Mrs. Chang’s Weekly Bucket List August 31, 2015, Issue 2 “The capacity to learn is a gift; the ability to learn is a skill; the willingness to learn is a choice.” Brian Herbert Important Dates Last Week We had a fantastic full first week of school by diving right into learning in all subject areas. Students picked up new routines and followed fourth grade classroom policies like champs! In reading, we began reading our mentor text, The Tiger Rising, to begin our unit on fiction. We discussed how reading intensely helps us grow ideas, how to find within-reach books, and how to name character traits. In writing, we began our realistic fiction unit by thinking of a small moment in our lives, using it to create a story or two, with characters we can relate to. We thought deeply about our characters and listed his/her external and internal character traits. In math, Mrs. Chang’s class began Chapter 1 on Place Values; we used place value mats and chips and played games to deepen our understanding of place values. In social studies, we did our first GROW together; in our Map Skills packet we learned about directions and map scales. In word study, we learned vocabulary words from Unit 1 (Sight) Part 1 in Word Wisdom; we matched words to definitions and to pictures on the Smartboard to study the words. 4th Graders were treated to an awesome orchestra performance by 8th graders from Prairie. Please turn in your interest forms by 9/2/15. We ended the week by writing kind notes to our classmates and “filling their buckets.” We will continue to do this each week. Grove’s new no-homework policy is in effect. There will be no written homework due; however, reading expectation is now 40 minutes per day. Please LOG YOUR READING each day. Many students will benefit from practicing math facts at home, particularly multiplication facts for the next few chapters. Sept. 2, 2015 Orchestra Interest Form Due Sept. 7, 2015 Labor Day, No School Sept. 8, 2015 Back to School Night, 7 PM Sept. 9, 2015, 7 PM Orchestra Parent Night Prairie Middle School Sept. 14, 2015 - Grigsby Prairie Field Trip - Orchestra Lessons Begin Weekly Puzzle Turn in the puzzle to Mrs. Chang this week! Correct Sept. 18-20, 2014 Grove Carnival Finale! answers & a parent signature will earn one Be Ticket! Parents, please sign here to verify that you have read the newsletter! Reminders Please bring to school daily: Healthy snack (fresh fruits/veggies) Filled water bottle Book/reading log Accordion folder/ assignment notebook Jacket/gym shoes to keep in locker __________________________________________ ______ This Week Current Read Aloud Captain Nobody by Dean Pitchford In reading, we will focus on the art of retelling the story and synthesizing ideas about the story; we will practice envisioning details of the text, The Tiger Rising. In writing, we will develop our stories’ characters with desires/motivations and struggles/difficulties. We will learn to plot with a story arc, and practice the writer’s craft of showing, not telling. In math, we will begin Chapter 1.2 on comparing/ordering 5-digit numbers, adding/subtracting with and without regrouping. Students’ Math in Focus accounts are set up for accessing materials from home online. Please see “Online Resources” on my website or come to Back to School Night to see it in action. In social studies, we will continue with map skills studies. In science, we will begin studying the prairie preservation unit to get ready for our field trip to Grigsby Prairie on 9/14/15. In word study, we will take a quiz on 10 vocabulary words in Unit 1 Part 1 of Word Wisdom on Tuesday, and we will begin Part 2 on Wednesday. Students can access vocabulary definitions online at Again, please see “Online Resources” on my website for more information. Our first class read aloud is Captain Nobody by Dean Pitchford. Two beginning-of-year assessments will take place this week: GATES reading test (vocabulary and comprehension) and Math Computation test (8-minute timed math fluency test).