see the report - Mpho-Entle

Mpho-Entle Modise
E-Portfolio Reflection - Trends
1. Review your group's (r)evolutionary grid. What are your thoughts about the grid as a learning
tool and the process used to create the grid?
As a learning tool, the grid summarises the key issues, and makes it easy to learn key elements. It helps one to
zoom in the relevant key authors of each wave and the reference lists is also helpful and focused on the topic or
subject at hand.
I enjoyed the process, especially at the beginning! There was excitement about meeting and working with other
people. The participation was active and vibrant! The challenge became as the process progressed through the
weeks, the active participation somehow slowed down, and it may have seemed like we are doing it for the
grades and participation required for the course.
My opinion would be not to have the grid running for too long; otherwise we lose the vigour and excitement
that we start with, especially when we still have other assignments and artefacts that must still be attended to.
Nevertheless, this journey was worthwhile! It’s a foundation indeed, for life-long learning! I truly have learnt so
much from the grid and I will keep it for my future reference!
2. Go back to your original definition of DE. What aspects of the course have influenced your
understanding of DE? Based on what you have learned in the course, revise your original
definition accordingly---and explain why you have changed (or not changed) your definition in
the way you have.
Revised 17 July, 2013
"DE is the teaching and learning experience between people who are separated geographically, especially for
those who are aspiring to acquire a formal educational qualification. Information communication technology
(ICT) tools such as the internet/web and other digital technology are extensively used to deliver the education
in a distance education environment”
Revised 02 August 2013
“DE is an educational system that connects learners with educators, irrespective of their location and time. DE
provides educational access to various types of learners through the extensive use of synchronous and
asynchronous technologies”
-----------------------------------------My definition started as a thought to what DE might be, then I revised it into a workable but still cluttered DE
definition, but now I think it is clean! It includes the key elements of DE; learners, educators and content, and
technology. It highlights the geographical element. I think it is now usable definitions that can help others
understand DE better.
3. Consider the overall course objectives (see the Course Syllabus). Were all or most of these
objectives achieved? If so, in what ways and to what degree?
Course Objectives:
Level of achievement (1 to 10)
Identify the unique characteristics of distance education
Describe the major influences in the evolution of distance Having been my first encounter with the DE content, I think this objective
education --social, economical, and political-- from its early have been achieved, I now understand DE better and am able to engage in a
constructive ‘learnt’ manner in DE discussion with the OMDE class and in my
beginnings to the current IT-based practices
Overall level of achievement is 10, with variances in some
Identify the key authors and theorists in distance education I believe I still have a lot more to read and study and be able to contextualise
and analyze their contributions to the field
Describe how distance education methodologies have
changed over time, in particular how the role of teacher
and learner have evolved
Describe various types of distance education institutions
and the relevance of a systems approach to teaching and
Analyze the impact of technological changes on the nature
of teaching and learning in distance education
I am 100% comfortable using technology, I am ready to try new things and I
my general view about DE,
but thus far I know a few key authors and
theories, circumstances that led to the establishment of certain universities,
and theories that helped maintain the status quo or even change it within the
DE world.
I also understand the various types of instructions and the relevance of
system approach to teaching and learning, how the roles of teachers and
learners alike are changing and some of the factors that led to these changes.
believe in a trial-and error approach when it comes to technology. We learn
by doing and doing until we get it right!!
Navigate and use an online learning environment, shared
virtual spaces, and social media for the purpose of learning,
documenting learning, and creating content (e.g., learning Working with people is a skill that I always have but not in an e-learning
management system, maps, charts, wikis, Google docs,
environment and I have enjoyed it!
Weebly, Twitter, blogs, Diigo, Vimeo)
Master and apply research and writing skills for the
purpose of critically analyzing issues and topics discussed
in relevant literature, synthesizing findings, and
communicating ideas and arguments with supporting
Learn collaboratively by using social media and other
shared virtual spaces to create content and successfully
complete assigned team projects
My thinking and feeling have changed drastically, I am more open now, I think
at the beginning I was a bit unconvinced about Peters industrialization theory
and I just didn’t like the way my classmates were all ‘drooling’ over this
theory, but with more reading on the theory and in comparison with other
theories I realised its value and contribution to DE (hope I won’t be penalized
for being this brutally honest!!
I think I will be more student-centred in my thinking and behaviour from now
on, actively aware that I am here to serve the needs of my clients –students!
Reflect on learning and articulate changes in thinking,
feeling, behavior
4. Take some time to reflect on your study group experience: What did you think about the
experience of working together to create a collaborative document?
Honestly it was fun!! Very rewarding and plain fun!!!
What worked?
Our activity log helped! It worked as a tool to monitor contribution among members, it also assisted us in
making sure that we all participated and recorded what each did, when and sometimes we even gave details on
how one did something, and we also used this as a communication tool to ask for help, to assist others and to
motivate each other.
Also exchanging roles for submission somehow helped because then it gave us the feeling of equality, while at
the same giving each one to be a ‘leader’ for a period.
What did not?
I’m not sure how this can be done, because the schedule is linked to the weekly Skill builders, weekly
milestone/objectives, but the time spent doing collaborative work should not be extended or be too long, as we
tend to lose the vigour that we start with.
What could your group have improved in order to realize a more smooth process?
I think we honestly worked smoothly, and the LEO group workspace also works wonders! Our group was the
best, I was never made to feel less important or inferior to anyone, my suggestions were taken, my contribution
also appreciated, we had a great team!
What do you see as benefits (or drawbacks) of online collaboration?
Benefits are more than drawbacks, we get to learn from various viewpoints, different cultures, thinking and
knowledge from various countries brought together in one room, there can only be more benefits! It’s like a
meeting place for the students from the developed and developing countries, more like west meet east!
How do you think the activity could be improved?
Maybe if you reduce the time, not sure how.