
The Interview
Pre-Assessment Preparation
The interviewer must
do a thorough file
review using the
PSLE Planning Sheet
(ask supervisor for it if
you have not
received it).
Pre-Assessment Preparation
Download the Interview Outline from the
Pre-Assessment Preparation
 Using
the Interview Outline, under the
appropriate question enter information that
you collected from your file review.
 That
way, you can confirm the information
with the family and have them elaborate
on it as necessary, rather than making
them restate it.
Day of the Assessment
Have with you:
the client’s file
your prepared interview outline
the green HIPAA form + the “rights and
responsibilities” sheet explaining the
blank copies of the blue Consent to
Exchange Information forms
HIPAA Consent for
Care Form
Mutual Exchange of
Information form
Usually on blue paper
Day of the Assessment
 Determine
if there are many observers in
the booth that day.
If yes, set up another room (usually 178) in
which to hold your interview.
If no, plan to do your interview in the
observation booth.
Day of the Assessment
When the lead clinician brings the client
back, you will
 introduce
 explain
where you will be doing the
 take
them to the appropriate place
If you are in the booth…
Day of the Assessment
 Allow
 Let
the parents time to settle in.
them watch a little of the “get to know
you part of the assessment”.
Day of the Assessment
Then, when you are ready to start doing the
turn down the sound (supervisor will listen under
You can tell the parent “We’re going to talk for a while
and when we are done, I’ll turn the sound up again.”
begin your interview.
If you need to do your
interview in another
Let the family know…
 that
the booth is full of observers
and that you will be going to
another room to do the interview.
 at
the end of the interview, if
there is room in the booth, the
family is welcome to come in
and watch.
 If
not, walk them to the waiting
Wherever you are doing
your interview…
Begin the Interview
 Start
with the green HIPAA
 Explain
to them what it is
about (that means you need
to read this form and know
what it is about so that you
can explain it).
Beginning the Interview
 Begin
your questions
 For
the items that you already have some
information for, you may ask a question
“In the application you said…. Did I understand
that correctly? Is there anything else that you
would like us to know about that?”
 Do
NOT assume that everything on the
application is correct.
 If
you are getting information from another
report, do NOT assume that everything is
Review and
Verify, verify, verify!!
Asking Questions
As much as possible try to keep your
questions open-ended and try not to “lead”
the parent.
For some tips on interviewing see:
Going with the Flow of the Interview
Although the interview outline asks
questions in a particular order, the
interview rarely goes in that order.
Parents come with agendas – the
things that are most important to
Be flexible with the information that
they present. You can always come
back to get answers to the questions
you did not get to ask.
Going with the Flow of the Interview
Parents will often say something that
will trigger another avenue of
questioning, one that you may not
have been prepared for.
Be sure to follow up to get complete
information about any topic the
parent brings up. Find out the “who,
what, where, when, and why.” (and
any other appropriate whquestions)
Going with the Flow of the Interview
Take the time to listen to the
parent. Don’t bombard them
with questions.
Give them a chance to express
themselves completely.
If you are not understanding,
ask a question to help clarify.
 Be
sure to look at the handout on
Exchange of Information Form
Before or during the interview
you may identify that there are
some professionals who need
to be contacted.
Have the family fill out, sign,
and date as many Mutual
Exchange of Information forms
as are necessary.
Then we will have permission
to follow-up.
When the Interview is Complete
 Turn
the sound back up
so the parents can watch
and listen.
 Explain,
in lay language,
what is going on during
the assessment.
 Be
ready for more
information to come forth
as the parent watches.
When the Interview is Complete
 You
can ask questions like:
“Is what Joey is doing right now typical of
what you usually see him do?”
When the Interview is Complete
 If
the parent is content to watch and does
not have more to say, then the Interviewer
can begin to take language samples, help
score or do whatever else was planned.
 Just
be ready for the parent to say more.
If the booth is full
 After
the interview, take
the family back to the
waiting room and let them
know we will bring their
child to them at the end.
 Be
sure to put into the file
the signed & dated HIPAA
 The
front desk can help you
get it into the file properly.
Fill out the form to request information from
other agencies and turn into the front desk to get
that process started.
Records Request
Ask the front desk for
the form
The front desk will need
to have the Mutual
Exchange of
Information forms
attached to those
request forms. So be
sure you clip them
Recording Information in the File
When you add something to
the file or you communicate
with someone: Make a note
of it in the File Activity Log in
the client’s file.
This is usually found on the
LEFT side of the file.
Date and initial the note!!!
File Activity Log Notes
These notes are usually quite simple.
Contacted Kathy Smith at Viewridge
Elementary to discuss case management.
Filed HIPAA form.
File Activity Log Notes
Sometimes they are more complicated – be
sure to write as clearly and succinctly as
These logs are very important in helping us
keep track of who has done what!
Have More Questions?
Ask your supervisor!