PROFESSIONAL PRACTICE PORTFOLIO Ongoing Record of Achievement Queen Margaret University EDINBURGH BSc (Hons) Nursing . Year One Module: N1211 Level 7, 30 credit points Skills and Practice 1: Essential Skills for Nursing Name of student Matriculation number Health Centre/unit Location of placement 1 From: 11/11/2013 To: 22/12/2013 Clinical Supervisor Ward /Unit From: 31/3/14 Location of placement 2 To : Clinical Supervisor 1/6/14 Programme Outcomes for BSc (Hons) Nursing Year 1 Level 1 /SCQF 7 Apply an enquiring approach to the nature of evidence and its integration and application to theory and practice Explore professional identity within the health and social care landscapes, recognising nursing’s contribution to interagency working. Discuss health and well being, the impact of determinants of health and approaches to health improvement at individual, family, group and community levels across a range of contexts. Reflect on and learn from their own and others’ experiences to question and test their personal values and assumptions. Develop self-awareness of the impact of values and behaviours on collaborative care delivery. Be competent in a range of fundamental nursing skills for safe, compassionate, relationship centred care to the level of their experience Work within legal, professional and ethical frameworks to safeguard and protect people, particularly vulnerable groups. Use scientific knowledge to explain the principles underpinning biological processes and events manifest in health and illness Aim of Work-based learning module: Skills and Practice 1 Essential Skills for Nursing To develop students’ skills and professional behaviours commensurate with the requirements of the first progression point (NMC 2010) through participation in practice experience and simulation-based learning. To enable students to identify and safely respond to the health and social care needs of people across the lifespan Learning outcomes – on successful completion of the module the student will be able to: L1 Apply NMC code of professional conduct in the development of professional attributes within clinical practice L2 Recognise community and public health issues in relation to vulnerable groups and consider the role of the nurse in working safely and collaboratively to address these. L3 Demonstrate self awareness and respect when interacting with people using a range of safe and effective communication skills. L4 Demonstrate safe, person and family centred care under supervision for people who are unable to meet their own physical, social and emotional needs. L5 Identify the evidence on which the practice of nursing care is based using a range of information sources. L6 Reflect on clinical learning experiences and the development of essential skills for nursing in the context of clinical practice and simulation. 7 Demonstrate skills of numeracy through participation in administration of medications. 1 Scan Year 1 ORA 2013/2014 Record of Mentor Signatures BSc (HONS) NURSING YEAR 1: Student Name/Matriculation number: Placement 1 Community: Location ______________________________________ Name of mentor: (Please print) Signature: Name of mentor (2): (if appropriate) Signature Placement 2: Residential setting: Location _________________________________ Name of mentor: (Please print) Signature: Name of mentor (2): (if appropriate) Signature 2 Year 1 ORA 2013/2014 BSc Hons Nursing Checking student identity and attendance monitoring Identity Check To enable an identity check we have asked all students to show the relevant practice educator their QMU Matriculation card. This card shows the photograph and name of the student. All practice educators are asked to sign the declaration below, to indicate that the photograph matches the student who has arrived on placement. Please contact us immediately if there is a discrepancy. Attendance We require that all students inform both their practice educator and the University should they be unable to attend their placement on any given day. Where the student has an agreed absence from placement, we ask that the practice educator informs the University of this arrangement within a 48 hour period. In the event that a student has an unauthorised/unexpected absence from placement, we ask that the practice educator informs the University of this absence immediately. Contact Gill Glover on 0131 474 0000 / in the first instance. If she is not available, please redial and ask to speak to the School Office. If more convenient, please email stating the student’s name, the date and the nature of the absence. Practice educator declaration: I have seen 's QMU matriculation card and can confirm that the photograph on the card matches the student on placement. I also understand the action I should take in the event of any student absence from placement. Signature: Date: Print Name: Organisation: PLEASE SIGN THIS FORM AND ASK THE STUDENT TO TAKE IT TO THEIR FIRST CLINICAL SUPERVISION SESSION. 3 Year 1 ORA 2013/2014 BSc Hons Nursing Checking student identity and attendance monitoring Identity Check To enable an identity check we have asked all students to show the relevant practice educator their QMU Matriculation card. This card shows the photograph and name of the student. All practice educators are asked to sign the declaration below, to indicate that the photograph matches the student who has arrived on placement. Please contact us immediately if there is a discrepancy. Attendance We require that all students inform both their practice educator and the University should they be unable to attend their placement on any given day. Where the student has an agreed absence from placement, we ask that the practice educator informs the University of this arrangement within a 48 hour period. In the event that a student has an unauthorised/unexpected absence from placement, we ask that the practice educator informs the University of this absence immediately. Contact Gill Glover on 0131 474 0000 / in the first instance. If she is not available, please redial and ask to speak to the School Office. If more convenient, please email stating the student’s name, the date and the nature of the absence. Practice educator declaration: I have seen 's QMU matriculation card and can confirm that the photograph on the card matches the student on placement. I also understand the action I should take in the event of any student absence from placement. Signature: Date: Print Name: Organisation: PLEASE SIGN THIS FORM AND ASK THE STUDENT TO TAKE IT TO THEIR FIRST CLINICAL SUPERVISION SESSION. 4 Year 1 ORA 2013/2014 Skills and Practice 1: Placement 1 Personal Development Plan: Community Placement 1 In discussion with your mentor , please outline your own aims and objectives for this placement by completing this plan I hope to be able to participate in the following learning experiences : I feel my strengths are .. I would like to develop more confidence in the practice of the following clinical skills I would like the opportunity to undertake the following skills /procedures /DOPs under supervision I would like to be able to visit. I feel I need to develop the following aspects of my performance 5 Year 1 ORA 2013/2014 Mentor Declaration: I have discussed this plan with the student, and have ensured that the student has been orientated and inducted to this clinical area with regard to the criteria listed below. Signed: Induction to placement area: Date induction received Layout of the clinical area Any specific risks to personal safety involved in the setting Health and safety precautions Fire precautions Procedures for responding to emergencies Expected shift patterns Overview of health /clinical remit of the placement Introductions to key professionals 6 Mentor’s Signature Year 1 ORA 2013/2014 Skills and Practice 1: Personal Development Plan: Placement 2 In discussion with your mentor , please outline your own aims and objectives for this placement by completing this plan I hope to be able to participate in the following learning experiences : I feel I have strengths in the following areas of nursing care (based on previous assessments) I would like to develop more confidence in the practice of the following clinical skills I would like the opportunity to undertake the following skills /procedures /DOPS under supervision I would like to be able to visit. I feel I need to develop the following aspects of my performance 7 Year 1 ORA 2013/2014 Mentor Declaration: I have discussed this plan with the student, and have ensured that the student has been orientated and inducted to this clinical area with regard to the criteria listed below. Signed: Induction to placement area: Date induction received Layout of the clinical area Any specific risks to personal safety involved in the setting Health and safety precautions Fire precautions Procedures for responding to emergencies Expected shift patterns Overview of health /clinical remit of the placement Introductions to key professionals 8 Mentor’s Signature Year 1 ORA 2013/2014 ASSESSMENT FORM A Mid-Way Assessment (Community) Date Due: 29/11/13 Skills and Practice 1: Name of student: Using ASSESSMENT FORM B as a guide, please assess the following and discuss with student.Areas of strength in student performance Areas of performance that require further development/improvement Any aspect of performance that is giving ‘cause for concern’ (please notify the Clinical Supervisor –details at the front of this document) Student may respond here: Mentor signature: Date: Placement location: 9 Year 1 ORA 2013/2014 ASSESSMENT FORM A Mid-Way Assessment Date Due :30/4/14 Skills and Practice 1 Placement 2 Name of student: Using ASSESSMENT FORM B as a guide, please assess the following and discuss with student.Areas of strength in student performance Areas of performance that require further development/improvement Any aspect of performance that is giving ‘cause for concern’ (please notify the Clinical Supervisor –details at the front of this document) Student may respond here: Mentor signature: Date: Placement location: 10 Year 1 ORA 2013/2014 ASSESSMENT FORM B: (FINAL) ALL COMPETENCIES MUST BE ACHIEVED AND SIGNED OFF BY THE MENTOR AT THE END OF PLACEMENT 2 IN ORDER TO PASS THE FIRST PROGRESSION POINT: (Shaded-out areas indicate that competency does not have to be achieved on placement 1) See appendix 2 for detailed mapping against NMC competencies, ESC’s and 1st progression point Placement 1 Mentor to sign when achieved Domain 1: Professional values 1. Identifies and applies the principles and values which underpin the NMC code of conduct in relation to consent, confidentiality and non- judgmental care 2. Delivers non -discriminatory care with honesty and integrity 3. Maintains a professional demeanour and acts safely in situations which he/she may find challenging. 4. Demonstrates through interaction with others, clients or other colleagues, respect for individual differences in spiritual beliefs, health beliefs and cultural values. 5.Maintains the confidentiality of all information from people encountered in healthcare situations (except where sharing information is required for the purposes of safeguarding and public protection) 6.Able to identify current legislation and local policy underpinning the care of their clients , particularly that which protects vulnerable people, (including those with complex needs arising from ageing, cognitive impairment, long-term conditions and those approaching the end of life) 7. Able to discuss ethical issues which have actual/potential implications for the delivery of care in the area of practice. 8.Demonstrates that their own knowledge, experience and competence limits the extent to which they can take action or make clinically –related decisions, and seek help from appropriately registered practitioners 9.Understands and can discuss the various professional roles encountered on this placement respecting their contribution to health and social care 10.Demonstrates professionalism by adhering to local uniform policy, maintaining a high standard of selfpresentation, punctuality and reliability in carrying out assigned duties 11 Placement 2 Mentor to sign when achieved Year 1 ORA 2013/2014 Domain 1: To help you to develop your learning and work towards becoming professionally competent, consider the following activities, and be prepared to discuss them with your clinical supervisor or mentor. Suggested Learning Activities Placement 1: (community) In discussion with your mentor, find out how confidentiality of those receiving care is maintained through the process of electronic or written record-keeping, inter-professional communication, and in dealing with others such as the Press or Police. In discussion with your mentor identify their daily priorities of care. What current initiatives are being undertaken by The Scottish Government (see to improve health and social care for vulnerable groups of people Reflection: Can you make links between what you have been taught in University so far and some of the social and health issues that you are now encountering? How is your understanding of the nurse’s and other professionals roles developing? What sources of evidence can you provide to demonstrate that you have achieved the outcomes which relate to the NMC Domain ’Professional values? Suggested Learning Activities Placement 2: List as many things you can think of which could threaten the privacy and dignity of your clients during the delivery of their personal care. How can you ensure that dignity and privacy is preserved in people with cognitive deterioration? Reflection Can withholding information from vulnerable clients ever be justified? –give examples and discuss What sources of evidence can you provide to demonstrate that you have achieved the outcomes which relate to the NMC Domain ’Professional values? 12 Year 1 ORA 2013/14 ALL COMPETENCIES MUST BE ACHIEVED AND SIGNED OFF BY THE MENTOR AT THE END OF PLACEMENT 2 IN ORDER TO PASS THE FIRST PROGRESSION POINT: (Shaded-out areas indicate that competency does not have to be achieved on placement 1) Domain 2: Communication and Interpersonal skills 1.Interacts with people receiving care in a manner that is interpreted as warm, sensitive, kind and compassionate, making appropriate use of touch 2. Uses active listening, paraphrasing ,reflection questioning and affective touch in order to elicit people’s health and social care concerns and meet their needs 3.Communicates clearly, both orally and in writing (where appropriate) with all colleagues , people, carers and families 4.Identifies and carries out strategies for communicating with people with impairment of vision, hearing , speech and cognition 5.Maintains the dignity of all people encountered in healthcare situations, through person -centered sensitive, caring interactions and behaviours 6. Is able to form safe, constructive and therapeutic relationships /partnerships with patients/service users and carers. , 7.Understands and acts within the boundaries of professional /therapeutic relationships 8.Listens, clarifies and safely carries out instructions 13 Placement 1 Placement 2 Mentor to sign when achieved Mentor to sign when achieved Year 1 ORA 2013/14 Domain 2: To help you to develop your learning and work towards becoming competent in communicating, consider the following activities, and be prepared to discuss them with your clinical supervisor or mentor. Suggested Learning Activities Placement 1: (community) What are the principles of communicating with somebody with Limited English proficiency? (L.E.P) Discuss with your mentor how they would access and provide an interpreter for people in their care who cannot speak English Observe your mentor communicating with those in their care-how do they use their non verbal communication to convey empathy and respect? Reflection: Think of a situation where you feel you have communicated well with somebody you have encountered in a health and social care situation: What did you do or say to achieve a successful outcome, what were you thinking or feeling at the time? What sources of evidence can you provide to demonstrate that you have achieved the outcomes which relate to the NMC Domain ‘communication and interpersonal skill’ Suggested Learning Activities Placement 2 Select a person with a hearing or sight impairment. Discuss with them which communication actions they find helpful, and which they find unhelpful. Compare this with the information you have from University teaching. Take part in giving a person, carer or family information: What considerations do you need to make? Reflection: What sources of evidence can you provide to demonstrate that you have achieved the outcomes which relate to the NMC Domain ‘communication and interpersonal skill’ 14 Year 1 ORA 2013/14 ALL COMPETENCIES MUST BE ACHIEVED AND SIGNED OFF BY THE MENTOR AT THEEND OF PLACEMENT 2 IN ORDER TO PASS THE FIRST PROGRESSION POINT: (Shaded-out areas indicate that competency does not have to be achieved on placement 1) Domain 3: Nursing Practice and Decision Making 1.Can Identify the sociocultural determinants of health/ill health and health inequalities and their effects on Individuals, carers, families and communities 2.Can explain the role of health and social care professionals in assessing the health of individuals, families and communities 3.Understands the principles of health improvement and explores opportunities to promote this e.g. understands the advice and support given to mothers who are breast feeding 4. Contributes to the delivery of health and social care to individuals, families and communities (Under appropriate supervision). 5. Promotes the concept, knowledge and practice of selfcare with people with long-term conditions, using communication skills and strategies sensitively. 6. Recognises and responds compassionately to the needs of individuals, families and carers whose lives are affected by disability , physical or mental ill health 7. Promotes continuity of care when individuals are transferred from one care setting to another 8. Demonstrates knowledge of normal physiological processes relating to life stages in human development (such as puberty, pregnancy, menopause, old age ) 9. Can apply knowledge of altered physiology to explain the ill health experiences of people in their care 10. Demonstrates that they can safely and effectively carry out a range of nursing skills and procedures in different settings ( see table 1, DOP) 11. Accurately records measurements and observations made and communicates these to relevant members of the health and social care team 12. Follows local and national guidelines and adheres to Standard Infection Control Precautions. 15 Placement 1 Mentor to sign when achieved Placement 2 Mentor to sign when achieved Year 1 ORA 2013/14 13. Provides, for a supervising registered practitioner, evaluative commentary and information on nursing/health and wellbeing interventions based on personal observation and actions. 14. Contributes effectively to the documentation of the outcomes of health and wellbeing/ nursing interventions. 15. Understands and implements health and safety principles and policies to safely care for self and others 16. Is able to carry out safe, person-centered care for people who are unable to meet their own physical and emotional needs 17.Recognises and responds compassionately and timeously to people’s essential care needs 18. Is able to recognise when a person’s physical or psychological condition is deteriorating, demonstrating how to act in an emergency and administer essential first aid. 19. Demonstrate skills of numeracy through participation in administration of medications and in the performance of other relevant calculations 16 Year 1 ORA 2013/14 Domain 3: To help you to develop your learning and work towards becoming competent in the practice of nursing consider the following activities, and be prepared to discuss them with your clinical supervisor or mentor. Suggested Learning Activities Placement 1: (community) In discussion with your mentor arrange to shadow other health and social care professionals e.g. school nurse, public health nurse, community midwife , community psychiatric Nurse ,social work depts. Explore the policies designed to protect professionals entering people’s homes, and discuss the safety considerations made by your mentor before approaching new clients in their homes Select an area of health improvement relevant to the service-users in this placement and discuss with your mentor and at supervision the role of the nurse in this area. Reflection: How have your attitudes and values towards vulnerable clients altered since undertaking a community placement? What are the challenges to promoting self-care with patients with Long Term Conditions? What sources of evidence can you provide to demonstrate that you have achieved the outcomes which relate to the NMC Domain ‘Nursing Practice and Decision –making’ Suggested Learning Activities Placement 2 Select a person in your care with altered health: Describe how this affects the activities of daily living which they must perform. In discussion with your mentor, identify key features of altered physiology which may be causing interference in normal function. Identify the drug therapies which this person is prescribed. Find out how accidents and adverse incidents are recorded and responded to in your area Take part in admitting to or transferring a service user from your unit: What documentation is used to record their possessions? How would you assess the nutritional and hydration status of your clients? Reflection: How effective do you think you are at organising your daily care activities (do you use your time well- how do you decide where to start and what to do first?) What sources of evidence can you provide to demonstrate that you have achieved the outcomes which relate to the NMC Domain ‘Nursing Practice and Decision –making’ 17 Year 1 ORA 2013/14 ALL COMPETENCIES MUST BE ACHIEVED AND SIGNED OFF BY THE MENTOR AT THE END OF PLACEMENT 2 IN ORDER TO PASS THE FIRST PROGRESSION POINT: (Shaded-out areas indicate that competency does not have to be achieved on placement 1) Domain 4: Leadership , Management and Team working Placement 1 Mentor to sign when achieved Placement 2 Mentor to sign when achieved 1. Identifies the evidence on which the practice of nursing care is based using a range of information sources. 2.Can explain the roles and contribution of other nursing team members to the management and delivery of care 3.Relates satisfactorily to other colleagues in contributing to team working 4.Engages with learning opportunities in the care environment Domain 4: To help you to develop your learning and work towards becoming competent in working within a team, consider the following activities, and be prepared to discuss them with your clinical supervisor or mentor. Suggested Learning Activity for both placements Reflect on your own contribution to working within the inter-agency team Consider how you can maximise the learning opportunities available within the placement 18 Year 1 ORA 2013/14 Clinical Skills Development Strategy for skills learning: Information for mentor: Table 1 displays the skills the student will learn in University through lectures and simulation. The student keeps their own simulation and learning log of these skills. In year 1, students will also be assessed in university through summative OSCAs. Mentors are therefore asked to enable students to practice and develop their skills, and to record the student’s progress. This may be done in two ways . Firstly , students will use the self-assessment framework provided in Tables 1and 2 to monitor their own progress and collate this information as part of an e-portfolio. Mentors may also use the framework in table 2 to give feedback to the student. There may be opportunity for the student to learn skills which are specific to the placement which may also be recorded here. Secondly in order to facilitate the transition from simulation- based learning of skills to reallife clinical situations , an observation tool called Direct Observation of Practice (DOP) will be available for the assessment of key skills. ( for an example of the DOP form –see appendix 1) The student will bring DOP tool forms and instructions with them on placement to share with their mentor. Following a period of practicing a selected skill ,and in discussion with their mentor , students may arrange to perform that skill. Mentors will then use the DOP framework to observe the student carry out that skill , and following this , take part in formative feedback , reflection and discussion with the student on their performance : NES Cleanliness Champion Programme (CCP): An important part of learning Patient Safety skills during practice is covered by students completing Units of the CCP. This learning is spread out over years 1-3 of BSc (Hons) Nursing (see table for details). Students are allocated a QMU lecturer as CCP supervisor who will be responsible for signing off competed units. However, mentors can choose to record and sign some parts of the CCP Folder of Evidence to verify any clinical discussion or practice relating to Infection Prevention and Control. The student will be encouraged to share QMU CCP Guidelines with mentors to provide more detailed information on the process of completing CCP units. Cleanliness Champion Programme Cohort Units NU1 Semester 1: Units 1 & 2 Semester 2: Units 3 & 4 NU2 NU3 Semester 1: Units 5 & 6 Introduction The Chain of Infection Hand Hygiene Personal Protective Equipment Safe use of disposal of sharps Maintenance of a clean healthcare environment Semester 2: Units 7 & 8 Safe management of waste and linen Occupational health and food hygiene Semester 1: Unit 9 The role of the Cleanliness Champion and its impact on the patient experience 19 Year 1 ORA 2013/14 Instruction to students using DOP Step 1: Select a clinical skill from the list of DOPs provided on the hub . This should be a skill that you feel you have had some experience of in placement or that you feel confident to perform. (see table 3 for examples of different types of skills) Step 2: Discuss your choice of skill with your mentor or other qualified nurse that you have worked regularly with and get their agreement to observe you performing this skill. Show the mentor/nurse a copy of the DOP form and discuss it together. Choose a shift when you are both working together and can both participate in caring for an appropriate patient or deal with a particular clinical situation. Step 3: Work together to enable your mentor/nurse to observe you carry out your chosen skill. Step 4: Once you have completed the skill , discuss the experience with your mentor /nurse using the relevant DOP checklist .You may also self-assess your performance using the ‘Framework for self-assessment of skill competency’ (table 2) Using reflection identify any follow on learning activity that you require to undertake. Step 5: Both you and your mentor/nurse should write comments on the DOP sheet and sign it. This is now a record of skills development that should be inserted below* and scanned into your e-portfolio .Clinical Supervisors may ask to see completed DOPs Table 3 : Types of clinical skills Technical/procedural Patient assessment e.g. post operative checks and vital signs Invasive procedure e.g. urinary catheterisation Nursing intervention e.g. wound dressing, medication administration Non Technical Leadership e.g. manage a bay of patients and co-ordinate nursing staff Communication e.g. information giving to relatives, patient education session, giving handover, admitting a patient Team working e.g. resuscitation event, Cognitive Situation awareness e.g. identifying patient deterioration, pre-empting patients needs, Clinical Reasoning & Decision making e.g. choosing a wound dressing product, formulating a plan of care for a patient Reflection e.g. discussing clinical situation that you were involved in with your mentor Please insert your completed DOP form here * 20 Year 1 ORA 2013/14 Table 1: Record of skills and procedures achieved during year 1: Students in current first year will have had training in Adult Basic Life Support in accordance with 2010 guidelines. They should be able to recognise choking and cardiac arrest, call for help and start resuscitation. They are not experienced in checking a carotid pulse or using an Airway Adjunct. Students have been instructed to undertake only the skills in which they have been trained.’ Performed under supervision Yes: √ No: × Skills and QMU Sessions Procedures (mapped to NMC Essential Skills Clusters) Care, Compassion & Communication Semester 1: Non-verbal communication Listening Questioning Personal hygiene First Aid Last Offices Semester 2: Giving information Elimination Pain assessment and management Infection Prevention & Control Semester 1: Standard Infection Control Procedures Hand-hygiene Aseptic technique Organisational Aspects of Care Semester 1: Bed-making TPR and BP measuring and recording BLS Semester 2: Urinalysis and specimen collection Patient assessment Nutrition & Fluid Management Medicines management Semester 2: Eating and drinking Semester 1: Principles and practice of drug administration: Oral, injection and PR 21 Achieved competency (Mentor sign) Yes: √ No: × Performed without supervision Yes: √ No: × Year 1 ORA 2013/14 Table 2: Framework for self-assessment of skill competency Professional aspects Did I communicate appropriately whilst carrying out this skill-greeting, giving explanation, re-assurance, preserving dignity and privacy and thanking the patient ? Performance Can I do this effectively and efficiently enough, am I being safe and accurate? Knowledge/ evidence –base Reflection Can I explain the reasons why this skill is performed in this way? Can I do this unsupervised in the future- what do I need to practice more? Mentor: Using the framework for self assessment of skill competency (table 2) as a guide, please add comments on the student’s performance in undertaking any of the listed skills. You may also use this section to record / comment on skills that the student may have attained that are specific to your area and appropriate for their level of competence Skill /Procedure Comment Signature 22 Year 1 ORA 2013/14 Skill /Procedure Comment 23 Signature Year 1 ORA 2013/14 Learning Pathways: placement 1(community) On clinical placement you are expected to demonstrate initiative and considerable organisational skills in order to provide evidence for achievement of your outcomes. You might wish to maintain this record as a reminder of visits to areas that you have arranged as part of your placement. Date Visit to Outcome/s to be achieved Comments: e.g. length of visit, contact person Date Visit to Outcome/s to be achieved Comments: e.g. length of visit, contact person Date Visit to Outcome/s to be achieved Comments: e.g. length of visit, contact person Date Visit to Outcome/s to be achieved Comments: e.g length of visit, contact person Date Visit to Outcome/s to be achieved Comments: e.g length of visit, contact person 24 Year 1 ORA 2013/14 Learning Pathways: Placement 2 On clinical placement you are expected to demonstrate initiative and considerable organisational skills in order to provide evidence for achievement of your outcomes. You might wish to maintain this record as a reminder of visits to areas that you have arranged as part of your placement. Date Visit to Outcome/s to be achieved Comments: e.g. length of visit, contact person Date Visit to Outcome/s to be achieved Comments: e.g. length of visit, contact person Date Visit to Outcome/s to be achieved Comments: e.g. length of visit, contact person Date Visit to Outcome/s to be achieved Comments: e.g length of visit, contact person Date Visit to Outcome/s to be achieved Comments: e.g length of visit, contact person 25 Year 1 ORA 2013/14 ASSESSMENT FORM C: Mentor’s Review of Student Performance: (Final) Community Please use these domains to comment on the student’s performance in this placement Professional values and behaviour Communication and interpersonal skills Nursing practice and decision making Team-working Mentor’s Statement: On the basis of the preceding assessment, the student has /has not achieved the assessed NMC competencies for this placement and their performance is SATISFACTORY (please circle as appropriate) UNSATISFACTORY 26 Year 1 ORA 2013/14 This space provides an opportunity for service users (or carers) who have been cared for by the student to comment on the student’s progress. Mentors (or other qualified nurse) will approach the service user/carer and secure their permission to use their verbal testimony in this assessment. Mentors may record a dictated summary of these comments below. . SERVICE USER’S / CARER’S TESTIMONY Mentor name: Date Mentor’s signature: Student’s comments: Student signature Date Clinical supervisor’s signature Date 27 Year 1 ORA 2013/14 ASSESSMENT FORM C: Mentor’s Review of Student Performance: (Final) Placement 2 Please use these domains to comment on the student’s performance in this placement Professional values and behaviour Communication and interpersonal skills Nursing practice and decision making Team-working Mentor’s Statement: On the basis of the preceding assessment, the student has /has not achieved the assessed NMC competencies for this placement and their performance is SATISFACTORY (please circle as appropriate) UNSATISFACTORY 28 Year 1 ORA 2013/14 This space provides an opportunity for service users (or carers) who have been cared for by the student to comment on the student’s progress. Mentors (or other qualified nurse) will approach the service user/carer and secure their permission to use their verbal testimony in this assessment. Mentors may record a dictated summary of these comments below. . SERVICE USER’S / CARER’S TESTIMONY Mentor name: Date Mentor’s signature: Student’s comments: Student signature Date Clinical supervisor’s signature Date 29 ATTENDANCE RECORD Professional Practice Portfolio Placement No: Other: Placement Location: Wk Mon BSc Hons / RPL 2013/2014 COMM Year 1 ORA 2013/14 2013 11/11/13 From Ward/HC CSs Tues Hrs CS Wed Hrs CS Thurs Hrs 1 2 3 4 5 6 30 Cohort to NU 1 22/12/13 Name: CS Fri Hrs CS Sat Hrs CSs Sun Hrs CS Hrs Hrs/W Year 1 ORA 2013/14 Student Signature Mentor Signature Total for placement Example 2 7am – 8.30 15/11/ pm 10 11.5 7am – 8.30 pm 7am – 8.30 pm 11.5 11.5 If absent through sickness please put an 'S' in the box against the appropriate date Hours counted do not include meal breaks, i.e. a 12 ½ hour shift =11 ½ hours worked For other absences please put an 'A' Clinical Supervision (CS): only counted towards Hrs/Wk if undertaken outwith the placement time You are required to complete a minimum of 555 hours in the course of an annual 15 weeks of placement Please delete as appropriate please complete in black ink only 31 36.5 ATTENDANCE RECORD Professional Practice Portfolio Placement No: Other: Placement Location: Wk Mon BSc Hons / RPL 2013/2014 2 Year 1 ORA 2013/14 2013 31/1/14 From Ward/HC CSs Tues Hrs CS Wed Hrs CS Thurs Hrs 1 2 3 4 5 32 Cohort to NU 1 1/6/14 Name: CS Fri Hrs CS Sat Hrs CSs Sun Hrs CS Hrs Hrs/W Year 1 ORA 2013/14 6 7 8 9 Student Signature Mentor Signature Total for placement Example 2 7am – 8.30 15/11/ pm 10 11.5 7am – 8.30 pm 7am – 8.30 pm 11.5 11.5 If absent through sickness please put an 'S' in the box against the appropriate date Hours counted do not include meal breaks, i.e. a 12 ½ hour shift =11 ½ hours worked For other absences please put an 'A' Clinical Supervision (CS): only counted towards Hrs/Wk if undertaken outwith the placement time You are required to complete a minimum of 555 hours in the course of an annual 15 weeks of placement Please delete as appropriate please complete in black ink only 33 36.5 APPENDIX 1 Year 1 ORA 2013/14 DIRECT OBSERVATION OF PRACTICE (DOP) A learning tool for skills development in clinical practice Students name (please print): Date: Placement area: Clinical Skill: Mentor/ Qualified Nurse Observer: This framework is based on and adapted from Bjork’s (1999) Model of Practical Skills Performance. Students are encouraged to use this as a learning tool to reflect on their experiences of performing skills during practice placement. It provides a framework for students, working alongside mentors/ qualified nurses, to reflect on their progress in developing competence and confidence in key skills relevant to the placement. DOP is not intended to be used as an assessment form but as an informal learning tool. It provides a structured framework for reflection and discussion and enables students to identify learning needs/goals. 34 Year 1 ORA 2013/14 DIRECT OBSERVATION OF PRACTICE (DOP) Category Safe practice in performing essential steps and stages of skill, to include Infection Prevention & Control Safe Manual Handling Safe medicine management Other safety checks/actions Observer Comments (Mentor /Qualified Nurse) Communication (Giving Information) Establishing patients existing knowledge/ understanding Provide explanations /information /patient education appropriate for the situation Communication (Instruction) Communicate instructions to the patient in advance /during nursing care Check patients understanding of instructions Sequence Performs safe practice and communication in a logical order Accuracy Performs safe practice correctly Provides correct Information & Instruction Provides accurate evidence based rationale for essential steps & stages of skill performed 35 Year 1 ORA 2013/14 Fluency Organization of equipment Organization of environment Integration Problem solving: identifies and solves the patient’s multiple problems and needs Decision making: effectively prioritises interventions to meet patient’s immediate needs Harmonises and times the parallel aspects of skills Compassionate Care Respectful of patients privacy & dignity when performing skills Professional behaviour and appearance Provides comfort Addresses physical comfort Sensitive in communication with the patient (presencing, listening, therapeutic touch) Student Reflection: Notes & Action Points for further learning Students signature Observers Signature: 36 APPENDIX 2 Year 1 ORA 2013/14 Key: NMC Domains: PV=Professional Values, CIS=Communication and Interpersonal Skills, NPD=Nursing Practice and Decision –making, LTW Leadership Management and Team-working ESC= Essential skills Cluster PPP= Progression Point 1 Year 1 Skills and Practice 1 - Essential Skills for Nursing Professional values 1. Identifies and applies the principles and values which underpin the NMC code of conduct in relation to consent , confidentiality and non- judgmental care PV CIS NPD LTW ESC PPP1 13.16 17 2. Delivers non -discriminatory care with honesty and integrity. 3. Maintains a professional demeanour and acts safely in situations which they he/she may find challenging. 4. Demonstrates through interaction with others, clients or other colleagues, respect for individual differences in spiritual beliefs, health beliefs and cultural values. 1 CCC1 CCC4 CCC7 OAC11 OAC14 CCC5 1 OAC12 10.13 2 1 13,14 5.Maintains the confidentiality of all information from people encountered in healthcare situations (except where sharing information is required for the purposes of safeguarding and public protection) 6.Able to identify current legislation and local policy underpinning the care of their clients , particularly that which protects vulnerable people, (including those with complex needs arising from ageing, cognitive impairment, long-term conditions and those approaching the end of life) 7. Able to identify ethical issues which have actual/potential implications for the delivery of care in the area of practice. 8.Demonstrates that their own knowledge, experience and competence limits the extent to which they can take action or make clinically -related decisions, and seek help from appropriately registered practitioners 9.Understands and can discuss the various professional roles encountered on this placement respecting their 1 8 CCC1 CCC2 CCC3 CCC4 OAC14 NFM27 CCC7 OAC11 1:1 OAC11 5 1:1 OAC11 14 8 CCC1 OAC15 3,6.12 7 OAC 14 18 1 1,8 1 6 37 13/17 16 17 Year 1 ORA 2013/14 contribution to health and social care 1 10.Demonstrates professionalism by adhering to local uniform policy, maintaining a high standard of selfpresentation, punctuality and reliability in carrying out assigned duties Communication and interpersonal skills 1.Interacts with the person receiving care in a manner that is interpreted as warm, sensitive, kind and compassionate, making appropriate use of touch 2.Uses active listening, paraphrasing ,reflection, questioning and affective touch in order to elicit people’s health and social care concerns and meet their needs 3. Communicates clearly, both orally and in writing (where appropriate) with all colleagues, and people with health care needs. 4.Identifies and carries out strategies for communication with people with impairment in vision, hearing , speech and cognition 5.Maintains the dignity of all people encountered in healthcare situations, through person -centered sensitive caring interactions and behaviours 4 6. Is able to form safe, constructive and therapeutic relationships /partnerships with patients/service users and carers. , 7.Understands and acts within the boundaries of professional /therapeutic relationship 8.Listens, clarifies and safely carries out instructions Nursing practice and decision making 1.Can identify the sociocultural determinants of health/ill health and health inequalities in relation to Individuals, families and communities 2.Can explain the role of health and social care professionals in assessing the health of individuals, families and communities 3. Understands the principles of and explores opportunities CCC1 IPC24 13 4 CCC3 CCC5 CCC6 15 3 CCC3 15 2 CCC6 OAC14 12 2 CCC3 CCC3 CCC6 15 4 CCC2 CCC5 2 1,5 CCC 1 CCC5 10 5 CCC5 6.15 CCC6 OAC14 7,12 3 CCC4 OAC9 5 4,6 7 4 6 38 CCC1 OAC9 Year 1 ORA 2013/14 for encouraging health promoting behavior e.g. understands the advice and support given to mothers who are breast feeding. 4. Contributes to the delivery of health and social care to individuals, families and communities (Under appropriate supervision). 5. Promotes the concept, knowledge and practice of selfcare with people with long-term conditions, using communication skills and strategies sensitively. 6.Recognises and responds compassionately to the needs of individuals, families and carers whose lives are affected by disability , physical or mental ill health 7.Promotes continuity of care when person is transferred from one setting to another 8.Demonstrate knowledge of normal physiological processes relating to life stages in human development (such as puberty, pregnancy, menopause, old age ) 9.Demonstrates that they can safely and effectively carry out a range of nursing skills and procedures in different settings ( see skills acquisition record) 10.Accurately records measurements and observations made and communicates these to the relevant members of the health and social care team 11. Follows local and national guidelines and adheres to Standard Infection Control Precautions. 12. Provides, for a supervising registered practitioner, evaluative commentary and information on nursing/health and wellbeing interventions based on personal observation and actions. 13. Contributes effectively to the documentation of the outcomes of health and wellbeing/ nursing interventions. 14.Understands and implements health and safety principles and policies to safely care for self and others CCC5 OAC9 NFM28 3:1 8 CCC3 1:1 CCC5 OAC9 2 OAC13 2 OAC9 6 OAC9 OAC20 NFM 27 NFM 29,30 OAC9 NMF30 2,8,9 4,6 OAC20 IPC21-26 9 10 OAC9 NFM 30 12 10 OAC18 NFM28 12 6 OAC9 OAC17 OAC18 IPC 21-26 9 6 7 4 39 2.9.12 Year 1 ORA 2013/14 15.Is able to carry out safe, person-centered care for people who are unable to meet their own physical and emotional needs 16.Recognises and responds compassionately and timeously to people’s essential care needs 17.Is able to recognise when a person’s physical or psychological condition is deteriorating, demonstrating how to act in an emergency and administer essential first aid. 18.Demonstrate skills of numeracy through participation in administration of medications, and in the performance of other calculations 19. Identify the evidence on which the practice of nursing care is based using a range of information sources. Leadership , Management and Team working 1. Identifies the evidence on which the practice of nursing care is based using a range of information sources. 2. Can explain the roles and contribution of other nursing team members to the management and delivery of care 3Relates satisfactorily to other colleagues in contributing to team working 4.Engages with learning opportunities in the care environment 4 1 CCC2 OAC18 1 4 CCC5 NFM28 NFM31 OAC1 OAC10 2 MM33 11 7,7:1 4:1 4.10 OAC9 9 7,9 OAC9 6 7 CCC1 OAC14 7 4 7 5 40 18