Constitution- a written plan that provides the rules for a government. 1. beliefs shared by citizens 2. basic structure of government (powers and duties) 3. supreme law of the country Major Types of Government Authoritarian- controls all aspects of citizens lives Totalitarian States (Hitler, Stalin) Power concentrated with a few (oligarchy) Example: China Opposition is not allowed Limited freedoms Democratic- rule of the people Direct- Everyone makes all decisions Representative- elected representatives to carry out the power of the voters Principles of Democracy Citizen participation- regular elections- accepting election results Rule of Law- majority rule with minority rights- equality Economic Freedom- Transparency- Accountability- Individual Rights Independent Judiciary- Competing political parties Economics Fundamentals Economics- how nations use their limited resources to satisfy wants and needs. Government regulation- control of resources All types of economies have: 1. Producers- make the goods and services to sell 2. Distributors- get the products to the buyers 3. Consumers- purchasers of the goods and services Economics must answer 3 key questions: 1. What and how much should be produced? 2. How should goods and services be produced? 3. Who get the goods and services produced? Types of Economic Systems 1. Capitalism- emphasizes private ownership of the factors of production, freedom of choice, and individual incentives. Free market- government places no limits on the freedom of buyers and sellers to make economic decisions. Adam Smith- Wealth of Nations Laissez-faire “To let alone” The invisible hand of the market will guide economic choices Competition is the key to capitalism 2. Mixed Economies- combines elements of capitalism and Socialism Socialism- government plays a large role in the economy, but does not completely control it. Owns the majority of land and industries Determines the use of resources and distributes products and wages Provides education, healthcare, and welfare Higher taxes to pay for social services- Does this hurt economic growth? More equal distribution of wealth First appeared with the Industrial Revolution in the 1800’s Increased wealth for a few and suffering for the many Lots of poverty and poor working conditions Violent exchange or peaceful reforms Democratic Socialism- Democracy and Socialism- Common in Europe Communism- economic system in which the government controls the factors of production Command economy- government makes all economic decisions and owns all the resources and means of production Communication is state controlled Karl Marx- Communist Manifesto Bourgeoisie- capitalist who owned the means of production (rich people) Proletariat- workers who produced the goods Old Soviet Union, Cuba, N. Korea