Timeline Festival AGM Minutes. Saturday September 13th 2014. The meeting convened at 3.15 pm at Keith and Chase’s property in Mt Egerton. Present: Present were: Keith Day, Chase Day, Fiona Anderson, Carlyle Coulson, Mark Haviland, Mark Pountney, Sandy Sempel, Sharon Sempel and Mikhail Heeschen (guest) Apologies: Tadd Lyons Previous Minutes The minutes of the last special AGM were read. Proposed as accepted by Keith, Seconded by Sandy. The minutes of the last AGM were read. Sandy moved that they be passed, and Mark P seconded. Reports President’s Report (Attached) Vice-President Report (Attached) Secretary’s Report (Attached) Treasurer’s Report - Chase said she had taken over at a time when the books were in complete disorder. Timeline was not a money-making venture. The committee have been out of pocket providing the money needed for events. ( Keith noted the misconception that the committee is somehow making money form the venture ). The raffle was considered a good idea to raise some funds for the next event. Chase said that the model of re-enactors not being paid is a good one, as it removed a huge headache. The feedback we had received was that re-enactors would rather see the event be improved than get paid. Kryal took a big chance in taking us on: it is estimated to cost them between $40,000 and $50,000 to host Timeline and they are talking about making significant improvements such as cutting new terraces. 2014 – 2015 Committee Size Keith raised the question of whether we want to keep the committee at its present size or expand. It was suggested that if the committee were expanded to eleven or thirteen, the work could be spread around a bit more. Sandy suggested clubs send delegates. Chase said there had to be people with voting rights. Keith said it shouldn’t be so big that it becomes uncontrollable. Keith proposed we moved to a committee of 11. Seconded by Sandy and the motion was carried. Elections The committee the stood down. Sandy called upon Keith to serve again as president. Keith accepted and retook the chair. Sandy was re-elected as vice-president, Mark H as secretary and Chase as treasurer. Nominations for ordinary committee members were received for Mark Pountney, Sharon Sempel, Chris Tosh, Warren McArdle, Fiona Anderson, Carlyle Coulson, Tadd Lyons and Mikhail Heeschen. In the voting that followed all were elected with the exception of Fiona. 2014 – 2015 Membership Fees Membership fees are to remain at nil. Next Meeting The 2015 AGM date and location has yet to be determined Meeting Closed The meeting closed at 4.00 pm. Presidents Report 2013 / 2014 AGM – September 13 - Keith Day A lot has happened since I presented my President’s Report at the last AGM. Last year’s report spoke of the need for consolidation, tidying up the association governance and working on the relationship with Kryal. During the last 12 months a lot of work has gone into these areas and in particular, creating a templated process for managing future events and the strengthening of our position with Kryal. In December 2012 the relationship with Kryal was severely damaged, almost beyond repair. Over the last 18 months due to the hard work and dedication of the Timeline committee this relationship has blossomed into one of strength and mutual respect. Kryal now have a clear understanding of the capability and value that the Timeline event can bring to the table. Our vision of a venue where an annual event can be held to showcase reenactment in Victoria now has a solid foundation for us all to build on. After the last AGM, the scheduled two day event was postponed at very short notice and we were facing a very hostile re-enactment community. Many had made plans for November and were looking forward to the event and were now left frustrated and disappointed. The relationship with Kryal, although much improved, was still in its infancy and we had yet to prove to Kryal that Timeline could deliver. We negotiated a one day event to be held on November 23rd which went ahead, (despite the weather), and was well attended by over 140 re-enactors and merchants. The November 2013 event went extremely well and provided the foundation for the three day event that took part in August this year. The August event was attended by over 300 re-enactors and merchants and was a huge success. Over 95% of people that attended the event thought it was good or very good and said that they were happy to attend future events at Kryal. For the first time at Kryal, we were able to get the full extended Timeline including the period encampments. The response from Kryal, the general public and the re-enactment community has been extremely positive and encouraging. Kryal were so impressed with the organisation and attendance of the event that they have already requested that we start discussions on the organisation of the next one. The Timeline Festival profile has had a big lift this year. The August event attracted a lot of media attention with articles in the Ballarat Courier, Herald Sun and the Age as well as coverage on Win TV. The event was listed on the Victorian Government’s, Tourism Victoria’s and Tourism Ballarat’s websites as well as various on-line “what’s on” guides. The event also attracted a lot of interest on social media and word-of-mouth advertising from the public attending the event. I would like to say that this year would not have been the success it was without the outstanding support and effort put in by the Timeline Committee. I am grateful as President, that I am part of a committee that are more friends than mere acquaintances, a committee that works, and functions, well together. A committee that keeps negativity off the table and just stays focused on achieving the objectives. The fact that the entire current sitting committee has put their hands up for nomination to next year’s committee must mean we are doing something right. I believe there is still some further work to do in rebuilding the trust, and earning the respect, of some areas of the re-enactment community in Victoria. This year we have repaired a number of relationships which were damaged in the past and have seen a huge positive turn around in attitudes and feelings towards both the committee and the Timeline Festival event. In part this has been down to the professional conduct of the committee, by open communication with the reenactment community and by delivering on our commitments. As a whole, I believe the relationship between Timeline and the reenactment community is very strong but there is still a very small minority of re-enactors in Victoria that intentionally create issues to destabilise the event. When I accepted the presidency in 2013 I made a commitment, on behalf of the committee, to the re-enactment community in Victoria. The commitment was that we would organise a two day re-enactment event in Victoria. This year we delivered on that commitment, but that doesn’t mean the work is done by any stretch of the imagination. Because of the huge success of the August event, Kryal and the re-enactment community will have a much higher expectation of the Timeline Committee. There will be more events to plan (and execute) and the issues raised in the survey will need to be examined and addressed. This will put a lot of pressure on the incoming committee, so if you are planning on nominating for a role, just be aware this isn’t going to be a walk in the park and we will need full engagement from the whole committee that means attending meetings, answering emails and making yourselves available during the event. To the outgoing committee, again, my thanks and gratitude for a truly fantastic year. You should all be proud of the part you played in making this past year a huge success, without your hard work and dedication it just wouldn’t have happened. Keith Day President (2013-2014) Timeline Festival Inc. Vice presidents report. Timeline was a concept that I had initially to get all the people whose hobby is playing with weapons, real or imagined and get them together in one place to generate a Multi Discipline Festival that allows the public to see the diversity of our hobby and to help establish us as serious people playing safely and no threat to society. An entire Timeline not just a single battle or period. The first fully Multi Discipline event for Victoria. Room for all to entertain the public, show off our hobby and to get together and have fun and some stimulating conversations in the off time. Plus of course recruit interested members of the public to join us. This Festival in August was the fourth Timeline and a great success, even with the minor problems and restrictions, thanks to the management at Kryal and the hard working committee people who worked for more than a year to bring it off. I take my hat off to you all. You all did a magnificent job of making my dream come true. All the participants were simply terrific, professional, polished and happy to show what they do. I know that you will all go on to bigger and better things now and I know the fifth Timeline will be even better again. It has been thanks to Keith Day taking the reins when negotiations between Kryal and the committee totally broke down that we have now held two successful events at Kryal Castle plus have now been offered the opportunity to participate in potentially up to four events each year. One major Timeline event plus 3 specific events if we chose to do so. Keith was able to reopen negotiations and as a result the management at Kryal gave us the chance to prove ourselves. That I believe we have done and done well. We must have for Kryal to come out with the offer they have. Thank you Keith for a fine display of leadership and diplomacy and to the outgoing committee for all the hard work you have done over the past year and a half. We have a great team here and I hope that you will all stand again and carry on the great work. Especially on a personal note thank you all for your help in making Sharon and my wedding such a great part of the event. A brilliant job!! Despite a few naysayers and some minor logistical and infrastructure problems all the participants were nothing short of brilliant in how they coped with it all and turned on a weekend of professional quality displays and encampments. Congratulations to all the participants for your great contributions over the weekend plus the lead up and departure. All was conducted in nothing short of a magnificent manner. The simple fact that all rubbish was removed and the terraces returned to their original state is a tribute to you all. We thank you for that. The feedback survey has given us clarity in what we need to do to make this event even better again. Remember there is always room for improvement and we all know that. Thank you one and all for your participation and dedication you really are the greatest bunch of people one could hope to be surrounded by. I hope to see you all again at the next event and I sincerely hope that you will all enjoy that one too and many more of them. Sandy Sempel. Vice president, Timeline Festival Inc. Timeline Festival Committee AGM 2014. Secretary’s Report. My duties as secretary over the past year have been exceptionally light, consisting of writing up the minutes of monthly meetings, and fielding a light scattering of correspondence. I gather that this may change in the future, but I certainly feel up to the challenge. I would like to have it noted that I consider it an honour and a privilege to have served aboard the good ship Timeline under Captain Keith, who frequently doubles as navigator. He took command when we were heading onto the rocks, and has steered us into calmer waters with admirable skill, and is to be congratulated. I am more than happy to retain my current position for as long as my services are required.