ДОНИШГОЊИ ТЕХНОЛОГИИ ТОЉИКИСТОН ДЕПАРТАМЕНТИ ИДОРАИ ЉАРАЁНИ ТАЪЛИМ ВА СИФАТИ ТАЊСИЛОТ ТАТБИЌИ МОДЕЛИ СИФАТИ ТАЊСИЛОТ МЕЪЁРЊОИ ЗАМИНАВИИ БАЊОГУЗОРЇ АЗ ЊАМАИ ФАНЊО ФАКУЛТЕТИ МЕНЕЉМЕНТ ВА МОДЕЛИ АВРУПОИИ ТАЊСИЛОТ ИХТИСОСИ 1-25010301англисї КУРСИ 2-юм ДУШАНБЕ - 2015 «Approved» Rector TUT PHd.,d.p.s. Shoev N.N. «____» ___________ у. 2015 EVALUATION CRITERIA knowledge and skills in the discipline "INTERNATIONAL TRADE" № 1 Estima -tion A (4,00) 2 A(3,67) 3 B+ (3,33) 4 B (3,00) 5 B(2,67) Examination questions, Comment Professional knowledge and experience Existence at the applicant isn't lower than 69 points by results of Also to be able to answer intermediate control (taking into account incentive points). To questions of conform to requirements of competitiveness of students International trade results of intellectual activity. Concept and intellectual sections property. Contents, features and characteristics of international technological 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, exchange. Forms nternational exchange of scientific and technical knowledge. 8, 9, 10 Types, structure and content. Internationallicenseagreement. Franchiseanditstypes. Existence at the applicant isn't lower than 64 points by results of Also to be able to answer intermediate control (taking into account incentive points) International trade uslugami.klassifikatsiya international trade in questions of services sector. Characteristics and specificities of the organization of sections international trade in services. International trade engineering services 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, international lease. Definition, nature and kinds of international lease. 9, 10 Types of international rentals. International leasing: concept, types, regulation. Types and characteristics of leasing transactions. Contentsandkeytermsofinternationalleasingcontracts Also to be able Existence at the applicant isn't lower than 59 points by results of to answer intermediate control (taking into account incentive points) questions of International countertrade torgovlya.soderzhanie concepts sections "countertrade". Especially the international classification of forms of 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, countertrade international countertrade types and characteristics 9, 10 international countertrade transactions Also to be able Existence at the applicant isn't lower than 54 points by results of to answer intermediate control (taking into account incentive points) International trade in goods in material forme.tovarnaya structure of the questions of world market. Harmonized system. International product nomenclature. sections Features of the organization of commodity trade and current trends its 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 razvitiyaosobennosti and prospects of international trade. Agricultural raw materials and food features international contracts in commodity trade. Also to be able Existence at the applicant isn't lower than 49 points by results of to answer intermediate control (taking into account incentive points) Trade and intermediary business in international trade. Concept of questions of commerce brokering and expediency of engagement at work on foreign sections markets kinds of trade-brokering and resellers. Working conditions 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 market intermediaries organizational form of trade in the international market. International commodity exchanges. Centers of international trading. The organizational structure of international commodity exchanges. Essence and features of the international trading. Types of exchange transactions. International auction. Summary of features and international trade auctions Essence and types of contracts in international trade. Concept Also to be able international contracts. Types of contracts. Recommendations for the to answer compilation of the contract. Concept and specific contract for the questions of international sale. Sources of legal regulation contract of sale. Structure sections and content of the contract for the international sale. Factors influencing 7,8,9,10 the structure and content of the contract. Summary of the commercial articles of the treaty. Procedures and equipment international commercial transactions. Also to be able Highlights of international trade deals and features preparatory phase. to answer Commercial offers, inquiries and orders in international trade. Methods questions of and forms of entering into international trade transactions sections 8, 9, 10 Trading partner in the overseas markets. Classification counterparties in Also to be able foreign markets. Selection criteria countries and firms counterparties. to answer Significant firms' counterparty. Sources of information on the company questions of - the counterparty. Filesandinformationcardcompany sections 9, 10 6 C+ (2,33) 7 C (2,00) 8 C(1,67) 9 D+ (1,33) That studies the subject - the world economy. International trade at the present stage: the content, the main directions and trends, especially the organization 10 D (1,00) Performance and Policy. The Miracle of Modern Economic Growth. Savings, Investment, and Choosing between Present and Future Consumption. Banks and Other Financial Institutions. Uncertainty, Expectations, and Shocks. Demand Shocks and Flexible Prices. Demand Shocks and Sticky Prices. How Sticky Are Prices. Assessing the Economy’s Performance. Gross Domestic Product. A Monetary Measure. Avoiding Multiple Counting. GDP Excludes Nonproduction Transactions. Two Ways of Looking at GDP: Spending and Income. The Expenditures Approach. The Income Approach. Other National Accounts. Net Domestic Product. National Income. Personal Income. Disposable Income. Circular Flow Revisited. Nominal GDP versus Real GDP. Also to be able to answer questions of sections 10 EVALUATION CRITERIA knowledge and skills in the discipline «ECONOMY OF INDUSTRY» № Estima -tion 1 95-100 (A) 10 2 90-94 (A-) 9 3 85-89 (B+) 8 4 80-84 (B) 7 5 75-79 (B-) 6 6 70-74 (C+) 5 Examination questions, Comment Professional knowledge and experience Existence at the applicant isn't lower than 69 points by results Also to be able to answer of intermediate control (taking into account incentive points). questions of To conform to requirements of competitiveness of students The student should know answers to following questions: sections Historical facts of industrial revolution and their conceptions such 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, as Adam Smith and Marxizm’s theory of industrial progresses. Also 8, 9, 10 student should be able to prove second industrial revolutions with facts. Existence at the applicant isn't lower than 64 points by results Also to be able to answer of intermediate control (taking into account incentive points). questions of To conform to requirements of competitiveness of students The student should know answers to following questions: sections Student should know main actual economic indicators of industry 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, and their roles for identification of perspectives. 9, 10 Existence at the applicant isn't lower than 59 points by results Also to be able to answer of intermediate control (taking into account incentive points). questions of To conform to requirements of competitiveness of students The student should know answers to following questions: sections What is the differences between material product and non-material 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, products. Also student should know what does industry need to for 9, 10 realizing of goods products and their segments Existence at the applicant isn't lower than 54 points by results Also to be able to answer of intermediate control (taking into account incentive points). questions of To conform to requirements of competitiveness of students The student should know answers to following questions: sections Student should know about methods of goods production standards. 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 About general division of labor its functions and aims. Existence at the applicant isn't lower than 49 points by results Also to be able to answer of intermediate control (taking into account incentive points). questions of To conform to requirements of competitiveness of students The student should know answers to following questions: sections Segments of the product segmentation and its mission and impact to 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 the GDP per capita. Calculation of annual cost for food companies. The student should know answers to following questions: Also to be able What Economy of industries applied that studies the nature of the to answer economic laws of socialism in the specific conditions of a particular questions of industry. sections 7,8,9,10 7 65-69 (C) 4 8 60-64 (C-) 3 The student should know answers to following questions: The national economy includes a plurality of sectors in the general division of labor. The national economy in terms of the division of labor in the production of general merchandise and national income are divided into two groups and their definitions. Also to be able to answer questions of sections 8, 9, 10 The student should know answers to following questions: Method of Economy of industry is the Marxist dialectical method, which provides historical and political approach in the study of socio-economic phenomena. Also to be able to answer questions of sections 9, 10 Also to be able to answer questions of sections 10 9 55-59 (D +) 2 The student should know answers to following questions: Classical definition for industrial development was firstly defined group of scientists, students should know about their definitions and their conceptions about all of them. 10 50-54 (D) 1 The student should know answers to following questions: Timely delivery of a complex of homeworks. Type of industry costs and their calculation in industry organizations. EVALUATION CRITERIA knowledge and skills in the discipline «MANAGEMENT» № Estima -tion 1 95-100 (A) 10 2 90-94 (A-) 9 3 85-89 (B+) 8 4 80-84 (B) 7 5 75-79 (B-) 6 Examination questions, Comment Professional knowledge and experience Existence at the applicant isn't lower than 69 points by results of Also to be able to intermediate control (taking into account incentive points). To conform answer to requirements of competitiveness of students The student should know answers to following questions: questions of Management of human resources. Management stages human resources. sections Control, its purposes and area. Control kinds. Four stages of process of 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, control. Forms of operative control. 7, 8, 9, 10 Existence at the applicant isn't lower than 64 points by results of Also to be able to intermediate control (taking into account incentive points). To conform answer to requirements of competitiveness of students The student should know answers to following questions: questions of Three basic types of formal groups. The informal organization. Methods sections of maintenance of efficiency of interaction between formal and informal 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, groups. Group processes. Advantages of work in commands. Lacks of work 8, 9, 10 of commands. Conflictsandtheirclassification. Existence at the applicant isn't lower than 59 points by results of Also to be able to intermediate control (taking into account incentive points). To conform answer to requirements of competitiveness of students The student should know answers to following questions: questions of Itself management and its advantages. Basic "absorbers" of time. A sections principle of Pareto. Analysis АБВ. D.Eisenhower's principles. Leadership. 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, Distinction between the head and the leader. Influence and the power. Eight 9, 10 basic forms of the power. Style of the head. The approach from positions of personal qualities – as the first approach to definition of effective leadership. The behavioural approach to definition of effective leadership. Classification of styles of a management in the behavioural approach. Leadership of women. Existence at the applicant isn't lower than 54 points by results of Also to be able to intermediate control (taking into account incentive points). To conform answer to requirements of competitiveness of students The student should know answers to following questions: questions of Concept and motivation model. Main principles of management of people. sections Substantial theories of motivation. The theory of hierarchy of requirements 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, of Maslou. Theory ERG of K.Alderfera. Differences of theories of Maslou 10 and Alderfera. The two-factorial theory of motivation of Gertsberga. The theory of the got requirements of Makklelanda. Conceptandclassificationofmanagementmethods. Also to be able to Existence at the applicant isn't lower than 49 points by results of answer intermediate control (taking into account incentive points). To conform questions of to requirements of competitiveness of students The student should know answers to following questions: sections Four elements in the course of information interchange. Information 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 interchange stages. Forms of interpersonal communications. Oral communications – advantages and lacks. Written communications – advantages and lacks. Forms of organizational communications. Management of communications in the organization. 6 70-74 (C+) 5 7 65-69 (C) 4 8 60-64 (C-) 3 9 55-59 (D +) 2 Presence of the certificate of dean's office of faculty of world economy Also to be and marketing with a complex of signatures for reception of the permission able to of passing an examination, namely the signature of representatives of answer dean's office, library, accounts department. questions of Timely delivery of a complex of homeworks. sections The student should know answers to following questions: 7,8,9,10 Concept and role of communications of management. Construction of vertical structure of management. Elements of designing of the organization. Departmentalization. Hierarchy. Centralization and decentralization. Differentiation and integration. Much figurative strategy. Five variants of strategic development of the organization. Kinds of strategy of external growth. Two groups of the reasons of an exit on the international markets. The basic directions of strategy of the international market. Presence of the certificate of dean's office of faculty of world economy Also to be and marketing with a complex of signatures for reception of the permission able to of passing an examination, namely the signature of representatives of answer dean's office, library, accounts department. questions of The student should know answers to following questions: sections Concept of the administrative decision and their classification. Stages of 8, 9, 10 procedure of decision-making. Group decision-making. Synectics - as a method of group acceptance. Concept of strategic management. Concept of the purpose. Four basic levels of the purposes in the organization. Essence of strategic planning. Management methods on the purposes. Strategy, its elements and levels. A strategy formulation: the basic stages and tools. Presence of the certificate of dean's office of faculty of world economy Also to be and marketing with a complex of signatures for reception of the permission able to of passing an examination, namely the signature of representatives of answer dean's office, library, accounts department. questions of Timely delivery of a complex of homeworks. sections The student should know answers to following questions: 9, 10 Elements of the internal environment of the organization. Organizational (corporate) culture: its functions and elements. Environment of direct and indirect influence. Consumers – as a primary factor of the business environment. Competitors and a labour market. Two types of strategy on decrease in uncertainty of environment. Ethics of management. Four philosophical approaches to created codes of ethical standards. Social organizational liability. Presence of the certificate of dean's office of faculty of world economy Also to be and marketing with a complex of signatures for reception of the permission able to of passing an examination, namely the signature of representatives of answer dean's office, library, accounts department. questions of Timely delivery of a complex of homeworks. sections The student should know answers to following questions: 10 Classical school in management. F.Taylor – as the founder of school of scientific management and substantive provisions of its concept. Strong and weaknesses of the theory of F.Taylor, A.Fayol – as the founder of school of administration managerial control and its principles of management. School of human relations (E.Mayo). School of behavioural sciences. Theories Х and YU.D.McGregor. The theory 7S. New philosophy of management. 10 50-54 (D) 1 Presence of the certificate of dean's office of faculty of world economy and marketing with a complex of signatures for reception of the permission of passing an examination, namely the signature of representatives of dean's office, library, accounts department. The student should know answers to following questions: Timely delivery of a complex of homeworks. Management. Management as a special kind of activity and its specificity. The organization as object of management. Managerial process elements. Management functions. Shots of management and their role. Necessary skills and qualities of the manager. EVALUATION CRITERIA knowledge and skills in the discipline "INTERNATIONAL STATISTICS" № Estimat ion 1 95-100 (A) 10 2 90-94 (A-) 9 3 85-89 (B+) 8 4 80-84 (B) 7 5 75-79 (B-) Examination questions, Comment Professional knowledge and experience Existence at the applicant isn't lower than 69 points by results of Also to be able to intermediate control (taking into account incentive points). To conform answer to requirements of competitiveness of students Timely and stage-by-stage delivery of a complex of homeworks. questions of Active participation on work. sections The student should know answers to following questions: 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, The most important principles of international comparisons of 7, 8, 9, 10 macroeconomic indicators; International comparisons of labor productivity. Existence at the applicant isn't lower than 64 points by results of Also to be able to intermediate control (taking into account incentive points). To conform answer to requirements of competitiveness of students Timely and stage-by-stage delivery of a complex of homeworks. questions of The student should know answers to following questions: sections Statistics of social infrastructure and living conditions; Integral indicators 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, of living standards; Statistics of prices and inflation; Statistics of 8, 9, 10 International Tourism. The concept and structure of national wealth; Statistics of capital stock; Statistics of current assets. Existence at the applicant isn't lower than 59 points by results of Also to be able to intermediate control (taking into account incentive points). To conform answer to requirements of competitiveness of students Timely and stage-by-stage delivery of a co mplex of homeworks. questions of Active participation on work. sections The student should know answers to following questions: 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, Classification of budget revenues system; Classification of expenditure in 9, 10 the government finance statistics; Basic indicators of government finance statistics. Balance of payments (principles of development balance of payments; recording of transactions in the balance of payments); Statistics of international trade of goods (the system of indicators of statistics of foreign trade; The statistical value of goods and basic classification in statistics of international trade). Existence at the applicant isn't lower than 54 points by results of Also to be able to intermediate control (taking into account incentive points). To conform answer to requirements of competitiveness of students Timely delivery of a complex of homeworks. questions of Active participation on work. sections The student should know answers to following questions: 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, Concept and system indicators of economic activity; Theoretical 10 foundations of statistical study of labor productivity; System of productivity indicators in international statistics; Statistical study of the dynamics of productivity; Economic efficiency of investment; Timely delivery of a complex of homeworks. Also to be able to Existence at the applicant isn't lower than 49 points by results of answer intermediate control (taking into account incentive points). To conform questions of to requirements of competitiveness of students 6 6 70-74 (C+) 5 7 65-69 (C) 4 8 60-64 (C-) 3 9 55-59 (D +) 2 10 50-54 (D) 1 Active participation on work. sections The student should know answers to following questions: 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 Theoretical bases of development of System of National Accounts (SNA); The most important categories and classifications used in the development and analysis of SNA; Basic principles of development of SNA; Gross Domestic Product (GDP) as a key indicator of the SNA European System of Integrated Economic Accounts; Brief description of the national accounts; Motion model of national income of John Maynard Keynes. Timely delivery of a complex of homeworks. Also to be The student should know answers to following questions: able to Objectives, scope and subject of international environmental statistics; answer Activities of international organizations in the field of international questions of statistics of environment; Indicators of international statistics of minerals sections resources; Indicators of international statistics of land resources; Indicators 7,8,9,10 of international of water resources; Timely delivery of a complex of homeworks. Also to be The student should know answers to following questions: able to Statistics of economic activity of population; Statistics of employment; answer Statistics of unemployment; International Labor organizations. questions of sections 8, 9, 10 Timely delivery of a complex of homeworks. Also to be The student should know answers to following questions: able to Object, subject, and indicators system of population statistics; Statistics of answer number, location and composition of population; Statistics of natural questions of movement of population; Statistics of migration; Indicators of population sections reproduction; Sources of statistical information about the population; 9, 10 Sources of statistical information about the population. Timely delivery of a complex of homeworks. Also to be The student should know answers to following questions: able to Methods of classification and grouping of statistical information; The answer classification of socio-economic forms of activity; UN Classification; questions of International Standard Classification of Activities; Classification of goods sections and services for consumer purposes; International classification by status in 10 employment; International Classification by type of occupations. The student should know answers to following questions: Subject and method of international statistics and its relation to other sciences; The system of indicators and the most important categories of international statistics; International standards of statistics and accounting; Statistical activities of international organizations; International cooperation in the field of official statistical activities. EVALUATION CRITERIA knowledge and skills in the discipline «CUSTOMS REGULATION» № Estima -tion 1 95-100 (A) 10 2 90-94 (A-) 9 3 85-89 (B+) 8 4 80-84 (B) 7 5 75-79 (B-) 6 Examination questions, Professional knowledge and experience Existence at the applicant isn't lower than 69 points by results of intermediate control (taking into account incentive points). To conform to requirements of competitiveness of students The student should know answers to following questions: Verification of documents and information. Oral questioning. Receipt of explanations. Customs supervision. Customs inspection of goods and vehicles. Customs clearance of goods and vehicles. Personal search. Check labeling special stamps. Availability of these badging. Inspection of premises and territories for the purposes of customs control. Customs inspection. Existence at the applicant isn't lower than 64 points by results of intermediate control (taking into account incentive points). To conform to requirements of competitiveness of students The student should know answers to following questions: Definition of Customs Modes. Essence of Customs Modes. Classification of Customs Modes.Release of goods for domestic consumption. Export. International Customs Transit. Customs modes of processing. Processing inside of custom territory. Processing for internal consumption. Processing outside of customs territory. Temporary import. Customs warehouse. Free customs zone (free warehouse). Reimport. Re-export. Existence at the applicant isn't lower than 59 points by results of intermediate control (taking into account incentive points). To conform to requirements of competitiveness of students The student should know answers to following questions: Definition of Customs clearance. Customs Procedures. Customs operations.Arrival of goods and vehicles into the customs territory of the RT. Internal Customs Transit. Temporary storage of goods. Customs declaration. Departure of goods. Special simplified procedures of customs clearances. Incentives submitted during customs clearance. Existence at the applicant isn't lower than 54 points by results of intermediate control (taking into account incentive points). To conform to requirements of competitiveness of students The student should know answers to following questions: Agreement on a "voluntary" export restraint. Embargo. Standards. Administrative and bureaucratic delays at the entrance. Import deposits. Foreign exchange restrictions and foreign exchange controls. Existence at the applicant isn't lower than 49 points by results of intermediate control (taking into account incentive points). To conform to requirements of competitiveness of students The student should know answers to following questions: Essence and objectives of customs affairs I the RT. Customs carrier.Owners of temporary storage warehouses. Owners of customs warehouses and customs brokers (representatives). Professional on customs clearance. Comment Also to be able to answer questions of sections 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 Also to be able to answer questions of sections 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 Also to be able to answer questions of sections 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 Also to be able to answer questions of sections 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 Also to be able to answer questions of sections 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 6 70-74 (C+) 5 7 65-69 (C) 4 8 60-64 (C-) The student should know answers to following questions: Ban on import and export of certain goods. Quotas and licensing of export and import. Licensing system of import and export of certain goods. Certification of certain goods on safety and comply with existing state of standards. Export control procedures. Also to be able to answer questions of sections 7,8,9,10 The student should know answers to following questions: Customs tariff. Customs duty. Rate of custom duty. Ad-valorem custom duty. Specific custom duty. Protecting function of custom duty. Fiscal function of custom duty. Compensation function of custom duty. Safety function of custom duty. Impact of tariff on prices. Tariffs and modern trade. Also to be able to answer questions of sections 8, 9, 10 The student should know answers to following questions: Custom Code of the RT. Law of the RT «Оn Foreign trade activity» dated July 3, 2012, №846. Commodity Nomenclature of Foreign Economic Activity of States Parties of the Eurasian regulatory legal documents. Also to be able to answer questions of sections 9, 10 Also to be able to answer questions of sections 10 9 55-59 (D +) 2 The student should know answers to following questions: Definition of customs policy. Goals of customs policy. Customs regulation. Basis of customs regulation. Methods and tools of customs regulation. Institutional and functional structure of customs regulation. 10 50-54 (D) 1 The student should know answers to following questions: Introductory concepts in Foreign Economic Activity. Necessity of foreign trade regulation. Level of foreign trade regulation. International level regulation and state level regulation. Foreign economic policy of state. Free trade policy and Protectionism. EVALUATION CRITERIA knowledge and skills in the discipline «BANKING» № 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Grades Examination questions on evaluating knowledge (In 95-100 Existence at the applicant isn't lower than 69 points by А results of intermediate control (taking into account incentive points). To conform to requirements of competitiveness of students Students should be able to know: Banking System Role of Government in an Economy Taxes and Tax Systems International Trade Exchange Rates, Balance of Payments, and International Debt 90-94 Existence at the applicant isn't lower than 64 points by Aresults of intermediate control (taking into account incentive points). To conform to requirements of competitiveness of students Students should be able to know: Income Distribution and Poverty Who Earns What? 85-89 Existence at the applicant isn't lower than 59 points by B+ results of intermediate control (taking into account incentive points). To conform to requirements of competitiveness of students Students should be able to know: Interest, Rent, and Profit 80-84 Existence at the applicant isn't lower than 54 points by B results of intermediate control (taking into account incentive points). To conform to requirements of competitiveness of students Students should be able to know: Wage Rates in Competitive Labor Markets 75-79 Existence at the applicant isn't lower than 49 points by Bresults of intermediate control (taking into account incentive points). To conform to requirements of competitiveness of students Students should be able to know: Wages and Employment: Monopsony and Labor Unions 70-74 Students must not be absent during the classes more than 16 C+ hours and should be able to know: Externalities, Market Failure, and Public Choice 65-69 C Students must not be absent during the classes more than 16 hours and should be able to know: Antitrust and Regulation Note Also ability to answer to the questions . Also ability to answer to the questions . Also ability to answer to the questions .4.5.6 . Also ability to answer to the questions 5.6 . Also ability to answer to the questions Also ability to answer to the questions Also ability to answer to the questions 8 60-64 C- 9 55-59 D+ 10 50-54 D Students must not be absent during the classes more than 16 hours and should be able to know: Price and Output under Oligopoly: Concentration Ratio. Horizontal Merger, Vertical Merger, Conglomerate Merger, Cartels. Game theory Pricing. Brand Multiplication under Oligopoly. Why Oligopolists sometimes price discriminate? Students must not be absent during the classes more than 16 hours and should be able to know: Price and Output under Monopoly, Monopolistic Competition, Perfect Competition Students must not be absent during the classes more than 16 hours and should be able to know: Demand and Supply: Changes in Demand and Change in quantity Demanded. Changes in Supply and Change in quantity demanded. Deriving Equilibrium Price in the Short Run and Long Run. Costs of Production: Fixed Costs and Variable Costs. Average Fixed and Variable Costs. Marginal Cost. Economies and Diseconomies of Scale. Long Run and Short Run Costs. Maximizing Profit: Total Revenue, Average Revenue, and Marginal Revenue. The MR=MC Rule. Minimizing Loss (Staying in business or leave?) Elasticity : What factor influence Elasticity (secitivity)? Price Elasticity of Demand. Short run and Long Run Elasticity. Income Elasticity. Marginal Utility: The law diminishing Marginal Utility 8.9.10. Also ability to answer to the questions 9.10. Also ability to answer to the questions 9.10. Also ability to answer to the questions 9.10. EVALUATION CRITERIA knowledge and skills in the discipline “ACCOUNTING" № Estima -tion 1 95-100 (A) 10 2 90-94 (A-) 9 3 85-89 (B+) 8 4 80-84 (B) 7 5 75-79 (B-) 6 Examination questions, Professional knowledge and experience Presencetopretender not below 69 points by results of intermediate control (with a glance incentives points) to Correspond requirements of competitiveness of students TUT Answer following questions: 1. Accounting Cycle: an introduction 2. The Statement of Cash Flows 3. Adjusting Entries and Types of adjusting entry 4. Balance Sheet Section. 5. Fifo and Lifo Methods. Comment Also to be able to answer questions of sections 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10(%) Presencetopretender not below 64 points by results of intermediate control (with a glance incentives points) to Correspond requirements of competitiveness of students TUT Answer following questions: 1. IncomeStatement 2. Closing temporary accounts 3. Bank Statements 4. Accounting for merchandising activities 5. Presencetopretender not below 59 points by results of intermediate control (with a glance incentives points) to Correspond requirements of competitiveness of students TUT Answer following questions: 1. Assets and Types of Assets. 2. Liabilities and Types of Liabilities. 3. Contributed Capital. Also to be able to answer questions of sections 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10(%) Presencetopretender not below 54 points by results of intermediate control (with a glance incentives points) to Correspond requirements of competitiveness of students TUT Answer following questions: 1. Tangible and Non-tangible assets. 2. Double – entry accounting. 3. Revenue and Expenses. Also to be able to answer questions of sections 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10(%) Presencetopretender not below 49 points by results of intermediate control (with a glance incentives points) to Correspond requirements of competitiveness of students TUT Answer following questions: 1. Depreciationand Method of Depreciation. 2. Depletion 3. Principle Debit and Credit Also to be able to answer questions of sections 6, 7, 8, 9, 10(%) Also to be able to answer questions of sections 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10(%) 6 70-74 (C+) 5 7 65-69 (C) 4 8 60-64 (C-) 3 Presencetopretender not below 69 points by results of intermediate control (with a glance incentives points) to Correspond requirements of competitiveness of students TUT Answer following questions: 1. Accounting equation 2. Discount and Types of Discount 3. The Employer’s Tax Responsibilities Also to be able to answer questions of sections 7,8,9,10(%) Presencetopretender not below 69 points by results of intermediate control (with a glance incentives points) to Correspond requirements of competitiveness of students TUT Answer following questions: 1. Introduction to accounting 2. Conceptual Frame Work of Accounting. 3. TypesofTransactions Also to be able to answer questions of sections 8, 9, 10(%) Presencetopretender not below 69 points by results of intermediate control (with a glance incentives points) to Correspond requirements of competitiveness of students TUT Answer following questions: 1. Debits and Credits: Analyzing and Recording Business Transactions 2. Books of Prime Entry 3. Special Journals: Sales and Cash Receipts Also to be able to answer questions of sections 9, 10(%) Also to be able to answer questions of sections 10(%) 9 55-59 (D +) 2 Presencetopretender not below 69 points by results of intermediate control (with a glance incentives points) to Correspond requirements of competitiveness of students TUT Answer following questions: 1. Elements of Financial Accounting 2. CategoriesofBusinessOrganizations 10 50-54 (D) 1 Presencetopretender not below 69 points by results of intermediate control (with a glance incentives points) to Correspond requirements of competitiveness of students TUT Answer following questions: 1. TypesofBusinessOrganizations 2. ClassifyingBusinessOrganizations Note: 1. Basic the requirement is meant that the student can apply for receiving an assessment And, And - In - In, B+, C, C - C+, D+ and D if will answer establishment criteria. 2. Basic the requirement isn't meant that the student in each subject can automatically receive a final assessment. 3. Estimates And, And - In, In - "well" and "perfectly" in separate subjects can selectively be exposed to B+, a t.a additional check from a storonna of department of the analysis and monitoring of quality of education of department of management of educational process and quality of education. It is discussed and approved at a meeting academic council TUT the protocol No. ___ of ____ "___", 2015