Thesis Formatting PowerPoint - University of Alaska Anchorage

Guidelines for the
Preparation and
Electronic Submission of
Your Thesis or
UAA Graduate School
Dr. Helena Wisniewski, Dean (x4833)
Dr. David Yesner, Associate Dean (x1098)
Elisa Mattison, Director (x1096)
Marilyn Bost, Administrative Aide (x1095)
 Dean
Wisniewski (x4833) approves the
final thesis or dissertation
 Associate Dean Yesner (x1098)
completes the final thesis review
 Elisa Mattison (x1096) approves all
Signature Pages and conducts formatting
 Marilyn Bost (x1095) processes and
tracks the thesis.
Who Does What
in the Graduate School
1.0 Introduction:
About Theses &
This workshop helps ensure compliance with the UAA
Thesis Formatting Handbook (Spring 2014 edition)
found on the Graduate School website. Use the Thesis
& Dissertation tab at:
 Most formatting errors can be easily avoided by
carefully reviewing the UAA Thesis Formatting
 Most, but not all, formatting issues are addressed in
this workshop. Direct further questions or comments
to the UAA Graduate School.
Thesis and Dissertation
A dissertation is required of most Doctoral candidates.
A thesis is required by many Master’s programs.
Students doing a “Project” do not need to follow thesis
format guidelines. Please see your department for project
formatting guidelines.
“Piled Higher and Deeper”
Jorge Chan/
Who Writes a Thesis or
 699 (thesis) credits
 Doctoral programs must have a minimum of 18
thesis credits.
 Masters programs generally are required to have a
minimum of 6 thesis credits.
 Grades are changed from Deferred (DF) in the
College or School when your thesis is approved by
the Graduate School.
698 (research or project) credits
 Require instructor to grade or change the grade.
699 vs. 698
2.0 Getting Started
 Paper:
 Standard copier paper for hardcopies
 Fonts,
Font Size and Font Variations:
 Consistent font and font size for all text, including
page numbers.
 Font size that is no less than 10 and no greater
than 12 for the thesis text.
All theses/dissertations must be double-sided.
 This requires mirrored margins.
Paper and Fonts
The Graduate School recommends SERIF fonts. No script or handwriting
fonts are allowed.
Are you using…
 Underlining, bolding or italics? If so, use them sparingly and
Spacing: Is the vertical spacing of your text…
 Consistently either 1.5 or 2.0?
 Exceptions:
• Figures and table captions, footnotes, etc. may be single-spaced.
• Generally, multi-lined captions are single-spaced.
• The Reference section is single spaced within the citation and 1.5 or
2.0 spaced between citations. The spacing requirement overrides
any discipline style manuals.
Signature and Title page titles are always double-spaced.
Font Variations and Spacing
Consistency is the key:
Margins must be a minimum of:
1.5” on the binding side (center margins, or gutter),
1.5” on the top,
1” far right and left (opposite the binding),
1” on the bottom.
The thesis MUST conform to these margins throughout the
thesis for text, figures, and tables, including Landscape
“Widows and Orphans”
 Avoid these by using the “Widows and Orphan Control”
in Word
 Insert manual page breaks, if necessary, in the final
Margins and Misc.
 Things
to watch for:
Number every page (except for “Signature” , Title, and
any blank pages, those pages do not display a number
but are still counted before page v).
Assign lower case Roman numerals to all “preliminary
pages” (starting with Abstract as page “v”).
Assign Arabic numerals to the body of the thesis,
including References and Appendices.
All page numbers must be placed in the center of the
Page Numbering
 If
the text is to be divided into chapters or major
sections, each must start on a new odd
numbered page. (For example: Introduction,
Literature Review, Methodology, Results, &
Discussion begin on new odd numbered pages.)
 Sections
and minor sections (of any level) within
chapters do not start on new pages.
 Formatting
of chapter and section headings must
follow the style guide of the discipline.
Division of Text
 The
thesis must be formatted in either
monographic or manuscript style
 No
mix-and-match between the requirements of
monograph and manuscript.
 Formatting
vs. Style:
Check with the UAA Graduate School when
discipline style seem to conflict with UAA
formatting requirements.
Decision on Formatting
3.0 Preliminary Pages
Signature Page (i)
 Page number is NOT physically on the page.
Title Page (iii)
 Page number is NOT physically on the page.
Abstract (v)
 First page to have a physical page number
Table of Contents (vii)
List of Figures
List of Tables
List of Appendices
Each of these new sections begins on a new ODD numbered page.
Preliminary Pages
Title must be in CAPS
and double spaced.
No degree listed with
your name.
Exact number of lines
and committee
Margins must be
within limits
Balanced vertically
All signatures must be
original, no
exceptions or
The Graduate School
MUST approve your
Signature Page
BEFORE your defense
and/or obtaining any
Signature Page
The UAA Graduate School requires the names of the signers
with their degree under the signature lines.
Be consistent with middle initials, position, and titles.
The Signature Page must be in pristine condition when you
submit it the Graduate School.
Blue or black ink is preferred.
Only the Graduate School Dean dates the Signature Page.
NOTE: Electronic or faxed signatures are NOT accepted
Signature Page (cont’d)
Numbering your Signature Page “i”. This is incorrect.
Text should be centered within the page margins (e.g., 1.5 inches for top
and inside 1.0 inches for outside and bottom).
You should have the EXACT number of signature lines for your committee
chair and committee members. No blank lines allowed. All those listed
must sign!
The original Signature Page must have all original signatures, except for
the Graduate Dean, before turning it is submitted to the Graduate School.
Degrees of persons signing must be correct.
Check with your college or school to confirm approving authority.
The Outside Examiners (if applicable) does not sign the Signature Page.
Common Formatting Mistakes on
the Signature Page
Title Page
Title should be in CAPS and double
Title should match the title on the
Signature Page exactly.
Degree being received should be
written out, not abbreviated.
Name should agree with name being
written on the diploma.
Last prior degree should be listed;
usually, the last highest degree
Location will always be Anchorage,
Date will always be either May,
August, or December.
No comma between month and year.
The words “of”, “in” and “for” are not
Having a page number of iii on the Title Page. This is incorrect. There is
no number physically printed on either the Signature Page or the Title
Page (although both pages are included in lowercase Roman numeral
counting and listed with a page number in the Table of Contents.
Text should be centered within the page margins (e.g., 1.5” on the left
and top, 1” on the right and bottom).
Use the correct thesis title. Do NOT use abbreviations or acronyms except
in very few cases where they would be universally understood.
Use the correct degree title, do not abbreviate: Master of Fine Arts,
Master of Science, Doctor of Philosophy, etc.
Use the correct month/year of graduation (May 2014).
Note: there is no comma between the month and year.
Text should be evenly spaced or “balanced” on the page.
Common Formatting Mistakes
on the Title Page
The Abstract page is the most read portion of your thesis.
Follow the guidelines in the Thesis Formatting Handbook in
writing the Abstract; include:
 The problem addressed or objective of the study and why
the work was undertaken;
 What was done generally, not specifically;
 What were the results, general trends or the most
important findings; and
 What was concluded, if separate from the results.
Abstract Page
Pagination: This is the first page that has a printed page
number (Roman numeral “v”).
Do not center the abstract on the page. Start the Abstract
at the top margin.
No keywords or citations should be used in the Abstract.
With electronic submission process, there is no longer a
limit on the number of words for the Abstract. We
recommend that you limit it to 350 words or two pages or
less. Overly long abstracts will be truncated by UMI.
If you indent paragraphs, make sure you indent here, too.
Common Formatting Errors
on the Abstract Page
Type the word “Page” above each column of page numbers.
Use leader dots.
Must be left & right justified.
Include all chapters and sections (at all levels).
Each title in the TOC must match the title in the text
If you have only one Appendix, then list it in TOC after
References. If there are multiple appendices, use “List of
Appendices”. You must list both List of Appendices in the
TOC as well as Appendices after References.
Appendices should also be listed after “References” or
“Literature Cited”.
Table of Contents
 Correct page margins and pagination.
 The Table of Contents must begin on an odd numbered page.
 Leader dots are required (no “dashes”) and should extend completely to
the right, and consistently to the page number.
 Do NOT use a table to format your TOC.
 Each title in the TOC must match the title in the text EXACTLY.
 If the TOC is more than one page, subsequent pages start at the top
 The word “Page” should be repeated above right-hand listing of the page
numbers of each page.
 The Signature Page, Title Page, and Table of Contents must be listed in
the TOC.
Common Formatting Mistakes
on the Table of Contents
Leader dots are required (no “dashes”) and should extend completely and
consistently to the page number.
Page numbers are right-hand justified.
The word “Page” must be above the page numbers on each page of the
List of Figures and the List of Tables (the same as the TOC).
If the List of Figures or List of Tables are more than one page, subsequent
pages must start at the top margin.
Titles in the text and in the List of Figures and List of Tables must match
EXACTLY to the titles in the text.
Both the List of Figures and the List of Tables must be spaced in the same
manner as the text. However, if a second line is required for the figure or
table title, then it can be singled-spaced.
Common Formatting Mistakes for
the List of Figures/List of Tables
4.0 Thesis Text
Text of thesis:
 The first page of the Introduction or Chapter 1 will always be page 1 for all
thesis except Creative Writing and Literary Arts (CWLA) theses.)
 CWLA: First page of the Thesis Essay will continue with lower case Roman
numerals. Arabic numerals begin with the Creative Work (novel, poems,
 Consistent heading format. Capitalization, use of bold, italics, or underlining
must be consistent for a particular level of heading or subheading
throughout a monograph and with each chapter (consistent with journal
requirements) for the manuscript format.
 Consistent indentations/spacing at the beginning of paragraphs.
 Figures and Tables must be numbered in order of appearance in the text.
Embedded Figures and Tables should be placed within the page of their first
mention (e.g., on the same page or on the following page).
Common Formatting Mistakes
on the Thesis Text
Text of thesis (cont’d)
 Define all abbreviations and acronyms the first time they appear in the
text, except for those which are generally understood by almost
everyone (such as DNA; US; and standard abbreviations for units such
as g, ATM, L or m; and standard abbreviations such as AK are
examples that do not need to be defined.
 The numbers one to ten should be written out, unless the number is a
value with associated units (e.g., 1g or 1 gram, not one gram; “one
large beaker was used to collect the sample”, not “1 large beaker was
used…”), or the style manual in use has a different requirement.
 Spell check AND proofread carefully. Use U.S. English spellings,
unless the intended journal requires British English, e.g.,
“Acknowledgements” vs. “Acknowledgments”. MS Word will NOT check
words that are in CAPS (e.g., your thesis title).
 Data is plural and datum is singular; criteria is plural, criterion is
singular. Affect is a verb, effect is a noun.
Common Formatting Mistakes
 Quotes:
 Quotations over three lines must be typed block style
with indentation and no quotation marks or in the style
appropriate to the field (APA, MLA, AAA, etc.) and must
be spaced consistently with the body of the text.
Common Formatting Mistakes
 Using a heading (e.g., References, List of References, Literature Cited,
Works Cited, etc.) consistent with the style manual applicable to your
 Avoid splitting entries between pages. Entries must be kept together on the
same page. Go to the next page if you need more room.
 Keep references in either alphabetical OR numerical order.
 References must be single-spaced within an entry; but double spaced or 1.5
spaced between entries according to the spacing that you have chosen for
the text.
 List the References section in the Table of Contents
 DOUBLE and TRIPLE check that the references you have cited are listed in
the Reference section and cited correctly.
 If you use Literature Cited and we find five citation errors, your thesis will
be sent back without further format checking.
Common Formatting Mistakes
The page number must be in the
normal position on the bottom
It appears the same as if the page
was oriented in portrait view.
Landscape figures and tables must
be oriented so the top is on the lefthand side of the page. Margins for
double sided printing remain the
Landscape on Portrait Page
The Monograph format is preferred for most social studies,
engineering, or creative work theses.
You may use the Monographic format for doctoral
dissertations, but you may have extra work to do to prepare a
publishable manuscript depending upon the journal selected.
If you intend to publish your thesis as two or more separate
papers, then Manuscript format is highly recommended. It is
not necessary that manuscripts be accepted or published for
thesis submission.
In the Manuscript format, material that does not “fit” in one
of the chapters may be included.
Monograph vs. Manuscript:
How to Choose
 A thesis written in collaboration with others must include
a statement in the Acknowledgments clearly stating who
contributed to the research and writing.
Arrangement of Pages
 See section 4.5 of the UAA Thesis Formatting Handbook
 One general abstract at the beginning of the thesis.
Figures, Tables, References and Appendices
 Figures and Tables must be imbedded in the text
immediately after their first reference (on the same page
or the following page).
 References and Appendices must be placed at the end of
the thesis (not after each chapter).
Monograph Formatting
Arrangement of Pages
Figures, Tables, References, and Appendices
 You must be first author on each manuscript included in
the thesis. You must include a footnote to the chapter title
indicating authors and the name of the journal to which the
manuscript was submitted (looks like a citation).
 See section 5.5 of the UAA Thesis Formatting Handbook
 Chapters can have separate abstracts in addition to the
required general abstract.
 Figures and Tables may be embedded but most journals
require them to be located at the end of the manuscript.
 References and Appendices for each manuscript appear at
the end of the manuscript (chapter).
Manuscript Formatting
General Introduction and General Conclusion
may have their own or combined “general”
References/Literature Cited section.
Do NOT photocopy the published paper out of the
journal and include the copy in your thesis (nor can
you just bind in a reprint). Rather, you must print it
anew, in a font and style consistent with the rest of
the thesis and continuously paginated.
Names, addresses, and keyword required for journals
SHOULD NOT appear in the text of your thesis at the
beginning of each chapter.
Manuscript Formatting (cont’d)
Footnote will always be 1.
Footnote will look just like
a citation entry.
If the manuscript has not
been yet been published,
make the footnote look
just like a citation except
add before the journal’s
name “prepared for” or
“submitted to”.
Example of Authorship for
Manuscript Format
We STRONGLY recommend that you use a bibliography
program to store, track, and format your references.
 RefWorks is available for all UAA graduate students. Contact the
Consortium Library. RefWorks allows you to manage your
bibliographies by exporting citations from most library databases,
and add them to your personal reference list(s) within RefWorks.
 EndNote is available for all UAF graduate students. VPN is needed
to use EndNote from a non-UAF location.
 Several other bibliography programs are available (many for free),
such as:
Reference Formatting
Anything that is not a Table
is considered a Figure.
Figure captions must
appear BELOW the Figure.
All writing in figures should
be at least 6 pt., legible,
and reproducible. If
possible use the same font
size as in the text.
Page numbering must be
the same orientation and
location on all pages
including landscape
oriented pages.
Figures and captions must
be within the margins.
Check with your particular
style manual for additional
1st Qtr
2nd Qtr
3rd Qtr
4th Qtr
Figure 1: Plot of Regional Earnings in 1993.
This shows the net income in the Orange
Flavored Cracker market in the year of the
Great Citrus.
Figure Example
Table 2.1 Artifacts Collected at the Black
River Site Feb. 19-25, 2006. These artifacts
were collected in the third week of a study
by the special method of collection and a big
group of people.
Arrowheads Bones
Table captions must appear
ABOVE the table.
Table text should be at least
6pt., legible and reproducible.
Each table and figure should
have 8-10 word title.
Tables and captions must be
within the proper margins.
Check your program’s
preferred style manual for
additional requirements.
Color is permitted in tables,
but use only as necessary for
Multi-page tables must have
Table Example
 Table XX continued or
Copyrighted Material within your Thesis:
 If you are using Manuscript style, you must obtain
written, “hard copy” permission from holders of
copyrighted material (e.g., co-authors) if you wish to use
the material in your thesis. This is mandatory!
 “Hard copy” permission can come in the form of a letter,
email, etc., and must be included somewhere (appendix
is fine) in the thesis.
Research Integrity Approval:
 IRB/IACUC/Biosafety, etc. approvals must be included in
the thesis, usually in the methodology or methods
section. You may include the letter in your appendices.
General Information
Copyright and your thesis:
 Copyright privileges vest immediately upon creating your work,
without the requirement of notice or registration, provided that you
have not signed away your copyright to a journal or publisher.
 UAA retains the right to store, preserve, and reproduce or display
your thesis for educational purposes.
 You can, if you desire, formally register your copyright directly with
the U.S. Copyright Office, or you can authorize ProQuest to
register your copyright in your name. This requires an additional
$55.00 fee, paid when you submit your work through the
Electronic Thesis and Dissertation (ETD) webpage.
 The thesis must have © on the Title Page:
© 2014 Joanne K. Rowling
General Information (cont’d)
 Is required for all theses and dissertations. The ETD process eliminates the
fee for Traditional Publishing. Open Access Publishing is optional and has a
fee of $95.00.
Delayed Publication (Embargo)
 Can delay the publishing of the thesis or dissertation for 6 months up to two
years. Embargo is required for all Creative Writing theses.
 The request is made during the ETD process.
Fold-out Pages
 Fold-out pages can no longer be bound. If your figure or table is too large
for a landscape page, you will have to submit it as a supplemental file.
Oversized Figures or Tables
 Should be submitted as supplemental files, and refer to them as such in the
General Information (cont’d)
5.0 The Home Stretch…
Defend your thesis at your colloquium or thesis/dissertation defense.
This is a public defense. Please notify the Graduate School with your defense
time, date, and place so that we can post on the GS website and calendar..
Your committee will complete the Report on Thesis/Dissertation Defense.
 If you are a doctoral student, you must request an “Outside Examiner” at
least two weeks before your defense from the UAA Graduate School.
 The Outside Examiner signs the Report of Dissertation Defense form.
 The Outside Examiner also submits a Report of the Outside Examiner
to the Graduate School.
Have your thesis reviewed by your committee, Department Chair and
appropriate College dean (be aware of their deadlines).
Have the committee sign the approved Signature Page (original signatures,
only). The Signature Page must be approved by the Graduate School
before your defense. Two Signature Pages are recommended – because
“coffee happens”.
Now that you have finished
writing the thesis…
Please provide one copy of your thesis to the
Graduate School for the format check.
This can be done before your defense
(recommended) or when you submit the final thesis
The copy must be two-sided and unbound.
It may be also be submitted as either a word (docx.)
or .pdf document if you are a distance student.
Please do not use paper clips, binder clips, or rubber
bands on the hard copies.
Format Check
Submit the following to the Graduate School by the
appropriate deadline or before (see UAA Thesis Formatting
Handbook or the UAA Graduate School website):
 One copy of your thesis
 On regular paper, double-sided, and unbound or,
CWLA and distance students will submit a PDF
 One (or two) original, pristine Signature Pages with all
signatures through the College dean.
 On regular copy paper, please!
The Final Edition
 Additional
 Survey of Earned Doctorates (SED)
 50-word abstract for Commencement program
and Hooding Ceremony script
 Optional: A photo (hi-resolution headshot
Doctoral Students
After your defense, the Graduate School does a format check and review
of your thesis. Please submit a hardcopy, word or pdf document of your
You will receive an email stating the changes that need to be made:
distance students will have a PDF returned with comments, local students
can pick-up the marked copy of their thesis at the Graduate School office.
You have one week (5 business days) from receipt of the email to make
the necessary changes and to submit the corrected thesis.
The Graduate School keeps the signed Signature Pages.
The Graduate School checks to make sure all the required corrections are
The Graduate School Dean signs the Signature Page – the thesis is now
officially approved… but you aren’t finished yet!
You submit your final thesis draft to ETD. You cannot graduate until your
thesis is submitted for publishing to ETD and all final documents
(including Change of Grade forms) are submitted.
See the Thesis Submission Flow Chart for complete submission process.
What Happens Next?
6.0 Electronic Thesis
Submission (ETD)
A Brief “How-to”
 Make sure you have:
 your full thesis or dissertation, including appendices,
 the Abstract,
 and any supplementary files readily available.
 Have
the names of all your committee members
 Your
file preferably should be already in portable
document format (.pdf). If not, the ETD
Administrator site has tools you can use to
convert your file(s). Please do NOT submit it as a
Getting Started
Create Your Account at
 Go to Students section on right hand side up page
 Click on Submit
 Select Institution – select United States, then University of
Alaska Anchorage
 Create your account with password
 You will receive an email from UMI ETD Administrator to
“confirm your account”. (This email may go to your spam
account, especially if you use your student account. If you have
difficulty with your account, contact UMI and they will
automatically log you into your account.)
 Once you click on “confirm your account” and it will
automatically log you into your account.
Thesis or Dissertation
Electronic Submission Process
 Select Publishing Options and accept the ProQuest/UMI
Publishing Agreement:
 You may select on of two options: Traditional Publishing or Open
Access Publishing:
• Traditional Publishing means that as owner of the intellectual
property and author of the work, you contract with ProQuest to
reproduce, distribute and sell copies of your work. Royalty
payments are available with this option. There is NO fee for
Traditional Publishing.
• Open Access Publishing means freely available for viewing or
downloading and open access to the full text PDF of the graduate
work. Because it is Open Access, there are no royalties with this
option. There is a $95 fee for Open Access Publishing.
 After you select the publishing option that fits your needs, you will
be prompted to accept the Publishing Agreement and continue.
 Contact Information: enter current information. Do NOT use your
UAA email address here.
ETD Process
Dissertation/Thesis Details: enter all necessary data.
 Title: Do not use a symbol in the title, this may inhibit searches of
your thesis for other researchers. For example, if the use SR+
instead of Positive Reinforcement, then SR+ would not allow a
complete search. Please use Title Caps.
 Abstract: you may cut and paste your abstract, but if you have
bolded or italics in the Abstract, then click on formatting hints for
html codes.
As you complete the submission steps, they will be checked
off on the left side of the screen. You do not need to
complete the process in a linear order, except if the item is
ETD Process (cont’d)
 Upload the PDF:
 If you do not have a PDF version of your thesis, the ETD
Administrator provides a Word to PDF conversion tool.
 The conversion tool will take a Microsoft Word document, or an
RFT document and convert it to PDF.
 Is it very important to review the resulting PDF to make sure that
there are no formatting errors or other issues.
 If you receive an error message, you can contact UMI and they
will assist you in uploading your file or what is prohibiting you
from doing so.
ETD Process (cont’d)
 Upload the PDF (cont.)
 If you upload the wrong version of your document, you can go
back and upload the correct version.
 Depending upon your browser, you may see the “Browse” button
or “Basic Upload Tool”. They do the same thing.
 Note: you must make sure that:
 All fonts are embedded in the PDF (embed in a word document
before converting to PDF).
 The PDF security setting allow printing and modification of the
For more information on saving your thesis to PDF, see the
online PDF Help page.
ETD Process (cont’d)
Uploading Supplementary Files:
 If you have supplementary files, such as maps, CD’s, sound clips,
spreadsheets, oversize pages, or research data not included in the
thesis, you can upload them here. You may upload as many
supplementary files as you need.
 A thesis with several small data files should be consolidated into
one zipped folder.
 If the file is “zipped”, that is how the files will be distributed with
the full text.
 The student should select the media type of the downloaded
supplemental file.
 Maximum file size for entire thesis is 250 MB.
ETD Process(cont’d)
Submission Summary:
 Please make sure you review this page. If changes are needed,
this is your chance to make them by clicking on the “Change” links.
 Complete the submission by clicking on “Submit
 If you have no services fees, you will receive a message that
your thesis has been submitted to the Graduate School.
 If there are service fees (personal copies, copyright, etc.) then
you will receive a message to “Continue with submission”.
 This will take you to the Order Summary page and payment information.
 Include your billing address and credit card information.
 You complete the submission with clicking “Submit Dissertation/Thesis &
Pay”. This will charge your credit card and submit your thesis to the
Graduate School.
ETD Process (cont’d)
With ETD, the UAA/APU Consortium Library no longer
requires bound copies for the archives or circulation desk.
If you want additional spiral bound copies, the UAA Copy &
Print Services Center offers a 10% discount every first
Friday of the month to current UAA students.
You may order personal bound copies through:
 ProQuest/UMI: see ETD submission process. (Covers
will be black with gold foil printing and printed on both
sides of the page).
 Online at Thesis on Demand:
 Online at Thesis Printing and Binding:
Personal Copy Binding Options
You receive an email notifying you that your thesis has been received in ETD.
The Graduate School reviews your thesis in ETD. If accepted, completes final
All documents for graduation, e.g., the Report of Thesis/ Dissertation Defense and
Change of Grade forms, MUST be processed for final acceptance.
Thesis is ready for publication.
Degree Services is notified that the thesis requirement has been met.
A Banner attribute is entered which populates DegreeWorks so that you can see your
thesis requirement has been met.
Thesis (699) Grades are changed from DF to Pass or a letter grade depending upon
your program. (The Change of Grade (COG) form is completed by your thesis
advisor.) Students do NOT hand-carry Change of Grades forms to the One Stop;
COG forms must sent by the department.
Degree Services completes a final degree audit to confirm that all requirements for
your degree have been met.
What Happens Next
7.0 FYI
 Graduate School submission deadlines for each semester (check
the Graduate School calendar, too!)
 UAA Thesis Formatting Handbook
 UAA Thesis Formatting Checklist
 Templates for Signature and Title Pages
 Formatting and Editing Assistance (including dates for upcoming
Formatting and Submission Workshops!)
 Electronic Thesis Submission – How to…
And much more…
Thesis/Dissertation Webpage
Please complete the evaluation form
before you leave. We want to know what
was useful; what we left out; and what we
need to cover in more depth in future
Thank you!
Thank you for attending!
(A grateful nod to Jorge Chan-