/15 3) 22/05/15 1 On completion of this unit you should: 1). Know how to use a portfolio of reference material. 2). Be able to rig equipment safely. 3). Understand the use of colour in performance context. 4). Be able to focus and control luminaires 5). Be able to operate lighting controls. ASSIGNMENT BRIEF Scenario: The Milligan Theatre in Rye specialises in putting on productions for a variety of different events. They have advertised a position for a full-time stage lighting technician/operator to be in charge of the lighting rig and adapting this for the different types of events/productions held. For the interview, it would be beneficial to the applicant to produce a portfolio of reference and evidence of equipment used, demonstrating and showing a good understanding of different types of luminaires including knowing how to apply colour, rig, focus, control and operate the lighting rig for any production. Also, written evidence of working documentation for planning to use luminaires would give the interviewer a better understanding of your abilities and skilled required for the job role being offered. Assignment No 1 – Research Types of Lighting Equipment Hand Out Date: 30/01/15 Deadline Date: 06/05/15 P1 - Identify key M1 - Describe types of D1 - Critically compare components of lighting using research data. lighting equipment including technical information using relevant research data. types of lighting equipment and technical information using relevant research data. For your interview you are required to create a PowerPoint portfolio of Lighting equipment covering types, Manufacturers and technical data of: • Lanterns • Dimmers • Lighting control desks You should look to critically compare a range of lighting equipment identifying the differences and benefits between alternative lighting manufacturers. You need to demonstrate a good understanding of the technical data that you have learnt through your research. Evidence can be provided through: PowerPoint presentation, photographs, video and/or audio recording. Assignment Assessment No Criteria 1 P1 1 M1 Assessment Learners will identify types of lanterns and types of manufacturers. Research evidence will be presented showing examples of each type. Learners will be describe the lantern types and look at 2 1 D1 differences. Learners will describe in detail a range of types of lanterns, identifying their uses and comparing a range of technical details and manufacturers’ product ranges. Assignment No 2 – Create Working Documentation from a given Lighting Plan. Hand Out Date: 13/03/15 Deadline Date: 17/04/15 P2 - Produce working M2 - Produce accurate D2 - Produce an accurate, documentation for the lighting rig and operation working documentation for the lighting rig and operation. fully annotated range of working documentation for the lighting rig and operation. You are required to create a range of working documentation for the lighting rig and operation. It is necessary for you to create the following documentation: Patch plan Colour call Equipment list Accessory list Order list Pre-rig checklist Evidence can be provided through: Word document, Diagrams, Drawings, photographs, video and/or audio recording, observation/witness statements. Assignment Assessment No Criteria 2 P2 2 M2 2 D2 Assessment Learners will be able to produce some working documentation relevant to the production plan. Learners will be able to provide a full range of working documentation to support the lighting rig. Learners should in addition have annotated the plan with channel numbers and have produced a full channel list for the focus and plotting session Assignment No 3 – Live Production Hand Out Date: 24/04/15 Deadline Date: 22/05/15 P3 - Rig equipment safely M3 - Rig equipment safely D3 - Rig equipment safely under guidance with minimal guidance P4 - Carry out a colour call M4 - Carry out a colour call, for a given lighting plan using theatrical conventions, neatly cutting gel, minimising waste and marking up colour. and competently without guidance D4 - Carry out a detailed colour call suggesting alternatives and making specialist colour effects. 3 P5 - Focus luminaires safely M5 - Focus luminaires D5 - Focus luminaires with some accuracy safely, with considerable accuracy. P6 - Record and run cues M6 - Record, edit and run using basic control functions providing a basic cue sheet cues using basic control functions with detailed cue sheets safely, showing advanced focusing techniques with accuracy. D6 - Record, edit and run cues using advanced control functions with detailed notes and cue sheets In the interview process you will be required to produce evidence of your ability to use Stage Lighting in a professional manor. To address PMD 3 – You will need to set up a lighting system using a minimum of Twelve lighting fixtures. To address PMD 4 - You will need to provide a written colour call for the lighting plan, and will be able to select and use colour. To address PMD 5 – You are required to focus the luminaires to the lighting designer’s requirements. There should be evidence of focusing profiles, pars, fresnels and use of gobos. To address PMD 6 – You will need to plot cues, cue states, masters and sub-masters to the lighting designer’s instructions. You will also be required to edit and run cues from the lighting desk. Detailed production notes and working documentation is essential to show your understanding. Evidence can be provided through: Photographs, video and/or audio recording, observation/witness statements, written documentation. Assignment Assessment No Criteria 3 P3 3 M3 Assessment They will be able to rig lighting equipment safely under guidance. The lighting rig will be completed with minimal guidance and assistance, The lighting rig and fault-finding process will be carried out without guidance and the rig will function as designed. 3 D3 3 P4 Learners will provide a written colour call for the lighting plan, and will be able to select and use colour. 3 M4 Learners will produce a colour call, to the lighting plan, neatly marking up colour with a chinagraph pencil. 3 D4 Learners will be able to produce a comprehensive colour call, with the colour identified, and enveloped up per bar, the organisation and planning of the process will lead to an efficient rig. 4 3 P5 3 M5 3 D5 3 P6 3 M6 3 D6 Learners will be able to focus the luminaires to the lighting designer’s requirements. There should be evidence of focusing profiles, pars, fresnels and use of gobos. Learners will be able to focus with a good degree of accuracy, pre-empting the lighting Designer’s requirements and providing a luminaire in a rough focus in the right place. Learners should be able to show advanced focusing techniques with the use of top hats, doughnuts, and other ant spill devices as appropriate. learners will be able to plot cues, cue states, masters and sub-masters to a basic level to the lighting designer’s instructions. Learners will be able to plot with a good degree of accuracy, using basic copy functions, and produce detailed notes and cue sheets. Learners should be able to show advanced plotting techniques, including the use of timings, point cues, and chases and other effects (if they have access to a memory board); this should be programmed into the lighting desk. Learner Declaration I certify that the work submitted for this assignment is my own. I have clearly referenced any sources used in the work. I understand that false declaration is a form of malpractice. Learner signature: Name (please print). Date: Assessor’s signature: Name (please print). Date: 5