
Goal Setting
Business Procedures
Why is goal setting important?
They give us a sense of direction.
They motivate us to achieve.
They make us feel good about
ourselves and what we do.
They point out strengths.
They make us aware of our
Types of Goals
Time = more than 1 week
Usually life-changing
These goals are the “big picture”
Time = Less than one week
“Stepping Stones” to Long-term
Defining SMART Goals
 S = specific
 M = measurable
 A = attainable
 R = realistic
 T = Timely
should be straightforward
and emphasize what you want to
Specifics help us focus our
efforts and clearly define what
we are going to do.
To set a specific goal you must
answer the six "W" questions:
A general goal would be, "Get in
But a Specific goal would say,
"Join a health club and workout 3
days a week."
Establish concrete criteria for
measuring progress toward the
attainment of each goal you set.
Choose a goal with measurable
progress, so you can see the
change occur.
To determine if your goal is
measurable, ask questions such
How much?
 How many?
 How will I know when it is
If you can't measure it, you
can't manage it.
When you identify goals that are
most important to you, you
begin to figure out ways you can
make them come true.
You can attain most any goal
you set when you plan your
steps wisely and establish a
time frame that allows you to
carry out those steps.
When you list your goals you
build your self-image.
A goal needs to stretch you
slightly so you feel you can
do it and it will need a real
commitment from you.
This is not a synonym for
"easy." Realistic, in this case,
means "do-able."
A high goal is frequently easier
to reach than a low one because
a low goal exerts low
motivational force.
To be realistic, a goal must
represent an objective toward
which you are both willing and
able to work.
Your goal is probably realistic if
you truly believe that it can be
A goal should be grounded
within a time frame.
Putting an end point on your
goal gives you a clear target to
work towards.
With no time frame tied to it
there's no sense of urgency.
T can also stand for Tangible
A goal is tangible when you can
experience it with one of the
senses, that is, taste, touch,
smell, sight or hearing.
When your goal is tangible you
have a better chance of making
it specific and measurable and
thus attainable.
S.M.A.R.T Goal Samples
My goal is to earn a higher
My goal is to make a minimum of
50K (including bonuses) by 2010 by
taking professional development
courses on leadership, applying for
leadership positions within my
company and talking to my
supervisor and HR representative so
they are aware of my goal.
To learn Access database software
by the end of the 1st quarter.
To develop a customer database
using Access software that will
include customers’ demographic and
contact information. The database
will be tested by the end of the 1st
quarter and implemented for
department use by May 15. This will
allow department to more readily
contact customers when needed.
On a sheet of paper, re-write the
following goals using the
S.M.A.R.T. guidelines.
Finishing assignments
 Finding a Prom date
 Go to College
 Get a Job