evaluasi dan manajemen proyek

: S0174/Evaluasi dan Manajemen Proyek
: 2006
Pertemuan 25
ISO 9000 dikenal luas sebagai suatu standar organisasi
yang terbaik yang pernah ada. ISO 9000 telah
dipergunakan lebih dari 760 900 organisasi dari 154
negara. ISO 9000 telah menjadi sebuah referensi
internasional untuk persyaratan quality management dalam
dunia bisnis.
ISO 9000 berorientasi pada "quality management". Hal
ini berarti bahwa sebuah organisasi harus memenuhi:
-customer's quality requirements
- applicable regulatory requirements,
- enhance customer satisfaction
- achieve continual improvement of its performance in
pursuit of these objectives.
Implementasi ISO 9000 quality management system
1. Identifikasikan target yang ingin dicapai
Tipe target :
• Lebih efisien dan menguntungkan
• Membuat produk dan jasa yang sesuai dengan
kebutuhan dan keinginan klien
• Achieve customer satisfaction
• Increase market share
• Maintain market share
• Meningkatkan komunikasi dan moral dalam organisasi
• Mengurangi biaya
• Meningkatkan kepercayaan dalam sistem produksi
2. Identify what others expect of you
Berikut ini adalah harapan dari para pihak yang
terlibat (stakeholders) seperti:
• Customers and end users
• Employees
• Suppliers
• Shareholders
• Society
3. Obtain information about the ISO 9000
For supporting information, refer to the ISO Web
Untuk implementasi studi kasus dan berita
perkembangan dari ISO 9000, da[pat diketahui
melalui ISO publication ISO Management
4. Applikasikan ISO 9000 sebagai sebuah
standard dalam sistem manajemen.
5. Obtain guidance on specific topics within
the quality management system
Berikut ini topik – topik standard dalam quality
management system:
ISO 10006 for project management
ISO 10007 for configuration management
ISO 10012 for measurement systems
ISO 10013 for quality documentation
ISO/TR 10014 for managing the economics of
• ISO 10015 for training
• ISO/TS 16949 for automotive suppliers
• ISO 19011 for auditing
6. Establish your current status, determine the
gaps between your quality management
system and the requirements of ISO 9000
Anda dapat menggunakan satu atau lebih dari cara
• Self assessment
• Assessment by an external organization
7. Determine the processes that are needed to
supply products to your customers
Review persyaratan dari bagian realisasi product
ISO 9000 untuk mendeterminasi bagaimana
mereka mengaplikasikan atau tidak terhadap
sistem management anda. termasuk;
• Customer related processes
• Design and/or development
• Purchasing
• Production and service operations
• Control of measuring and monitoring devices
8. Develop a plan to close the gaps in step 6
and to develop the processes in step 7
• Identify actions needed to close the gaps,
allocate resources to perform these actions,
assign responsibilities and establish a schedule
to complete the needed actions. ISO 9001:2000
Paragraphs 4.1 and 7.1 provide the information
you will need to consider when developing the
9. Carry out your plan
• Proceed to implement the identified actions and
track progress to your schedule
10. Undergo periodic internal assessment
Gunakan ISO 19011 untuk panduan dalam
auditing, qualifikasi auditor dan managing audit
11. Do you need to demonstrate conformance?
If yes, go to step 12
If no, go to step 13
You may need or wish to show conformance
(certification/registration) for various purposes, for
• Contractual requirements
• Market reasons or customer preference
• Regulatory requirements
• Risk management
• To set a clear goal for your internal quality development
12. Undergo independent audit
Engage an accredited r
egistration/certification body to perform an
audit and certify that your quality
management system complies with the
requirements of ISO 9001:2000.
13. Continue to improve your business
• Review the effectiveness and suitability of
your quality management system. ISO
9004:2000 provides a methodology for
Maintaining the benefits and continual
• Most new users obtain measurable benefits
early in the process of deploying the standard
requirements in their operations. These initial
benefits are generally due to improvements in
their organization and internal communication.
The benefits must be strengthened through
effective internal auditing and management
review of system performance. Like all systems,
it either improves or becomes less effective. It
does not remain static for long.
When you adopt ISO 9001:2000, you must strive for the
satisfaction of your customers and the continual
improvement of your quality management system.
Continual improvement is a process of increasing the
effectiveness of your organization to fulfill your quality
policy and your quality objectives. ISO 9001:2000 requires
that you plan and manage the processes necessary for the
continual improvement of your quality management
system. ISO 9004:2000 provides information that will be
helpful in going beyond ISO 9001:2000 to improving the
efficiency of your operation. It is recommended that you
obtain data from various sources, both internal and
external, to assess the appropriateness of your quality
system goals. This information can also be used to improve
the performance of your processes.