Pleasant Plains Township Planning Commission 2014 Annual Report

Pleasant Plains Township Planning Commission 2014 Annual Report
To: Pleasant Plains Township Board of Trustees
From: Randy Eling, Planning Commission Chairman; acting for Craig Davis, Secretary
RE: Pleasant Plains Township Planning Commission 2014 Annual Report.
This report is to inform the Township Board of activities related to the Pleasant Plains Township Planning
Commission for the 2014 fiscal year. The information provided is based upon the actions taken by the
Planning Commission. The information is intended to be ‘at face value’ and should be interpreted by the
reader in the same manner.
Planning Commission Members:
Randy Eling, Chairman
Berna Ward, Commissioner
Mike Oostmeyer, Vice Chairman
Clint Jackson, Commissioner
Craig Davis, Secretary
Kevin Braddy, Commissioner
Rand Lauritzen, Commissioner
Su Eling, Administrative Assistant
Scope of Work:
The Planning Commission duties are established by The Pleasant Plains Township Board in the “2013
Planning Enabling Ordinance,” consistent with the Michigan Planning Enabling Act, Public Act 33 of
2008, MCL 125.308, et seq., and the Michigan Zoning Enabling Act, Public Act 110 of 2006, et seq., to
establish the Commission and expound the duties as set forth in the above mentioned documents.
Please reference those documents for detailed information.
The Commission holds regular meetings at the Township Hall the third Wednesday of the month, unless
otherwise scheduled, but no less than four times annually.
Agendas, meeting minutes, public hearing notices, applications for and use permits, voting records, copies
of by-laws, policy and procedure statements and a copy of this report will be filed in the planning office
in a folder named ‘Year End, 2014.’
Meeting minutes are also presented to the Township Clerk’s Office.
Actions Taken:
Annual Meeting and election of officers
Adoption of Robert’s Rules of Order, Revised
Wednesday, March 16, 2016
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Pleasant Plains Township Planning Commission 2014 Annual Report
Adoption of Planning Commission By-Laws
Adoption of Planning Commission Policies and Procedures
Recognition of the need for identification badges to be worn in the field to inform the public that
sanctioned inspections were being conducted by authorized Township persons.
Recognition of the need for an administrative assistant for proper record keeping and assuring compliance
with the Open Meetings Act.
Revision of the M-37 Commercial Corridor
Revision of the future Land Use Plan Map
Revision of the Land Use Plan
Revision of the Parks and Recreation Plan
Established procedures for post-special use permit inspections
Acceptance of the Baldwin Airport Overlay Zone
The Commission held three public hearing sessions to review Special Land Use Permits which resulted in
seven Special Land Use Permits being approved.
Updates to the Land Use Plan and the Parks and Recreation Plan are approaching the final approval stage
and ultimately adoption. Being a ‘plan,’ these documents will require continual monitoring and updating
as the conditions of our Township change and those aspects as how we view the future will need
adaptation in order to maintain them as a viable goal for our future.
Likewise, the benefits received from our organizational efforts of adopting Robert’s Rules, establishing
by-Laws, policy and procedures and developing useful tools for operating within a public arena will also
require diligence and fore-thought in order to maintain as high a level of performance and efficiency as
can be obtained.
Application fees for special land use permits resulted in $1190.00 being transferred to the Treasurer’s
Office to offset the expense of the Planning Commission. Expenses included approximately $183.00 in
public notices, $98.00 in postage and $2605.00 in stipend for the Commission members.
We must continue to scrutinize and adjust to our ever changing economic and political environment. It is
all a work in progress that we hope will allow us to be part of a brighter Township future.
Respectively submitted,
Randy Eling, Chairman; acting for Craig Davis, Secretary
Wednesday, March 16, 2016
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