NSW Department of Education & Training

Sydney Region ICT Day
ICT Update Term 3 2009
NSW Department of Education & Training
Sydney Region
NSW Public Schools – Leading the Way
Wrap Up of Term 2 - 2009 ICT Day
Term 3 2009 Technology Update
Interactive websites
Adobe software - Captivate
ICT Professional Development (High School day only)
Integrating ICT into Teaching and Learning (Primary
days only)
• Digital Education Revolution (High School day only)
• K-6 ICT showcase (Primary School days only)
• Adobe Resources
NSW Department of Education & Training
Sydney Region
NSW Public Schools – Leading the Way
Wrap up of ICT Day – Term 2
• Term 2 2009 Technology Update
• Microsoft One Note
• Need ICT Help? How to Log a Service Desk Call
• Windows 7 Release Candidate
• Configuring your Personal Learning Network
• Laptops4Learning Update (High School Day only)
• 2Simple Software (K-6 Days only)
• Student Response Systems in Action (Keypad)
NSW Department of Education & Training
Sydney Region
NSW Public Schools – Leading the Way
Term 3 2009 ICT Update
• T4L Rollout
• Interactive Classrooms Project
• Installing DET Software
• General ICT News and Updates
• Digital Education Revolution NSW
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Sydney Region
NSW Public Schools – Leading the Way
T4L Rollout- 2009
• Semester 1 Rollout covered P5 / P6 + all
schools with enrolment < 50 + (HCCR)
• Delivery of Semester 1 Rollout completed.
– Lenovo Desktops
– Apple Desktops, Notebooks & Servers
– Acer Notebooks
– DELL Servers (progressively being installed now)
• Semester 2 T4L announced in inPrincipal on
Friday 11/9/09 – delivery in Term 4
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NSW Public Schools – Leading the Way
T4L Rollout- 2009
• The announcement can be found here:
– http://tinyurl.com/T4L2009S2
T4L includes 20,000 extra units over 4 years for K-6 Schools
T4L Response Form link in email Fri 11/9/09
Orders must be placed by Friday 25/9/09
T4L Website - http://tinyurl.com/T4Lspecs
DET Standard Equipment - http://tinyurl.com/SE4DET
Consider placing discretionary orders at the same time for
delivery and install at same time
NSW Department of Education & Training
Sydney Region
NSW Public Schools – Leading the Way
T4L - Hardware
Lenovo PC 19”
Lenovo PC 22”
Acer Notebook
Apple Notebook
Apple Server
SR DELL Server
Apple iMac
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T4L – Lenovo Desktop Feature
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NSW Public Schools – Leading the Way
T4L – Lenovo Desktop Feature
• The new T4L Lenovo Desktop does NOT include a
Parallel Port – therefore:
– Do NOT put one of these computers in the front office
for use with an OASIS Receipt Printer!
– While add-on Parallel Ports can be purchased, they DO
NOT work with OASIS
– Please use any other PC with an existing parallel port
• If the SAM must have a NEW Lenovo for Receipt
Printing, a new USB receipt printer is also needed
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NSW Public Schools – Leading the Way
T4L – Delivery and Install
• 2009 T4L computers will NOT be bolted down
• Schools will be advised of a delivery date by
their T4L vendor(s) (usually a week before)
• Pre installation:
– Plan the best location for the new computers
– Complete the required forms supplied by the vendor
– If existing bolted-down PC on desk, installer will
unbolt and set aside
– School to supply data cable/outlet for each PC
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NSW Public Schools – Leading the Way
T4L Servers
• Windows Server 2008 has been released
and is being installed on all new servers
• Virtual Servers are being created for:
– Active Directory and File Services (HS only)
– Print Services
– Web Services (for large servers)
• Each server install takes approximately 3
days and needs to be scheduled
• 42 schools with 4+y.o. servers identified
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NSW Public Schools – Leading the Way
T4L Servers
• If ordering a new DELL or Apple server
(either T4L or discretionary), please also
factor in to purchase:
– An appropriate backup solution
– An Uninterruptible Power Supply (UPS)
• For both of these options, please contact
one of the Regional Technology Advisers
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NSW Public Schools – Leading the Way
Dell Server Specifications
• Changes have been made to Server Range.
• SR Server Builds:
Primary Schools
(<500 students)
High Schools / Large
Primary Schools
Dell R300/T300 Server,
single Quad Core CPU
with 4 Gb RAM, 3 x 146
Dell T610/R710 Server,
Dual Quad Core CPU
with 16 Gb RAM, 5 x
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NSW Public Schools – Leading the Way
Apple Server Specifications
• Changes have been made to Server Range.
Primary Schools
(<300 students)
High Schools / Large
Primary Schools
Apple Xserve, QuadCore Xeon, 3Gb RAM,
160GB + 1TB SATA –
Rack mount only
Apple Xserve, QuadCore Xeon, 3Gb RAM,
3 x 1TB SATA – Rack
mount only
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NSW Public Schools – Leading the Way
Any Questions on T4L Semester 2 2009?
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NSW Public Schools – Leading the Way
Term 3 2009 ICT Update
• T4L Rollout
• Interactive Classrooms Project
• Installing DET Software
• General ICT News and Updates
• Digital Education Revolution NSW
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NSW Public Schools – Leading the Way
Interactive Classrooms Project
• Phase 4 Installations underway
– Should be completed by end of the year
• Phase 5 (Semester 1 2010) has not yet
been announced
– approximately 70 SR schools to be completed
by the end of 2010
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NSW Public Schools – Leading the Way
Bridgit Changes
• Bridgit is a Desktop-sharing and audio/video
conferencing service via the DET WAN
• The service at bridgit.det.nsw.edu.au is now a
Desktop-sharing service only. A/V conferencing has
been disabled for better throughput
• A new service which includes A/V conferencing is
available at bridgtav.det.nsw.edu.au
• Bridgit is an excellent tool for connecting with other
schools, even other classrooms in your school
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NSW Public Schools – Leading the Way
Interactive Classrooms Project
• New Room Controller with Phase 4
A panel of control
buttons located within
the IC cabinet that
provides the user with
the ability to operate
the projector and LCD
screen functions from
a single point.
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NSW Public Schools – Leading the Way
Preparing for your school’s I.C.
• If your school has not yet been scheduled,
you can at least identify suitable rooms:
– Front wall must be unobstructed (flat) solid wall
space of minimum 3.6m wide by 2.8m high
– Room to cater for at least 30 students
– Power and data outlets must be on the front wall.
Power outlet must be on back wall
– Room must be accessible by all (i.e. not a particular
teacher’s classroom). Consider disabled access
as well
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NSW Public Schools – Leading the Way
Preparing for your school’s I.C.
– Room should be secure (decent locks door/ windows)
– Consider existing ambient noise levels
• Location of room (eg. beside COLA?)
• Carpet on floor?
– Library/Computer labs may not be suitable due to loss
of access when a VC needs to be run
– Long rooms can be a problem for the rear
– If you need to build a wall, ask a TA for advice ASAP
– When selecting your Connected Classroom, consider
future – not current – requirements
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NSW Public Schools – Leading the Way
Discretionary IWB Purchases
• Site surveys are now optional for standard IWB
bundle purchases through discretionary funds.
– Schools can now choose to simply complete an
IWB Bundle Checklist
– The checklist is available from DET Procurement
• 3+ Rooms Hardboard (Panaboard) Bundle $6863 ex GST per room
• 3+ Rooms Softboard (Smartboard) Bundle $7242 ex GST per room
• 1-2 Rooms Hardboard (Panaboard) Bundle $7372 ex GST per room
• 1-2 Rooms Softboard (Smartboard) Bundle $7733 ex GST per room
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NSW Public Schools – Leading the Way
Checking ICP Installations
• Each IWB/ICP installation must be signed
off by the school.
– Each installation must be checked before signing off
– The board & projector are secure & aligned
– It has been tested with a computer and all parts
work properly
– The worksite is clear of all packaging and dust
– If not happy, DON’T sign off. Ring Fleet Desk on
1800 654 310 and/or a Regional T.A.
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NSW Public Schools – Leading the Way
Any Questions on Interactive Classrooms?
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NSW Public Schools – Leading the Way
Learning to Change…
NSW Department of Education & Training
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NSW Public Schools – Leading the Way
Term 3 2009 ICT Update
• T4L Rollout
• Interactive Classrooms Project
• Installing DET Software
• General ICT News and Updates
• Digital Education Revolution NSW
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NSW Public Schools – Leading the Way
Installing DET-Licenced Software
• What is DET-Licenced software?
– Microsoft Office 2007 (Win) and Office 2008 (Mac)
– Microsoft Expression Web (Win)
– Microsoft Student (Win)
– Microsoft XP Service Pack 3 (Win)
– Adobe Creative Suites (Win & Mac)
– Adobe Acrobat/Captivate/PE & PS Elements
– SMART Notebook (Win & Mac)
– Symantec Antivirus (Win & Mac)
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NSW Public Schools – Leading the Way
Adobe Software Agreement
Base Level (L4L)
Intermediate (T4L)
Acrobat 9 Pro Extended
Acrobat 9 Pro Extended
Acrobat 9 Pro Extended
Captivate 4
Captivate 4
Captivate 4
CS4 Web Standard
- Flash CS4 Professional
- Dreamweaver CS4
- Fireworks CS4
- Contribute CS4
CS4 Design Premium
- Flash CS4 Professional
- Dreamweaver CS4
- Fireworks CS4
- InDesign CS4
- Photoshop CS4
- Illustrator CS4
Photoshop Elements 7
Photoshop Elements 7
Premiere Elements 7
Premiere Elements 7
CS4 Master Collection
- InDesign CS4
- Photoshop CS4 (Ext)
- Illustrator CS4
- FlashCS4 Professional
- Dreamweaver CS4
-Fireworks CS4
-Contribute CS4
- After Effects CS4
- Premiere Pro CS4
- Soundbooth CS4
- OnLocation CS4
- Encore CS4
Contribute CS4
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NSW Public Schools – Leading the Way
Installing DET-Licenced Software
• All of this software can be made accessible
for installation purposes from the school’s
CPC Server
– Apple versions plus the CS4 Master Suite will only
be replicated to the CPC server on request
– Please e-mail Greg Sharkey
• For one-off installations, a DIY option is
available. For bulk-installs, Altiris remote jobs
can be enabled
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NSW Public Schools – Leading the Way
DIY DET Software Installations
• You must be logged on as a local admin to
the computer
• You must be a member of the SWIM group.
• SWIM membership is controlled through AMU
• Instructions can be found at:
– http://tinyurl.com/DETSoftware (All software)
– http://tinyurl.com/softdeploy
(SAV/WSUS/Adobe CS4)
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NSW Public Schools – Leading the Way
Remote DET Software Installation
• Many packages can be remotely deployed to
PCs using Altiris. To do this, you must first:
– Identify the PCs by Computer Name and compile
as a list
– Ensure Altiris Agent has been installed
– Identify the package(s) you would like installed
and ensure that the selected PCs are suitable
– Log a Service Desk Call electronically (via DET
Portal) including all of this detail.
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NSW Public Schools – Leading the Way
DET Software @ Home
• Some DET Software also covers usage
by Teachers at Home.
– Symantec
– Microsoft
– Adobe
• http://tinyurl.com/homesoft
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DET Software @ Home
• Smart Notebook 10
• Download from Portal
– My Websites: SMART Notebook Software
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NSW Public Schools – Leading the Way
DET Software @ Home
• Symantec
– Windows (XP and Vista, 32 bit & 64 bit)
• Symantec Antivirus 10.2
• Symantec Endpoint Protection 11
– Mac (OS-X 10.4.10 or later)
• Symantec Antivirus 10.2
– Mac (OS-X 10.3 – 10.4)
• Symantec Antivirus 10.1.1
– Download from Software site or via portal
• http://Antivirus.det.nsw.edu.au (at School)
• Portal – MyWebsites – DET Antivirus Websites
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NSW Public Schools – Leading the Way
DET Software @ Home
• Microsoft Software
Microsoft Windows Vista Ultimate (Upgrade)
Office Enterprise 2007 (Windows)
Office 2008 (Mac)
Expression Studio (Windows)
• (Web, Blend, Design, Media and Encoder)
– Student 2009 (Windows)
– Visual Studio Pro 2008 (Windows)
• Simply International
– https://www.sigroup.com.au/teachers
NSW Department of Education & Training
Sydney Region
NSW Public Schools – Leading the Way
DET Software @ Home
• Adobe Software
– Adobe CS4 Master Collection for Windows
• Acrobat Pro Extended, Photoshop Elements, Premiere
Elements, Captivate, Master Collection (9xDVD)
– Adobe CS4 Master Collection for MAC
• Acrobat Pro , Photoshop Elements, Master Collection
• Simply International
– https://www.sigroup.com.au/teachers
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Sydney Region
NSW Public Schools – Leading the Way
Windows Updates
• To avoid virus and worm problems, all
Windows PCs must:
– Have Service Pack 3 installed (check in My
Computer…Help…About Windows)
– Have Windows Update Service configured
pointing to the school’s CPC server
– Have Symantec Antivirus Corporate Edition
installed and kept up to date
• Typically, older PCs are a problem
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NSW Public Schools – Leading the Way
Any Questions on DET Software?
NSW Department of Education & Training
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NSW Public Schools – Leading the Way
Term 3 2009 ICT Update
• T4L Rollout
• Interactive Classrooms Project
• Installing DET Software
• General ICT News and Updates
• Digital Education Revolution NSW
NSW Department of Education & Training
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NSW Public Schools – Leading the Way
DET ICT Policies & Standards
• A quick place to find all DET policies and
procedures, including technology
– http://tinyurl.com/DETpolicies
• A quick place to find many links to useful ITD
– http://tinyurl.com/ITDlinks
• New Guideline Published for Dealing with
Inappropriate content on YouTube
– http://tinyurl.com/YTpolicy
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NSW Public Schools – Leading the Way
When the DET Portal Goes Down...
• You may still be able to access:
- Webmail - http://tinyurl.com/DETwebmail
At School only:
- OASIS - http://tinyurl.com/DETOASIS
- http://tinyurl.com/NSWDETEMU
- http://tinyurl.com/NSWDETSMU
- http://tinyurl.com/NSWDETRMU
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NSW Public Schools – Leading the Way
Computer Skills Test Y10 Exam
• From 2010, the CST10 exam will no longer be
available on paper and must be completed on-line
• In 2009, more than 75 percent of all high schools will
choose the on-line CST
• Any school wanting to change its 2009 CST choice
from pen-and-paper to on-line to better prepare for the
mandatory on-line version in 2010 should contact
records@bos.nsw.edu.au or phone (02) 9367 8107
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NSW Public Schools – Leading the Way
ACMA Cybersmart Program
• The Cybersmart program aims to:
– Inform children, parents, teachers and library staff about
cybersafety issues
– Educate audiences through information, resources and
practical advice
– Empower children to be safe online.
• They can offer:
– Internet Safety Awareness Presentations
– Professional Development for Educators
• http://tinyurl.com/cybersmart (Memo:DN/09/00274)
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NSW Public Schools – Leading the Way
Building the Education Revolution
• As part of BER or any other works, If your school is
currently considering or planning any modification or
extensions to your schools Local Area Network, such
as cabling, switches and/or wireless please liaise with
the following person to ensure that the modifications
meet current DET standards:
Paul Clark
Technology Adviser, Sydney Region
Ph 0400 372562
Email: Paul.Clark@det.nsw.edu.au
NSW Department of Education & Training
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NSW Public Schools – Leading the Way
ICT Day Billing
• It’s Term 3 again!
• This is the term where all schools are billed for their
attendance at these days, $20 per person, per day
• This covers your attendance at the Term 4 2008 day
as well as Terms 1, 2 and 3 2009 days.
• Participants that enrolled, but could not attend will not
be charged
• The funds will be direct-debited in November and
notification from Bathurst will be provided beforehand
• Please let your SAM know this is happening
NSW Department of Education & Training
Sydney Region
NSW Public Schools – Leading the Way
STEMS 2009
• STEMS is continuing in Sydney Region
– (it’s 8th year – started in 2002 in St George District)
• Schools and Year 6 teachers will need to
complete the data entry for student transition
to high school by Wk 9 - Term 3
• There are now less than 2 weeks to go. Many
thanks to the schools that have already
completed STEMS for 2009.
• http://stuhasic.com/stems
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NSW Public Schools – Leading the Way
Any Questions on all that Stuff?
NSW Department of Education & Training
Sydney Region
NSW Public Schools – Leading the Way
Term 3 2009 ICT Update
• T4L Rollout
• Interactive Classrooms Project
• Installing DET Software
• General ICT News and Updates
• D.E.R. NSW
NSW Department of Education & Training
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NSW Public Schools – Leading the Way
Digital Education Revolution
NSW Department of Education & Training
Sydney Region
NSW Public Schools – Leading the Way
Digital Education Revolution
• Program update:
– 51 Technical Support Officers (TSO) have been appointed
in Sydney Region - one per high school, with 2 at Oatley
and Sydney Boys HS
– 5 Regional TSOs have been appointed to look after approx
10 high schools each
– Phase 1 of Wireless Installation is continuing
– All schools have received T1 (Staff) laptops for
approximately 30% of their teachers
– The S1 (Student) Rollout for year 9 students has
NSW Department of Education & Training
Sydney Region
NSW Public Schools – Leading the Way
Digital Education Revolution
• Program update:
– A Regional DER Consultant has been appointed (Lena
Arena) – the ICT Consultant position is vacant, with EOI being
advertised on Wed 16/09
– 4 DER Lighthouse Schools have been established
– 20 Leading Learners are to be appointed to promote
effective use of laptops in classes across all KLAs
– TAFE will be offering Adobe and Microsoft training for high
school teachers (each module is 6 hours hands-on)
– Curriculum Support are developing many resources to
support DER – many have already been released
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NSW Public Schools – Leading the Way
Digital Education Revolution
NSW Department of Education & Training
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NSW Public Schools – Leading the Way
DER – Keep up with the News
• Main DER NSW Website:
http://tinyurl.com/DERNSWwebsite :
– Regular Bulletins
– FAQs
– Rollout Schedule (continually updated)
– Policies and Procedures
– Professional Learning
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NSW Public Schools – Leading the Way
Any Final Questions?
NSW Department of Education & Training
Sydney Region
NSW Public Schools – Leading the Way