Risk and Opportunities Analysis Tool - Issue Area: Culture/ 1 Standard, Version 1 Bank and Borrower shall take all measures necessary to ensure that cultural rights are protected within Bank-financed activities. ISSUE: CULTURE Standard, Version 2 The Bank or Borrower shall ensure that the project or program does not detrimentally affect the cultural, spiritual, and religious life of the local community. SUB-ISSUE: CULTURAL PRACTICES Reference Note and Materials explaining content of standard/right Cultural rights include the right of everyone, especially marginalized and disadvantaged groups, to participate in cultural life, to act freely, to choose his or her identity, to engage in one's own cultural and religious practices, and to express oneself in the language of one's choice. Cultural rights also include the right to learn about one's culture and that of others, and to receive quality education with due regard for cultural identity. UN Special Rapporteur on Minority Issues UN Special Rapporteur in the Field of Cultural Rights UNESCO Culture webpage UNESCO Recommendation on the Safeguarding of Traditional Culture and Folklore Risk Indicator Questions Project/Program Area and Contextual Risks. Trigger: All projects/programs to answer these questions. 1.1 Are cultural rights protected under law within project/program area? Are the laws enforced? Source of Law or Practice from which standard is derived International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights Article 15 United Nations Declaration of Human Rights Article 22 Universal Declaration of Human Rights (1948) Arts 18, 19, 27 International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (1966) Arts 18, 19, 27 International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights (1966) Art 15 (1a) ILO Indigenous and Tribal Peoples Convention (C169) (1989) Arts 2a, 2b, 3, 4, 5 UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples (2007) Art 25 Convention on the Protection and Promotion of the Diversity of Cultural Expressions 2005 Impact Assessment Indicator Questions Data Sources Questions to Answer Indicator How will this risk impact the project/program? How can the project/program contribute to this need? How will this risk impact the project/program? How can the project/program contribute to this need? How will this risk impact the project/program? How can the project/program contribute to this need? National legislation, national human rights institution, CERD, UN Special Rapporteur on the rights of indigenous peoples, NGO reports UNDP, CERD, UN Special Rapporteur on the rights of indigenous peoples, NGO reports 1. the 1.2 Are there cultural minorities within the project/program area? What specific development challenges do they face? 1.3 Are cultural minorities and marginalized and disadvantaged groups in the project/program area able to participate in cultural life, to act freely, to choose their identity, to engage in their own cultural and religious practices, and to express themselves in the language of their choice? BHRC Draft - Sept 2015 National human rights institution, CERD, UN Special Rapporteur on the rights of indigenous peoples, NGO reports Risk and Opportunities Analysis Tool - Issue Area: Culture/ 2 2. Project/Program Direct Risks. Trigger: Does the project/program involve education, media, health, or cultural programs or policies, or could it otherwise impact cultural practices? If Yes, … 2.1 Could the project/program impact the ability of people to learn about their culture and that of others, and to receive quality education with due regard for cultural identity, for example through education, media, or other transmission of culture? 2.2 Could the project/program impact the ability of groups in the area to participate in cultural life, to act freely, to choose their identity, to engage in their own cultural and religious practices, or to express themselves in the language of their choice? 2.3 Does the implementing entity have the demonstrated capacity to implement projects/programs in compliance with this standard? Are there opportunities to build capacity in this area? 3. For each question, answer: What impacts will be felt by different groups? How will adverse impacts be prevented or mitigated? How will opportunities for benefits be realized? How will the project/program impact transmission of culture and the ability of people to learn about their culture and that of others, and to receive quality education with due regard for cultural identity? How will the project/program impact the ability of groups in the area to participate in cultural life, to act freely, to choose their identity, to engage in their own cultural and religious practices, or to express themselves in the language of their choice? Does the implementing entity have the demonstrated capacity to implement projects/programs in compliance with this standard? How will the project/program address capacity needs and make use of capacity building opportunities? Project/Program Indirect Risks. Trigger: All projects/programs to answer these questions. If Yes, proceed to Direct Risk questions 3.1 Could the project/program impact natural resources or livelihoods How will this risk impact the project/program? important for cultural practices? How will it be addressed? 3.2 Could the project/program impact the public budget or increase How will this risk impact the project/program? the debt burden of the country such that cultural programs or How will it be addressed? budgets may be impacted? BHRC Draft - Sept 2015 Project documents Project documents Project documents Risk and Opportunities Analysis Tool - Issue Area: Culture/ 3 ISSUE: CULTURE Standard, Version 1 The Bank and Borrower shall ensure that all necessary measures are taken to avoid adverse impacts on cultural heritage and physical cultural resources. The borrower will identify and protect cultural heritage by ensuring that internationally recognized practices for the protection, field-based study, and documentation of cultural heritage are implemented. Where the risk and identification process determines that there is a chance of impacts to cultural heritage, the project or program will retain competent professionals to assist in the identification and protection of cultural heritage. SUB-ISSUE: PHYSICAL/TANGIBLE CULTURAL HERITAGE Standard, Version 2 None. Risk Indicator Questions 1. Reference Note explaining content of standard/right Physical cultural heritage refers to: i. Tangible forms of cultural heritage, such as tangible, moveable, or immovable objects, property, sites, structures, or groups of structures, having archaeological (prehistoric), paleontological, historical, cultural, artistic, and religious values; and ii. Unique natural features, places in the landscape or environment, or tangible objects that are especially revered by a people, culture or cultural group as a focus for cultural or spiritual belief and practice, such as sacred groves, rocks, lakes, and waterfalls. UNESCO Culture webpage World Heritage List Impact Assessment Indicator Questions Source of standard International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights Arts 15, 11 UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples Convention Concerning the Protection of the World Cultural and Natural Heritage Convention on the Protection and Promotion of the Diversity of Cultural Expressions 2005 Convention Concerning the Protection of the World Cultural and Natural Heritage. Art 5 Convention for the Protection of the Architectural Heritage of Europe Data Sources Questions to Answer Indicator Project/Program Area and Contextual Risks. Trigger: All projects/programs to answer these questions. 1.1 Is cultural heritage respected and protected under law and practice in the project/program area? Does the government have a participative process for identifying cultural heritage? 1.2 Are there sacred sites within the project/program area that are not recognized? Are there complaints related to abuse of sacred sites within the project/program area? 2. Project/Program Direct Risks. Trigger: Does the project/program involve land or natural resources or could it otherwise impact cultural heritage? If Yes, … 2.1 Could the project/program impact sacred sites or cultural heritage? Have local communities been consulted to determine BHRC Draft - Sept 2015 How will this risk impact the project/program? How can the project/program contribute to this need? How will this risk impact the project/program? How can the project/program contribute to this need? For each question, answer: What impacts will be felt by different groups? How will adverse impacts be prevented or mitigated? How will opportunities for benefits be realized? How will the project/program impact sacred sites or cultural heritage? UNESCO reports UNESCO reports, NGO reports, national indigenous peoples entity, indigenous peoples organizations, environmental agency Project documents Project documents Risk and Opportunities Analysis Tool - Issue Area: Culture/ 4 whether cultural heritage or sacred sites are present in the project/program area? 2.2 Could the project/program impact accessibility of cultural resources or sacred sites? 2.3 Does the implementing entity have the demonstrated capacity to implement projects/programs in compliance with this standard? Are there opportunities to build capacity in this area? 3. How will the project/program impact accessibility of cultural resources or sacred sites? Does the implementing entity have the demonstrated capacity to implement projects/programs in compliance with this standard? How will the project/program address capacity needs and make use of capacity building opportunities? Project/Program Indirect Risks. Trigger: All projects/programs to answer these questions. If Yes, proceed to Direct Risk questions. 3.1 Could the project/program impact budgets or programs related to the recognition or protection of cultural heritage? 3.2 Could the project/program involve resettlement? BHRC Draft - Sept 2015 Project documents Project documents Risk and Opportunities Analysis Tool - Issue Area: Culture/ 5 ISSUE: CULTURE SUB-ISSUE: INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY & TRADITIONAL KNOWLEDGE Standard, Version 1 Standard, Version 2 Reference Note and Materials explaining Source of Law or Practice content of standard/right from which standard is derived Bank-financed activities shall not Bank and Borrower will take all Intellectual property rights: The right to Convention Establishing the World cause, contribute to, or exacerbate necessary measures to ensure benefit from the protection of the moral and Intellectual Property Organization violations of intellectual property that projects/programs do not material interests from scientific or artistic Convention Concerning the Protection of rights or rights to traditional negatively impact intangible productions or cultural knowledge. the World Cultural and Natural Heritage knowledge. Any projects or cultural heritage. Any projects Traditional knowledge: Knowledge, know Convention on the means of prohibiting programs utilizing the intellectual or programs utilizing the how, skills, and practices that are developed, and preventing the illicit import, export, property or traditional knowledge, intellectual property or sustained, and passed on from generation to traditional cultural expressions, or traditional knowledge, generation within a community, often forming and transfer of ownership of cultural genetic resources of a community traditional cultural expressions, part of its cultural or spiritual identity. property: adopted at its sixteenth session or indigenous peoples must ensure or genetic resources of a UNESCO Intangible Cultural Heritage Cultural heritage conventions and other prior informed agreement and fair community or indigenous Webpage instruments: a compendium with and equitable benefit-sharing. peoples must ensure prior UNESCO Lists and Register of Best commentaries informed agreement and fair and Safeguarding Practices for Intangible UN Declaration on the Rights of equitable benefit-sharing. Cultural Heritage Indigenous Peoples Arts 7, 15 Risk Indicator Questions Project/Program Area and Contextual Risks. Trigger: All projects/programs to answer these questions. 1.1 Does national legislation recognize traditional knowledge? Are there complaints related to appropriation of traditional knowledge, traditional cultural expression or genetic resources within the project/program area? 2. Project/Program Direct Risks. Trigger: Could the project/program involve the sale or use of traditional goods or practices or knowledge? If Yes, … Impact Assessment Indicator Questions Data Sources Questions to Answer Indicator How will this risk impact the project/program? How can the project/program contribute to this need? National legislation, NGO reports, indigenous peoples organizations For each question, answer: What impacts will be felt by different groups? How will adverse impacts be prevented or mitigated? How will opportunities for benefits be realized? How will the project impact intellectual property rights or traditional knowledge? Does the implementing entity have the demonstrated capacity to implement projects/programs in compliance with this standard? How will the project/program address capacity needs and make use of capacity building opportunities? Project documents 1. 2.1 Could the project impact intellectual property rights or traditional knowledge? 2.2 Does the implementing entity have the demonstrated capacity to implement projects/programs in compliance with this standard? Are there opportunities to build capacity in this area? BHRC Draft - Sept 2015 Project documents Risk and Opportunities Analysis Tool - Issue Area: Culture/ 6 3. Project/Program Indirect Risks. Trigger: All projects/programs to answer these questions. If Yes, proceed to Direct Risk questions. 3.1 Could the project/program increase biopiracy or other risks to traditional knowledge and genetic resource rights? 3.2 Could the project/program impact budgets or programs related to environmental enforcement and protection of traditional knowledge or practices? BHRC Draft - Sept 2015