quote incorporation 2r

Name_________________________ Per__
Fluent Quote Incorporation/Quote Sandwiching
Learning Goals: Learn to smoothly incorporate quotes and practice accountable talk.
This means: ________________________________________________________________________
Self-Assessment: Circle 4 3 2 1: Rate the level of fluency of your quote incorporation: How smoothly
do you incorporate quotes into your paragraphs?
One of the most common writing issues for the novice is how to build a natural fluency into
their sentences and paragraphs. This becomes especially challenging in literary essays, because we
incorporate parts of another text. We need to effectively use quotes to support one’s argument, while
retaining the natural flow of the sentence and paragraph.
You can work on improving this important skill by practicing “quote sandwiching.” The top
part (bun) is the context of the quote, introducing it to your audience so that the reader can see its
relevance and the situation in which it takes place. The inside of the sandwich holds the quote
itself, squashed between a sentence opening and a parenthetical citation (for condiments). Lastly,
the bottom half of the bun comments on the quote and shows how it supports your thesis.
Label the sandwich parts in this quote sandwich example, according to the model provided:
(Labels: top bun, “meat”, condiments, bottom bun)
Sophocles emphasizes the danger of hubris through Choral odes. The Chorus warns that
“pride breeds the tyrant” (209). This comment foreshadows that Oedipus’ arrogant defiance of fate
may lead to abuses of power.
Rules for fluent of quote incorporation:
A) MLA Format Page Citation Rule:
To maintain the flow of sentences, quotes must be followed by the author and page number in
parentheses. The period should go after the parentheses, not in the quote. Exclude the author
if his or her name has already been given and the essay is on a single book by a single author.
Pick the sentence with strongest fluency:
1. Oedipus does not recognize the danger he faces when he establishes that he will “bring it all to light” (pg 167).
2. Oedipus does not recognize the danger he faces when he establishes that he will “bring it all to light” (page 167).
3. On page 167, Oedipus does not recognize the danger he faces when he establishes that he will “bring it all to
4. Oedipus does not recognize the danger he faces when he establishes that he will “bring it all to light” (167).
B) Quote within a Quote Rule:
To indicate to the reader that there is a quote that includes another quote, usually from
characters within the text, internal quotes will get single quotation marks. Only use the
single marks if you have both an outer and inner quote though.
Ex : The messenger reveals the shame of the king in Oedipus “shouting, ‘my father’s murderer’”
Pick the sentence with strongest fluency:
The messenger conveys the violent
his eyes, crying ‘you’ll see no more
The messenger conveys the violent
crying “you’ll see no more the pain
actions and words of the king, who digs pins “down the sockets of
the pain I suffered, all the pain I caused’ (237).
actions and words of the king, who digs pins “down the sockets of his eyes,
I suffered, all the pain I caused”” (237).
The messenger conveys the violent actions and words of the king, who digs pins ‘down the sockets of his eyes,
crying “you’ll see no more the pain I suffered, all the pain I caused.’ (237)
The messenger conveys the violent actions and words of the king, who digs pins “down the sockets of his eyes,
crying ‘you’ll see no more the pain I suffered, all the pain I caused’” (237).
C) Grammatical Fluency Rule:
For optimal fluency, the quote must fit within the grammatical structure of your sentence.
You may alter the quote slightly in order to be able to fit it into your sentence by providing
brackets around your minor alteration.
Ex: Oedipus refuses to give up the search for his true identity, proclaiming
that he “must know [his] birth” (Sophocles 224).
Pick the sentence with strongest fluency:
Oedipus is heroic in that he takes responsibility for his actions and asks to be exiled, “Take me far away, far from
Thebes” (241).
Oedipus: “Take me far away, far from Thebes” (241). This shows he is a hero.
Oedipus shows heroism when he requests his own exile, asking the Chorus to take him “far from Thebes” (241).
Oedipus is a hero and he “take me far away, far from Thebes” (241).
D) No Quote Tag Filler Rule:
To maintain a natural flow, avoid “tagging” quotes with filler—like “this quote means” or “the
quote clearly shows the reader.”
E) Ellipses Rule:
Do not clutter your sentence with ellipses (…) before or after a quote—only use them within a
quote if you are taking words out.
Ex: Jocasta asserts that “not a man on earth can see a day ahead…live as if there is no
tomorrow” (Sophocles 215).
Ex: DO NOT DO THIS: Jocasta asserts that it’s better “…to live at random...” (Sophocles 215).
F) No Floating Quote Rule:
Fluency requires introducing and commenting on quotes, so never begin or end a paragraph
with a quote—always provide context when introducing the quote and commentary on the quote
after it (top and bottom buns).
G) Avoid Block Quotes Rule:
For a natural flow, do not use long or block quotes in short essays. Quotes should be within
your own sentence—keep them brief. Do not exceed more than one sentence and don’t let the
quotes “float” in their own sentences.
Your task: Serve up a deliciously fluent quote sandwich in a three-sentence response in
response to the following prompt: Re-read page 237 of Oedipus the King and explain how
Oedipus punishes himself for his crimes in this scene:
Self-Assessment: Circle 4 3 2 1: Rate the level of fluency of your quote incorporation: How smoothly
do you incorporate quotes into your paragraphs?