2012-Final programme-Nov 13

22nd Annual Conference – Launceston 2012
Wednesday –21stNovember 2012
0800 – 1400 Registration -Mezzanine (upstairs)
Room: Macquarie
0900 – 1200
Pre Conference Workshop - Increasing your skills as an author and reviewer for academic journals: A workshop hosted by International Gambling
StudiesSally Gainsbury& Alex Blaszczynski
Wednesday –2stNovember 2012Concurrent Sessions
Room: Mt. Pleasant Room (downstairs) (Chair: Mary Marquass)
1300 - 1430Plenary Session 1 Welcome to country: David Warrener
Conference Opening/Welcome –President of NAGS – Mary Marquass
The two Muppets: Professional versus randomness and illusions of control in wagering -Alex Blaszczynski & Clive Allcock
1430 -1500 Afternoon Tea-Clarendon & MezzanineSponsor – Australasian Gaming Council (AGC)
Room: Mt. Pleasant (Chair: Daniel King)
Room: Franklin (Chair: Patrice Baxter)
Room: Entally (Chair: Catherine Prentice)
1500 - 1700
1500 - 1700
Concurrent Session 1A
1500 - 1700
Concurrent Session 1B
Concurrent Session 1C
Psychological Theory and Concepts
Counselling and Treatment
Marketing& Advertising
Knowledge about beliefs about gambling amongst
high-intensity players of gaming machines
Dr. Annie Carroll
Contingency management: Application to problem
gambling counseling
Effects of commercial gambling marketing and
advertising within New Zealand: Areas of harm and
future policy implications
Ms. Sarah Hare
Gambling beliefs and behaviour
Dr. Tanya Davidson
Psychological therapies for problem gambling: Findings
from a Cochrane review of the evidence
Dr. Sean Cowlishaw
A qualitative analysis of QLD residents' reactions to
gambling promotion during National Rugby League
match telecasts
Dr. Matt Lamont
The predictive versus the explanatory utility of
gambling outcome expectancies
Mr. Mal Flack
Predictors of outcomes following the treatment of
problem gamblers
Mr. Christopher Hunt
Exploratory factor analysis of the reasons for
gambling questionnaire with a representative
population sample from Tasmania
Ms. Kate Francis
Evaluation of a gambling help counselling service
Dr. Jemima Petch
"You just change the channel if you don't like what
you're going to hear": Attitudes towards, and
interactions with, downstream social marketing
campaigns about gambling
Dr. Samantha Thomas
1800 – 2000
November 13, 2012
Dr. Darren Christensen
Welcome Reception
An emergent model of gaming machine payment
technology use diffusion
Ms. SharenNisbet
Room: Clarendon& Mezzanine
Sponsor – TABCORP / Tatts Group Limited
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22nd Annual Conference – Launceston 2012
 Thursday – 22ndNovember, 2012
0800 – 1100 RegistrationMezzanine
0930 – 1130 Gambling Experiential Workshop – How to play Black Jack; Roulette and EGMs – Country Club Casino Main Gaming Floor (Casino is closed until 12 noon)
Room: Mt. Pleasant (Chair: Daniel Hanna)
0900 – 1015
Plenary Session 2Keynote Address - Associate Professor Richard Eccleston - UTAS –
'The 6 political realities of gaming regulation (and some thoughts on their implications)'
1015 – 1045 Morning Tea – Clarendon & Mezzanine
Room: Mt. Pleasant (Chair: Jabez Allies)
Room: Franklin (Chair: Victoria Vyvyan)
Room: Entally (Chair: John Haw)
1045 – 1245 Concurrent Session 2A
1045- 1245 Concurrent Session 2B
1045- 1245 Concurrent Session 2C
Responsible gambling
Family Impacts
Psychological Theory
Observable signs of problem gambling-in venue
training and validation
Mr. Brett Hetherington
The family impacts of problem gambling reported by
problem gamblers
Professor Alun Jackson
Decision-making impairments in problem gambling
Ms. Felicity Lorains
Interviews with Queensland gambling help
counsellors about the effectiveness of gambling
exclusion programs
Dr. Louise Holdsworth
Gambling-related coping strategies reported by helpseeking problem gamblers
Dr. AinoSuomi
"The zone": Is there an altered state of awareness in
problem gambling and relapse
Ms. Jane Oakes
Pop-up messages on EGMs in NZ: What we're told
and what we observed
Dr. Jason Landon
The relationship between gambling-related family
impacts and coping strategies employed by family
Dr. Tiffany Lavis
An exploratory investigation on validity and reliability
of an illusion of control questionnaire
Dr. KeisOhtsuka
Responsible gambling: is it a bit over, is that OK?
Mr. Pieter Remmers
1245 – 1330
Accidental therapists? Partners' experiences of
supporting a person with gambling problems
Ms. Margaret Tiyce
Will decisional support assist sleep deprived gamblers
Dr. Jim Phillips
Room: Tonic
Sponsor – Anglicare Tasmania Inc.
November 13, 2012
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22nd Annual Conference – Launceston 2012
 Thursday – 22nd November… Cont.
Room: Mt. Pleasant (Chair: KeisOhtsuka)
1330 – 1500 Concurrent Session 3A
Psychology and Concepts
Room: Franklin (Chair: Simone Rodda)
1330 - 1500 Concurrent Session 3B
Ideas Forum
Are we being sold some "pups" on disordered/ Monopolies or open markets for casino industriespathological gambling
insights into casinos in USA (30 minutes)
Dr. Clive Allcock
Dr. Catherine Prentice
Problem gambling and emotional vulnerability among
female mahjong gamblers in Hong Kong
Dr. KeisOhtsuka
Brief Presentations
What do I do with clients (counselling process)
Ms. Lena Carmichael
Factors affecting relapse in a naturalistic study of
problem gamblers: Examining the role of gambling
urges, negative affect, impulsivity, and accessibility to
Mr. Robert Leardi
Card playing in remote communities of the NT:
Communicating health messages to the have-nots
Ms. Carolina Siqueira
Gambling severity and health correlates among Hong
Kong people
Ms. Ling Yeung
Room: Entally (Chair: Paul Delfabbro)
1330 – 1500 Concurrent Session 3C
Gambling in young people/ Methodology
What risks do simulated gambling activities pose to
young people?
Dr. Daniel King
Teenage problem gambling based on type of
preferred gambling activity
Prof. Kale Sudhir
Improving gambling survey research using a dual
frame survey of landline and mobile phone
Prof Alun Jackson
1500 – 1530 Afternoon Tea – Clarendon & Mezzanine
November 13, 2012
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22nd Annual Conference – Launceston 2012
 Thursday – 22nd November… Cont.
Room: Mt. Pleasant (Chair: Anna Thomas)
Room: Franklin (Chair: Matt Stevens)
Room: Entally (Chair: Helen Breen)
1530- 1730
Concurrent Session 4A
Internet Gambling
1530 - 1730
Concurrent Session 4B
Understanding Gambling
1530 - 1730
Concurrent Session 4C
CALD and Indigenous Gambling
Practice makes poorer: The behavioural effects of
simulated internet gambling
Ms. TahneeFrahn&Dr. Paul Delfabbro
Gambling urges are fuelled by their fear of death
Dr Matthew Rockloff
A collaborative approach to issues of problem
gambling and Aboriginal people groups
Rev. Chester Carter&MrAshley Gordan
Interactive gambling in Australia: Comparison of
internet and non-internet gamblers
Dr. Sally Gainsbury
A look inside the gambling database of an online
betting agency
Mr. Alex Russell
RAY's online casino: highest possible player protection
creates healthy gaming and enables healthy bottom
Mr. JannePeräkylä
Room: Mt Pleasant
1800 – 1900
Australia: a nation of gamblers?
Mr. Tony Phillips
Risk factors for problem gambling amongst Australian
aboriginal groups
Prof. Nerilee Hing
Lifetime gambling and the development of psychological "Mob day"- innovative ways of promoting gambling
awareness to Victorian Aboriginal communities
Ms. Kristal Yeung
Ms. Jo Argent
Cultural diversity and gambling: Exploring the impact
of culture and migration on gambling
Dr. Chris Anderson
Annual General Meeting
November 13, 2012
Evening Free
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22nd Annual Conference – Launceston 2012
 Friday – 23rd November, 2012
0800 – 1100 Registration - Mezzanine
Room: Mt. Pleasant
0900 – 1000
Plenary Session 3Michael Walker Memorial Lecture: Online and Interactive Gambling
Dr. Sally Gainsbury, Dr. Daniel King, Mr. Chris Downy, (moderator: Ms. Nadine Grinblat)
1000 – 1030
Morning Tea – Clarendon & Mezzanine
Room: Mt. Pleasant (Chair: Alun Jackson)
Room: Franklin (Chair: Linda Woo)
Room: Entally (Chair: Jane Oakes)
1030 – 1230
Concurrent Session 5A
1030 – 1230
Concurrent Session 5B
Responsible Gambling and Regulation
1030 – 1230
Concurrent Session 5C
Counselling and Treatment
Chicken or egg? What the Victorian longitudinal study
tells us about gambling and co-morbidities
Ms. Rosa Billi
Responsible gambling and help-seeking: targeting
gender specific issues
Dr. Barry Tolchard
Reasons gamblers choose and recommend online
Simone Rodda
The prevalence of comorbidities among pathological
gamblers in South Australia
Mr. Reza Abodollahnejad
Gamblers' help venue support program: working with
gaming venues towards good practice
Ms. Jan McGannon Ms. Simone Martin
How to create trusting and manageable services for the
Fong Ung
Policy and regulatory challenges in a developing gaming
Ms. Cate Carr
Sharing our experience
Victoria Vyvyan
A harm minimisation program for problem poker
machine gamblers in the unlucky country
Dr. David Rowell
An integrative financial intervention model on
gambling treatment: Applying a functional levels of
family needs and interventions approach to financial
counselling and planning
Anne Cheng
The temporal relationship between problem gambling
and co-morbid disorders
Dr. John Haw
Becoming attached to gambling: how significant life
events and psychological morbidity contribute to
increased levels of gambling and gambling problems
Dr. Elaine Nuske
1245 – 1330
Room: Tonic
Sponsor – Relationships Australia Tasmania
November 13, 2012
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22nd Annual Conference – Launceston 2012
 Friday 23rdNovember 2012 (cont’d)
1345 – 1515
Room: Mt. Pleasant
Concurrent Session 6A
Gambling problems: Is there a solution?: Q & A session
Moderator: Dr. Samantha Thomas
Panelists: Sarah Hare, Kate Roberts, Brett
Hetherington, Daniel Hanna, Stephen Menadue
Room: Franklin (Chair: Matthew Rockloff)
1345 – 1515
Concurrent Session 6B
Internet gambling
Room: Entally (Chair: Maria Bellringer)
1345 – 1515
Concurrent Session 6C
CALD and Indigenous Issues
Online and mobile phone gambling: Findings from the
Victorian Gambling Study
Ms. Helen Miller
Gambling impacts on Pacific communities: secondary
analyses of recent New Zealand studies
Ms. Zoe Poon
Gambling on the internet: giving it context within the
wider gambling history of low and high risk players
Dr. Anna Thomas
Problem gambling prevalence amongst selected
Aboriginal groups: Current knowledge and future
Dr. Helen Breen
(90 minutes)
Attitudes towards gambling and gambling reform
legislation in Australia
Dr. Phillip Donaldson
Beyond gambling: Cambodian Art Project
Mr. ViraThach
1515 – 1545
Afternoon Tea – Clarendon & Mezzanine –
Closing Address: Hon. Scott Bacon MP – Minister for Gaming Tasmania
Room: Mt. Pleasant (Chair: Rosa Billi)
Room: Franklin (Chair: Paul Delfabbro)
Room: Entally (Chair: Samantha Thomas)
1545 – 1715
Concurrent Session 7A
Gambling in CALD Populations
1545 – 1715
Concurrent Session 7B
Legal and Vocational Issues
Understanding gambling from a Pacific island
perspective: A qualitative study
Dr. Maria Bellringer
Sentencing the problem gambler
Mr. Richard Brading
Engaging with pacific people requires Heart
Ms. Seilosa Patterson
Vietnamese experiences with a CBT gambling
treatment program
Mrs. Sramek Phuong
1900 for 1930CONFERENCE
November 13, 2012
More than a simple game of 'cops and robbers': what
marks the difference between law-enforcement
personnel and individuals with a criminal background
with gambling problems?
Ms. Tiffany Tse Hing Mui
Gambling as an expression of needs for autonomy: men
who are not free at work, free to gamble (a lot!)
Dr. En Li
Room: Ballroom
1545 – 1715
Concurrent Session 7C
Gambling and Consumption / High-Risk Activity
A consuming passion: linking gambling to the use of
alcohol, caffeine and energy rich foods
Dr. Matthew Browne
Problem gambling among sex workers in Hong Kong
Ms. Chine Chan
The pathways of gambling development of male sex
workers and taxi drivers in Hong Kong
Ms. Chine Chan
Sponsor – Federal Group Tasmania / Australasian Casinos Association /
Australian Wagering Council
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