Planning Interview Process - Children First Network 107

Planning Interview
March 2011
Children First Network 107
Nancy Scala, Network Leader
Abby Miller, Attendance Manager
What is a Planning Interview?
a conference held with the student and
parent/guardian to discuss the student’s
educational status and options.
conducted by the assistant principal
responsible for transfers/discharges, the
school guidance counselor, or the
Purposes of the Planning Interview
To determine the reason for the student’s absence
or desire to leave school
To provide an assessment of the student’s
progress toward graduation
To explore the actions the school can take to
facilitate the student’s continued education
leading towards a high school diploma (e.g.
changes in program, referral to another DOE
school or program, referral to social agency or
CBO, refer for evaluation for Special Education
Purposes of the Planning Interview
To encourage the student to remain in school
until he/she has been granted a diploma or until
the end of the school year of his/her 21st
To communicate the right of the student to reenroll in school until the age of 21
To assist the student with making a transition to
a new school or program, including one outside
the DOE if the student decides to leave school
Discharge/ Transfer Codes
Requiring a Planning Interview
Planning Interview Form
Page 1 of the Planning Interview Form must be completed prior to the interview,
whether or not the student and parent/guardian attend the interview.
This information includes:
School header
Student Information
Graduation Requirements
Academic Performance
Attendance History
Outreach Services
Support Services/Program changes received previously
Additional information regarding the interview should be entered on the Planning
Interview Notes page.
Planning Interview Form
If Student and Parent/Guardian
Attend Interview:
If Student and Parent/Guardian Do
Not Attend Interview:
Page 2 of the Planning Interview Form is
completed with the following information:
Page 2 of the Planning Interview form is
completed with the following
1. Support services/ program changes
discussed at the interview
2. Outcome of planning interview
3. Signatures of Student, Parent/Guardian,
School official, Special Education
Representative (for IEP students), School
Official conducting the planning interview
(must be a pedagogue), and the Principal
4. (√) to indicate that student received packet
1. Signature of School Official conducting
planning interview and Principal
2. (√) to indicate parent and/or student did
not appear for the planning interview
Scheduling the Planning Interview
The principal, assistant principal or guidance counselor schedules the planning
interview and notifies the student and parent/guardian at least 10 days in advance by
sending Planning Interview Letter #1.
The letter is to be in the home language whenever possible.
The letter is to be sent to the last known address.
A Planning Interview Form is to be completed with all requisite information
for every planning interview that is scheduled. All prior interventions with the
student are to be documented.
Planning Interview Letter #1
The letter must specify the following:
 The reason for the planning interview.
 The date, time and location of the conference.
 The name and telephone number of a school
contact person and the procedure for
rescheduling the conference.
The “Notice of Student’s Rights” must be attached
with the letter.
Planning Interview Letter #1
Conducting the Planning Interview
when the Student and/or Parent
The assistant principal responsible for
transfers/discharges, the school guidance counselor or
principal may conduct the interview.
A special education staff member (e.g. related service
provider, psychologist or special education teacher) must
attend the meeting if the student is receiving special
education services (in accordance with LORA and Jose P.
The student
The parent (if the child is under 18)
Whenever possible an interpreter is to be provided if the
parent/ guardian does not speak English.
Conducting the Planning Interview
when the Student and/or Parent
Appear (continued)
The student and parent/guardian are informed of
the student’s right to return to a DOE school or
program until the age of 21.
Conducting the Planning
A copy of the completed Planning Interview
Form must be sent to the CFN Attendance
Manager (Abby Miller) for review and approval.
Students have a right to attend school until the
discharge/transfer has been approved.
Conducting the Planning
Interview (continued)
Upon completion of the planning interview if the student is transferred or
discharged, the following documents are to be provided
to the parent/guardian and student.
Entering the Planning Interview
Transaction in ATS
Once the planning interview is completed in house, the
pupil accounting secretary will enter the transaction on the
PIES (Planning Interview Entry Screen) if the transfer code
is 38, 43, or 00.
If the discharge code is 02, 35 or 39, the transaction is
entered on the DISC (Discharge Screen). The student will
not be removed from the register until the Network
Attendance Manager approves the discharge.
Required Actions When Student and
Parent/Guardian Do Not Appear for
the Planning Interview
If the student and parent/guardian do not appear for the
planning interview, and another date for the interview is not
requested or, if the letter of notification is returned, the
school must take the following actions before the student is
Required Actions When Student and
Parent/Guardian Do Not Appear for
the Planning Interview (continued)
An attendance investigation must be conducted and documented on Form
407. Every effort must be made to encourage student and parent/guardian
to come to school for the planning interview.
Upon completion of the attendance investigation, if a planning interview is not
conducted and the student has completed the school year in which s/he turns 17
years of age, and has been absent from school for 20 consecutive days, the
school must send a second letter to the student and parent/guardian informing
them of the following:
 the student’s imminent discharge if no contact is made with the school,
 the availability of alternative educational options and supports,
 the student’s right to return through the age of 21,
 the name and telephone number of a contact person.
Letter #2 for General Education
Students (Sample)
Letter #2 for Students with IEPs
Students with IEPs
If there is no response to the second letter, an attendance
teacher must be sent to the home within 10 school days to discuss
with the student and parent/guardian the importance of attending
the planning interview.
Another copy of (1) Planning Interview Letter #2 for Special
Education Students, (2) Planning Interview Packet are sent to the
home or dropped off by the attendance teacher.
Documentation of the home visit must be attached to a copy of the
second letter. Copies of the documents are filed at the school in
the student’s Cumulative Record folder and in the school’s
discharge file.
Documents Sent to Student and
Parent/Guardian and Network
Planning Interview Reports and
Update Files on ATS
School Level Reports
School Display Planning Interview: Shows the students
planning interview status on screen.
Planning Interview Status Report: Lists all students who have
had a planning interview. A select by status or code is possible.
Planning Interview Entry Screen: Allows the school to enter all
students transferring to another DOE school, GED program, or
even high school.
Discharge Function: Allows the school to preliminarily discharge
a student who had a planning interview. Once approval is
obtained from the Network Attendance Manager, the school can
confirm the discharge, and the student will be removed from the
school’s register.
Maintenance of Records
Copies of the completed Planning Interview Form and
letters mailed to the student and parent/guardian must be
placed in the student’s Cumulative Record folder and in the
school’s discharge file.
Copies of the Form 407, with documentation of outreach
efforts, are to be filed in the student’s Cumulative Record
The Planning Interview Form is part of the student’s
permanent record and should be kept indefinitely.
Any questions? Need assistance?
Email Abby at
or call
(718) 923-5164 or (347) 401-2449.